PowerPC :: Boot G5 Dual 2 GHz Using Built In Software Raid 0?
Aug 31, 2007
Is it possible to boot a Powermac G5 Dual 2 GHz using the built in software Raid 0? I know that this can be set up using disk utility but wondered if it was possible to boot from the RAID set.
Is it possible to put a C2D processor in the PowerMac G5? Or can the Dual-core PPC G5s run boot camp? I was going to make it a gaming computer, as I will only buy Mac =].
I have a PowerMac G5 and need to purchase an internal RAID card to create a RAID 1 mirror of the system drive... one that will allow me create a Hardware RAID 1 mirror, not software RAID through OS X.
I was looking at this HD: [URL]. Could someone please summarize for me what is a "Dual-drive Storage System with RAID?" I have some ideas of what it is... it involves mirroring, and holding two copies of data to make sure one doesn't lose data, correct? This is a 4 TB drive... what if I want 4 TBs worth of storage and not two copies of 2 TBs worth of storage? Am I allowed to turn mirroring off and get a straightforward 4 TBs worth of storage? Please feel free to throw in any quick facts about RAID you may want to.
I decided that I couldn't wait for Gainestown and ordered a 2.8x8 MP today. I'm going to get another 8GB of RAM (I assume 10GB in matched pairs will still perform at full speed). My real dilemma is a Boot/Storage solution-I'm moving from a Dual 867 G4, so all my current drives, both internal and external are IDE, which basically means I'm starting over as far as internal drives goes. The G4 power supply gave out so I'm getting this external enclosure to put my old drives into for file recovery. As far as new drives go, I can't figure out what to do. I'll spare you my million iterations of drive configs I've sketched over the past two days.
I am looking for a tear down guide for my 4 core power mac. I need some instructions on how to remove the CPU's since I bought this for $100 and found the part for $250.
The MBP has one expresscard slot. So if you use an eSata adapter (even if it has dual eSATA ports) it would only have one eSATA channel And that would be limited further by the express card slot and more still by the type of card (make, model, etc..). My question is: with Barefeats claiming even the best eSATA card for a MBP being 200MB/s (even if you claim less) using a dual eSATA RAID connection for a stripped array would be limited to 100MB/s per port. Is this correct? Because I'm trying to understand this to see if it's worth building a RAID setup for my MBP when I'm home.
I've asked this numorous times and get helpful advice but not addressng this specific and fundamental fact. I am not interested in FW800 because I want the fastest I can get but want it to make sense. I would also reask my other questions about my situation but this question comes first.
First of all here are are the Specs on it Specs: Blueberry Colored iMac DV PowerPC G3 400 MHZ MAC OS 9.1 10GB HDD 512MB SD-RAM 10/100 NIC 56K Modem 4 X Slot load DVD-ROM Drive two USB Ports USB Keyboard/Hockey Puck mouse (Which I hate luckily any USB Mouse will work) External VGA Port
It was given to me because the built in CRT came on purple every other start up Now it will not come on at all even though I can still hear the loud noise from the Degauss cable and the Power Supply and I feel the tube still throwing off alot of heat like a CRT does. I can get a picture on an external monitor as a mirror but not as a main monitor. So three questions is it safe to use this way with an external monitor and the built in CRT still attached? and how would I go about disconnecting the Built in CRT?, is there any way to fix this? Currently the HDD is blank as thats the way it was given to me but I was also given the restore DVD of OSX 10.4 from another Mac.
I have a 2009 MacPro. SSD has the boot and apps from the 2nd Optical Drive. Original 1x4TB drives are in Raid 0 and have all the data (home folder etc). They also have the original OSX and apps which are no longer in use since everything boots off the SSD.
I want to erase the 4 raid drives (disconnect raid all together) (data all backed up to a drobo). Use first 3 drives as new storage and the 4th as bootcamp.
however, when I try to erase the raid data drives, it says it can't unmount the disk (yes, have no apps running other than disk utility from the SSD apps)
I have an out-of-warranty 2005 iMac G5 running OS X 10.5 in my bedroom. The screen is very unreliable to the point where it stayed off all the time or gave weird colors and I had to purchase an external monitor (via mini-VGA). I have installed (successfully) spanning tools to allow both extended desktop (2 dual monitors) and mirrored display (2 monitors showing same thing).
However, after hooking up the external display, the iMac's bright display lights up my bedroom. I want to turn OFF my built-in display (i.e. no backlight) and have my external monitor act as my main display --- avoids having two displays eating electricity. Is this possible? (using any Terminal commands?) I don't want the computer to sleep, just to turn off the main display (even manually removing wires will work, if I can find a how-to guide on this!)
I don't know where I read about this, but I am getting ready to redo one of my systems. Currently it has 2 identical 250GB Hitachies, which use Super Duper every Sunday to backup. I tried doing a RAID 0 back in like 2004 on a system that had 4x60GB. I found out through trial and error and then later reading that you can't boot from a RAID in a Power Mac G4. But like I said earlier I don't know where I read this, but someone stated I could boot from a RAID 1 (mirror) in my Power Mac G4. Is this true? or not? Is it possible to boot from a RAID 1 in a Mac G4 but not RAID 0?
Something tells me this isn't going to work. I have a 10% glimmer of hope that maybe it will just see the drive as a regular drive. This would really be great. If anyone knows the answer to this puzzle please feel free to let me know...
it has been a while since my last post, but i am running into a big issue with my mac pro. I just recently got a areca arc 1210 and i am trying build a bootable RAID 0 through the card. I have gotten snow leopard installed on the raid, but the system refuses to boot to the raid. Any assistance would be MORE than
So I'm considering a new boot volume for my Mac Pro revolving around this RAID controller, since I have had great experience with 3ware's products in my Linux boxen and it really seems like $700 for the Mac raid controller is a bit much. My workflow revolves very heavily around virtualization. I've been thinking about a variety of options for SSDs and hybrid drives and even just fast laptop HDs. Am I crazy for considering 2.5" drives other than SSDs? I'm thinking of 2.5" drives because I put a pair of them in the lower optical bay without issue. The amount of storage needed on the boot volume is probably in the range of 150-200GB. Getting SSDs that size may not be in the budget. Thus, I am currently considering either a pair of 320GB WD Scorpio Blacks or a pair of 250GB Seagate Momentus XTs. I'm not sure the hybrid Momentus drives are worth it. Additionally, I know that a lot of SSDs don't fully support RAID in their firmware. Thus, I am reluctant to buy one, let alone a pair, since a lot of places don't seem to have terribly generous return conditions for SSDs. Is this a fool's errand? Should I just relegate my VMs to other storage and get a smaller SSD for the OS + apps?
2x160 GB drives in a RAID-0 holding my boot driveI want to move it do: A) Ideally 2x250 GB drives in a RAID-0 or B) A 400 GB drive.I've tried:Straight up copying/restoring in Disk Utilit Carbon Copy Cloner File-levelCarbon Copy Cloner Block-levelI can copy everything, but I wind up not having the system recognize the new drive(s) as a boot drive.
So I have a Mac Pro with Bay 1 acting as my regular start up drive. I also have three other Western Digital 500GB hard drives that I have been using as a RAID backup system. However, when I place all three of the RAID hard drives into Bays 2, 3, and 4, the computer will not boot. It never reaches the Apple logo, and continually tries to restart. So I figured one of the hard drives was corrupt.
However, I have tested all three hard drives in Bay 2 and the computer will boot just fine. I have also tested each bay individually (i.e. the same RAID hard drive in each of the Bays seperately) and the computer still boots fine. I can even power up with any two hard drives in Bays 2 and 3. The only time I can't power up is when all three of the hard drives are occupying all three of the extra bays.
Also, none of the RAID hard drives show up in Disk Utility or on the desktop. Shouldn't I be able to view them as normal internal or external hard drives being plugged into my Mac? They do show up in RAID Utility. Is this normal with RAID hard drives, or should they always show up in Disk Utility?
I created a new RAID backup with two of the drives together (Bays 2 and 3) and it recognizes it in System profiler. However, I want to be able to use all three drives for the RAID.
I'll be going with the OWC SSD(s) ExtremePro for the boot drive................ either a 2x60 OSX SW RAID 0 or single 120. I'd rather err on the side of safety but always looking for more umph If going RAID 0 would it be advised to go with a dedicated controller?My data drive will be 2x1T RAID 0.
I'd like to set up a separate 3-drive striped software Raid0 solution in Vista to increase write performance for FRAPS capturing, but need guidance on how to proceed.
Mac Pro 8-core 2.8GHz "Early 2008" 14GB RAM WD 640GB x4
Drive1 - Mac OS 10.5.2 / Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit (Boot Camp 2.1)
Drive2 - Striped Raid0 1/3
Drive3 - Striped Raid0 2/3
Drive4 - Striped Raid0 3/3
The 3 latter drives is what I'm trying to configure, but don't know how to do so for my Vista partition. Is this even possible? If so, does Vista have this built-in capability, or would I need to download a third-party software raid utility?
i would like to reserve my 4th bay for windows only drive and a software raid will be used for these.
what would you think is a better set-up,
3x internal drives (all of the same model, probably WD 640's) set in raid 0 (both serve as boot drive and scratch disk) occupying bays 1, 2, and 3. In this set-up, everything (DVD's, music, photos, final cut media) would be stored on this array.
Well,finaly it's bootable and raid bootable.Does anybody know is ti bootcampable?I just come back from windows,I find I lost so much,I can't even use foobar2000 and my 9800gt.
Can you just install a vanilla PC raid card into a MP, stripe a few empty drives in a RAID 0 config, and make OS X ignore both the RAID card and the NTFS striped drives when switching to and from Leopard?
I have a Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5 with 2.5 GB of RAM. My fan starts revving really loud when I am using multiple apps (Adobe CS2, Firefox, iTunes) and while watching a video tutorial or AVI movie (both saved on my desktop). It also happens when I am just watching a AVI movie with no other apps open.
I just added one GB of RAM yesterday thinking maybe this will solve the problem since I am running multiple apps. This did not resolve it. So I searched the messageboard for threads on fan issues similar to mine. I read it may be caused by the tempature in my room. I keep the tower on my floor on top of 2 pieces of wood about a 1/2 inch thick. I live in a small brick studio apartment so the tempature is usaully between 60 to 70 degrees.
I looked into smcfancontrol but it looks like its for laptops only.I also do not have a utilities program for my computer yet. I was wondering what was the best program out there to clean up/tune-up my hard drive so its running at maxium speed.Has anyone had experince with this issue and have any answers? I am concerned this may be very detrimental to my computer in the long run.
This is what I've done so far: I set a Stripped Raid Set with two drives: a Seagate 500GB @7200 and the original WD 640GB @7200. Before setting the Raid, I partitioned the latter in two: a 500GB and a 160GB, so the extra space is not lost. The Raid was created successfully (using the disk utility Raid - no special hardware). So far, is this OK (specially the partition part)? Now, my question is, what's the best way to migrate all my apps and data, from the original single boot drive I've been using until now, to the Raid - so the benefits of the raid are most apparent?
a) As soon as the raid was set, still inside Disk Utility, I used the Restore function, using the original boot volume as source, and the raid volume as target. This is in progress, with an eta of 4 hours, but I can stop it at any time... is this the best way? b) Another way that occurs to me, is to clone the boot volume to the Raid using Superduper or CCC....? c) Or perhaps I should make a clean OS install in the Raid volume, and then use migration assistant or other method to bring the apps and data to the raid?Or, something else I haven't thought of...?
I thought i'd share this with everyone if anyone has been interested or curious to do the same, I have installed a Raid 0 setup in my 2.4ghz Aluminum macbook using 250gb and 320gb Seagate 7200.3 2.5" drives with 16mb cache each. The reason its 2 different sizes? Because i'm stupid! I bought the 320 thinking the other drive was 320 aswell- only realising once i had installed both that they were different sizes. Not to fear- the raid would be slowed down by the slowest drive, specification wise they are both the same so no problems there. In fact in my case it creates something which is quite awesome- individual boot partitions on each drive.
I purchased a 128gb Patriot Torqx to run as the boot drive for my Mac Pro. I know that the new Intels are coming but I am happy with the Patriots and wanted some instant gratification. The machine is definetly snappier but doesn't quite have the pep as my MBP running a 256gb SSD as the sole HDD. I have (3) 1 TB 5400 rpm drives in a striped RAID array. It seems sometimes when I start an application that lives on the SSD boot drive, the other drives begin to run as well (I can hear them spinning). Any thoughts on what could be done to speed up my system and also make sure that the SSD runs as independent from the traditional Hdd's as possible?I am running a early 2008 Intel 2.8ghz machine, 8 cores, 6gb RAM.
I was wondering if I could install 2 ssds and raid 0 on my 12'' powerbook/ 15'' MBP 2007 - taking out the superdrive and installing the MCE optibay I very rarely use the optical drive so I won't have much use for it. Regarding the powerbook, I'm having trouble finding a good IDE SSD so I'm looking at this transcend model
I just got a used mac pro quad. I plan to use it for video production- final cut pro, pics - aperture, and music production- protools. THe computer came with 3 - 10k rpm 160g hd's. Two of them are set up as a raid 0. I like the idea of having a faster drive as a boot drive, but 160 seems kind of small to me as the drive to run memory hungry apps and the operating system. Am I right? I could go to a 300g 10k rpm drive. I am also thinking about getting a bigger drive, say a 750g or 1 tb 7200 rpm. Should I use this as the boot drive or as a secondary storage drive?. If it's the boot drive should I add the other 160g 10k drive to the raid or keep it separate? I assume that neither way would be wrong, nor create a problem, but since I haven't put anything on it yet, I'm wondering what would be the most efficient way to manage my files and get the most out of my computer.