PowerPC :: Possible To Make G4 Wireless?
Dec 21, 2006Can I make my PowerBook G4 wireless? What do I need to buy?
View 14 RepliesCan I make my PowerBook G4 wireless? What do I need to buy?
View 14 RepliesI have a wireless network (n) created by an Airport Extreme.
I also have an Airport Express and another Airport Extreme.
My computers work fine with the wireless. But the PS3 is very slow, and is 'G' only.
I was hoping to figure out a way to use one of my extra devices (the express or extreme) to connect to the 'n' network - and output a wired connection to the PS3 (and old xbox actually).
Need to covert my Kodak all in one to wireless. Getting tired of having to connect my pro to it. Are there in a ways to do this?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow do i tell safari to use my wireless connection instead of ethernet?
at work my mac pro is connected to our company network via ethernet. but i also have a verizon dsl connection via airport. i only want safari to use my airport connection, and everything else to be using the company network via ethernet. for the life of my i can't figure this out. i have searched the interwebs high and low.
After running an internet speed test I find that my download speed is only running at 1MBps, despite paying for 5 MBps. The upload speed was as advertised at 500 KBps. So after firing off a nasty e-mail to my ISP (DOH!) I try to troubleshoot the problem. Lo and behold, if I plug the notebook in directly to the cable modem it runs at 5MBps! Is there some internal setting either in the computer or router that is slowing me down? FYI I am purchasing the .n technology soon with time capsule and a new iMac...but this old notebook won't handle it.
the details:
PowerBook G4
1.5 GHz
1.5 MB Ram
Airport Extreme Basestation 802.11.g speed
Cable Modem running at 5MBps
Tried googling this with no luck. I'm new to the mac/laptop world. My new mac keeps picking my neighbor's network over mine. It (obviously) fails to connect to the neighbors router coz password is required. I then have to scroll down a list of networks and instruct my computer to connect to my router. Is there a way to simplify my life...
View 6 Replies View RelatedI was trying to make apple wireless keyboard to work with my DELL desktop, but did not succeed. the problem is that when I connect the apple wireless keyboard to my bluetooth adapter, it says I need type some kinda of pass code. I have looked up manual, and there's no pass code all all.
someone said I need to insert leopard disk and install on my PC, would that work? or anyone have experience about it?
the bluetooth adapter I am using is IODEAR and PC is DELL desktop
I have the newer, rounded model Verizon FIOS router.
There is a USB port on the back and I was wondering if I could use that to somehow connect my WD HD to it so that I can use it wirelessly for Time Machine back-up.
I would buy a Time Capsule or Airport Extreme, but the Verizon router is the central hub for my Internet, cable, and phone. And of course I'd save about $200 if I can do this too.
When I turn away from my MacBook Air to do something and turn back, I find the machine in standby mode (blank screen). I press the power button to restore access, provide the login password to re-join my "sleeping" session. I'm then presented with a "list" of one Wireless host which I must select, then "join" before I can proceed to use my browser etc.
Is there a way, that I can eliminate the tedious task of specifying from a list of one then explicitly "joining" the network? I'd think there would be an option to "always join this network if available" option that would make life easier, but I have not a clue as to where I would set that. I'm admittedly new to the Mac OS (10.7.2) and the Mac experience in general.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
today my 3-year old MacBook's (core duo white) wireless suddenly dropped to a very weak level. I can't seem to get any signal unless I'm sitting right next to my router, like I am now. I know it's not my router because another laptop, my iPod Touch and my DS all can connect to the router as usual. I've been using said MacBook in the same room consistently for the three years since I've owned it, and never had any problems connecting before.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have been having a few issues with browsing being slow so I Option-Clicked Airport and it says I have 86 signal strength but the Transmit Rate is 18.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently acquired 2 PowerMacs 1 for free and the other for cheap. One is a Dual 450mhz and the other is a Dual 500mhz. So now I have 2 dual 450mhz and a dual 500mhz. Is it possible to make a three g4 baby cluster similar to what they did with the giant G5 cluster at Virginia Tech?
How would I do it?
Would it harness the power of all of the processors?
Would it only be useful only for large computations, or would it speed up any and all tasks and apps?
I am just a designer, and think it would be a fun thing to try to do. I have visions of making some sort of antiquated giant beast of a mac. At the very least I figure I could use the three of them together as a heater in the winter!
I have an old G4 and its memory is to the max 1G. I'd like to know what you would reccomed to make it work faster. I've heard that an accelator for the processor is an alternative. Is it really worth it, and does it really work that good? I work with Photoshop all day long and handle very large files.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a PowerMac G4 I'd like to use as an "experimental" backup machine. I am looking to try and make a RAID setup in it, and I'm no expert with that. I'm wondering if this is even possible, first. I'm also wondering if I can do this with 2 40 gb drives and a 20 gb drive. I want to make it so it appears as 1 drive. I'd be using tiger and a software RAID if that is of any relevance.
500 MHz PowerPC G4
No hard drives currently
I have a G4 800mhz quicksilver, with 2 hd's and a cd burner drive. I just got the machine and I like it a lot but it is so loud. I don't know why it is so loud but I was wondering what I could upgrade in the machine to make it not so loud.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a 1.2GHz G4 iBook with the stock 256 MB of RAM (which was always too little, I know). What kind of performance boost can I expect if I max out the RAM to 1.5 GB or whatever the maximum is on this model? I'm running Tiger on it and most of my work is simple word processing and web surfing.
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy powerbook has just recently started this high piched squeal! its goes on and on and never quits! does anyone know what is happening and what i should do to make it stop?
View 6 Replies View Relatedmy ibook G4 is slow i opening applications and web browsing. i have 60 GB and 1G of memory.
is there something similar to Windows disk difragmenting (i think thats whats its called)
I have an iBook G4 with 768mb RAM (a 1 GB chip is in the mail ) it's the 12" 1.2ghz model. I've been having great fun with iMovie for years now, but not with this machine because I just got it. Anyways, when trying to make a project of 243 pictures from a vacation, it took about 2 1/2 hours to export directly to iDVD and then took 5+ hours to burn it! Is this normal?
I do realize I'm running low on RAM (especially being I'm running Leopard, which I forgot to mention above). What are the best ways to increase the speed without losing the quality. I don't need a whole lot more speed because I usually just let it run overnight. I am also running these projects from an external FW 120gb HD.
I got a white iMac G5 about a year ago. Everything has been working fine until recently when I started to notice that its REALLY SLOW. What I mean by this is that whenever I try to open an application, load my widgets or basically do anything, it is really slow and Im seeing A LOT of beach balls. Just as i started typing in the title for this tread, it gave me a beachball. This computer is not that old so it should still be running smoothly.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
btw: I have 1GB of RAM, but it still operate really slow when I only have a few application open.
I bought this imac g3 about 4 months ago and thought that maybe it was time to put on some new apps. I go to do it and it says I can't because I'm not the admin. I have no install disks or anything. I looked through the files and found out it was from a high school before they retired it, must have been in the principles office as the 700mhz g3 is in great shape. So how do I create a new account and make it the admin?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any workaround to make Netflix Streaming Movies work on a PowerPC G5 Tower Mac ?
It uses Sliverlight Technology from Microsoft .
I have a 450mhz powermac g4 that I am using for a simple file server in my house. I was wondering if there are any pci cards that have mac drivers, that would work. In order to steam movies and stuff, the card probably has to support 802.11g.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to make my PowerMac G4 (Quicksilver 867) wireless using a USB device so I can get the higher speeds. Can anyone recommend a specific card they know works with my Mac? If anyone is interested I did a search and couldn't find what I was looking for.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I got a PowerBook G4(1.5 GHz, 512 MB RAM, a superdrive, and an airport card) for Christmas. Before I opened it as a present, my cousin did a clean install of Leopard. My wireless internet goes out every time I try to go to a new page or even refresh it. It's extremely annoying. In order to get it back on, I have to turn my airport card off, and then on again. I was thinking it was my airport card, but then the other day, I went out of town to a friends house.
My internet didnt go out once. I just got back today, and it keeps going out. My home internet is locked with a password, but my friends internet wasn't. However, I previously had a PC laptop and the internet was fine, my cousin has a MacBook Pro, and my brother just got a MacBook. All of them connect to the internet wirelessly and they don't have any problem with their internet. I don't know what to do.
I have a power mac G4. My tech man says I have a generic wireless card installed. I have tried to use internet connect but it does not see it. Also when a do a summary of the network the card is not detected. Finally, no Airport option ever comes up to connect to. It is not available. Anything I can do or do I need to find a mac pro in my area?
View 2 Replies View Relatedmy friend is maybe going to buy an ibook g4 and it seems like the guy whos selling it doesnt have a airport card inside, Since it says add a card, so since he doesnt wanna spend much more for an airport card i told him about usb wireless. So my question is does he have to get a certian usb wireless device or can he just go down to the store and get any ordinary one for pc's?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a 12 inch powerbook g4 Aluminum and the screen is dim,and discolored in some areas but it is really bright at the bottom like it supposed to be brighter.is it the backlight and inverter or is it just the lcd? it works flawlessly other than that.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know I could use the apple branded stuff so I don't have to use up usb ports but I'm not sure which airport card I need (I'm guessing the airport extreme) and I don't know where the bluetooth card is installed.
Its a 1.42ghz model.
I bought this refurbished computer, which has Mac OS X 10.5, Leopard PowerPC G4,1.42 GHz, Single Core,512 MB, and 80 GB hard drive. I'm told it can probably use an Airport Express card #A1026. Is this correct? And, I was also told I would have to plug in the antenna. Anything else to get? (I already have a Netgear Router #WGR614)
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