PowerPC :: 12 Inch Powerbook Not Starting Up / Using Install Disk From A 15 Inch Powerbook G4
Oct 15, 2008
My 12 inch powerbook does not start up. Instead it loads to Darwin. I have an install disk from a 15 inch powerbook G4 and I would like to know if using this would work on my 12 inch powerbook G4?
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Feb 6, 2007
I've got a 15in Titanium Powerbook which I've had for about 4 years and can't see any reason to change it. I'm running OSX 10.3.9, 867Mhz processor, 1MB L3 Cache and 1GB SDRAM. I'd like to get an external monitor, at least 20in, maybe a 23in. I have a few questions though.
1) A fellow mac user said my PB might struggle to power the larger monitor due to the older graphics card. Is this true?
2) If yes... are there any upgrades I can do to allow me to buy an external monitor?
3) If its fine, any recommendations on monitor? I can afford the 23in Apple Cinema, but I don't like spending money for no benefit. How are the other options compared to the Apple? IE Dell/Samsung etc.
4) Anything else I should check/know before purchasing?
5) Any recommended UK sites? If I go Apple I'll go to Regents Street, but what about other options.
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Jul 23, 2007
The 45 watt power adapter on my 12 inch powerbook is on it's last legs. I have access to a very cheap replacement but it's a 65 watt adapter that came with the 15 & 17 inch models. Is it safe to use this as a replacement?
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Jun 24, 2008
Power Book 15 inch G4
Flashing Question Mark.
I looked in my book that came with it.
-holding option key while pressing power button, the hardrive icon does not come up so I can click on it.
- it also told me to take power cord out, take battery out and then hold power button for 5 seconds...
Now, this morning my computer worked, but was acting weird. I put the OS Disc it came with to start from it to run disk repair/ check..
then the question mark came, so not only do I have that, my disc is now stuck in it.
ANy suggestions?
Bare with me, my boyfriend was in a motorcycle accident Saturday, had his foot amputated and is in serious condition. What a week...
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Dec 24, 2008
Have a problem with an PowerBook 867 upon turning on it starts with a normal screen for a few seconds and reverts to a dark screen and continues to load as normal except for dark screen if I can find the curser I can change resolutions and the screen will return to normal for a second then revert, have tried everything but nothing works , have tried reseting (button under keyboard, removing battery holding down option and control with R P keys etc) but nothing fixes, I have noticed this has happened to others on this forum but I cannot seem to find the answer can anybody help?
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Aug 12, 2009
I bought a powerbook off ebay, it worked but on startup occasionally a folder icon would appear. I rebooted from the original discs which seemed to do the trick. However the original discs are too old for many of my apps, so I bought some newer install discs (osx 10.5) I put the install disk in and got the panic message 'panic: Im hanging here'
The answer seems to be to run a disk repair (am i right?) However to do that I need to eject the install disc, I can't get the install disk out and of course it keeps tripping up everytime I start it. There is no secret little button to eject the disk manually. I have tried holding down apple and S but the install disk over rides everything and trips the mac up. I think ill be okay if I can just get this disk out.
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Sep 17, 2008
The machine I'm having trouble with is a Powerbook G4 17" 1.33GHz with 2GB RAM. This machine has been very well cared for. It's mostly been used as a backup machine of late. When I do need to take it out with me, it's transported in a InCase padded Napa leather case.I mostly use it plugged into AC, and when I have it plugged in for longer than 24h, I remove the battery.
It is running for the most part of the day when in use. And when it is in use, it rests on a Cooler Master fan cooler pad to help with the cooling. I just close the lid when I'm done with it. The only time that it is shutdown or rebooted is when an update or installation requires.
So recently I brought it along to a friend's place, and she borrowed the machine to browse the internet. Being unfamiliar with the sleep function, she shut it down. After this, I cannot get it to start up again. Some of the measures I've taken to try and revive it are:
1. Resetting the PMU (shift-ctrl-option-power, wait 5s, start).
2. Removing AC + battery and holding power for 10s.
3. Reseating the RAM (swapping slots, removing one stick at a time, replacing the RAM with the original 512MB stick).
After all this, I still get nothing. I mean nothing. No chime. No grey screen. No spinning gear. No latch light. No fan. No whirrl-clunk from SD. When I say nothing, I want you understand I'm getting absolutely nothing.
There is a weird thing though. The battery indicator (5 LEDs on bottom of the battery) work. The AC ring indicate fully charged (green ring) and charging (orange ring). With the AC ring indicating charging (orange ring), and I invoke the PMU reset, it momentarily turns green before resuming on orange.
I've tried looking high and low for anyone with remotely the same problem, and can't seem to find anything like this.As far as I can tell, I think it's either a logic board failure or a PRAM battery failure.
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Mar 20, 2009
Like, when the gray screen turns on, it has a reddish hue. after a couple minutes, colors restore to normal.
then if my screensaver kicks in, and I wake it up, even immediately, I can see that reddish hue and watch it slowly transform into the proper color.
What does this mean? Does it mean that my bought-in-2004 1.33 ghz PowerBook G4 is dying of age? it's nto necessarily the computer itself, but the screen.
y'know how in school, when the overhead projector would start to look brownish? and then a few days/weeks later, *explosion* the bulb has burned out?
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Nov 15, 2006
I am leaving for a week long trip and many parts of it will not be able to run the computer off of the powercord, which is a problem because I get about 40mins of wordprocessing use out of it when I run the battery alone. Can someone explain what the significance of these levels are for my Powerbook G4 15'' (Alm) 1.25GHz, namely the cycle count and full charge/remaining capacity?
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Jun 3, 2009
I bought a new 320gb HD to put in my PB G4 "ti" and a new external case to drop the old 60mb HD into when all is said and done.
What would happen if I put the new 320mb HD into the external case, connected it to the PB then dragged and dropped the old 60mb HD onto the 320mb HD to copy it.
Then swapped out the drives. Would the PB start up from the new 320mb HD?
I know that there are other ways of doing this, and I've tried a few, but having problems with the normal and conventional ways!
My OS 10.4 install disk is damaged. And for some reason SuperDuper hangs up in cloning the 60 HD to the 320 HD.
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Dec 5, 2008
I'm having a problem with my Powerbook G4. I kind of screwed up my drivers because I was an idiot and tried to get some Intel drivers to work on the computer through some cheat thing and now my computer won't boot up. I have an install disk but when I try to reinstall it keeps saying that I need Mac OSX Install Disk 2. I never had to use disk 2 before and I never had one to begin with.
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Apr 19, 2009
I have a situation which seems somewhat unique to what my searches have uncovered. I have a powerbook g4 that will not recognize the install disk it came with. The version is 10.2.7
The Powerbook was working just fine with 10.4.11 when I tried to downgrade Quicktime using Pacifist. I must have done something wrong because the Powerbook turned into a brick. I was able to boot onto my tower G5 and back up all my important data, I then reformatted the drive to mac os journaled and zeroed it. The problem I am having is that when I try to boot from the original install disc I get an error on gray screen that says "You need to restart your computer" Sometimes it doesn't even get this far, it just shows the apple logo and then the screen goes buggy and the machine powers down.What I currently have at my disposal is a G5 tower running 10.4.10, three 10.3 install discs that came with the tower, a burned copy of 10.4, and the Powerbook's original 10.2.7 install disc.
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Jan 4, 2010
I already have a Macbook Pro, but I am looking at buying a cheap, used powerbook on eBay as a new "beater" machine. I found a nice one, except the superdrive is dead. If I were to buy it I would want to do a clean install of Leopard, requiring an optical drive. My question is: would I be able to share the superdrive of my Macbook Pro to the Powerbook as if it were a Macbook Air?
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Feb 1, 2010
The PB G4 has issues with the DVD drive so i would like to install it from the MBP via the Remote Install utility. I looked up the instructions here: [URL]
and also the utility is straight forward, the problem is that neither the Ethernet or Airport works. The G4 doesn't see any sources.
What am i missing ? Does PB G5 even supports remote install ?
ps: when i tried the Ethernet, i've them connected via cross-over cable.
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Jun 22, 2008
Could really use some advice on a PowerBook problem! Unfortunately the PowerBook in question (12" G4) belongs to my mum who lives a fair distance away, so I've not been able to do any 'hands on' diagnostics. Basically she was using the machine yesterday when it randomly started emitting a high pitched squeaking/scratching sound (she described it as screaming though, bless). She called me and I asked her to turn it off - gave it a couple of minutes and asked her to try turning it on again. When she did the computer immediately started making the same noises (even before the startup 'bong' sound). Today one of her friends who is a little tech savvy took a look at it, and figured it must be the hard drive. Fortunately he was able to retrieve all of the important data from the computer whilst enduring ear-splitting screeching.
1. Does it sound like the problem really is the hard drive? It does to me, though I'm not an expert - however would hate to waste money on a replacement drive to find out that wasn't the problem in the first place.
2. Is it worth replacing the drive? Any idea how much it would cost to replace the disk? Is it something that could be done by myself, or would we need to find a specialist repair person to do it? Would it likely be more cost effective to get a new laptop?
The money issue is pretty key as she's in something of a tight spot at the moment, so trying to find the cheapest solution that will get her computer working again asap. As she lives in a rural area and is housebound her laptop is very much a lifeline for her, so would be good to get it sorted.
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Nov 23, 2009
I am running 10.5 (yes i got mac os x back on my computer, soon to be running 10.5.8), and the pesky disk images will not eject-as the title says.
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Jan 28, 2008
I have a Powerbook G4 running OS/X 10.4.11 that's never given me any problems. Firefox was acting a little weird, so I restarted. Upon restart, I couldn't get past the grey boot screen with the Apple logo and spinning gear. I booted from the OS/X DVD, and tried running the Disk Utility. It said the volume had an invalid node structure and "The underlying task reported failure on exit." I bought and downloaded Disk Warrior 4 on a friend's MacBook Pro, and tried to connect to the Powerbook via Target Disk Mode. Unfortunately, when I attempt to do this, here's what happens:1. I start the Powerbook while holding down "T". I then see the bouncing Firewire symbol.2. Upon attempting to connect the Firewire cord, the Firewire symbol stops moving, and the Powerbook never shows up on the MBP.
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Sep 12, 2009
Does anyone know if the panel used in Apples 24 inch Cinema display is the same as the 24 inch iMac?
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Feb 6, 2009
can i change the password by booting from a 10.1.2 install disk when my pwrbook has 10.3.9 installed on it
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Jul 29, 2010
Hello everyone, I'm currently looking to buy a 27 inch imac and can't decide whether to get a base i3 27 inch or a refurbished i5 quad core 27 inch. With the i3 I can get the student discount and qualify for the ipod, but the i5 is 23% off right now. Which should I get? Also is there a benefit of getting a 5 series graphics card over a 4 series graphics card?
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Jan 26, 2007
My G4 powerbook has been saying recently that the start up disk is full, so i tried to empty some stuff off it. But not long after this when i tried booting it up the normal happens at first ie the t'ing' start up sound and the apple sign with the little timer going round but it does nothing else, it just carries on going round. I have tried re setting it and looked on help sites like this to try and override it etc but nothing seems to work!
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Mar 8, 2009
I have a PowerBook g4 that when i tried to run system restore disk, it does not show my hard drive as an option to mount to.
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Nov 16, 2010
I had a 11 inch air 1.4GHz/4GB/128GB for two weeks. I usually set the brightness to 75% and for consistent web browsing (no heavy flash) I can get about 5h15min battery life. I noticed someone here claiming 8+ hours battery on 13 inch so I decided to give it a shot.
I got a new 13 air with 1.86GHz/4GB/128GB yesterday and start to run on battery immediately. I was disappointed. The brightness was also set to 75% and I start to count the time from 25% while browsing MacRumors.com. And it only took 1h38m for battery descending from 25% to 0%. Again, pure web browsing and no heavy flash.
So here is my conclusion: On 75% brightness, 11 inch air's battery performs beyond advertised 5 hours and 13 inch's battery performs fair and normally should give you around 6h30m~7h.
I don't have equipments for measuring the noise, but while copying the same 10GB files from external drive to the machine, the fan noise from 13 inch is much louder than 11 inch.
Now I like my 11 inch more in general, although I really hate the 1366 x 768 screen. I don't know if I should sell the 13 inch or 11inch...
On my 11 inch air: battery capacity 4664
On my 13 inch air: battery capacity 6634
I will do another test to see how long exactly my 13 inch can last after a full charge
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Oct 21, 2010
To those contemplating on picking up the 11-inch MacBook Air or the 13-inch MacBook Air, I thought it would be helpful to list the differences between the two.
Below is what I've compiled so far (in no particular order):
1) SD Card Slot is on the 13" MacBook Air, not present on the 11"
2) Higher clock speed configurations on the 13" (1.4 GHz/1.6 GHz vs. 1.86 GHz/2.13 GHz)
3) 6MB of shared L2 Cache on the 13" vs. the 3MB on the 11"
4) 1066 MHz frontside bus on the 13" vs. the 800 MHz on the 11"
5) Larger capacity battery and an extra 2 hours of battery life on the 13" (7 hour 50-watt-hour battery on the 13" vs. 5 hour 35-watt-hour battery on the 11")
6) Slightly larger trackpad and more room for your palms while typing (hey, it's true!)
7) 16:10 1440 x 900 13.3" Display vs. 16:9 1366 x 768 11.6" Display
8) The 13" model weighs in at 2.9 pounds while the 11" weighs in at 2.3 pounds. .5 pound weight difference
If you have anymore differences between the two models, post below and I will add them to the list!
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Oct 7, 2009
I am trying to use my HD Sansui 32 inch LCD TV as a monitor for my Macbook. I can't work out how to set it up properly. My macbook is running OS X 10.5.8. My TV supports 1920 * 1080 HDMI 60Htz NTSC and various other resolutions. I am using a mini DVI to DVI adapter and then a HDMI lead to the tv. Problem one is that when I switch the Macbook on and close the lid nothing comes up on the TV screen (meaning it is supposed to only driving one screen, the TV). If I do this with the VGA connection it will. Momentarily the apple symbol will come up and the little circle below it but then my TV says signal not supported.
If I have the Macbook lid open when I switch the computer on both screens will work and I can select 1080P, however it is very grainy and not pleasant to read text. I think it looks better using the VGA. I have heard of people getting nice crisp display with HDMI so I am wondering if I am missing something? Is there any other software that can be used to get better results? Which text smoothing settings should I use? Are there other settings? I am using it on my desk so I guess it is about 2 foot from me. I will post my display details in a minute but my computer details are the following:
2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
1 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SdRam
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Jun 29, 2009
I recently purchased a sort of beat up 1.5GHz 12" PowerBook G4, top of the line, and it arrived today. It boots up normally when the apple appears, then it shows the blue screen and then the mouse turns into a spinning wheel. Also, when I move the cursor, a second cursor from the same spot stays in the top-left corner. The PowerBook will only work normally as a headless server (powers on, lid closed), unless booted in safe mode. Another issue is the screen. The seller said there were lines going up and down the screen, but it varies depending on what is displayed on the screen. If the screen is grey or in target-disk mode, they do not appear, but on the 10.5 standard desktop pic, it changes pattern. The lines can be seen here: [URL]
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Oct 26, 2005
My Powerbook G4 is not starting up. When I press the startup button, I get the white screen with the grey apple, but that's it. I don't get thr little revolving "wheel" that usually signifies the startup process is working.
Prior to this problem, it was taking a very long time to start up but eventually would start up.
I've tried holding down the option key while pressing the start button- this worked yesterday, but won't work today.
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Nov 1, 2008
My laptop crashed and refuses to reboot. Ive tried all the keyboard shortcuts without success. I get as far as the white screen with apple logo and the spinning wheel but nothing else happens. When i booted up whilst holding Control V I got a black screen with writing but I did not really understand what it meant.
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Feb 23, 2010
it started once when I installed xp. all went fine. I was installing some soft I needed. Now it doesn't want to start. will freeze with phrase like this , with difference of cekunds.
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Nov 18, 2010
I got a MacBook Pro back in April, my first Mac.
I love it so much. I'm really into video editing and HD video, but the problem is that my MBP is running out of harddrive space, and I'm longing for a bigger display and a better processor. (I have the 13" C2D). I'm going to pick up an iMac this Spring. But I wanted to know if I should stick to the Core i3 21.5, or spend more and go for the 27 inch.
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