OS X :: Maximize A Minimized Window Thats On Dock With Just Using Keys?
Jul 29, 2009
Is there away to maximize a minimized window thats on the dock with just using keys? for example you can do this with alt-tab in windows but when you do that in mac it only will open up windows that are not minimized.
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Jun 2, 2014
I've been searching for a keystroke to restore an application or a window of an application that I've minimized (Command-M) to the Dock. My search has not been successful.
With some applications Command-1 will work, but not often.
I'm wondering if there is a standard key combination to do this. If not, I know I can create a user keyboard shortcut, but I don't know how to create the black diamond character or if that would even work.
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Oct 15, 2005
I've found that clicking on the green '+' button in the upper left hand corner of a window does not appear to have the same effect as on a PC. On the PC, doing so causes that window to go to full screen. On the Mac, it appears to only increase the window to some size larger than the current size, but does not go 'full screen'.
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Aug 15, 2007
First of all, glad I made the switch to Mac. I only wish that I would have started off on one. It's so much easier that I tend to make things difficult while still shaking a PC-mindset.
Does anyone know of a keyboard shortcut that allows a window to be restored to its original size once it's minimized or hidden? I would like to use the command+tab to switch to the application, then restore the window with the keyboard. For example, when using mail, I will minimize the window and use Safari. When I cycle back to mail (command+tab) I have activated the program again, but I have to click on Window>Message Viewer to see my mailbox again.
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Dec 12, 2009
I'm a long time windows and linux user, just starting with Tiger. My most common frustration so far is that in Windows and Linux, I can have multiple windows open and non-minimized, and can easily switch between them via the task bar. I don't see a similar functionality in os-x. It appears to me that the only items that show on the dock are ones that I've minimized. If an app is open, but 'behind' another in Tiger, it appears I have to use Expose' to find it. In the other two OSes, I can just single click on the item in the status bar. Is there a way to single click to an open app that does not have the focus? This is pretty big...I always have lots of things running, and the task bar is a ONE CLICK way to switch.
Expose' seems to be a minimum of a two click way, and a pretty clunky way.
I'd love someone to explain what I'm sure is a simple way to have the same simplicity in os-x.
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May 7, 2009
Every once in a while all applications that are open will stutter when I minimize or maximize them. I can't really explain it other then the fact that the animation in not smooth. When I restart the computer everything goes back to normal and is smooth. I notice this happening after I install or update a program. This usually occurs right after I see the color wheel spinning.
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Aug 24, 2009
How can I open a minimized file/folder/application window by using keyboard only.
"Cmd + Tab" letting me to get focus to that particular file/folder/application window when it was NOT minimized. But how could I open a minimized one through a keyboard shortcut?
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Oct 5, 2009
Ok, so you know when you have several windows open and they only show up at the dock when they are minimized?
I'd actually like to keep them all showing at the dock whether they are minimized or now.
How do I accomplish this?
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Mar 14, 2010
This might seem really counterintuitive, but I don't want minimized windows to show up in my dock - being able to grab them with expos� is enough. Is there any way to do this?
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Jun 5, 2014
The dock has been minimized- why? We want it back to readable size! How?
iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), dock has become too small- repair
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Mar 6, 2009
Is this just how the OS works or is there a setting I can configure. I'm used to being able to alt-tab on Windows and open a window and bring it to the front regardless whether it is minimized.
When I command-tab (or do the four finger thing on Macbook) it sort of opens it. The program bar at the top becomes active for that program but the window doesn't come out of minimize.
Seems odd. Am I doing something wrong? Or do I just need to get used to Mac and learn another way to do things?
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May 23, 2009
I have RightZoom, so when I click Maximize it always fills the whole screen. I hide my Dock unless I mouse over it, and my windows won't maximize over the bottom 5 pixels of the screen. I drag the bottom right corner of the window, and it doesn't make it any bigger.
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Apr 24, 2012
is there a maximize window keyboard shortcut
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 27, 2012
When I expand a window that is minimized, it doesn't come up smoothly---it's as if it is fighting its way to expand. Need new video card? April 2009 2 X Quad core Macpro. 12 Gig RAM. Video Card =ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB
Mac Pro
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Jul 7, 2010
Notice next to the recycle bin, i dont want that programs i minimize goes in the dock, is there a way to change that?
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Jun 6, 2010
The green button on top of my safari browser doesnt always do the same operation. Sometimes the window maximizes to fill the screen and sometimes it just doubles in size. How do I maximize the window to fill the screen everytime?
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Oct 28, 2009
I've noticed that in Snow Leopard when you minimize, for example a Quick Time movie to the Dock, the movie doesn't carry on playing like it used to. Instead it shows a freeze-frame of the last part of the movie before it was minimized. It's not an important feature but I was wondering about the reason for this change.
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Jun 5, 2010
Just got an iMac.
Is there anyway to move the Close, Maximize and Minimize buttons to the right of every window?
Can that annoying right-bottom tip corner used to sizing windows be replaced with stretch arrows like in Windows?
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Feb 9, 2009
when i try to close, minimize or maximize a window on any app. on my macbook it ends u pdoing the next thing it is close to...!:[ why?an example is when i try to minimize (click on the yellow buble) it ends up closing the app. when i try to close it it minimize it@ first i thoguth it was a bug
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Dec 24, 2009
This is a bit of a strange problem, and I'm not entirely certain what caused the behavior I liked in the first place. I thought it was a Snow Leopard problem, but friends of mine have said they've never had the behavior I seem to have lost. I use Adium every day, and I like to have my window in the bottom corner of my screen, below the top of the dock, like so: In Leopard, this window always stayed in its position, even if I closed it.
However, after upgrading to Snow Leopard, the bottom of the window aligns itself to the top of the dock. This is an irritating behavior and I'd like the old one back, however, I've done some pretty extensive searching to no avail. In lieu of getting this exact behavior back, could anyone recommend a program that might force the window to remember its old position or lock positions or something?
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Aug 12, 2010
So I was toying around with this app I learned about recently called Secrets. It's an add-on for your System Preferences. For those who don't know what it is, it easily changes preferences in many Apple apps like iTunes, Finder, etc that Apple didn't make public for change and without you directly using Terminal commands to make the changes. Definitely check it out if you're interested in tweeking your system a bit.
Anyway, so while playing with it, changed some wanted things, and some things which I wasn't sure what they were but decided to change it anyway and see what happened.
I did something to my dock where when you minimize a window open, it'll go down normally into the dock, but instead shows the top left corner of that window rather than showing the whole window. It looks like this when I minimize...
[Sample of my dock near the trash bin with Preview, Quicktime, and Firefox docked.]
I want to change it back to the default option where it minimizes and shows the whole window rather than just the top corner. This is bugging me! I can't figure out what I did and went through all the options in Secrets.
Anyone know the Terminal command to change it back to the default or any other alternative to change it back to normal?
[If anyone asks what icons those are in my dock, it's the Litho 2.0 series from Icon Factory.]
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Oct 21, 2010
The current behavior of the Finder icon in the dock first brings Finder windows currently open into focus. I often wish I could click the Finder icon, and have a new window open. However if each time it was clicked, it brought current windows to focus, but then also created a new window, this would be annoying. So how about this:
If the Finder isn't in focus, one click will bring it into focus. The next click, assuming now that the Finder is focused, creates a new Finder window. Also, it could even be conceived that a double click of the Finder icon, when out of focus, would both bring current windows to focus, and then create a new window directly.
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Oct 27, 2009
At the Moment if you press finder it opens a Window, Great. but if you press it again it will jump to the Same window, which is great 90% of the time.
Is there a way to set the dock Icon to automatically open a New Finder Window?
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Dec 28, 2009
At the Moment if you press finder it opens a Window, Great. but if you press it again it will jump to the Same window, which is great 90% of the time. Is there a way to set the dock Icon to automatically open a New Finder Window?
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Jun 2, 2012
Whenever I open Safari and click the green orb instead of resizing the window it just makes the window go behind and underneath the dock, and if I click the green orb again it resizes it correctly, but the same thing happens again if I close and then open Safari..I have a late 2011 MacBook Pro... just in case it makes a difference.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 10, 2011
New Mac user with a couple of questions:
1. Is there any way to be able to maximize a window to fullscreen by dragging the bottom right corner, like say a browser window, but have the dock overlap it? Auto-hide on the dock is too slow. If I have the dock on auto-hide, stretch a browser to full screen, then unhide the dock.. the dock does what I want and overlaps the maximized window. However as soon as I open a new window, or minimize/maximize the browser window, or hit the zoom button, it resizes so that it does not overlap the dock. It's annoying to lose 3/4" of vertical space on the bottom just for the dock..
2. Is there a keyboard shortcut for to mute the audio? I know there's a dedicated fn button on the MBP but I have a logitech 8 button mouse and on my PC the logitech software gave me "mute" as an option for what a button could do. Unfortunately I'm unable to get the logitech software working on my Mac so I downloaded Steermouse which is great but doesn't give me volume control options for my mouse buttons unless there's some kind of keyboard shortcut that exists?
3. Is there really no keyboard shortcut for the undo command???? That seems kind of crazy. It's blank in every application I've check, yet there's a keyboard shortcut for redo.
4. Is there anyway to remap cmd-x/c/v to ctrl-x/c/v like on a pc? The command button is so close, this is definitely one function that is better on a PC.
5. Is there a way to change the default file manager from finder to something else? I downloaded Macintosh Explorer and really like it, but everytime I open a folder on my desktop it opens it in finder (which I strongly dislike).
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Jan 1, 2009
Is it possible to tweak the minimize to the dock to auto hide the window instead?
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Mar 31, 2009
I love how in OSX you can go to a Window in the dock and click hide:
Instead of the window minimizing and taking up even more room on the dock, it just hides in the already existing icon (in this case the active window hides in the safari icon). When I click minimize on the actual window this happens:
Now Safari is taking up two spaces on my dock. Is there any way to make it so every time, no matter what the window is, if you click minimize or even exit, it hides the window as opposed to minimizing it and wasting a dock space?
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May 11, 2009
The lower part of my iTunes window is hidden below the dock. I cannot move the window up further, at it already neighbors the menu bar.
Deleting iTunes Preferences out of the Library did not do me any good.
Feeling stupid, I ponder if there is an easy way of resetting the appearance?
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Dec 13, 2009
at the top of the screen theres just the font. And at the bottom theres no "shelf" type thing for the icons to sit on, theyre just there.
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