PowerPC :: Powerbook Not Starting Up / No Noise No Picture?

Sep 17, 2008

The machine I'm having trouble with is a Powerbook G4 17" 1.33GHz with 2GB RAM. This machine has been very well cared for. It's mostly been used as a backup machine of late. When I do need to take it out with me, it's transported in a InCase padded Napa leather case.I mostly use it plugged into AC, and when I have it plugged in for longer than 24h, I remove the battery.

It is running for the most part of the day when in use. And when it is in use, it rests on a Cooler Master fan cooler pad to help with the cooling. I just close the lid when I'm done with it. The only time that it is shutdown or rebooted is when an update or installation requires.

So recently I brought it along to a friend's place, and she borrowed the machine to browse the internet. Being unfamiliar with the sleep function, she shut it down. After this, I cannot get it to start up again. Some of the measures I've taken to try and revive it are:

1. Resetting the PMU (shift-ctrl-option-power, wait 5s, start).

2. Removing AC + battery and holding power for 10s.

3. Reseating the RAM (swapping slots, removing one stick at a time, replacing the RAM with the original 512MB stick).

After all this, I still get nothing. I mean nothing. No chime. No grey screen. No spinning gear. No latch light. No fan. No whirrl-clunk from SD. When I say nothing, I want you understand I'm getting absolutely nothing.

There is a weird thing though. The battery indicator (5 LEDs on bottom of the battery) work. The AC ring indicate fully charged (green ring) and charging (orange ring). With the AC ring indicating charging (orange ring), and I invoke the PMU reset, it momentarily turns green before resuming on orange.

I've tried looking high and low for anyone with remotely the same problem, and can't seem to find anything like this.As far as I can tell, I think it's either a logic board failure or a PRAM battery failure.

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PowerPC :: My PowerBook G4 Has A Red Tint After Waking/starting It Up?

Mar 20, 2009

Like, when the gray screen turns on, it has a reddish hue. after a couple minutes, colors restore to normal.

then if my screensaver kicks in, and I wake it up, even immediately, I can see that reddish hue and watch it slowly transform into the proper color.

What does this mean? Does it mean that my bought-in-2004 1.33 ghz PowerBook G4 is dying of age? it's nto necessarily the computer itself, but the screen.

y'know how in school, when the overhead projector would start to look brownish? and then a few days/weeks later, *explosion* the bulb has burned out?

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PowerPC :: 12 Inch Powerbook Not Starting Up / Using Install Disk From A 15 Inch Powerbook G4

Oct 15, 2008

My 12 inch powerbook does not start up. Instead it loads to Darwin. I have an install disk from a 15 inch powerbook G4 and I would like to know if using this would work on my 12 inch powerbook G4?

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PowerPC :: Annoying Static Noise Coming From Powerbook

Dec 10, 2006

My Powerbook has been making a static-y sound from the back of it at random times. It sometimes won't do it all day, and then it will randomly start, and won't go away for a while. It's actually doing it right now! I've tried putting it to sleep for a few minutes, but it started back up again when i woke it up. There, it just stopped again! It can last from a few minutes to an hour, completely randomly! This problem started when I had Apple replace the logic board on the Powerbook a few months back, and numerous repairs later, nothing has changed, so I'm hoping someone here has an easy fix!

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PowerPC :: Powerbook Fans Are Constantly On - Makes Alot Of Noise

Oct 18, 2007

My fans are constantly going on my g4 powerbook and the noise drives me nuts. I do all sorts of work - graphics (CS2), music recording, multimedia... but even when I am just not doing anything intensive the fans are on.

The fans are at full speed now and the temp reads 37C / 98F. I've used an icurve since I got the machine.I've put up with this noisy sound for a couple years now. One person said I need to clean the air vents, like dust is causing the noise. Does anyone know about this?

its a g4 titanium powerbook 867 mhz 768 RAM (ancient I know but it still works!)

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PowerPC :: 15" Powerbook Suddenly Making Loud Buzzing Noise And Crashing?

Feb 28, 2008

I have an older 15" powerbook Titanium. About five years old now. Been working pretty well all five years, save for an external hinge I had to replace. Last night, the computer started buzzing from the insides, a buzzing reminiscent of a distant chainsaw. The program i was working in (firefox) just went to the pinwheel of doom and never recovered. I moved to the finder, which did the same. I forced booted. Same noise. Same problems. I can use programs for a few minutes, but then they pinwheel of doom and the computer freezes out.

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Software :: Powerbook G4 Not Starting Up?

Oct 26, 2005

My Powerbook G4 is not starting up. When I press the startup button, I get the white screen with the grey apple, but that's it. I don't get thr little revolving "wheel" that usually signifies the startup process is working.

Prior to this problem, it was taking a very long time to start up but eventually would start up.

I've tried holding down the option key while pressing the start button- this worked yesterday, but won't work today.

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Software :: Powerbook G4 10.5.5 Not Starting Up?

Nov 1, 2008

My laptop crashed and refuses to reboot. Ive tried all the keyboard shortcuts without success. I get as far as the white screen with apple logo and the spinning wheel but nothing else happens. When i booted up whilst holding Control V I got a black screen with writing but I did not really understand what it meant.

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OS X :: IBook Starting Making Spinning Noise

Apr 10, 2009

I have a friend with an ibook and it was working fine until one day all the sudden it started making a spinning noise and he restarted it then on startup it beeped.

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Windows On Mac :: XP Is Not Starting On Powerbook (parallels)?

Feb 23, 2010

it started once when I installed xp. all went fine. I was installing some soft I needed. Now it doesn't want to start. will freeze with phrase like this , with difference of cekunds.

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Software :: 17" Powerbook G4 Not Starting Up After Entering Login Password?

Nov 29, 2008

17" Powerbook G4 not starting up (OS X 10.4.11). Powers on, to first login 'user' screen, after entering password, never loads, the 'spotlight' icon appears in the upper righthand corner, and the 'busy' wheel spins when the cursor is moved over it, else nothing. Tried 'X' on startup force OSX startup in vain.

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PowerPC :: Powerbook Battery - Significance Of Levels For Powerbook G4 15''

Nov 15, 2006

I am leaving for a week long trip and many parts of it will not be able to run the computer off of the powercord, which is a problem because I get about 40mins of wordprocessing use out of it when I run the battery alone. Can someone explain what the significance of these levels are for my Powerbook G4 15'' (Alm) 1.25GHz, namely the cycle count and full charge/remaining capacity?

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Software :: Powerbook G4 Hard Drive Or Fan Noise?

Oct 31, 2009

I have a Powerbook G4 with Mac OS X 10.4.11

Its about 4-5 years old now.

Recently the hard drive or fan (I think) has started to get louder. The noise is coming from the top left hand side of powerbook. Every so often it makes a loud churning sound for a bit, then it will slow down and stop.

1. Is this the hard drive or fan?

2. Can this be fixed?

3. Is this the end of my Powerbook?

4. What should I do?

Hardware Overview:

Machine Name:PowerBook G4 15"
Machine Model:PowerBook5,8
CPU Type:PowerPC G4 (1.5)
Number Of CPUs:1
CPU Speed:1.67 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU):512 KB
Memory:2 GB
Bus Speed:167 MHz
Boot ROM Version:4.9.6f0

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Windows On Mac :: High Pitched Noise When Starting Bootcamp Windows

Sep 1, 2010

after i get to the windows loading screen my mac just throws out a consistent high pitched sound and shows a black screen, i can only get into bootcamp windows when i unplug the computer and start it up with the running windows normally option. is this a virus?

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PowerPC :: Starting Up Dual 1.42 GHz Firewire 800 G4

Aug 5, 2007

I recently bought a firewire 800 dual 1.42 GHz G4 power mac, which didn't have a hard drive or memory. I bought some memory from OWC and I threw a hard drive in it. When I press the power button I hear the startup sound however there is no video on the monitor. I'm trying to figure out whether it's a bad motherboard, video card, or if it could possibly be something else like the power supply. I have reset the PMU to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could do to figure out which component is bad?

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PowerPC :: Not Starting Up - Automatically Shut Off?

Sep 14, 2009

My powerbook will not start up all the way. It suddenly went off yesterday and did not give any noticeable warning. I left it alone after trying to start it up several times. I tried again today and had the same problem. I will here the motor for a few seconds and then nothing. Also, it did come on twice, went off both times when titled the entire laptop up. So, if I tilt it at anytime it automatically shut off.

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Software :: Re-starting A G5 PowerPC From A MacBook Pro?

Feb 20, 2009

I have a G5 powerpc that is flashing a question mark. Whenever this has happened in my life with previous Macs i have pulled out my trusty install disc and fixed the problem, however i have lost the install disc.

I do have an intel MacBook Pro. Is there anyway i can wipe and install OSX on my PowerPC via my MacBook Pro without buying an OSX install disc?

Also, i had read that i could boot in safe mode by holding down shift but this has no effect. Does anyone know why?

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PowerPC :: G4 Stuck At Login Window Starting Screen

Sep 23, 2010

I have an old G4, think its a powerMac, not sure. It was given to me. When i try to boot up, its loading up, but its stuck at "login window starting" screen.

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Full - System Not Starting Up

Sep 8, 2007

Did a quick search and couldn't find anything. My HD in my powerbook and full and I can't seem to start up my powerbook because the hard drive is so full. Does anyone know a way to get the computer started up so I can free up some space in my hard drive? I also have an external HD if that is of any help.

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PowerPC :: G5 IMac Not Starting UP/loading Bar Doesn't Load

Mar 7, 2008

I turned my iMac on today and it starts up to the blue screen with the welcome screen but the loading bar doesn't load at all and it just freezes. Nothing has changed between today and yesterday

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PowerPC :: No Space On Hard Drive - Starting From Scratch

Jan 30, 2009

I have a first generation iMac G5 and it come with 80GB of internal storage. The drive is so full that I rarely have more than 2 GB available. Even seeing 1 is becoming hard. I checked the size of all the areas of the computer and together all the files visible on the Macintosh HD only amount to about 61GB This leaves anywhere between 17-19GB (counting the way they measure GB) of space that is not accounted for. I understand there are hidden system files and other things that are not visible to the Finder, but this number seems outrageous. I was thinking of backing up my entire computer. Zeroing out the hardrive and reinstalling the OS and starting from scratch. If I wanted to do this maintaining the same documents files applications preferences and users.

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PowerPC :: Apple Cube And Monitor Not Displaying A Picture?

Jan 9, 2009

Just got a cube and a 17" ADC studio monitor off ebay from different sellers and there is a problem with one of them... when i connect everything and I switch everything on the cube turns on and automatically switches the monitor on but I get no picture. I get the tune that the thing started up but no picture at all

i tried the cube with a very old compaq monitor i had running around that uses vga and still no picture...

I guess it is the cube that is the bad thing... Am I guessing right?

what can I do to solve the problem (apart from getting another cube)

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PowerPC :: G5 Dual 1.8 S-Video To 720p - Black And White Picture

Sep 15, 2009

I just got a G5 1.8 Dual and have an S-Video connector I would like to run to my 720p tv to view my itunes movies. I am using the s-video in on my HK receiver. The picture is pretty sharp, but it is in black and white. I am running 10.5.8, and I have the same problem when I connect my MBP running 10.6. ?

No worries. A direct connect to tv solves the problem.

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PowerPC :: G5 Constant Fan Noise?

Oct 1, 2006

I've got a RevB iMac G5 20" (1.5 GB ram) for a year and a half now, and since the last six months, the fans becomes quickly really loud for no apparent reason. It seems that my iMac think he is an helicopter and he want to take off by spinning it's fans the fastest it can. This is really annoying and it was not like that in the begining. It prevents me from doing audio conversations: the fan are so loud they make it impossible for the other to hear something else than my fans. Try convincing your friends to "switch to mac" with noise like that during an audio conversation! Sometimes just with firefox running I have my fans spinning really fast, with no intention of stopping anytime soon.

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PowerPC :: G4 Fan Noise Getting Too Loud

Mar 14, 2007

I had the fans and HDD replaced in my 1.67Ghz PB G4 in January, but I think the fan noise is getting too loud again, plus the HDD randomly squeaks and squeals. The problem with the random squealing is that I can never start the camera on my phone quick enough to record it, and it is completely random! Does anyone know what the normal operating noise is for my laptop, or where I can find this out from? The normal fan noise is OK, but when the processor is under full load and the fans kick in to full speed, it sounds like the vacuum cleaner is on in the room. Should I take it back to the shop? It was 'repaired' roughly 2months ago.

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PowerPC :: Dvd Picture Incredibly Screwed Up / Blue Screen With Music Playing At Startup

May 19, 2009

On Sunday I popped a DVD into my 1.5 12" Powerbook (756 ram, 100gb hd) and then picture got incredibly screwed up. I guess the best way to describe it is there were a mess of colors and lines everywhere. Trying to move windows around left a window trail on the screen.

First thing after this happened was that I got all the data off, then I popped in the original Panther disc and wanted to do a fresh install, it installed alright from the disc (albeit with issues on the screen), but when it started again, there was a blue screen while the music was playing (the music that comes on when you first get your mac).

Anyone have any suggestions on what to do? From some forum searching it seems to be a video card issue. I'm hoping to salvage it some how, but if not, it'll probably sell as parts. It's been so good for four years now, I was surprised it conked out so suddenly.

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PowerPC :: New HD And RAM For Powerbook?

Nov 22, 2006

I have a Powerbook G4 1.5 w/ 1GB of RAM and the stock 80GB HD. I've run this puppy pretty hard for a couple of years now, and it's lately started to lag a bit - perfectly natural. I was considering buying a new notebook but I've decided to wait until after Leopard comes. So my question is:

1) How do I determine the max RAM I can put in this machine?
2) Are there are specific specs I need to be concerned with when swapping out the Hard Drive? Any type, size limitations, speed limitations, etc.

I'd love a little input as to how I find out this info. I think instead of taking the notebook plunge now, I'm going to put a nice new hard drive in this one and possibly bump up the RAM a little more if it will take it.

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PowerPC :: Is Powerbook G4 802.11g Or B

Mar 14, 2007

So is the is Powerbook G4 802.11g or b? it is the 1.25GHz model. Also, one thing I don't understand regarding the airport extreme or any airport for that matter: isn't the maximum speed going to be completely determined by how much the cable provider, Comcast, pumps out?

If this is the case, how do I determine what my transfers and speeds are looking like specifically for Comcast? And, how would an airport extreme improve upon this or any other performance aspect in this regard?

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PowerPC :: Old Powerbook G4 Needs More RAM

Jul 18, 2007

Powerbook G4 (Ti-book) 667 mhz, 512 mb RAM. I finally after YEARS upgraded my OS (10.4.10), yay me! Just bought Adobe CS3 (for the new IMAC we have yet to buy), but I would like to install it on my Powerbook. SO, it it time to bump up to 1GB RAM. I was told it was tricky, and I should take it in to the apple store to install, but then I took a look under the keyboard, and it looks pretty simple. i have installed new RAM on a G5 tower, and this looks way easier. So, I am planning on buying the RAM either online or at FRY's, then installing it. BUT, I know I have to be careful of what type of RAM to buy. I found what I think will be good at [URL] but I will have to buy 2 (512's) as mine currently has 2 (256). I guess I just want to make sure I am not going about this the wrong way before I drop about $200 for RAM upgrade...

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PowerPC :: Right RAM For Powerbook G4?

Sep 27, 2007

I have a 15' Powerbook G4 1.67, currently with 512 of ram....so i'm shopping for an upgrade, but not sure which specific type to go with. In my system profile it says i'm running..

Speed: PC2700U-25330

And these are the types i've been seeing to choose from.

G4 15-inch 1.67GHz (DDR M9676LL/A) Memory
G4 15-inch 1.67GHz (DDR M9677LL/A) Memory
G4 15-inch 1.67GHz Double Layer DDR2 (M9969LL/A) Memory

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