OS X :: Icons Flashing And Cursor Disappearing After Safari 4.0.5 Update
Mar 13, 2010
Everything was fine. Then I ran the software update and there was Safari 4.0.5 and I decided to update. After my iMac had restarted, the OS went completely berserk. If I click the dropdown menus, they start to flicker and run trough over and over again by itself and I can't click anything. My mouse buttons do straight things, bring up the finder and then I can't even go through the folders. I can't write with my keyboard, it just gives me random letters and I can't delete them. I mean the computer went completely crazy. I've never seen anything like this and I've used this iMac perfectly now almost two years. Everything is just flashing, flickering, jamming, cursor disappearing and doing straight things, I can't do pretty much anything. This has to be a virus, right?
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Jun 2, 2014
My mouse cursor is dissapearing from the screen nearly all the time, SUP apple, it just works, huh or nuh. Seems to have been a problem for a while
MacBook Pro, iOS 7.1.1, disappearing mouse curser
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Oct 29, 2009
My Safari and iTunes icons are just spaces on my dock. There is no icon for either of them. If I click where there would be an icon, the programs launch. If I hover over the spaces, it shows the name of iTunes and Safari like it does for every other program. When they are open it shows the little light under the blank space like it normally would.
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Apr 11, 2010
Anyone come across this? I 've been having it a lot recently on my imac, not my pbook though, and I can't seem to find how to fix it... very strange behaviour, as soon as you start writing the cursor vanishes...make for some very hard writing I tell you...
Well, that's ms, they might even have it as an option somewhere that I cannot find...
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Nov 6, 2010
on certain web sites my mouse cursor just disappears sometimes does this happen to anyone else. huffingtonpost is on that it happens on often.
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Apr 20, 2012
I have this issue where my cursor just disappears on my screen. It still registers as there and I can click on things, but cant see the cursor until I bring it down to the dock, and it reappears. It happened a lot with my old mouse, even after I changed the battery, so finally I got a new mouse about a month ago... and now it's happening again.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 20, 2014
I have a late 2013 Macbook Pro with retina display. I have had an intermittent problem with the cursor disappearing. It is extremely annoying and I haven't been able to stop it.
I reset the SMC, it worked for a while but the problem is back now.
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Apr 17, 2010
My cursor (in all forms) on my macbook seems to be disappearing--it appears that every other column of pixels has gone clear as well as a clear border, leaving only a few black vertical stripes as the normal cursor. It's a black outline when it's the hand and it's a few colored stripes when it's the spinning wait cursor.
Interestingly, when you do the ctrl+zoom in a few degrees, the cursor reappears.
If anyone thinks it matters, I was in the middle of backing up via time machine when it disappeared...
Any suggestions are appreciated.
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Jun 3, 2010
When I wake my computer half the time I do not have a cursor. Is anyone else having this issue?
Sometimes when I open apps and shake my mouse it comes back. I also usually use expose to start my screen saver and then shake the mouse to turn it off.
FYI: i7 iMac with Magic Mouse
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Mar 17, 2009
My cursor (in all forms) on my macbook seems to be disappearing--it appears that every other column of pixels has gone clear as well as a clear border, leaving only a few black vertical stripes as the normal cursor. It's a black outline when it's the hand and it's a few colored stripes when it's the spinning wait cursor.
Interestingly, when you do the ctrl+zoom in a few degrees, the cursor reappears.
If anyone thinks it matters, I was in the middle of backing up via time machine when it disappeared...
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Mar 19, 2009
This has happened to me a few time and I'd like to know if others are having the same problem:
Background: MBP 17", 4gb ram, lots of disk space, OSX 10.5.6, all apps located on system disk drive.
Problem: every so often, a random icon will just disappear from the Dock. Today it was Firefox, about a month ago it was iTunes. I can add them back, but why do they leave in the 1st place.
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Jan 30, 2010
I have been trying to figure out why my MBA seems to be so odd?
I am running 10.6.2 OSX and every time I try to move the icons around in the dock they either move place by themselves or delete themselves?
This is especially true with browser icons. For example I could have safari open and try to move the icon in the dock from the far right towards the left ..... It will do this and stay there for approx. 5 seconds and then return back to the far right.?
If I close the safari program the icon disappears from the dock. If I then try to drag the safari program into the dock from the applications folder, it will sit there for 5 seconds again and then just delete itself off the dock. This also happens to Skype, Firefox etc.....
I have tried everything from terminal / killall Dock ..... to deleting files from /Users/~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dock.plist etc with nothing working ??
// ps I do have a mobileme account with syncing function but have dock syncing turned off etc .... I have also tried re-booting multiple times after trying different routes and nothing has worked.
After trying nearly everything I can think of (even checking repairing in disk utility) I seem to have drawn a blank.
So I have enclosed a video of my desktop showing the problem of the disappearing icons. The weirdest part is its selective so some icons could stay when being dragged their while other disappear in a matter of seconds?
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Jul 10, 2008
About 3 weeks ago, I went out of town for a week then came back. When I started up my PPC G5 iMac, I went to open Safari....but it disappeared. The icon was still in the dock, but when I clicked on it, a translucent "?" showed up over it. I tried a Spotlight search for it, and nothing came up. Same thing happened with Preview. I thought my Aunt who was staying over didn't know how to use the Mac and might have accidentally deleted them, so I used Pacifist to reinstall Safari and Preview from the Leopard disc. No big deal.
Then today, I fire up Word, but same thing! Word disappeared! Same with Excel. No matter, reinstalled from the disc. After a couple of hours, I'm back again and this time I want to use Roxio Toast....gone. And this time, I don't have any install disc (lost it during moving). And I know my Aunt can't be responsible for Toast or Word disappearing, since she left yesterday afternoon; mom was using Word on my computer and I used Toast no more than 5 days ago.
So anyone have any clue what the heck is going on with my applications literally deleting themselves?
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Mar 16, 2012
Lately I've been noticing that my devices are still registering as being plugged in, even after removing them. Their icons never disappear after removing devices (iPhone, iPad, Apple TV 1st gen). I can click the eject button and the icon disappears, but thats just a workaround.
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Dec 14, 2010
Ok I have been trying to find the reason why this is happening. I am having an issue with the icons disappearing, the file is still there and you can click on it if you click on the words, but the icon is not there just the icon is gone. The icon that is not showing up is the folder icon primarily. I have searched several different sites and can not find an answer to my problem. I have included a link to view what my desktop looks like with the files pictured so you get an idea.
I have tried to do the equivalent of a (rebuild desktop) desktop reset which was a program I downloaded from apple:
It did not help either and after installing that and doing the reset. Now when I go to open a picture, it opens in color sync instead of preview. The only way I can open a picture in preview is to open preview and then open a picture through itIt is like color sync is the default for some reason. Does someone know how to fix this? But my main concern is tis icon issue I am having. I don't know what to do as it is making it very hard to work. This even carries over to my external drives when hooked up. I need help as I do not know why it is doing this
As far as other information, I just installed Tiger a few months ago if that helps any and this is on a mac mini. Other than that everything has been the same. I have relaunched the finder through opt+cmd+esc but it is not available to relaunch through right clicking the icon on the dock. Also it no longer allows me to drag a picture file over a program like Photoshop in the dock to open it in Photoshop. What is going on here?
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Mar 29, 2008
Ok I have been trying to find the reason why this is happening. I am having an issue with the icons disappearing, the file is still there and you can click on it if you click on the words, but the icon is not there just the icon is gone. The icon that is not showing up is the folder icon primarily. I have searched several different sites and can not find an answer to my problem. I have included a link to view what my desktop looks like with the files pictured so you get an idea. URL
I have tried to do the equivalent of a (rebuild desktop) desktop reset which was a program I downloaded from apple: URL
It did not help either and after installing that and doing the reset. Now when I go to open a picture, it opens in color sync instead of preview. The only way I can open a picture in preview is to open preview and then open a picture through it. It is like color sync is the default for some reason. Does someone know how to fix this? But my main concern is tis icon issue I am having. I don't know what to do as it is making it very hard to work. This even carries over to my external drives when hooked up. I need help as I do not know why it is doing this. : (
As far as other information, I just installed Tiger a few months ago if that helps any and this is on a mac mini. Other than that everything has been the same. I have relaunched the finder through opt+cmd+esc but it is not available to relaunch through right clicking the icon on the dock. Also it no longer allows me to drag a picture file over a program like Photoshop in the dock to open it in Photoshop. What is going on here? This getting crazy!!
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Apr 28, 2008
i just upgraded my ibook g3 hd to 20gb. i put in my tiger install disc 1 and i let it go while i was out of the room. i heard the startup chime from another room, later i went to see it with a blue screen and mouse cursor. it wouldn't do anything. then i restarted it with the install disc again, holding C down, and it booted to a grey screen which after about a minute went to the flashing folder with the ? mark.
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Jun 21, 2010
Does anyone know of a Mac app that can create custom cursor icons with transparent background? The formats it needs to output to are .
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May 8, 2012
Every minute or so, the icons on my desktop dissapear and reappear in less than a second. It is almost as if something is crashing and restarting in the background. It would be that big of a problem, except that if I am working on a full screened app it slides me back to "Desktop 1" everytime that it happens.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 24, 2012
What does a grey screen with a flashing globe icons mean?
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Jun 19, 2012
Today I updated my software to the newest version, the 10.7.4 version. Now when I am any application and not on the desktop my menu bar on the top of the screen that says File, Edit, View, Etc. keeps going away. I would like it to stay without me having to mouse over it like it used to do before I updated the software. Is there a place in the settings that can change it to stay or is this how it is going to be?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 8, 2012
Whenever I minimize a window in Safari it disappears, rather than show the minimized window on the dashboard. It never used to do that. When I click on the yellow minimizing button, the genie effect brings it to the Safari icon on the dock. From there, it seems to have disappeared.
MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 14, 2012
Is it possible to keep the dock visible at all times, as well as the Finder bar and bookmarks in Safari? This was the case before Lion.
i Mac 24, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 3, 2012
The bookmarklets / bookmarks I've placed in my Safari toolbar area keep disappearing.
iMac G5 & Powerbook G4, Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Apr 8, 2012
I'm having an issue with my bookmarks on the bookmark bar, being deleted and then replaced with my sister's bookmarks. Not to mention that my sister's bookmark's are on her macbook air. So, it is not even like we are using the same computer! Is it because we both are using the same time machine and it is switching them? This has happen a few times. But usually i get hers and mine stay and i just delete hers. This time though, mine were deleted and replaced with hers. I can't figure out how to get mine back and i needed some of those links i saved! they were for school/ other important things!
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 15, 2012
This issue has been annoying people for a number of years and all kinds of solutions have been posted by Geniuses, mainly to carefully dump the Safari .plist from the Preferences folder. That does not fix the issue! What does work is this: View, Enter FULL SCREEN. Click it 'OFF'. The display will resize and IF you want to stretch it bigger, you can BUT the Toolbar will stop disappearing!
Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Apr 19, 2010
I have a 21.5" iMac bought in November 2009. I am having a strange happening with it. I have just been using Mail, clicked on the red button at the top left to quit, but the mail window just kept disappearing all but about 3mm off the screen to the top and top left and not quitting. I have also had this happen when using Safari, occasionally if I click on a link on the page to another open another page Safari disappears off the top and top left except for about 3mm.
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Jun 11, 2012
menu bar keeps disappearing on safari 5.1.1 lion OS, new to mac
MacBook Pro, lion
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Sep 6, 2014
I have bought a new iMac today and want to know how I can stop the title bar disappearing when I am in Safari? Have tried system preferences and no luck!
iMac, iOS 7.1.2
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Mar 16, 2010
I have a 21.5" iMac bought in November 2009. I am having a strange happening with it. I have just been using Mail, clicked on the red button at the top left to quit, but the mail window just kept disappearing all but about 3mm off the screen to the top and top left and not quitting. I have also had this happen when using Safari, occasionally if I click on a link on the page to another open another page Safari disappears off the top and top left except for about 3mm.
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