PowerPC :: Unable To Run Off System Apps?

May 28, 2007

Just bought a second internal Hard Drive for my Dual 2.5GHz PowerPC G5 machine. Simply for storage, so no system apps are going to run off it. I've researched enough, can't seem to find an answer in writing. Hopefully this is a simple question to answer...

Basically the HDD is a Seagate Baracuda SATA drive. You know how the old IDE drives came with a jumper pin that you can switch from Master to Slave? Well, it appears SATA drives have an option of 1.5GB/s or 3GB/s instead. (News to me! A personal first internal SATA install!) I certainly know what that means, just curious if I want the jumper capping my speed at 1.5GB/s on this specific older Mac model or if I should simply open it up to 3GB/s.

For the time being, I've left it capped at 1.5GB/s. It makes sense that the system BUS would be the definitive capper of HDD throughput...such is why I'm asking if there's any benefit of opening it up, or leaving it capped.

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OS X :: Unable To Switch Between Apps / System Not Shuting Down

Sep 20, 2010

I had FCP open and I was 'log and transferring' a bunch of footage from P2 cards to my RAID. While that was busy working I was surfing the web in FF and listening to tunes via itunes. I had itunes mini player open. I wanted to see more info about a song and tried hitting the green button to maximize. Nothing happened. So I try command+tab but I get a 'bonk' sound and I don't switch apps. I though it was odd that even when I clicked on itunes the menu bar still said firefox.

Next I did the good 'ol command+option+esc to see if itunes was 'not responding'. this is what I see: Odd... no apps appear here even though I had 3 open not including Finder. So I go to my dock and click on finder and I get this dialog box:

So I tried going up to the Apple icon and chose shutdown. I clicked OK and waited and the machine never shut down. I had to to a hard shutdown. Upon restarting all is right with the world again. It's just weird that I have never run into anything like this in all this time and this new machine as been working perfectly since the day I got it.

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PowerPC :: Unable To Start System After Update / File System Got Corrupted?

Jul 19, 2007

I am a proud owner of a MAC powerbook G4 for just over 3 years now. It runs MAc OX 10.3. For the last two weeks i have been having issues. First it started to be very slow. Then it would not boot up and i got a blue screen. I ran the file system checks from the OS X and it complained about the volume being bad and said it could not be repaired. i decided to reinstall the whole thing and did a complete erase and install. IT booted up fine. The software updater asked permission to update which i agreed.

After the update was over, the software updater had more updates. I guessed that it was probably giving me updates in the chronological order. During a particular update, it gave the blue screen and "please restart" ... and when i rebooted it did not come up... just a blue screen... i verified the filesystem using the diagnostic tool and it again said it was corrupt .... I have done this twice now and i have a feeling it happened when i was updating the same batch of software updates.... sometimes my software updater would crash everytime i launch it.....

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PowerPC :: G4 Power Mac Won't Install OS X - System Unable To Recognize The Disc?

Sep 22, 2007

I just got a Power Mac g4 from my school and i dont know much about it but it didn't come with an operating system. I bought a full retail version of mac os x and pop the disk in and it will only eject the disk. I tried holding option when its installing but the computer wont recoginize the disk it will only eject it.

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ITunes :: Unable To Download Apps, Upgrades Apps Or Sync With Macbook?

Mar 7, 2012

I'm unable to download apps, upgrades apps or sync with my Mac book. I've had no problems up until now.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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PowerPC :: Changing Date And Time On Ibook / Unable To Access System Settings

Jan 13, 2008

Any ideas ? when i switch my ibook on it says that the date is set to 2001 or earlier and so i need to change the settings. I can't physically access the settings

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OS X :: Unable To Make Any Changes On System Preferences / Put Parental Control On System

Mar 29, 2010

could not be sure whether the Admin user - password reset with the CD would be the solution to my question as suggested in previous threads I searched - and have no idea where my start up install CD is

So my question-

I was trying to put parental control to ask for password when my computer starts up. I did something I guess and messed up the info.

I can log in with my own account when I restart my apple - which says now it is a standard account (must have messed that up)- but can not make any changes on system preferences or anything else that requires login and password. It requires Admin info. My own login that I use now used to be my admin so do not have any other info set.

now on system pref - accounts - an account titled "test" seems to be admin but can not even access that and reverse myself to be the admin since I can not unlock system pref. Or cant click on "Login Options" for the same reason.

There are no other users on this computer than me.

What do I need to do to make myself admin again?

Hope this was somewhat a clear question

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Software :: Deleting Apps (Not In Use) From System

Sep 4, 2010

Just wanted to find out if you guys delete any of your apps you don't use. For me I don't use GarageBand and Chess etc.

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OS X :: System Apps Keep Freezing And Other Weird Stuff?

Jan 25, 2009

I've been experiencing some weird problems on my Mac Pro for the last few days. It's a Xeon quad 2.8, 6GB memory and running 10.5.6, never had any problems with it before. So the problems I'm having is that some system applications becomes unresponsive (freeze and fun beach ball spinning). In most cases I'm not able to force quit the frozen apps either. Also, in the dock it says "Application Not Responding" when I right click on them (like it should), but when I check the "Force Quit Applications" window there is no such text (there should be some red text after the application name if I'm not mistaken).

These are the apps that has frozen the last few days: System preferences, Disk Utility, System Profiler, Software Update, the main menu has also frozen at times.

When I try to shut down the Mac Pro it quits all the applications as usual, but then just stops and shows the wallpaper and nothing else (so I have to use the power button on Mac Pro itself to completely shut it down. When I want to put my Mac to sleep it takes way longer than usual as well. Today after I had been away for a while I came back to see the screen saver active, but in my Energy settings I've set it to shut down the displays before the screen saver would activate � so I have no idea why the screen saver was on...

I have locked my System Preferences (with the little lock in the lower left) but when I click on the lock it just says "Authorizing..." next to it and System Preferences freezes (no password window pops up).

I'm lost. I can't for the life of me figure out what could be wrong. I've used Repaired Permissions without any luck. (There was some error messages, but now I can't even open up Disk Utility again without it freezing directly at start up.)

All I can think about is that something I've installed would have messed something up, not sure. The last days I've installed: Grammarian Pro X (trial), iWork '09 (retail) and Handbreak. (and I've updated other software like Adium, but I doubt that's the problem)

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Power Mac :: After Restoring My System I Can't Restore Apps

May 6, 2012

Time Machine starts to restore iTunes and then says I don't have sufficient privalages and quits restore. I am the sole user of this computer.

Power Mc G5 1.6ghz

Info:Mac OS X (10.5.8), 4gb ram

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MacBook Air :: All Files And Apps Add Up To 8GB But System Says Used 30GB

Jun 20, 2014

All my files: 500mb (from finder)
Photos: 2GB
Audio : 1GB
Movies: 1GB
Apps: 3GB 

But "About this Mac" says I've used 30GB

Other: 22GB 

How does that work? I understand that some of them must be system files but 22GB?

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PowerPC :: Apps For G5 With Tiger?

Dec 10, 2010

I'll be getting my Power Mac G5 from the mail soon, and I was wondering which version of Skype would be compatible with a DC 2.3 GHz Power Mac G5 with 1GB Memory running Tiger? Would Skype v3.x be compatible or would I have to go even further?

Also, which browser works best for G5's?

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PowerPC :: To Run Intell Apps On A Ppc?

Jan 4, 2011

is it possible to run intel apps on a powerpc through some magical way or a way to get around the giant X through an incompatible program on a ppc?

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OS X :: Migration With Time Machine Only Restored System Apps?

Nov 25, 2009

I had some computer issues the other day that ended up requiring an erase/install of 10.5. So I reinstalled and when asked if I wanted to transfer data told it to use a Time Machine backup. I then ran Software Update to get all the updates. What I noticed was in my Applications folder only the standard set of Apple apps were there. No iLife apps, Adobe CS, etc were migrated over. I'm in the process of testing copying iPhoto from the backup. Is there a reason non-Apple apps are excluded from migration? I understand some installers, Adobe in particular, places files elsewhere in the system that might not be migrated properly. Also my Downloads folder is non-existent too and will need use TM again on it.

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ITunes :: Will IPad Apps Like Solar System Run On Macbook Air

Jan 31, 2012

will iPad apps like Solar System run on Macbook air?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Way To Install Powerpc Apps

Apr 16, 2012

is there any way to install powerpc apps? and im using mac verison 10.7.3 not 10.5 lepard.


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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Some Apps Consistently Crash On System Restore

Mar 23, 2012

Some apps consistently crash on system restore

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: 10.9.5 - System Recovery Without Losing Current Programs / Apps

Dec 3, 2014

I am running OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 on an iMac 27" mid 2011. If I run OS X Recovery on my system just to wipe everything clean and start fresh. Will I also loose all my other Apps and installed software like MS Office, Adobe CS6, etc. etc.? If so, how can I do a system recovery without losing all my current apps or programs. I don't have any of the original disks.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), 27"

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OS X :: Unable To Find Apps To Upgrade From OS 10.3.9

Sep 15, 2008

I have a three-four year old iBook which runs fine (I mainly use my iBook for email, Internet, and Microsoft Office) but I'm thinking of upgrading my OS and am wondering what would be the best OS to upgrade to. In case you're wondering, I'm considering the upgrade because there are a couple of applications I would like to demo (and maybe buy) that require a minimum OS of 10.4.

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OS X :: IP Address - Unable To Use Some Apps On IPhone

Oct 19, 2010

I noticed that my IP address is different on my devices, and I'm unable to use some apps on my iPhone, such as Apple Remote for iTunes and Airmouse, and AirVideo. It seems the last digit in my IP address is different, here's the example: 192.168.1.X, where X is different on my Macbook, iPhone, and Airport Extreme.

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ITunes :: Unable To Update Apps?

Apr 21, 2012

I am unable to update my apps. I get:  

We could not complete your iTunes store requestSecure network connection was refused. There was an error in the iTunes store. Please try again later. 

I have no firewall in operation and this has been happening now for two weeks. I can aceess the store and update with my iPhone using the same WiFi. 

iMac Intel Quad core i5, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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App Store :: Unable To Dwnload Apps

Apr 22, 2012

I want to upgrade to OSX Lion.It has to be done through the app store (?) and all goes well up to the point I confirm the billing. After that I am sent back to the advertisement page for OSX Lion and at the top of the screen that annoying little whirly thing goes around and around and around. I must have tried twenty times now and have never got any further.

have I paid for this product twenty times?

what am I waiting to happen with this whirly thing?

I am running a 27inch iMac 2.93 GHz Intel Core i7 and OS X 10.6.8

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.93 GHz Intel Core i7

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ITunes :: Unable To Download Any Apps

May 5, 2012

How can I reset security info questions ? Don't really remember any of the questions. I am unable to download any apps.

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ITunes :: Unable To Update Apps

Jul 6, 2012

iTunes (v 10.6.3 (25) has stopped updating Apps on my iPhone and iPad when I sync them. I can download and install the app updates from the devices OK, but the updates won't sync. 

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Power Mac G5 :: Setting Up RAID On Internal Hd / Mirror My Drive With Apps And System?

Oct 19, 2007

I have 2ea 250GB internal HD. One with my apps and system on it and the other with no data. How do I mirror my drive with the apps and system? Or is that possible?

Dual 2.3ghz PowerPC G5
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
8 GB ram / 2ea. 250 GB internal HD

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Alternative To Run PowerPC Or Flash Apps On 10.7?

Feb 2, 2012

I am insanely annoyed and disappointed with the way Apple shook me with the notification "This app cannot be run since the PowerPC is no longer supported."I was trying to take one of those tests which we run through a CD and a full length test is programmed in a Flash or alike program.How do I do that? This is has made me think of withdrawing from Apple instruments. It makes life harder day by day. 

MacBook, Mac OS X(10.6.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Get PowerPC Support Apps On My Macbook?

Apr 17, 2012

I just switched to Mac OS X Lion yesterday and I feel like I just wasted a ton of money on something that now doesn't support all my school cd's and apps. How can I get software back on my computer to help get rid of the "Can't Open Because this isn't supported... Blah blah blah."

Info:MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Unable To Find Apps To Create Form

Jun 4, 2010

which application can I refer to create a form and send it to my clients who can fill them? I use Mac OS 10.6

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OS X :: Apps That Unable To Work On Snow Leopard?

Aug 16, 2009

Is this going to be a problem when up grading?

Anyone know of any?

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OS X :: Applications Keep Disappearing / Unable To View Apps

Feb 14, 2010

About 3 weeks ago, I went out of town for a week then came back. When I started up my PPC G5 iMac, I went to open Safari....but it disappeared. The icon was still in the dock, but when I clicked on it, a translucent "?" showed up over it. I tried a Spotlight search for it, and nothing came up. Same thing happened with Preview. I thought my Aunt who was staying over didn't know how to use the Mac and might have accidentally deleted them, so I used Pacifist to reinstall Safari and Preview from the Leopard disc. No big deal.

Then today, I fire up Word, but same thing! Word disappeared! Same with Excel. No matter, reinstalled from the disc. After a couple of hours, I'm back again and this time I want to use Roxio Toast....gone. And this time, I don't have any install disc (lost it during moving). And I know my Aunt can't be responsible for Toast or Word disappearing, since she left yesterday afternoon; mom was using Word on my computer and I used Toast no more than 5 days ago.

So anyone have any clue what the heck is going on with my applications literally deleting themselves?

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