MacBook Air :: Apple Keep Same Technology For Next Update?
Oct 18, 2009
For the MBA, the Dell Adamo is now a direct competitor. Do you think Apple is possibly keeping the same technology, and just working to make it thinner? or do you think they will keep the same height/weight, and upgrade the parts?
i saw in the tech specs that macbook air has "bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology" while macbook pro has "bluetooth 2.1 + edr wireless technology". what's the difference ? and which one is better ?
I was watching Apple's event on quicktime , and the whole 1:30 hour show streamed with no pre-downloading on my slow internet connection(512kbs at best) while youtube videos of 5 and 10 min will take very long time to load, actually they won't stream ever, all the time they will need to be downloaded at first, this goes for html5 AND flash. what is this technology apple is using to stream video? Why can't other websites utilize it as it is much more convenient? can you benefit using it on your own personal website?
I had been wondering if the new Airs use the same battery technology as the newer MBPs, namely the 1000 charge cycle rating. I assumed not since apple didn't explicitly talk about how amazing the new Air's battery was. Anyway, I finally found this buried in Apple's battery page [URL:...] Quote: The built-in battery of the MacBook Air is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity at up to 750 full charge and discharge cycles. The built-in battery in the new 13-, 15-, and 17-inch MacBook Pro is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity at up to 1000 full charge and discharge cycles. So I guess it's a mixed bag...not quite up to the level of the MBPs, but certainly better than the old batteries.
I'm thinking about buying the new MacBook pro, the 15 inch i7 to be specific, and this thought just came to my head. USB 3.0. Will Apple likely adapt to this technology soon? I know it's dumb to always wait for the next computer just because the specs are not caught up. If everyone did this, no one would ever buy a computer, but I'm going to own this laptop for a long time, and am I really going to want to own something that will be missing USB 3.0 when that becomes the standard in a year?
I'm usually just a reader and not a contributer here at macrumours, but a few days ago i watched Machete, Robert Rodriguez's new movie. Amongst all the exaggerated violence, I couldn't help but notice that Jessica Alba's Macbook Pro in the movie has many of the new design traits as the Macbook Air. The most noticeable of these is the white surrounding around the screen. This discovery alone prompted me to register here and post this.Here are three snapshots from the movie to prove my point.So could this possibly be the design for a 2011 Macbook Pro release? And will this mean the new MBP will sport MBA features such as instant on technology?
I searched and didnt find any feedback in regards to G-Technology 1TB G-DRIVE High-Performance Hard Drive that I found on Anyone currently using this external drive or recommend others?
I've been thinking lately, the pentium 3 architecture was pretty solid. I mean look what its brought us now, the core duo and core 2 duo architecture are both heavily based off of this design and obviously leave powerpc in the dust. I think the problem is that the SIMD instructions on the pentium 3 weren't heavily pushed in benchmarks, whereas everything done with the G4 was almost always altivec enhanced. Lets look at some articles as well [URL:...] Seems to come to the same conclusion i'm thinking , Also this article goes a bit more in depth so you can see the architectures of the day [URL:....] So I'm not sure, was it all just the buzz of the day? I mean sure, apple may have had the better operating systems, but was it just steve jobs candy coating things to make us think we had the better hardware as well?
I want to find something cheap b/c I'm going to buy the new ACD in about a year. This is only to help me with some simple web development. (15" isn't to enough.) I have some questions. Is the TFT active matrix and TN the same technology or not? Does it go like TFT < TN < IPS? What is in the early '08 MBP? I don't want the laptop display putting the monitor to shame. (At least not too badly.)I'm hoping to get out of it ~ $100-$130. If it has speakers, that would be a plus. Also, it needs to be 19"+.
I have a macbook 2.4 alu (Late 2008) and Installed linux as soon as I got it.(I just like the cases). Anyway I know that you need to use apple update in osx to update the firmware. I can't dual boot because my HD is MBR. I thought of 2 ways.
A. Install OSX onto a usb device (Cost 30-40 bucks for usb) B. Take to apple store, Maybe they can do it.
I can't dual boot because my HD is MBR. I heard the new firmware updates stop a lot of issues.
The last two Apple software updates seemed to have screwed up my computer. After downloading and installing the last one (which included an update to iTunes), I could not turn on iTunes - it just made my computer freeze up.I could not shut it down the regular way.So I pressed the power button for 5 seconds, which turned the computer off finally. Then let it sit for 30 seconds. And when I went to turn it on - the computer got to the gray screen and just hung there.I finally had to press the power button for 5 seconds to shut it down so I could hook up my external hard drives and boot from there.Tried to see if I could boot from the internal HD it froze again. Tried to run Disk Utility, which recongized the hard drive under the name I gave it and it was mounted. After running Disk Utility, the internal drive is no longer showing up on my desktop. It does show up in Disk Utility and in Drive Genius but will not mount.I should also mention that my keyboard and trackpad stopped working after the last update.I have been using an auxiliary keyboard and trackball for years, and have no problem with them now.
Why am I getting the following 'Update Unavailable with This Apple ID' all I've done is change my email address and password. If a response is use previous id, then what happens if you've forgotten it.
I have just purchased a Macbook pro and have just seen on the Apps icon on the screen that I have 2 updates available, one for garageband and the other for iphoto. I tried logging in using my apple ID username and password but I keep getting an error message stating: "You have updates available for other accounts. To update this application, sign in to the account you used to purchase it." I googled the apple ID error and it led me to the apple support side where I could find out if I had multiple apple ID's linked to the same email address.
It came back with 3 accounts linked to my email address. I have found the username's for all 3 accounts and changed the passwords to all the same and then tried to log in to Apps on the macbook but can't seem to do it. I was wondering if it's possible to delete Apple ID's so I only have one account. What I have noticed is that when using my iphone the old app's I have to log into my old Apple ID to download up-dates, whereas the newer apps on my phone I have to use my email address as the username.
The Vaio Z was updated, AGAIN. Wouldn't it be great if Apple gave a crap about its customers and wanted to compete just like Sony does? Amazing... a full 1080p resolution display in the new 13" Vaio Z offering. When will Apple get off it's ***** iOS high horse and give a damn about computing again?ALL of the 2010 Mac updates were a joke except the new Mac mini. Isn't it sick that the only Mac truly getting any love is the mini desktop in a mobile Mac world? Does this make any sense? Seriously, a complete lack of innovation in the new Mac notebooks. Two years since the last MBA update. Apple really has had its time to work on iOS products like the iPad and iPhone. I really hope SJ's has an answer to Sony, and every other ultraportable on the market, within the holiday season. It is absolutely ridiculous that we WANT TO SPEND MONEY and Apple refuses to allow us to UPGRADE our Macs.
I was went onto updates and clicked install to a new Java update. Then apple update froze with a multi colored circle. I use force quit which worked, but some other apps wouldn't open after this and just sat there bouncing on the dock for ages. So next I selected restart from the apple menus and it was going through the shutdown process but didn't complete and just left my desktop sitting there. After 10 minutes, I help in the power button to manually shut it down, now it has restarted its all fine. What do you think could have happened, I have had it on for the past 3 days only sleeping it.
A coworker asked me to take a look at her Macbook because after the latest Apple update, browsing Yahoo and Google have become unbearably slow. What's weird is that it's only those two websites that are slowed. Â
She has a 2008 Macbook with 4GB RAM running Snow Leopard Â
I've tried the following:Reset SafariTried other browsersCheck/repair disk permissionsReset PRAMGot a new router and cable modem from Time WarnerUpgraded RAM to 4GB (had 1GB before)Â
I recently downloaded a firmware update from Apple both as a stand-alone software and using software update but everytime I restart, my computer makes one loud beeping sound and tries to boot three or four times unsuccessfully and maybe on the fifth or fourth, it finally comes on. When I go through software update after this, it still shows the same firmware and same version of it as an update I haven't downloaded. And another thing it freezes a lot since I downloaded this firmware update. This is how it shows on software update; Macbook Pro EFI Firmware Update version 2.7 size: 4.1 MB.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13 inches 2.3 GHz processor speed.
So, I was searching for OS X 10.6.3 update because someone had problems installing the one which came with Software Update (said after downloading that can't be expended) so when I opened Apple - Downloads there was no OS X 10.6.3! Only 10.6.2 and some other updates but no 10.6.3! So, have anyone else had issues installing it? Can anyone else find it from Apple's site anymore?
Apple on Tuesday evening posted Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update 2.3 (4MB), a new upgrade to its RAW photo support for software such as Aperture and iPhoto. The update adds support for four high-profile cameras released earlier in the fall, including Canon's EOS-50D, Nikon's D90 and P6000, and Sony's A900. It also addresses problems handling output from earlier cameras as well as general reliability. The patch requires either Mac OS X 10.4.11 or 10.5.3 and later.[ View this article at [URL]
Does anybody have any information on when Apple are going to launch a PROPERLY upgraded iMac? They've just announced a new version with some upgraded integrated graphics, more memory and storage, but when are we going to see an iMac with Quad-Core processing and Blue-Ray? Let's face it, this is what everyone is waiting/hoping for. I've been waiting to buy a new 24" iMac for over a year - I've even got the money waiting in the bank! However I'm not going to buy until they properly refresh the range. We've seen the laptop range refreshed and the Mac Pro range upgraded, but they just seem to be dithering about a bit with the iMac. Why? I actually looked at just going for a Mac Pro instead of waiting, but they are so much more expensive than an iMac I can't justify it. C'mon Apple - I love your product but am waiting for the REAL upgrade!
After updating earlier this week with the EFL Processor update and the Superdrive update, each time I bring my MBP out of hibernate or log on the CD drive starts to run like it trying to load a disc.
But there is no disc inside to cause the drive to think its loaded. It will do this 3 or 4 times before giving up. The noise is annoying especially when at the library studying for finals.
I just bought a MacBook Pro and for some reason there is an update available for angry birds. When i try to update it tells me i have to log on to an account that is not mine. Even crazier, I've never in my life saw that Apple ID before and i only logged on with my own ID on my brand new Mac. I know it's a small thing but it is annoying.
I recently installed an ATI 5770 on my Mac Pro 1,1, works perfect in 10.6..4 We have another Mac Pro 3,1, whose 8800GT card died, so we replaced it with another ATI 5770. We cant upgrade the OS from 10.6 to 10.6.1 until we reach 10.6.4, all of the updates are failing.
message: The installation failed. An unknown installation error occured We are not able to upgrade the OS not even to 10.6.1, and on my machine I had no such problems.