Mac Pro :: Boot To Single Drive Or RAID Array?
Dec 31, 2008
Compatible to PCI-e 2.0
Boot to Mac OS X with Mac Pro (2006-2008) Models
Boot to Single Drive or RAID Array
Well,finaly it's bootable and raid bootable.Does anybody know is ti bootcampable?I just come back from windows,I find I lost so much,I can't even use foobar2000 and my 9800gt.
I hope it will be a positive answer
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Apr 8, 2009
Is it possible to mirror a RAID-0 array to a single drive?
For example, I will be setting up 3x1TB on a RAID-0 (striped) array and i want to mirror it to one 1TB drive. Is that possible or do i have to resort to Time Machine ... ugh
and YES i've already STFA! no answers as of the start of this thread
-edit i assuming Time Machine backs up the "volumes" and not the "drives"
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Aug 28, 2010
Difficulty deciding between 1 or 2. Unsure about real world performance gain of 2. No experience with SSDs or RAID 0. Worried about alignment and sleep/hibernate issues. Stock 5400rpm 320GB will go inside eSATA enclosure. Does anybody have a good eSATA ExpressCard/34 to recommend? I don't care about the SuperDrive. But I'll keep it for Care warranty purposes.
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Sep 22, 2010
I'll be going with the OWC SSD(s) ExtremePro for the boot drive................ either a 2x60 OSX SW RAID 0 or single 120. I'd rather err on the side of safety but always looking for more umph If going RAID 0 would it be advised to go with a dedicated controller?My data drive will be 2x1T RAID 0.
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Mar 18, 2010
I'm still working out the details on purchasing a new MacPro. My Apple sales rep tells me that I can greatly increase the launch speed of applications and the system OS by purchasing 2 hard drives and using Disk Utility to stripe them together into a "software RAID". They claim it will be faster and more reliable than a single SSD. I know I've asked this question before, but the answers were over my head. I don't know anything about SATA raid cards, or SSD's except for their benefits. But I'm pretty sure I can stripe two drives together and make a software RAID.
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May 1, 2008
I have a macpro with 4 x 1tb drives
Is it possible to get a highpoint raid controller and put those 4 drives in a raid 5 array (and then create partitions inside that array) - or do you need to have 1 drive by itself for the operating system, and then create a raid array using the remaining 3 drives?
Lastly, are the highpoint 3500 series a decent card? and fully compatible?
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Nov 16, 2009
I have a RAID 0 set up with two 1.5TB HDs. I am doing some reorganizing and want to take all the data on the RAID 0 and move it to one of the hard drives in the RAID 0 and create to single drives. Is there any way of moving all the data from a RAID 0 onto one of the HDs?
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Apr 18, 2008
I have an existing striped raid 0 setup with 2 x 500 GB hard drives.
I just bought 2 more x 500 GB hard drives since i noticed HDD is a bottleneck for my 8 core system.
my question is, can i add the 2 harddrives to my existing raid 0 partition ? (so i have one raid partition of 2 TB )
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Aug 4, 2009
My current setup consists of my boot drive (250GB), a striped RAID (500GB) for storage and a 1TB Time Machine Drive.I have recently bought a new 1TB internal drive and would like to replace the striped raid with this drive, thus freeing up two 250GB drives - 1 which i will keep internally and the other will go into a external enclosure My question is can i just copy the files from the RAID to the new internal or do i have to use software to clone it?
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Jan 9, 2011
I have a Early 2008 Mac Pro. I have the Apple Hardware Raid Card Installed. I have 4 2TB disks installed. Currently I've got the system disk setup in Bay 1 as a single disk. Then I have the disks in bays 2 through 4 setup as a raid 5. I've been thinking that I might be better off to make all 4 disks into a raid 5 array and then just make volumes for the system disk and my work disk. My goal is to have a system volume an a scratch/work volume for image and video editing.
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Nov 19, 2008
I have a bunch of Mac Computers here and I want to make a file server for them with about 5 drives in an RAID array to be a little bit secure. I am fairly certain how to go about and build myself a basic file server for a bunch of PCs networked together, but I am not sure about how to do it for a network of Macs.
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Dec 26, 2009
i have Snow Leopard running in a RAID, and just a separate single drive installed for windows 7. Problem is, when i try to go to bootcamp assistant, it tells me that RAIDS aren't supported in bootcamp. I don't want to install it on my raid, just on the other single drive. Does anyone know a workaround or how to do this?
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Aug 12, 2009
I have two choices.
1. Apple's Mac Pro RAID Controller, Four Drives, RAID 0+1. One big disk, highest cost.
2. Or, some other RAID Controller (?), Three matching drives, RAID 5. Then, 1 big drive for OS/Applications/Time Machine.
I'd probably move my Home folder to the RAID Array and have just my data striping amongst those drives. Has anyone had a dilemma like this before? I like the idea of hardware separation of my Home folder from the OS.
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Sep 8, 2009
I have two 1.5TB HDs, RAID 0, as my itunes library. I use Time Machine to back up all my drive, but I also wanted to clone the RAID but only use a single drive as the clone. Will this cause any potential problems since its going from a 2 drive RAID to a single drive.
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Jan 28, 2009
I have a Lacie ext hard drive with 2 x 250gb HD that were one RAIDed into a single 500gb HD. I ran this update Lacie firmware update: And now my HD will only show up as two separate HDs of 250gb instead of a single RAID HD of 500gb.
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Apr 23, 2012
how can i re-create a hidden lion partition after creating a RAID 1 array for Lion Server 10.7.3 My new mac-mini did not come in the array i'd expect it to come with being a server?
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Oct 28, 2009
The MBP has one expresscard slot. So if you use an eSata adapter (even if it has dual eSATA ports) it would only have one eSATA channel And that would be limited further by the express card slot and more still by the type of card (make, model, etc..). My question is: with Barefeats claiming even the best eSATA card for a MBP being 200MB/s (even if you claim less) using a dual eSATA RAID connection for a stripped array would be limited to 100MB/s per port. Is this correct? Because I'm trying to understand this to see if it's worth building a RAID setup for my MBP when I'm home.
I've asked this numorous times and get helpful advice but not addressng this specific and fundamental fact. I am not interested in FW800 because I want the fastest I can get but want it to make sense. I would also reask my other questions about my situation but this question comes first.
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Jan 25, 2009
I decided that I couldn't wait for Gainestown and ordered a 2.8x8 MP today. I'm going to get another 8GB of RAM (I assume 10GB in matched pairs will still perform at full speed). My real dilemma is a Boot/Storage solution-I'm moving from a Dual 867 G4, so all my current drives, both internal and external are IDE, which basically means I'm starting over as far as internal drives goes. The G4 power supply gave out so I'm getting this external enclosure to put my old drives into for file recovery. As far as new drives go, I can't figure out what to do. I'll spare you my million iterations of drive configs I've sketched over the past two days.
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Aug 28, 2008
2x160 GB drives in a RAID-0 holding my boot driveI want to move it do: A) Ideally 2x250 GB drives in a RAID-0 or B) A 400 GB drive.I've tried:Straight up copying/restoring in Disk Utilit Carbon Copy Cloner File-levelCarbon Copy Cloner Block-levelI can copy everything, but I wind up not having the system recognize the new drive(s) as a boot drive.
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Mar 15, 2009
I thought i'd share this with everyone if anyone has been interested or curious to do the same, I have installed a Raid 0 setup in my 2.4ghz Aluminum macbook using 250gb and 320gb Seagate 7200.3 2.5" drives with 16mb cache each. The reason its 2 different sizes? Because i'm stupid! I bought the 320 thinking the other drive was 320 aswell- only realising once i had installed both that they were different sizes. Not to fear- the raid would be slowed down by the slowest drive, specification wise they are both the same so no problems there. In fact in my case it creates something which is quite awesome- individual boot partitions on each drive.
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Jul 19, 2009
I purchased a 128gb Patriot Torqx to run as the boot drive for my Mac Pro. I know that the new Intels are coming but I am happy with the Patriots and wanted some instant gratification. The machine is definetly snappier but doesn't quite have the pep as my MBP running a 256gb SSD as the sole HDD.
I have (3) 1 TB 5400 rpm drives in a striped RAID array. It seems sometimes when I start an application that lives on the SSD boot drive, the other drives begin to run as well (I can hear them spinning). Any thoughts on what could be done to speed up my system and also make sure that the SSD runs as independent from the traditional Hdd's as possible?I am running a early 2008 Intel 2.8ghz machine, 8 cores, 6gb RAM.
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Jul 11, 2009
I just got a used mac pro quad. I plan to use it for video production- final cut pro, pics - aperture, and music production- protools. THe computer came with 3 - 10k rpm 160g hd's. Two of them are set up as a raid 0. I like the idea of having a faster drive as a boot drive, but 160 seems kind of small to me as the drive to run memory hungry apps and the operating system. Am I right? I could go to a 300g 10k rpm drive. I am also thinking about getting a bigger drive, say a 750g or 1 tb 7200 rpm. Should I use this as the boot drive or as a secondary storage drive?. If it's the boot drive should I add the other 160g 10k drive to the raid or keep it separate? I assume that neither way would be wrong, nor create a problem, but since I haven't put anything on it yet, I'm wondering what would be the most efficient way to manage my files and get the most out of my computer.
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May 3, 2012
After many hours of head-banging, I now realize that Lion cannot be installed on a boot drive that is part of an Apple software mirrored RAID (early Mac Pro hardware, Snow Leopard.)Something about a limitation that a RAID drive cannot be repartitioned to allow for the creation of the Recovery partition.Sad, but so be it.So, I plan to use SuperDouper! to copy my boot drive to a fresh, non-RAID drive, boot from that drive, and then and install Lion there.Once I have done that, will I be able to add the new Lion boot drive to a new Apple Software RAID mirror set? Or is Lion simply not capable of being booted from a software RAID device?
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Oct 1, 2008
I have a single boot disk with just the apps on, and 2 disks in a software mirrored RAID in which I keep all the important stuff.Its just occurred to me, if the boot drive fails won't the software RAID be destroyed as well?Or will it be easy to recover the data off one of the previously RAID1 disks, when the new boot drive is installed?
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Sep 26, 2010
I just order a MBP 15" i7 that i will be using for mostly Photoshop work.I was wondering if anyone had any experience with single ssd vs two at 0 raid in regards to photoshop work and or similar apps? If there is very minor speed gains for 0 raid
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Jul 5, 2012
I have a Mac Mini that I plan to use as a simple file server with a 2TB external disk. I would like to be able to add future external disks to grow the original 2TB volume I create to 4TB, 6TB, etc. using RAID.
I know it is possible to add disks to a concatenated RAID set without destroying the data on the disks already in the set, but I cannot get Disk Utility to let me create a single-disk concatenated RAID set.
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May 16, 2007
I have a PowerMac G5 and need to purchase an internal RAID card to create a RAID 1 mirror of the system drive... one that will allow me create a Hardware RAID 1 mirror, not software RAID through OS X.
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Nov 28, 2010
I have a 2009 MacPro. SSD has the boot and apps from the 2nd Optical Drive. Original 1x4TB drives are in Raid 0 and have all the data (home folder etc). They also have the original OSX and apps which are no longer in use since everything boots off the SSD.
I want to erase the 4 raid drives (disconnect raid all together) (data all backed up to a drobo). Use first 3 drives as new storage and the 4th as bootcamp.
however, when I try to erase the raid data drives, it says it can't unmount the disk (yes, have no apps running other than disk utility from the SSD apps)
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May 11, 2010
If I have a SSD enclosed in an firewire case can I use the same hard drive to boot both the MBP and the iMac?
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Oct 2, 2008
I don't know where I read about this, but I am getting ready to redo one of my systems. Currently it has 2 identical 250GB Hitachies, which use Super Duper every Sunday to backup. I tried doing a RAID 0 back in like 2004 on a system that had 4x60GB. I found out through trial and error and then later reading that you can't boot from a RAID in a Power Mac G4. But like I said earlier I don't know where I read this, but someone stated I could boot from a RAID 1 (mirror) in my Power Mac G4. Is this true? or not? Is it possible to boot from a RAID 1 in a Mac G4 but not RAID 0?
Something tells me this isn't going to work. I have a 10% glimmer of hope that maybe it will just see the drive as a regular drive. This would really be great. If anyone knows the answer to this puzzle please feel free to let me know...
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