PowerPC :: What Useful Parts Are Left From G5 Quad
Jun 11, 2007
My PM G5 Quad is in need of a new logic board and processor. I am waiting until after WWDC to see if there will be an update to the Mac Pro line - as I will be buying a new one to replace my old one. What's useful to keep from my old G5? I feel like I'm parting out an old Camaro or something. I'm planning to at minimum keep the HD and just pop it into the new machine (hope I can do that). I'm fairly certain the RAM is not going to be compatible, but I'm wondering if there's anything else I can scavenge off the old machine.
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Jan 17, 2010
Does anyone know if these parts can be switched out? I know the battery and dc in board cannot be (I don't think) but can the logic board, memory, hard drive, etc be switched? I can't get power in my powerbook and would like to test it with the logic board from my macbook pro.
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Aug 10, 2008
I have a dual 2.5ghz PM G5 that works fine except that the heat exchanger leaked. Everything else is fine. My question is, I found someone on CL who was selling a quad G5 system for $375 because of a damaged mainboard. Could I take the Mobo from the dual G5 and put it in the case for the quad? The processor sockets are same but I'm unsure as to mounting issues.
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Feb 8, 2008
I have 2 G4 powerbooks (one mine and one my wife's). One is a 1GHz 17" and the other is a 1.67GHz 17". now on the 1 Ghz i have a row of keys that randomly does not work. on the other the screen is shot. my question is, will the screen on the 1GHz fit on the 1.67 without any problems?
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Jan 16, 2007
When upgrading my G5 I simply backed up the old drive to the neww 500 gig drive in bay 2 and then switched them. Could I just switch it to a Quad and the voila! it works? Could it be that simple or will I need to reinstall all the software?
What about installing the drive into a Macpro? Could I just place it in a bay and then run all my programs, like Photoshop, Imageprint, and Office?
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Apr 17, 2009
I just purchased a Quad G5, from the original owner. Original owner, stated, that the machine was in excellent condition, and had not had any problems, nor parts replaced under Apple Care Warranty. Twice today, I had programs crash. 1st crash involved Photoshop CS3 Ext. 2nd Crash, involved FireFox & Photo Mechanic, which then I received a message from within OS X, to restart my tower.
I am quite surprised about the crashes, and do not know what to do, nor expect. Before, I received the G5, the HDD was wiped, with a fresh install of 10.5.6...
I'm also having a Bus Power issue. Before the G5, I had an aluminum keyboard, plugged into my iMac C2D, and I had no problem with Bus power, driving either my Thumb Drive or HDD, but with the Keyboard, hooked to the G5, I'm getting insufficient power warnings
Also, my 23" ACD will not go to sleep. I've got the screen saver set to 3 mins, which does come up, and the time set to 10 mins, for the display to go to sleep. However, when it hits the 10 min threshold, the screen blinks off for a second, then reverts to the active desktop, and the cycle begins again.
Also, with the 23" ACD, I'm seeing, what appears to be a ghosting effect, when I have apps layered on top of each other. It has been occurring with various apps, such as having Photo Mechanic on bottom, then Firefox on top, then Photoshop on top of it.
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Jul 22, 2010
Well I'm kinda basically overhauling my G5 LCS so I figured, why not lets try and put a heatsink from my 1.8ghz G5 onto the quad G5 CPU since I have it out. I only have one CPU in it right now and it's actually doing pretty damn good. I set the Energy prefs to Reduced as a precaution.
If I ditch the LCS and make this a permanent setup, I will have to machine some custom brackets to hold the heatsinks to the logicboard/case. I have the G5 laid on it's side at the moment since there is no way to fasten the 1.8ghz heatsink down.
Below is a screenshot of the temps
This is with a constant 50% load on the CPUs as I just have it folding right now.
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Nov 23, 2010
Well I was swapping some processors around on my G5 when I noticed that I was getting some weird graphical glitches. They went away when I disabled the 3-4 CPUs and made it a dual-core. The glitches are replicable when sizing windows and consistent when different window sizes. I'm starting to wonder if one of my CPUs are faulty...? Everything seems to be running fine otherwise. I attached a pic of the graphic anomaly I'm getting with all 4 core active and it only appears around text and it's always red color.
On a side note I also noticed that 2 of my dimm slots are reporting errors, the two outer banks. I've removed them and it's fine. Gonna load up the diagnostic discs to see if it finds anything.
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Nov 29, 2010
I have had this quad g5 (dualcore 2.5ghz X 2) laying around for about a year that I purchased for $100 without a hard drive, super drive or a power cord. I was told that it was non working in the manner that ONE of the dual core cpu's had gone bad. I will be receiving my power cord this week to make sure that it still powers on but what the problem is.
My question is: If only one of the cpu's are bad, what is the part number I will be looking at? I am not wanting to spend a fortune on this to fix it, but If I do get it working I would like to drop 8-16gb ram in it, and setup a raid with 2 raptors.
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Jun 3, 2010
So I got offered a Quad G5 for $450. It comes with Leopard and I have wanted one for a while.
What are the benefits and detriments of this system?
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Nov 9, 2010
What parts are interchangeable from the liquid cooled G5's to the air cooled? Are the heatsinks the same? What about the CPU's?
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Jul 24, 2007
I have an old, old 10Gig iBook - the very first one that came out in white, I think I bought it 2001 - that has been working great until the power cord broke a few months ago. I just bought a new Macbook to replace it, and I'm wondering what I should do with the old one? The only problem is that I have no power cord so I can't go in and wipe the harddrive, and I would really like all my stuff erased before I give it away. Is there any thing worth any money on that old machine?
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Oct 8, 2008
I am using a G5 Quad processor with a GeForce 6600 graphics card. I am working on a project in Second Life [URL] and have been advised that I need to update the driver on my graphics card to solve some problems encountered in Second Life. There does not seem to be an update for this card for Macs. I have asked Apple for help, but they have told me my serial number does not exist even though it is registered and I have had technical help from them in the past. Second Life say they do not support this graphics card!
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Jun 26, 2009
I have always been interested in getting a G5, ever since they came out. I might be able to nag a Quad G5 for very cheap, but I have a question. I know that an Intel Core 2 Duo is faster than a G5, but how is it faster than the Quad? What exactly makes the Intel faster than the G5? I am looking at the Apple specs of the Quad and to me, it looks like a really solid computer, especially for 2005.
2 Dual Core 2.5GHz PowerPC Processors
1MB Cache Per Core (4MB Total)
FSB 1.25GHz Per Proc
Up to 16GB DDR2 PC2-4200
So, what makes the G5 Quad, or even Dual Core/Dual Proc G5's so weak?
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Jul 13, 2010
Is there anyway to fix this other than buying a new graphics card? I've searched but couldn't find a solution. The 7800GT in my G5 always spins at top speed and is so much louder than the whole system. I've had it disconnected for a while but I don't want it burning up . Thinking I just might wire it to the 5v side of the molex connector on the optical drive?
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Nov 19, 2006
What is going on? For no apparent reason, this computer decided to start making random "booping" sounds this evening. There is no error, it's not the mail, it even does it when I have my external speakers turned off. Anyone else have this going on? This is the first time it has happened and it's been going on all evening.
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Jan 23, 2007
I want to buy this item:
The bluetooth/airport extreme card for my PCI-e Dualcore 2.0ghz G5. I'm happy to install it myself. However I am leaving to go back to the UK on jan 31st, and sweetwater don't actually stock the item, and it will take a while to get it to me unless they expedite it from Apple and charge an extra $42 or so, which is too much for me. Anyone know who might actually stock the item and be able to send it out quickly?
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Sep 2, 2009
I need a new/best card for a G5 quad 2.5. I know it's old (4 years) but it's still used quite a bit - mainly for Photoshop work. The card needs to run 2 x 23" Cinema Displays. I'm not sure if it makes any difference but it has 16GB memory (twice as much as our new 2.93 Quad can take - there's something not quite right there...)
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Nov 27, 2009
i want to take a motherbord from a quad core 2.5ghz powermac g5 and swich the procesers with 2 2.3ghz g5's add water cooling (trough the heat sinks or somthing) and have (in essance) a water cool quad core 2.3 ghz powermac g5
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Jun 14, 2006
I've been having problems with the optical drive on my G5 Quad for the last few months. It makes a clanking noise every few minutes, similar to the sound it makes when you put in a cd. Also, every now and then when I put in a cd it just doesn't read it, and it makes itunes crash. The drive is an LG HL-DT-ST DVD-RW GWA-4165B. I have read lots of bad things about this drive on the internet, and it also happens to be much slower at importing dvds than the pioneer drives that are (or were) also shipping with some G5s.
I finally went down to my apple store, in The Netherlands. I explained the problem to the tech guy, and he said they would replace it under warranty. However, when I asked if it was possible to get a pioneer drive, he said they had no control over which brand they receive on replacement parts, but that almost always they get pioneers. Well, I took it in and they replaced the drive. They refused to do a test on it though, arguing that they were fixing another G5 and wouldn't be able to hear the noises I was complaining about (there was also a strange noise coming form one of the fans). The guy suggested that I brought it back some other time, and said he was absolutely sure he wouldn't find anything (turns out these guys also happen to be clairvoyants, or so they seem to think!) Coming from America I find it really hard to believe how rude and stupid the apple people can be at this store in The Hague, but unfortunately I can't avoid having to deal with them while I live here (there are endless horror stories about this particular shop). I don't have a car, so I had to take a cab there and back, which ran to about � 20, plus all the trouble and the wasted time. But sure, why not just bring it again some other time like the guy said?............
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Mar 12, 2009
My newly fixed Powermac Quad has fans blasting when it goes to sleep. Is this a hardware or software issue?
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Jul 13, 2010
ive searched around a lot and only found topics talking about the AGP PM (which the x800xt sounds like its the best card) but iam looking for the best card for the Quad 2.5 DC DP.
Ive got an older NV silencer also hanging around from an old gpu fan swap, so thats available for the upgrade aswell.
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May 24, 2007
I have this weird issue with my PowerBook (2nd last revision) for quite a while; whenever I plug my iPod headphones in I only hear audio on either the left or the right side. When I then go to the audio panel the audio balance is also to the left or the right. When I center it the audio is fine. However, when I plug again the headphones in at a later stage the audio balance is again off to the left or the right.
Is anybody familiair with this issue?
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Sep 23, 2010
Ok so my iMac g3 has a left speaker that doesn't work. The right one works fine and when I turn the volume up the left speaker kind of buzzes. Is it even worth replacing the internal speaker? (IIRC it looks pretty difficult)
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Sep 30, 2006
There appears to be what looks like a little window on the left corner of my PowerBook. It's almost as wide as the PC card slot, but not quite. What could this be? And is it supposed to be clear? PowerBook G4 Ti 800MHz DVI 15.2".
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Mar 21, 2007
PowerBook G4 Ti:Where can one look up the meaning of diagnostics codes? HDD diagnostics error code: ata1/6/3 HD:2,0 What does a single blinking LED on the battery mean? AppleCare does not show the HDD, chance it is ok but not connected? A friend's system wouldn't start up, he said I could take a look, asking me to recover some family photos from his Hard Disk Drive. This machine had not been used for months. So far I have uncovered two issues and would be grateful to receive further guidance here to get this machine up and going.
service history: 3/10/2005 = repaired directory errors, charged clock battery, installed optical drive. action: Remove PRAM battery and it powers up. I like to tinker, and I'm recently out of work, stumbled upon a place with step by step instructions to take apart at <http://homepage.mac.com/sysop/PhotoAlbum13.html>. Followed those steps and removed the persistent RAM (PRAM) battery, put it all back together ( except for a few screws, oops! ) and it powers up, and seems to be charging the battery as an LED lights up now. Took it apart again and checked Hard Disk Drive connections, appears ok. Put the PRAM battery back in ( battery shows: 616-0144-A, match to slide 35 ) and now the system boots ok. Maybe resetting the connections got things going, maybe the battery needed a kick, who knows............
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Aug 12, 2010
I noticed that this hasnt been asked on any thread as everyone is too busy debating on 3.2GHz vs. the 3.3GHz 6 core models.
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Oct 20, 2006
My friend was using her iBook when suddenly the screen went black and the following error flashes in the upper left corner of the screen in command line fashion:
dyld: Symbol not found: dyld_lazy_symbol_binding_entry_point
Referenced from: /usr/lib/libncurses.5.4.dylib
Expected in: /usr/lib/libncurses.5.4.dylib
Anybody have any idea what this is? It's a 500Mhz iBook G3 running OSX 10.4.7 (I believe).
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Apr 1, 2008
is it even possible to upgrade an old dual core powermac g5 to a quad core or even an 8 core.
I have a dual core one and i really need to upgrade to a quad or even 8 but it is so expensive to buy a whole brand new one and i was wondering if there was a way to just get a new processor and more ram or what not.
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Mar 24, 2012
How would I use the SCSI PCI card from my older Powermac G3 Server in my Powermac G4? System profiler says that it is connected, but no drivers are installed for it. Also, it doens't appear in the "Parallel SCSI" menu.
*Dual 450mhz Gigabit Ethernet, OSX 10.5.8
Power Mac G4 (Gigabit), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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