OS X :: Applications Permanently Minimized - How To View
Jul 22, 2009
I'm a first-time Mac user with a brand new MBP. One thing that is annoying me (and I'm hoping it's just something I'm missing) is this. Every once in a while I will have an application running but not viewable (the icon is on the right-side of the dock, but to the left of the vertical line). If I click on the icon, it doesn't restore back up on the screen. The menu bar shows that it's running, but the only way I can get it back up on the screen is to quit it from the menu bar and then run it again. Feels like a bug - any way to restore applications back to the screen when this happens?
Earlier tonight I opened iCal, only to find that none of my calendars were there. it was completely empty. However, when I changed the view from "Week" to "Month" all of my events were listed (in the proper color) on the appropriate day, but I still had no list of calendars on the left. Subsequent changes between "Day" "Week" and "Month" view continued to display the events properly, but nothing showed up in the calendar menu on the left.
I repaired permissions same thing happened.I trashed com.apple.ical pref (forgot the exact filename)�same behavior. I use .mac to sync between computers, and I use Missing Sync to sync to a Palm T|X.
I noticed that finder is not displaying all files when I look at folders with lots of files in "icon view" mode but they do show up in "list view" Same thing happened with the computer at work. I'm using OS X Leopard on both.
Every time I change the artist, iTunes changes the way my albums are sorted. It always reverts to sorting by album, alphabetically. How can I have it sort by year as to give the albums chronologically? I use grid view.
How would one go about editing a PDF. Also, if I edit it, I don't want anyone to be able to "undo" my changes and reveal the old content. It would also be nice if possible, if there is a way to "lock" the file such that it cannot be edited further.
Can this ONLY be down via the Library? That's the only time I ever find myself clicking on it, is to delete songs. Is there any way at all for me to delete through the play list through an addon, script, etc?
For some reason my mac always resets my 'open with' preferences if I restart my computer.
So for instance, even if I go through the usual route of selecting a program as the default player (select file/get info/open with/change all), as soon as I restart my mac it will always revert back to the default players and not the newly selected one.
Is there a work around? A setting in OSX which im missing? Or perhaps a third party app which can handle this?
I have the app called "SimpleTask" set to start-up when i turn my Mac on. The icon is just in the top taskbar. The problem is that when i turn my Mac on the window of the app comes up on my desktop and then i have to manually minimize it every time. Is there a way to have it start-up minimized in the taskbar from the start so i dont have to do it manually? There is no option for this in the preferences. There has to be a way to do it thou.
In expose, when I have "all windows" as one of my hot corners, it only shows non-minimized windows. It used to show all windows----the "open" windows were on top with a bar demarcating them from the "minimized" windows.
In short, when I go to the "hot corner" that is assigned "all windows" I want it to show maximized and minimized windows all at once.
First of all, glad I made the switch to Mac. I only wish that I would have started off on one. It's so much easier that I tend to make things difficult while still shaking a PC-mindset.
Does anyone know of a keyboard shortcut that allows a window to be restored to its original size once it's minimized or hidden? I would like to use the command+tab to switch to the application, then restore the window with the keyboard. For example, when using mail, I will minimize the window and use Safari. When I cycle back to mail (command+tab) I have activated the program again, but I have to click on Window>Message Viewer to see my mailbox again.
I'm a long time windows and linux user, just starting with Tiger. My most common frustration so far is that in Windows and Linux, I can have multiple windows open and non-minimized, and can easily switch between them via the task bar. I don't see a similar functionality in os-x. It appears to me that the only items that show on the dock are ones that I've minimized. If an app is open, but 'behind' another in Tiger, it appears I have to use Expose' to find it. In the other two OSes, I can just single click on the item in the status bar. Is there a way to single click to an open app that does not have the focus? This is pretty big...I always have lots of things running, and the task bar is a ONE CLICK way to switch.
Expose' seems to be a minimum of a two click way, and a pretty clunky way.
I'd love someone to explain what I'm sure is a simple way to have the same simplicity in os-x.
Sometimes (not always but easy enough to reproduce) when I minimize windows (especially MS Word) and then activate expose to see everything the minimized windows look like this. I've got a completely clean install (no migration assistant etc) of SL 10.6.2 on a 13inch MBP. It's not really a huge problem just curious if anyone else has experienced this? I'm hoping it might disappear in 10.6.3 but I'm sure that is a long shot
How can I open a minimized file/folder/application window by using keyboard only.
"Cmd + Tab" letting me to get focus to that particular file/folder/application window when it was NOT minimized. But how could I open a minimized one through a keyboard shortcut?
This might seem really counterintuitive, but I don't want minimized windows to show up in my dock - being able to grab them with expos� is enough. Is there any way to do this?
Whenever I minimize a window in Safari it disappears, rather than show the minimized window on the dashboard. It never used to do that. When I click on the yellow minimizing button, the genie effect brings it to the Safari icon on the dock. From there, it seems to have disappeared.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Is this just how the OS works or is there a setting I can configure. I'm used to being able to alt-tab on Windows and open a window and bring it to the front regardless whether it is minimized.
When I command-tab (or do the four finger thing on Macbook) it sort of opens it. The program bar at the top becomes active for that program but the window doesn't come out of minimize.
Seems odd. Am I doing something wrong? Or do I just need to get used to Mac and learn another way to do things?
Is there away to maximize a minimized window thats on the dock with just using keys? for example you can do this with alt-tab in windows but when you do that in mac it only will open up windows that are not minimized.
When I expand a window that is minimized, it doesn't come up smoothly---it's as if it is fighting its way to expand. Need new video card? April 2009 2 X Quad core Macpro. 12 Gig RAM. Video Card =ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB  Â
I've been searching for a keystroke to restore an application or a window of an application that I've minimized (Command-M) to the Dock. My search has not been successful.Â
With some applications Command-1 will work, but not often.Â
I'm wondering if there is a standard key combination to do this. If not, I know I can create a user keyboard shortcut, but I don't know how to create the black diamond character or if that would even work.Â
I've noticed that in Snow Leopard when you minimize, for example a Quick Time movie to the Dock, the movie doesn't carry on playing like it used to. Instead it shows a freeze-frame of the last part of the movie before it was minimized. It's not an important feature but I was wondering about the reason for this change.
For one, my Mail is extremely slow to type...it would probably take a good 2 minutes for what I just wrote to show up on my message. Another thing, when I click once on my mouse it acts twice...which is really annoying because it opens absolutely everything that I click on. I've adjusted the mouse settings and still, no change. Lastly, it will close boxes for no apparent reason...if I'm viewing a folder, all of a sudden the folder will minimize without me clicking on minimize...I don't know what is going on here or why it's acting up all of a sudden. I use my Mac for work, so it's making it very difficult for me to actually get any work done!
When I minimize my open internet pages they are really small on the desktop. They were a decent size at first but now they're tiny. Is there a way to make them bigger?
How can I permanently remove the Photoshop Updater folder from the Documents folder, and then re-locate it to a more appropriate folder, like the Library folder?