PowerPC :: P3 Vs G4 Technology - Reevaluation In Retrospect

Jun 8, 2010

I've been thinking lately, the pentium 3 architecture was pretty solid. I mean look what its brought us now, the core duo and core 2 duo architecture are both heavily based off of this design and obviously leave powerpc in the dust. I think the problem is that the SIMD instructions on the pentium 3 weren't heavily pushed in benchmarks, whereas everything done with the G4 was almost always altivec enhanced. Lets look at some articles as well [URL:...] Seems to come to the same conclusion i'm thinking , Also this article goes a bit more in depth so you can see the architectures of the day [URL:....] So I'm not sure, was it all just the buzz of the day? I mean sure, apple may have had the better operating systems, but was it just steve jobs candy coating things to make us think we had the better hardware as well?

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MacBook Air :: Which Is Better Bluetooth 4.0 Wireless Technology And Edr Wireless Technology

May 2, 2012

i saw in the tech specs that macbook air has "bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology" while macbook pro has "bluetooth 2.1 + edr wireless technology". what's the difference ? and which one is better ?

MacBook Air

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Applications :: How Do Recover From A Retrospect Express Image

Jan 5, 2011

this Iomega hard drive that came with Retrospect Express. Needless to say, her hard drive crashed and I'm stuck with the daunting task of getting her data back off the retrospect image. Now I went to both Iomega and Roxio's websites and I must say: These people are really really really retarded - (It's beyond me why either of these buffoons are still in business) Iomega's support doesn't even recognize my serial number and searching for the model: RPHD-TG yeilds 0 results. It's as if they didn't even make the drive.

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Applications :: EMC Retrospect For Mac Versus Time Machine

Dec 15, 2009

I just bought an Iomega ego 500gb mac edition external hard drive. It comes with a protection suite which includes EMC retrospect express and Iomega quikprotect. They don't sound like they will do anything different than what time machine already does, so I'm wondering if I should install them or not? I don't want a bunch of software competing for the same job and working in the background.

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IMac :: SCSI Tape Drives And Retrospect / Other Backup Solutions

May 26, 2010

So my sister's girlfriend is a professional photographer. Her former consultant get her an SCSI 68-pin connected Sony StorMaster tape drive that backs up her 3 big NAS drives with all her work via EMC Retrospect. This was on a PowerMac G5 tower with an SCSI 68-pin card installed. She's moving and has tasked me with getting it all up and running again at her new place since she's fallen out with the old consultant (who did some weird, weird stuff with their network - why are there 3 switches for the NAS? Why does the Airport run through two of them? WTF?) and got an iMac 27" i7.

Now, problem is, obviously that her i7 has no way of plugging into that SCSI tape drive. She's been using her G5 purely to run Retrospect which is a waste of space and energy. Plus she's moving to a much smaller space, so I really, really want to get it out of there. So here's the thing - I CANNOT find a 68-pin SCSI to USB adapter other than one by Ratoc, which apparently only lets the tape drive function in "mass storage mode" which doesn't really tell me if it will work with Retrospect or not. Is there another solution to keep the current tape drive and plug it into the iMac?

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Hardware :: G Technology 1TB G DRIVE

Nov 6, 2009

I searched and didnt find any feedback in regards to G-Technology 1TB G-DRIVE High-Performance Hard Drive that I found on Apple.com Anyone currently using this external drive or recommend others?

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MacBook Air :: New Airs Use Same Battery Technology?

Oct 31, 2010

I had been wondering if the new Airs use the same battery technology as the newer MBPs, namely the 1000 charge cycle rating. I assumed not since apple didn't explicitly talk about how amazing the new Air's battery was. Anyway, I finally found this buried in Apple's battery page [URL:...] Quote: The built-in battery of the MacBook Air is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity at up to 750 full charge and discharge cycles. The built-in battery in the new 13-, 15-, and 17-inch MacBook Pro is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity at up to 1000 full charge and discharge cycles. So I guess it's a mixed bag...not quite up to the level of the MBPs, but certainly better than the old batteries.

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MacBook Air :: Apple Keep Same Technology For Next Update?

Oct 18, 2009

For the MBA, the Dell Adamo is now a direct competitor. Do you think Apple is possibly keeping the same technology, and just working to make it thinner? or do you think they will keep the same height/weight, and upgrade the parts?

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MacBook Pro :: Missing USB 3.0 Technology On System?

Apr 13, 2010

I'm thinking about buying the new MacBook pro, the 15 inch i7 to be specific, and this thought just came to my head. USB 3.0. Will Apple likely adapt to this technology soon? I know it's dumb to always wait for the next computer just because the specs are not caught up. If everyone did this, no one would ever buy a computer, but I'm going to own this laptop for a long time, and am I really going to want to own something that will be missing USB 3.0 when that becomes the standard in a year?

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Hardware :: Best Battery Technology For Magic Mouse?

Sep 26, 2010

What battery technology will provide me the longest life with a Magic Mouse, NiMH or LI?

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MacBook Pro :: New MBP Will Sport MBA Features Such As Instant On Technology?

Nov 21, 2010

I'm usually just a reader and not a contributer here at macrumours, but a few days ago i watched Machete, Robert Rodriguez's new movie. Amongst all the exaggerated violence, I couldn't help but notice that Jessica Alba's Macbook Pro in the movie has many of the new design traits as the Macbook Air. The most noticeable of these is the white surrounding around the screen. This discovery alone prompted me to register here and post this.Here are three snapshots from the movie to prove my point.So could this possibly be the design for a 2011 Macbook Pro release? And will this mean the new MBP will sport MBA features such as instant on technology?

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Mac Pro :: Have Lightscribe Technology - Read Disc Fast?

Sep 12, 2008

does it have lightscribe technology or something? or... just a big fraud, cause they cost 100$ i am guessing that they can read discs really fast

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Hardware :: TFT Active Matrix And TN The Same Technology - Early 08 MBP?

Jan 13, 2009

I want to find something cheap b/c I'm going to buy the new ACD in about a year. This is only to help me with some simple web development. (15" isn't to enough.)
I have some questions. Is the TFT active matrix and TN the same technology or not? Does it go like TFT < TN < IPS? What is in the early '08 MBP? I don't want the laptop display putting the monitor to shame. (At least not too badly.)I'm hoping to get out of it ~ $100-$130. If it has speakers, that would be a plus. Also, it needs to be 19"+.

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OS X Server :: Cannot Retrospect 6.1 Workgroup On OS X Server?

Aug 3, 2006

I can't find any useful info on this. Everytime I try to do a backup of a client machine using Retrospect 6.1 Workgroup on OS X Server, the server drops its TCP/IP connections. The only way I can get it back on the network is to reboot.Can anyone offer some advice on what I need to do to correct this? I need to get my client machines backed up, the sooner the better.The machine is a G4 1GHz DP that is only used as a FileMaker Server and for archive storage.

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OS X :: Stream Video - Websites Can't Utilize - Apple's Video Technology

Oct 21, 2010

I was watching Apple's event on quicktime , and the whole 1:30 hour show streamed with no pre-downloading on my slow internet connection(512kbs at best) while youtube videos of 5 and 10 min will take very long time to load, actually they won't stream ever, all the time they will need to be downloaded at first, this goes for html5 AND flash. what is this technology apple is using to stream video? Why can't other websites utilize it as it is much more convenient? can you benefit using it on your own personal website?

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PowerPC :: Unusually High Fan Revving / Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5

Dec 21, 2006

I have a Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5 with 2.5 GB of RAM. My fan starts revving really loud when I am using multiple apps (Adobe CS2, Firefox, iTunes) and while watching a video tutorial or AVI movie (both saved on my desktop). It also happens when I am just watching a AVI movie with no other apps open.

I just added one GB of RAM yesterday thinking maybe this will solve the problem since I am running multiple apps. This did not resolve it. So I searched the messageboard for threads on fan issues similar to mine. I read it may be caused by the tempature in my room. I keep the tower on my floor on top of 2 pieces of wood about a 1/2 inch thick. I live in a small brick studio apartment so the tempature is usaully between 60 to 70 degrees.

I looked into smcfancontrol but it looks like its for laptops only.I also do not have a utilities program for my computer yet. I was wondering what was the best program out there to clean up/tune-up my hard drive so its running at maxium speed.Has anyone had experince with this issue and have any answers? I am concerned this may be very detrimental to my computer in the long run.

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PowerPC :: LaCie LaCinema For Vintage G4 PowerPC Mac?

Oct 1, 2010

I'd like to buy a LaCinema Classic Multimedia Player 500GB for my G4 400MHz (sawtooth).

[URL]In LaCie website says that a system requirement for LaCinema is a 500MHz processor or greater...

Do you believe that it will work in my 400Mhz PowerPC?

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PowerPC :: Dual 1.25 GHz PowerPC G4 - Upgrade Compatibility?

Oct 20, 2008

I curently have 10.3.9 with a PowerPC G4 dual w/ 1.25 processors and 2 gig of ram. I want the highest upgrade I can get that will be compatibe with my software which is:

Quark 6.5
Acrobat 7.1
Acrobat Distiller 7.0
Illustrator CS1
Photoshop CS1
Microsoft Office (don't know what version but I've had it for years)

I really can't afford to go buy all the software again and I don't want my system to crash. Any suggestions?

This upgrade is mostly spawned due to the recent purchase of a new iPod Nano... Not supported by my current OS! Man, I didn't read the requirements, shame on me. However, the dang thing will work on my kid's PC w/ XP Pro. I only got the Nano cause it's mac - he wanted the Zune that ONLY works w/ PC.

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PowerPC :: 4 Gb RAM With G5s

Dec 15, 2006

I've heard that G5s (especially dual-core/processor) really fly with 4 Gb RAM. Does anyone have one with this much RAM? If so, is it really worth the upgrade? I have dual-core G5 with 3.5 Gb RAM. It's great, but I do think it feels a bit choked at times. I would like to give it another Gig.

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OS X :: Vuse For Mac PowerPC Or Not?

Feb 24, 2010

I run a Mac G5 PowerPC, OS X 10.4.11.

I see here that it says it's compatible with the 4.3 version of Vuse (PowerPC and OS version), but on their website, is says "for Intel". I would really like to know what is right here. Does it also support PowerPC or not? . What version of Vuse should I use, with satisfaction, if any? My computer has been acting up and I am trying to figure out why. That might be a cause. I would be very grateful for such information, to keep my mac in good shape and also enjoy Vuse.

And if Vuse isn't the answer for my mac, what would be ?

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PowerPC :: Way To Run On ITunes 10 With Mac OS X 10.4?

Sep 2, 2010

Powerbook G4 running on Mac OS X 10.4 but iTunes 10 suitable for new iPods and as PowerBook G4 quite slow running on Leopard so I am using on Mac OS X 10.4.

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PowerPC :: PPC G4/upgrade From 10.4.11 To 10.5

Dec 15, 2010

I have a few questions about upgrading my mac in order to use the new iPod touch 4th gen (requires 10.5 or later).

First, here's what I'm working with:
I have a PPC G4, dual processor 1.25 GHZ, 80GB HD, 768mb RAM, running Tiger 10.4.11. I use CS2 for freelance graphic design (and very occasionally Quark 4 on OS 9). I have 2 external hard drives backing up my system, storing personal files, photos, music, etc. Yes, I've got an oldie, but it's been cranking out loyally over the years with tune ups and TLC, and I need it to live on a while longer.

1. Can I upgrade to Leopard 10.5 (not snow leopard) and still use my CS2 programs? From what little information I've been able to find, the answer is most likely yes, but with quirks and decreased speed... which I can deal with. I simply cannot afford a new mac (nor the software upgrades required once that happens), so I need to work with what I've got.

If the answer is yes, then...
2) are there any other updates in between 10.4.11 and 10.5 that I will have to purchase before upgrading to 10.5?

3) Also, since I will have to upgrade to a minimum 1GB RAM, can anyone please suggest a good site to buy it from? There seems to be a million options out there. I know that I should really have more RAM anyhow with what software I am using.

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PowerPC :: Cannot Install OS 10.5 On Mac G5

Jan 6, 2011

I have a power mac g5 its a few years old and I'm having trouble installing OS 10.5 leopard. When I turn on the computer i get a blinking ? folder that alternates showing a ? and a mac face, with a gray background. I tried putting in the start up disk (? folder doesn't appear with the start up disk) and it guides me through the installation steps, but it doesn't display a location to install the OS on. I also tried putting an external HD in and this does not appear as well. So, I went to disk utility and tried the figure out the problem. In disk utility, the internal hard drive is there, but not the external HD. I also tried switching Hard drive ports from a to b and this made no difference.

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PowerPC :: How To Put HDs On 1.33ghz?

Aug 7, 2006

Does anyone have any experience with putting new hard drives in a 1.33ghz iBook 12" and in a 12" PB 1.5ghz -- that both have the sensor motion thing on the hard drives?

Is this motion sensor a physical part on the hard drive or something within the connection itself?

I also want to put a superdrive in the iBook 1.33ghz.

If anyone has any tips or advice, would be welcomed... as I believe the iFixit site's photos are for earlier revision machines.

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PowerPC :: Ram For G5 1.8ghz?

Oct 19, 2006

I just put 2 sticks of 512mb in my g5 with these specs pc3200r-30330, the machine doesn't recognize them. I notice that the existing ram got this on the label pc3200u-30330. Pease someone tell me the difference between these 2.

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PowerPC :: Put ANY DVD Burner In G5

Nov 22, 2006

My G5 power mac has a standard CD burner in it that came with it when I got it - its given up the ghost. So I am going to replace it with a DVD Burner. Would I be right in thinking I can throw any DVD Burner in there? If i get the latest Pioneer Tray loading burner, that would slot right in there no problems right?

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PowerPC :: New HD And RAM For Powerbook?

Nov 22, 2006

I have a Powerbook G4 1.5 w/ 1GB of RAM and the stock 80GB HD. I've run this puppy pretty hard for a couple of years now, and it's lately started to lag a bit - perfectly natural. I was considering buying a new notebook but I've decided to wait until after Leopard comes. So my question is:

1) How do I determine the max RAM I can put in this machine?
2) Are there are specific specs I need to be concerned with when swapping out the Hard Drive? Any type, size limitations, speed limitations, etc.

I'd love a little input as to how I find out this info. I think instead of taking the notebook plunge now, I'm going to put a nice new hard drive in this one and possibly bump up the RAM a little more if it will take it.

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PowerPC :: G5 Won't Come Out Of Sleep?

Dec 5, 2006

yesterday evening we had a power outage at my house, My G5 power mac was in sleep mode when the power went out. When the power came back on my mac came back on as if it were sleeping. The LED light in the front will stay on but the comp is non responsive. I 've tried holding the power button down for longer than 2 mins and nothing, I've tried unplugging everycord from the power mac and leaving it unplugged all night then this morning plugging everything back in and it still is non responsive, with the LED light still on. I am not hearing any nosie's coming from the power mac. I read on the apple website that it could be the PMU or SMU But I purchased the power mac late 2004 and as from what I read the only way to reset the PMU is to turn off the mac then unplug the mac and leave it unplugged for 2 mins then plugging it back in, If that were the case then leaving it unglugged all night should have reset it. I'm not sure yet as to if the power mac G5 has the SMU reset button or not because I'm at work.

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PowerPC :: Won't Use 16X DVD Burner In A G4

Feb 6, 2007

Can you burn disks at 16X on a G4. I have a MDD and I'm not sure how fast the optical drive bus is but I could swear its an ATA-3 bus, which I think is either 16MBps or 33MBps. Not quite sure. Does anyone have one and can vauch the full 16 speed while burning.

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PowerPC :: Is The Ram On The E-mac Upgradeable?

Feb 12, 2007

Is the ram on the e-mac upgradeable? I would like to put more ram into my mom's e-mac, I think 128MB is a bit low...

Also, what is a good price for ram? (probably two 512s)

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