PowerPC :: 15" Powerbook Suddenly Making Loud Buzzing Noise And Crashing?
Feb 28, 2008
I have an older 15" powerbook Titanium. About five years old now. Been working pretty well all five years, save for an external hinge I had to replace. Last night, the computer started buzzing from the insides, a buzzing reminiscent of a distant chainsaw. The program i was working in (firefox) just went to the pinwheel of doom and never recovered. I moved to the finder, which did the same. I forced booted. Same noise. Same problems. I can use programs for a few minutes, but then they pinwheel of doom and the computer freezes out.
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Sep 4, 2014
My iMac suddenly making a really loud noise and I had to turn down the computer and reboot it
This happened several times and I'm not sure what is the cause of it
iMac, iOS 7
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Mar 24, 2012
I was out of town so this description was second hand but the computer has been running a little weird for a while. When I have too many apps open or on a website that has a lot going on...the computer starts revving up until I quit out of everything and let it slow down. I guess while I was gone, this happened but nobody quit out the apps and it eventually turned the screen black. When I tried restarting it sounds like the computer is working but the screen is black so I can't see if it is booting up or not. I took the monitor into the apple store yesterday and it started up right away for them. It's a cinema 23" I think.
Power Mac G5 (Late 2005), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Dec 16, 2006
So, recently (as of thursday or so) my PBG4 has been making weird buzzing noises, usually only when it was working hard (or watching things online). Eventually, as it got closer to the weekend, the noise started to get louder whenever it would come on, so I'd just turn off my computer for an hour or so and let it cool. Finally, today, I turn it off again and now whenever I turn it back on, all I get is the gray start up screen, sans spinner. Sometimes I even get a little folder with the mac face on it. What's wrong?
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Jul 22, 2009
I was just downstairs in my basement using my macbook and I decided to come upstairs and when I got up here I noticed that my fan is making a weird buzzing noise. I can tell it is my fan because when I make the fans spin faster in smcfancontrol the noise gets louder. Could this be something that is in the fan or could this be a more serious problem? I can take the back case off and check but I just wanted to know if this could be a serious problem with the fan. Is there any chance I could have bent something by carrying it wrong?
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Sep 2, 2014
i opened it and it started making a strange low buzzing noise
MacBook Air, OS X Server
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Mar 16, 2008
I have had my MBA for almost a week, and I've had no issues so far. Until now. This is the case: The fan operates as it should. It stays on 2500 rpm at light use, and increases with heavier use. At 2500 rpm I was not able to hear it without putting my ear next to the keyboard. That was yesterday. Today the fan produces a new noise. It isn't very loud, but clearly audible at 2500 rpm in a quiet environment. It's a low, constant, buzzing kind of noise. It also increases with fan speed.
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Apr 4, 2012
Yesterday I started up my MacBook Pro that I've only had for about 9 months. I immediately noticed that there was a barely audible buzzing / humming sound coming the inside of the laptop, most likely in the fans. I don't know how long this has been going on, and I really don't know the cause of it. So is this something I should be worried about (the sound is barely audible)? Or is this something that happens after prolonged use of the laptop?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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May 12, 2008
I've had my Macbook Air 1.8GHz SSD since basically the day it was announced and aside from iChat video lag and YouTube (which has only happened lately), it's been almost perfect. One of the things I particularly loved about it was how silent it was, but as of Saturday, that suddenly changed. It now makings a constant (as in, never stops as long as the Air is on) noise which sounds like a harddrive being accessed; a kind of buzzing/whirring noise. It's not particularly loud, and once about 2ft away you can no longer hear it, but it is concerning that it would suddenly start.
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May 6, 2012
I purchased a 21" iMac a couple of months ago. Today it started making constant buzzing/humming noise. It's not really loud, but it is noticeable and annoying after a while. It stops if I put the computer in sleep mode or turn it off, but it starts back up the moment I turn it back on again. It sounds like it is coming from the bottom of the screen near the speakers. I have tried adjusting the brightness and volume, but to no avail. I also tried lifting the computer off the desk to see if it was just vibration, but that did not make a difference either.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 7, 2012
My 20.5 inch 2.7GHz iMac is about a year old and has recently started making a low humming/buzzing noise from the top right corner, near the SuperDrive bay. The top of hte iMac feels quite warm when it makes the noise and usually stops if I hold my hand on top of the computer. Is this something I should be contacting AppleCare about?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.7GHz, Core i5, 4GB RAM
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Jun 28, 2014
My Macbook Air has suddenly decided not to turn. I have tried the rebook using the left hand side keys 'shift/control/option & power' but still nothing happens. Every now and again when I try turning it on using the power button the fan turns on and is really loud?
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Sep 27, 2009
I just received my new Mac Pro from apple on Saturday. This thing is a beast! I am planning on running apps from Final Cut Studio 3, Photoshop, After Effects, and others. 2.66 Quad/6GB RAM (OWC)/640GB HD/ATI 4870
I have a few questions.
1.) Is it normal for the Mac Pro's fans to make a lot of noise when you first start it up or wake it from sleep? My fans make a lot of noise for about 16 seconds or so.
2.) I am planning to put a second optical drive in it. Is there a way to eject only one tray at a time, or will it do both?
Now, I am selling my iMac for around $800 and I am looking at some upgrades:
An additional 21.5" Acer LCD display
A mini display port to dvi adapter
A LG blu ray burner
Two 1TB samsung internal HDs
A blu ray player (I do not have one yet)
Elgato Eye TV hybrid
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Jun 19, 2014
Just got my Macbook air and it's making loud fan noises after I use it for a long time. Is there anything I could do to prevent that. Or should I be worried? just want to be careful with my computer
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Sep 26, 2010
I am so upset right now, this is my 2nd macbook with this problem. I just got this macbook yesterday and the hard drive is making a clicking noise, but it isn't a click....click...click... like a lot of people have had, it's actually more of a quick series of clicks every few seconds, almost like the hard drive is shaking. It goes away for a bit when I am typing, like right now, but after I stop it comes right back.
Also the fan is pretty loud, considering I haven't put anything on the computer yet.. I've already been to the genius bar and all they did was give me a new, worse macbook, so there is no way I'm going back. Are there any fixes for a noisy hard drive aside from voiding my warranty and putting my own in? If it is normal, I might just invest in a good pair on noise cancelling head phones... Thanks!
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Nov 24, 2010
Today, I got home and turned on my iMac 21.5 inch. On a typical day, I'd here the "BONG" and then everything would be normal. Today, my fans, or something inside the computer, sounded like it was going crazy. I have no idea what's wrong.
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Jul 3, 2012
I have a refubished iMac G5 OS X 10.6.8 desktop that was purchased in Aug, 2006. Recently it has been either freezing, shutting down completely, or the display will just shut off multiple times per day 20+ times/day. I am not interested in purchasing the $49 help from Apple. Is it time for a new computer?Â
I've been attempting some troubleshooting:
I have plenty of RAM- we installed more memory about 8 months ago. Temperature running at 40 degrees CÂ
I reset the SMU but now am hearing a loud fan sound and there is air blowing out of the horizontal vent in back of the desktop- which does not typically happen. The computer has not crashed since I reset the SMU 20 minutes ago. I'm worried about the noise.Â
Also, it has been really hot where I live, with a heat index of 110 today and I don't have air conditioning. Current indoor air temp is about 86 degrees F.  Â
Also, I have been seeing thin horizontal stripes across my screen for the past few months, related or unrelated issue?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 17, 2010
My family just recently upgraded from an old PC to this 27" iMac, during the early part of the summer. While using it over the last little while, I would notice a noise that sounded like a harddrive spinning or possibly some sort of a fan noise. The best way to describe it would probably be as digital noise. It's not incredibly loud, but it's a decent volume, and can get quite annoying. It has a little bit of a squeak to it.
Over the last little while, it's become more constant. When the computer is in use, it'll usually occur quite often. It's quite annoying and obtrusive when I'm watching videos and I'd like to know what it could be.I think our computer is still under warranty, so I'm hoping to find out if it is something wrong, so I can get it replaced.
I've also been wondering if it's a fan, or a regular noise. However, it's so constant that I'm starting to wonder. The other night, I was watching a video and it seemed like it was coming on every 30 seconds for a long span of time. We don't run any memory heavy programs on this computer. If anything, we're just using Firefox, iTunes and/or Messenger. Sometimes Office. There's little to nothing stored on this computer, as it's brand new, so most of its memory is free.
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Jun 18, 2008
Hey guys, got a little issue here. I have had a MBA since about march of this year. Just recently I on two occasions the computer has all of a sudden had this loud high pitch whine. It has only happened twice and at both times (if I remember the 1st time correctly) I wasn't really doing anything on the computer. Today specifically it was just sitting idle on my desk. Not sure where its coming from maybe speakers? Any idea to what this is? Should I be setting up an appointment to see a Mac Genius?
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Mar 14, 2007
I had the fans and HDD replaced in my 1.67Ghz PB G4 in January, but I think the fan noise is getting too loud again, plus the HDD randomly squeaks and squeals. The problem with the random squealing is that I can never start the camera on my phone quick enough to record it, and it is completely random! Does anyone know what the normal operating noise is for my laptop, or where I can find this out from? The normal fan noise is OK, but when the processor is under full load and the fans kick in to full speed, it sounds like the vacuum cleaner is on in the room. Should I take it back to the shop? It was 'repaired' roughly 2months ago.
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Aug 19, 2008
I'm new to this forum and I just bought a new iMac 20" 2.66GHz, I turned on my computer and noticed a weird sound (buzzing or humming noise) not loud but loud enough to here I notice when I messed with the Brightness it went away is there something wrong with that or is that a known issue?
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Jul 12, 2006
I have a Rev A 12 inch Powerbook - 867 mHz, 640 RAM, 40 GB hard drive. The machine's always been reliable and has performed great over the years. I bought it the last week of July, 2003.
Yesterday, the Pbook was shut down, and I press the on button so it would boot up. Almost immediately, the hard drive makes a loud, whirring noise. The computer advances to the gray screen with the Apple logo, but it doesn't get past that point and the noise continues, as if it's a car engine that just won't start...
I'm going to take it to my local Apple Store in the morning, and hopefully the data, including my nearly 22 GB of music, can be saved. Any thoughts on how to get my computer working again? By the way, it's the original hard drive installed. Hopefully this is enough info to generate some ideas, I'm stumped.
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Apr 10, 2009
Yesterday my PB from 2004 started to make a noise like an angry mosquito. Is it the hard drive dying on me? This is just a take-along-when-I-need-to-be-mobile computer, there's nothing there that needs to be backed up. But I wonder what the noise means.
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Aug 23, 2009
I just bought my MacBook Pro last week. When I power it up, it makes a loud noise for about a second and a half. I think it's the hard drive starting up or the disc drive. I'm not sure which one, but it's pretty loud, so I was just wondering if anyone else noticed this and if it is normal.
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Nov 20, 2009
I have a Dual 2GHz PPC G5 2GB SDRAM. I know that these machines will make a 'crunching' noise when processing, etc. but mine won't stop crunching. I recently installed Adobe Creative Suite CS3. Anyone have suggestions of what to try to make this sound stop?
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May 15, 2012
About 5 mins ago i rebooted my Mac, and in the boot process something started to buzz horibly. I was in a dark room, so it was very scary for me and very late too... Being scared i pushed CTRL+OPTION+SHIFT+POWER so it shut down imeaditly.
I powered it on, no buzzing. But OS X did not boot at all. Just stood there. Now I'm booting of the recovery DVDto disable my EFI pass, so i can boot verbose.
Info:MacBook Air Mid 2009, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Dec 13, 2006
i'm having some old school os 8/9 crashes -- everything just freezes up. no kernal panic screen, i can't move the mouse, the keyboard doesn't even respond so i can't apple-ctrl-pwr to reboot, i have to hold down the power button to shut it off.
this is the second time it has happened in the past 2 weeks. any ideas?
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Jul 11, 2007
I bought a Powerbook G4 about 2.5 yrs ago, top of the line, new from an Apple Store and its been great. However over the last 2 months, its developed this habit of crashing/sleeping/going blank while it Itunes is streaming music, and/ or while Safari is up. Last night it did it while I was recording a Live DAT into garage band. I used to be able to hit the space bar or any key, and it would come back briefly, crash, repeat etc until I restarted. Now however, its just suddenly black. nothing. All I can do is take the battery out for a little while, wait, put it back in, and then restart. I've backed up everything as a precaution. I am diligent about uploading software updates, and I run MacJanitor from time to time...
I probably have 1200 songs, 15TV shows on Itunes, and 1000 pictures on iphoto, So I would hope my hard drive still has ample space.
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Apr 22, 2007
I have an iBook G3 700 Combo Drive 648 megs of RAM and a 20 GB hard drive. Every now and then specifically when I'm running high processor tasks, the hard drive makes this wierd noise, which is a sequence that repeats over and over again. I can't tell if it is writing to the disk or reading from the disk. It makes 3 short noises, and then a long noise:
(short - short - short - long)
Try to imaging that noise. It is just the sound of the hard drive working. This will repeat itself over and over. Sometimes If I have lots of tabs open at once in safari and i open them at the same time that will happened. But after like a minute it will stop. But other times it will keep repeating that noise over and over for ever so I have to manually restart the computer forcefully. (Holding down the power button). The computer also freezes and I get that spinning color wheel.
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Sep 17, 2008
The machine I'm having trouble with is a Powerbook G4 17" 1.33GHz with 2GB RAM. This machine has been very well cared for. It's mostly been used as a backup machine of late. When I do need to take it out with me, it's transported in a InCase padded Napa leather case.I mostly use it plugged into AC, and when I have it plugged in for longer than 24h, I remove the battery.
It is running for the most part of the day when in use. And when it is in use, it rests on a Cooler Master fan cooler pad to help with the cooling. I just close the lid when I'm done with it. The only time that it is shutdown or rebooted is when an update or installation requires.
So recently I brought it along to a friend's place, and she borrowed the machine to browse the internet. Being unfamiliar with the sleep function, she shut it down. After this, I cannot get it to start up again. Some of the measures I've taken to try and revive it are:
1. Resetting the PMU (shift-ctrl-option-power, wait 5s, start).
2. Removing AC + battery and holding power for 10s.
3. Reseating the RAM (swapping slots, removing one stick at a time, replacing the RAM with the original 512MB stick).
After all this, I still get nothing. I mean nothing. No chime. No grey screen. No spinning gear. No latch light. No fan. No whirrl-clunk from SD. When I say nothing, I want you understand I'm getting absolutely nothing.
There is a weird thing though. The battery indicator (5 LEDs on bottom of the battery) work. The AC ring indicate fully charged (green ring) and charging (orange ring). With the AC ring indicating charging (orange ring), and I invoke the PMU reset, it momentarily turns green before resuming on orange.
I've tried looking high and low for anyone with remotely the same problem, and can't seem to find anything like this.As far as I can tell, I think it's either a logic board failure or a PRAM battery failure.
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