PowerPC :: PowerMac G5 Quad Fixing Boop Sound?

Nov 19, 2006

What is going on? For no apparent reason, this computer decided to start making random "booping" sounds this evening. There is no error, it's not the mail, it even does it when I have my external speakers turned off. Anyone else have this going on? This is the first time it has happened and it's been going on all evening.

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PowerPC :: 2 Sound Outputs On Powermac G5

Apr 24, 2010

So quick backstory my father is the owner of a club and i'm the dj and we are trying to replace our ancient and now broken dj computers with a not so ancient (but still old) dual PM G5 that ive had lying around for a couple years not doing much. We have a couple reasons for doing this and sadly most are for aesthetics because i must admit putting this case in the front booth just adds a bit of class to the whole thing.Well now to my problem/question.Is there anyway to make two different channels come out of the outputs, cause right now if i hook it up one digital and one analog it plays the same sound out of both which well, i can't do. So if thats not possible i guess i could use the pci slots to put a sound card in, but i was also was wondering if anyone knew of a good sound card that worked in this computer.

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OS X :: Macbook Intermittently Makes Ding Sound / Fixing?

Aug 10, 2009

My late 2008 macbook intermittently makes a gentle "ding" sound. By gentle I mean it's a sound effect, not the kind of beep you get from about to die hardware. I cannot work out at all what is causing it.

Sometimes it doesn't happen for weeks then will happen several times in a single day. It happens when I am not doing anything at all (ie. not even pressing keys).

I've checked all the sound effects that you can choose in system preferences and it's not the same sound as any of them. I don't use Mail or any other email clients but just in case I checked once when I heard the ding - and I didn't have any new mail. I've also checked my dashboard, and as far as I can see the calendar, clock, weather and calculator widgets don't seem to be set up to make some random alarm sound.

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MacBook Pro :: Fixing MBP 13" Hard Disk Ping Sound?

Sep 4, 2010

I have a noticed a couple of times when I move touch the MBP, I will hear what sounds like a hard disk "ping" sound, even though I have the hard disk sleep mode disabled on batter / power - everything functions perfectly though. It sounds like something tapping metal - only one "ping" sound (not constant ticking). Mine has the Hitachi 250GB hard disk. Should I be concerned and what is it?

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Hardware :: Computer Making Buzzing/humming Sound - Fixing It?

Sep 1, 2008

I've had my imac for under two years, and just recently I noticed it making an odd humming/buzzing sound at times. It's not the normal sound you hear when your hard drive is working hard, it's definitely different. It's not the speakers either, it happens whether they are on or muted.

My suspicion may be that it has something to do with the power. That's because I've been bug testing a mac beta game, and it often crashes my computer, and I have to manually turn off my computer by holding down the power button until it cuts the power.

Does anyone know why this may be and how I can prevent it/fix it?

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Windows On Mac :: Having A 2009 Quad And Sometimes The Sound Works / Sometimes It Doesn't?

Aug 26, 2009

Hello, I have a 2009 Quad and sometimes the sound works in vista and sometimes it doesn't. Does anyone know why or know of a fix?

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PowerPC :: Fixing USB Performance On IMac G5?

Jan 1, 2010

I have an external USB hard drive (WD Elements 1.5TB) and an external DVD drive (LiteOn iHAS422-08 in a Vantec NST-530SU enclosure) hooked up to the USB ports on the back. I can't seem to get more than 5Mb/sec out of them. That's USB 1.1 level performance from these USB 2.0 devices, even though I have no USB 1.1 devices hooked up to the machine (other than the keyboard). Bluetooth is off. I've tried completely powering down but that didn't change anything. What could be the cause of this problem?

iMac G5 Rev B
OSX 10.5.8

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IMac :: Sound Card In Quad Core Integrated In Motherboard?

Nov 10, 2009

Does anyone know what sound card the quad cores come with? Is it integrated into the motherboard?

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Titanium Battery Fixing?

Mar 3, 2008

I have and old, but powerful, powerbook g4 667 (gigabit ethernet) with leopard 10.5.2 and runs well, but the battery is crazy:

Capacidad de plena carga (mAh):26564 (full capacity charge)

It's possible to fix? I read that reseting power management, but doesn't seems to work. It's is possible that leopard is causing this? the battery problems begin when install leopard.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 - Fixing Power Cable Connector?

Jan 4, 2008

This is quite an interesting situation I'm in.

Today during High School, my first period, I noticed a Mac iBook G4 in the recycle pile used by my schools Tech department. I decided to swoop it up and give it a whirl, and see for myself what the problem with it was.

When I first powered it on, I was receiving a scrambled signal on my display. It was merely a white screen with lines in it, after a while of tinkering, even grabbing a few mac knowledgeable buddies of mine to see if they could do anything. It seemed like this would drag on, and I would not fix it.

In the end, we ended up tapping the screen and seeing a faint hope of light, that light was the appearance of the desktop! Unfortunately, the screen soon vanished back into it's scrambled state. Upon further tapping, we could only figure it was a problem with the connection of the display to the logic board.

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PowerPC :: Fixing IBook G4 Broken Power Connector?

Jul 15, 2008

My sister has just broken off the central pin to her iBook G4 which is now wedged inside the connector. Obviously the ac adapter is screwed and needs replacing but short of pulling out the offending pin from the inside of the connector, would I have to replace the power supply? How complicated is this? Cost? Any guides etc?

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PowerPC :: Dark Corner On IBook G4 Screen / Fixing It?

Aug 10, 2008

I recently noticed a dark corner on my iBook's screen I am not exactly sure what it is It does not show up when there was a white screen from a movie playing in fullscreen Anyone have any ideas??

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PowerPC :: Value Of Powermac G5

Aug 1, 2010

There is a Powermac G5 available in my area for $450. Its a dual core 2.3 and a nvidia GeForce 6600 and he is including a 20 inch ACD. I don't know if its a great deal, but I think it would be great, because I could build something wild in that case later.

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PowerPC :: Overclocking Possible For PowerMac G4 1.42 DP?

Nov 17, 2010

I recently bought a PowerMac G4 1.42GHz Dual Processor. It has 2 gigs of RAM on it. It was a fair deal I think. The "thing" is still looking like new and shiny. Even the insides are still tidy and intact. My question is, would I still be able to pump more juice from this beast. It still run fast comparable to some decent windoze box. Up to how much processor can i be able to squeeze out the CPU and if possible, how to?

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PowerPC :: G$ PowerMac Shuts Itself Off?

Apr 18, 2007

I have a G4 Power Mac. It's the "digital audio" model that has been upgraded with a 1.2Ghz G4 processor. It works well except for one thing. It shuts down randomly and suddenly. Then after 5 or 10 minutes it turns itself back on, reboots and runs fine. (It is set to re-boot after a power failure.)I suspect what is happing is the power supply is turnning itself off due to some kind of a thermal, self protection switch. The fan seems to work but the PS gets warm.What's the cure? Replace the power supply? If so where to get a new(er) one?

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PowerPC :: G4 PowerMac That Will Not Boot Up?

Nov 2, 2007

I have a G4 PowerMac that will not boot up. I power up the computer and it stalls on a grey screen with text prompting me to type <<boot>> if you wish to continue...or something like that. Does anyone have any advice on how I might troubleshoot this? The computer was working fine for a few days before this occured. It has been unused and sitting is storage for a while.

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PowerPC :: Fans Of The PowerMac G4 DP 1.25 Ghz Or 1.42 Ghz?

Mar 7, 2008

I just upgraded from a Powermac G3 (1st rev.) to a Powermac G4 DP 1.25 ghz... so much faster! Any other fans here? Any cool stories to tell about it?

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PowerPC :: PowerMac G5 Not Booting?

Jun 11, 2008

I have a PowerMac G5 dual 1.8ghz running leopard. It worked flawlessly since the day I bought it.

Then as of last week whenever I booted the computer I would get the gray screen with a black box saying to reboot the computer (in 5 different languages). I would reboot the computer. Same screen.

Is there some way to check what is wrong? Is this typically a hardware issue or an operating system?

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PowerPC :: Powermac G4 Not Booting Up?

Sep 19, 2008

I was installing Tiger using FireWire from my Powermac G4 and it was nearly done when my Powerbook (target) died due to lack of battery... When the Powermac was rebooted, I get only a question mark and flashing smile.

I tried to test the C and T keys holding them down during boot up but only get the smiley face every single time... I even disconnected the secondary drive to no avail.

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PowerPC :: G5 Powermac Not Booting From CD?

Sep 22, 2008

Please could you help me with this problem that i've got with my Powermac G5.

Spec is
Dual G5
2gb ram

I'm trying to boot from the Mac OS cd (tried 10.4 that it came with and 10.5) and both get to the grey screen with the Apple Logo and that's as far as it gets. No spinning loading wheel.

Tried the following..

PRAM reset
Swapping Ram out

Is there anything else i can do. It's a really good machine so i hope it's not needing a Logic Board repair!

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PowerPC :: Powermac G4 Will Not Power On

Jan 27, 2009

Currently it is almost entirely unresponsive. I came to wake it from sleep a few days ago and it refused to wake. It is totally unresponsive to the power button on the Apple Cinema display and when the power button on the front of the tower is used the button lights up blue and then goes out. There is no fan activity or other sign of life. There is no burned oder or evidence of anything charred.It is a dual 1.42 MDD FW800 machine with AGP graphics. Model: M8570So far I have:

-Removed and reseated the graphics card, RAM and other PCI cards.
-Removed battery and let it sit unplugged over night.
-Performed PMU reset. (once)

At this point I have come to believe the power supply needs to be replaced. it is model: 614-0224 (360w). After looking online they are stupidly expensive, from $180 to over $500 each. I will be ordering a new MB (PRAM?) battery (Saft 3.6v LS14250C) and replacing that as well.

- Have I missed anything here? Is there any other explanation or method of troubleshooting I should try?
- Is there any cheaper source for the power supplies? Why are they so absurdly expensive? Does anyone here want to give me a sweetheart deal on one?
- Can anyone recommend a source for the LS14250C battery locally in Manhattan? Radioshack has it as an online only item and wants $15 for it.

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PowerPC :: What Type Of Ram Does The Powermac G4 Use?

Apr 7, 2009

What type of ram does the powermac g4 use? im looking into buying some and the about this mac just says sdram,but newegg has two different types of sdram. so what type does it use

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PowerPC :: Need Some Info On Powermac G5

Nov 4, 2009

I have always been in love with the power mac G5's.so, I am going to sell my G4 mac mini to buy one. I was wondering if I would be better off buying a single 1.8 and buying 2 gigs of ram. or, buying a dual 1.8 and only having the 1gb of ram?

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PowerPC :: Where Is The Ninth G5 Powermac Fan Is?

Aug 9, 2010

I'm just curious, does anyone know where the ninth G5 powermac fan is?


1 spinning storage

1 pci cards

4 processor and ram

2 on the front of the PSU

where's the ninth?

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PowerPC :: Moving HD From G5 1.6 To Either G5 Quad Or Mac Pro?

Jan 16, 2007

When upgrading my G5 I simply backed up the old drive to the neww 500 gig drive in bay 2 and then switched them. Could I just switch it to a Quad and the voila! it works? Could it be that simple or will I need to reinstall all the software?

What about installing the drive into a Macpro? Could I just place it in a bay and then run all my programs, like Photoshop, Imageprint, and Office?

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PowerPC :: Using Quad G5 Mulitple?

Apr 17, 2009

I just purchased a Quad G5, from the original owner. Original owner, stated, that the machine was in excellent condition, and had not had any problems, nor parts replaced under Apple Care Warranty. Twice today, I had programs crash. 1st crash involved Photoshop CS3 Ext. 2nd Crash, involved FireFox & Photo Mechanic, which then I received a message from within OS X, to restart my tower.

I am quite surprised about the crashes, and do not know what to do, nor expect. Before, I received the G5, the HDD was wiped, with a fresh install of 10.5.6...

I'm also having a Bus Power issue. Before the G5, I had an aluminum keyboard, plugged into my iMac C2D, and I had no problem with Bus power, driving either my Thumb Drive or HDD, but with the Keyboard, hooked to the G5, I'm getting insufficient power warnings
Also, my 23" ACD will not go to sleep. I've got the screen saver set to 3 mins, which does come up, and the time set to 10 mins, for the display to go to sleep. However, when it hits the 10 min threshold, the screen blinks off for a second, then reverts to the active desktop, and the cycle begins again.

Also, with the 23" ACD, I'm seeing, what appears to be a ghosting effect, when I have apps layered on top of each other. It has been occurring with various apps, such as having Photo Mechanic on bottom, then Firefox on top, then Photoshop on top of it.

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PowerPC :: Air-cooled My G5 Quad?

Jul 22, 2010

Well I'm kinda basically overhauling my G5 LCS so I figured, why not lets try and put a heatsink from my 1.8ghz G5 onto the quad G5 CPU since I have it out. I only have one CPU in it right now and it's actually doing pretty damn good. I set the Energy prefs to Reduced as a precaution.

If I ditch the LCS and make this a permanent setup, I will have to machine some custom brackets to hold the heatsinks to the logicboard/case. I have the G5 laid on it's side at the moment since there is no way to fasten the 1.8ghz heatsink down.

Below is a screenshot of the temps

This is with a constant 50% load on the CPUs as I just have it folding right now.

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PowerPC :: SATA Controller For PowerMac G4

Nov 22, 2010

I have a PowerMac G4 (MDD 2003, I believe) that I use as my home media server for my Apple TV. Currently I have a 14+14GB boot RAID and 75+75GB storage RAID, using old PATA drives, of course. This is working great and is pretty well performing so far, but I'm going to run out of space eventually since I'm a packrat. I'm thinking that this Christmas will be a good time to renovate this machine, so here's the question MacRumors: What's the best SATA controller for my machine? PS: It's a dual 1.25GHz PowerMac 3,6. In MacTracker, this matches 3 different machines. Is there a way to find out which one this truly is?

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PowerPC :: How Can I Speed Up The PowerMac G5 Fans?

Jan 4, 2011

My PowerMac G5 fans hardly ever speed up. I mean they certainly never go full speed or ever close how they sometimes behave on start up. I never get the jet speed noise. Even when I am rendering a movie in FCP, I hardly hear the fans. Right now on idle, iStat pro reports CPU A being 58C and CPU B being 56C. Yet, the fans are still only 400RPM both CPUS Intake/Outake.

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PowerPC :: Powermac G5 SP 1.8 Roaring Fans

Oct 26, 2006

I have a strange problem with the powermac G5 1.8 SP, yes the one with the hardware bug. It was my first mac, what a dissapointment. The bug was partly solved with the firmware upgrade, but after that it still behaved strangely. The fans suddenly go up to maximum speed every hour, then quikcly return to normal. There still have been lockup's / beachballing with USB, and overall slow performance.Now I am running the latest mac osx Tiger version, about a few weeks ago, the fans start revving up almost to maximum, all the time, regardless of cpu load. The cpu temperature reads about 60...65 degrees centigrade when idling (minimum cpu load), cpu setting is already on "reduced speed". After switching-on, cpu temperature is already 60 degrees centigrade. The cpu heatsink is stonecold, as is the exhaust airflow. The cpu 2 fans roar like mad and keep revving up and down. When I remove the plastic transparent cover, the photocell is activated and a red LED comes on, now the fans immediately return to normal speed. Anybody else had similar problems wit the powermac G5 SP 1.8Ghz ?

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