Software :: Re-starting A G5 PowerPC From A MacBook Pro?
Feb 20, 2009
I have a G5 powerpc that is flashing a question mark. Whenever this has happened in my life with previous Macs i have pulled out my trusty install disc and fixed the problem, however i have lost the install disc.
I do have an intel MacBook Pro. Is there anyway i can wipe and install OSX on my PowerPC via my MacBook Pro without buying an OSX install disc?
Also, i had read that i could boot in safe mode by holding down shift but this has no effect. Does anyone know why?
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Aug 5, 2007
I recently bought a firewire 800 dual 1.42 GHz G4 power mac, which didn't have a hard drive or memory. I bought some memory from OWC and I threw a hard drive in it. When I press the power button I hear the startup sound however there is no video on the monitor. I'm trying to figure out whether it's a bad motherboard, video card, or if it could possibly be something else like the power supply. I have reset the PMU to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could do to figure out which component is bad?
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Sep 14, 2009
My powerbook will not start up all the way. It suddenly went off yesterday and did not give any noticeable warning. I left it alone after trying to start it up several times. I tried again today and had the same problem. I will here the motor for a few seconds and then nothing. Also, it did come on twice, went off both times when titled the entire laptop up. So, if I tilt it at anytime it automatically shut off.
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Sep 17, 2008
The machine I'm having trouble with is a Powerbook G4 17" 1.33GHz with 2GB RAM. This machine has been very well cared for. It's mostly been used as a backup machine of late. When I do need to take it out with me, it's transported in a InCase padded Napa leather case.I mostly use it plugged into AC, and when I have it plugged in for longer than 24h, I remove the battery.
It is running for the most part of the day when in use. And when it is in use, it rests on a Cooler Master fan cooler pad to help with the cooling. I just close the lid when I'm done with it. The only time that it is shutdown or rebooted is when an update or installation requires.
So recently I brought it along to a friend's place, and she borrowed the machine to browse the internet. Being unfamiliar with the sleep function, she shut it down. After this, I cannot get it to start up again. Some of the measures I've taken to try and revive it are:
1. Resetting the PMU (shift-ctrl-option-power, wait 5s, start).
2. Removing AC + battery and holding power for 10s.
3. Reseating the RAM (swapping slots, removing one stick at a time, replacing the RAM with the original 512MB stick).
After all this, I still get nothing. I mean nothing. No chime. No grey screen. No spinning gear. No latch light. No fan. No whirrl-clunk from SD. When I say nothing, I want you understand I'm getting absolutely nothing.
There is a weird thing though. The battery indicator (5 LEDs on bottom of the battery) work. The AC ring indicate fully charged (green ring) and charging (orange ring). With the AC ring indicating charging (orange ring), and I invoke the PMU reset, it momentarily turns green before resuming on orange.
I've tried looking high and low for anyone with remotely the same problem, and can't seem to find anything like this.As far as I can tell, I think it's either a logic board failure or a PRAM battery failure.
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Mar 20, 2009
Like, when the gray screen turns on, it has a reddish hue. after a couple minutes, colors restore to normal.
then if my screensaver kicks in, and I wake it up, even immediately, I can see that reddish hue and watch it slowly transform into the proper color.
What does this mean? Does it mean that my bought-in-2004 1.33 ghz PowerBook G4 is dying of age? it's nto necessarily the computer itself, but the screen.
y'know how in school, when the overhead projector would start to look brownish? and then a few days/weeks later, *explosion* the bulb has burned out?
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Sep 23, 2010
I have an old G4, think its a powerMac, not sure. It was given to me. When i try to boot up, its loading up, but its stuck at "login window starting" screen.
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Sep 8, 2007
Did a quick search and couldn't find anything. My HD in my powerbook and full and I can't seem to start up my powerbook because the hard drive is so full. Does anyone know a way to get the computer started up so I can free up some space in my hard drive? I also have an external HD if that is of any help.
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Mar 7, 2008
I turned my iMac on today and it starts up to the blue screen with the welcome screen but the loading bar doesn't load at all and it just freezes. Nothing has changed between today and yesterday
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Jan 30, 2009
I have a first generation iMac G5 and it come with 80GB of internal storage. The drive is so full that I rarely have more than 2 GB available. Even seeing 1 is becoming hard. I checked the size of all the areas of the computer and together all the files visible on the Macintosh HD only amount to about 61GB This leaves anywhere between 17-19GB (counting the way they measure GB) of space that is not accounted for. I understand there are hidden system files and other things that are not visible to the Finder, but this number seems outrageous. I was thinking of backing up my entire computer. Zeroing out the hardrive and reinstalling the OS and starting from scratch. If I wanted to do this maintaining the same documents files applications preferences and users.
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Oct 15, 2008
My 12 inch powerbook does not start up. Instead it loads to Darwin. I have an install disk from a 15 inch powerbook G4 and I would like to know if using this would work on my 12 inch powerbook G4?
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Jun 20, 2014
I've had Last fm for a while, and whenever I plug in my iPhone or iPad, it will randomly start on its own, even after I force quit the app, it keeps doing it, and it drives me insane, it'll start up in the most inconvenient times, and I have to quit it at least three times before it finally stops starting itself. Is there a way to fix this, or do I just need to uninstall it and be done with last fm ?
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Nov 28, 2009
"You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the Restart button."
I get this message everytime I turn on my MacBook Air and cannot get past it.
When i turn the power off, it hang for quite a long time and this screen appears,
Macbook Air OS x 10.5.
Before this happened, i went on skype and firefox. But then it hanged, so i had to hold the power button to shut it down. I meant to restart it back but then i couldnt. This problem appears.
Just before it happened, i dont have any start up application. But before, they were adium, skype and transmission. And my 'HUAWEI mobile connect broadband internet' connect automatically. and i dont use time machine.
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Dec 31, 2009
I try shutting down my macbook pro either from being logged in or the login window and it shuts down then after a few seconds restarts.
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Apr 17, 2010
so I have read most of the start up problems, and mine is different. Whenever I shut down and try to start my computer again, I am not able to get my computer to turn back on. I hit the power button, and hear the computer humming, but not the typical hum-hum that usually occurs. My screen remains black with no activity. After 5 to 10 attempts at this, the computer starts up fine, and I have no problems with it running. I do not have this problem when I use the restart function, say after I download a software update. This problem is driving me nuts as I am afraid I can not shut off my computer!
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Aug 24, 2008
After getting a message to upgrade airport, quick time , security and another two things that I do not remember I got a message that upgrade was not done and restart the MB. I did the restart but when the sign MAC OS X starting up shows it freezes there for ever. I tried disk utility from the disk but it tells me that disk is OK needs no repair. Tried single user mode , the same, tried to reistall OS after first disk blue emty screen.
Safe mode not opening. Is there a way to get back my data ? and make the system work again?
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Feb 29, 2012
When i try to start my macbook pro 13" (early 2011) I get a black screen and it beeps three times. Based on internet research it appears to be a RAM problem. The closest store is 2 hours away and I don't want to send it away.Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 14, 2012
Yesterday my MBP suddenly froze while starting Google Sketch. Not just the program, but the entire computer. After a few seconds the screen started flashing like crazy. I waited a minute or so before I forced it to shut down.
After doing so I turned it back on and now it will not start up. I can turn it on, but then I will only see the turning wheel thing you always see. After a few minutes of turning wheel the wheel will freeze.
Talked to my local macstore and they told me to try and reinstall my entire system before sending it to a repair guy. And here is my problem.
It will not boot from a Cd or en usb with Lion on it. Not when holding "C", shift or any of the other keys down.
This morning I managed to boot from the system CD and erase my harddrive and start installation but, then it froze for an hour andIi had to shut it down again. Now I am back to not being able to boot from my system CD. Â Â
Is it a hardware error or what. My Mac is pretty old. It is the one just before the current MBP design came out. But have another computer, but I use this one a lot, so it is really frustrating that this should happen just before a possible new Mbp design.. Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 9, 2012
It seems like my MacBook Pro starts up pretty slow, about 20 to 30 seconds. I don't think this was the case before, I have the HD almost full but it has been like this for a while and just a few weeks back started to do this slow start behavior.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMac and iPhone - Lion OS
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Jun 24, 2012
I recently upgraded the RAM and Hard Drive in my Macbook Pro 2012. I know that the first time it boots up it is suppose to boot up slower, but what about the times after. I upgraded the RAM to Corsair 8gb 1333 MHz DDR3 and the Hard Drive to the Seagate Momentus XT 500gb.
MacBook Pro
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Jul 5, 2012
I've just updated my MacBook Pro to the 10.7.4 update, and after that update I couldnt boot my MacBook Pro anymore.
I doesnt pass the loading grey screen with the apple icon and spinning wheel. I tried to find solution on the internet, but unfortunately I couldnt find the fix yet.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 23, 2014
I have a Mid 2007 MacBook (Core 2 Duo, 2.20 GHz, 2GB, OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard) and I am having a problem with iTunes. I have a fresh install and was going to sell the computer to a client when I realized that iTunes had a serious problem. Whenever I go to launch iTunes, I click on the dock icon. It bounces multiple times on the first attempt, but the program never launches by showing "iTunes" in the top menu. The little light never comes on beneath the icon either. Also note that on each attempt afterwards the icon only bounces once and then stops.
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Dec 10, 2010
I upgraded my MacBook's ram tonight and now when I turn it on the Apple logo an spinning thing come up then after a bit the screen dims and it says, "you need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button untill it turns off, then press the power button again." I had two 1gb sticks and I put in a 2gb so I'll have three. I put the new one in the top slot but accidentally poped up the bottom one too. I've tryed about four times and put the original one in and get the same results. Could it be that I didn't push it in enough. If I can't get it to work tonight can I take it to the Apple store for them to see, and will I still be covered, I know they don't cover the new ram.
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Mar 30, 2009
i have a year with a mackbook pro an it's work excelent. recently i leave my laptop doing a rip process, when i came back the screen was 'dirty' (a crazy carachteres forming down lines in the scrreen). I restart it then. but when it's staring, the apple sign apears 'dirty' again, and before that, a message in 4 idioms tell me that i must have restart my machine. I'been doing this several times... and the same happends again and again.
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Jun 28, 2009
I bought my 13" Macbook Sept 2007 and I've cleared it off and reinstalled everything once since I bought it just to keep it clean.
I haven't had any problems until yesterday (June 28, '09), I tried to start it and it won't go past the gray screen with the logo and spinning disc.
I've tried these suggestions:
None of these have worked. Tried the PRAM, taking out the batter and adapter and holding down the power key etc.
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Feb 2, 2012
when starting my mac air a lot os utilities opens, I would like to change the start up, how?
iPod shuffle, iOS 5.0.1
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Feb 22, 2012
Why does computer keep saying it has to restart while in safari?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 12, 2012
I updated my 27" IMac memory up to 16 GB, so I was encouraged to do the same with my MacBook Pro after watching the video and instructions. However My MacBook Pro wouldn't start afterwards.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Intel based 13" MacBook Pro
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Apr 5, 2012
I have a MBP 15 inch 2.33GHZ running Snow leopard, ran silently out of battery for probably 24 hours, now fully recharged but doesn't boot up anymore. After switching on all I get is a light grey screen.
MacBook Pro
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Apr 7, 2012
My starting drive is full? How can solve this?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 10, 2012
Getting flashing folder with ? When booting up
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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