OS X V10.4 :: Mac Doesn't Boot It Stays Stuck In Apple
Feb 6, 2012
When I hit the power button it gets stuck in the Apple. Being that I have an older powerbook g4 I would need a way to get to the first aid application for a command prompt or an original 10.4 disk which I don't have.
My wife's macbook will turn on, it stays on the gray screen with the apple. After a while it will just shutoff. I have tried removing the battery and holding down the power button for 5secs but did not work. I also reset the pram and also did nothing.
So this morning i turned on my alu macbook (2.0ghz, 2gb ram) and i'm stuck on the apple logo and spinny thing at the bottom, i've searched here and the apple site but can't find a solution.
I have a major problem with my first Generation MacBook Pro. It won't boot anymore: it just turns on and gets stuck at the Apple logo. There is no spinning wheel and nothing else happens. Pressing 'C' for booting from CD or pressing ALT and choosing the CD as an alternative boot source does not work either: it just does exactly the same, gets stuck at the apple logo. I already tried resetting the PRAM and NVRAM, as well as the SMC. This also did not change anything. CMD+V mode starts up then stops at the line "ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5] (S3)"
What can I do? I really need to save my Mac, there is some really important stuff on there
i'm trying to boot from the Snow Leopard install disc so I can format my drive and re-install, however... it just gets stuck on the white screen with the grey Apple logo, what's up with that?
I have Time Capsule and everything is backed up on there. My data is on a separate USB HD + Drobo, but for now I need my iMac to boot but it won't. It won't even get into the Desktop. all the guides online says double click the Install Icon this and that...I would if I can get into the Desktop !
It is just stuck on the Apple Logo screen with the spinny thing, that stops spinning!
Last weekend, my white Macbook was requiring a software update to 10.5.8. So I said, go for it and let it restart. That's when the trouble happened.
It began to restart but just stuck on the gray apple screen with the gear circle thing spinning. I tried several times to restart, but it never worked. I did all the things I knew to do (boot from DVD and run disk utility to repair permissions, zapped PRAM, ran it in the fsck thing; Booting in safe mode wouldn't work). So I booted from my backup and used SuperDuper to rewrite my boot drive. (I guess I should point out that when booting from my backup, I was able to access all my files on my internal HD, it just wouldnt boot). After doing that revert thing to 10.5.7, everything worked fine.
So then I tried to update again this weekend. Same thing happened. I've tried the same steps. I can still get to anything I've added to my regular drive since my backup and all that. Just won't boot from that main drive.
My PowerBook G4 (Ti, 867MHz) just decided it didn't want to boot today...Â
The PowerBook has been asleep and not used for a few weeks. I woke it up last week for a few minutes to try and print out a document. It restarted just fine after installing the printer driver. Then it went back asleep until today.
I decided I had better shut it down as it has been sleeping a lot. It's shut down for about 5 minutes when I boot it back up to find it stuck at the Apple logo with the (spinning) spinner. What I tried to do to solve the problem:
1. Booted into Terminal mode (command-s) and typed exit so I could see the boot log. It appears to attempt to boot yet repeatedly prints:
> localhost /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow[92]: Login Window Application Started -- Threaded auth
> localhost loginwindow[92]: _RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL.
[Code] ....
2. Booted into Terminal again, and mounted the volume. I was able to do ls to list the file contents - so I CAN get to my files. It's not a disk issue. Then I ran fsck -fy. It reported the disk as OK.
3. Rebooted and reset PRAM. No change
4. Reset NVRAM. No change.
5. Popped in the Leopard install disc and restarted. Booted into Leopard disc.
6. Tried to repair permissions from Leopard disc - it just hung and I had to cancel the process.
7. Verified disk from Leopard disc. Reported as OK.
8. Clicked the next button on the install screen. Tried to install. "You don't have enough space"... The skimpy 40GB HD is so packed with stuff that it can't install. And my external HD won't connect to it, it never shows up. Not like I can move off anything anyway as it won't boot...Â
I CANNOT format the HD. I have stuff on there I can't lose. Does the Terminal recognize and mount USB devices so I can copy from the Terminal? If not I guess I could delete some apps and Xcode and stuff, maybe the System folder...Â
For several weeks, my black MacBook (2008) has been acting odd. Certain applications won't open, and when I attempt to open them, the computer makes a quiet clicking noise, like the drive is failing. Last week, when trying to boot it, the thing just wouldn't. Stuck on the grey Apple logo screen. Assuming a hard drive problem or failure, I ran the tests. I ran Disk Utility from the Snow Leopard install disk, checked & repaired permissions, checked & repaired disk. All okay. I ran the Apple Hardware Test from the install disk that came with the computer, using the test that runs for an hour or so, and all appears to be fine. The computer won't boot into safe mode. I've tried flashing the PRAM. I doubt I could achieve much through target disk mode, as I've already run Disk Utility. What's left to do? Something doesn't add up here.
My macbook pro doesn't boot beyond the grey screen with apple icon and spinning wheel. I used the "Option" button to access the Disk Utility function and run Repair Disk and Repair Disk Permissions. Should I restart my computer?
When I open Safari i doesn't load my homepage, it just stays white. And also the webprocess is running at a 100%. I uninstalled the 1Password exstension and it didn't help. Safari works fine in the guest account.
I never used Messages on my Mac but after I started using handoff now I wanted to use it.So after I opened my Messages app on my mac and typed in my ID Password the window opened but just stayed white.I receive the messages people write me, but only iMessage messages, no sms messages, but everytime I want to reply the window stays white.Also I can't open the preferences it's like the app is not opening completely? Why that happens?Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
My 2006(ish) Intel core 2duo 2.16 mhz 20" imac wont start up, it only stays at the loading screen, how can I fix this? I have tried:
• safe mode reboot
• restart using p, r , command and option (resetting the pram)
• restart using the original Mac OS 10.4 disc
• restart so I get the image of the HD but I can't click on it to continue and restart again!    • single user mode (CMD+s keys at bootup, and then /sbin/fsck -fy)Â
It just doesn't do anything else than display the grey screen, the apple and the spinning wheel (sometime, I do get a scrolling bar also!). I managed to perform a hardware test from the Mac OS disc and there seems to be no hardware problem. Nothing works.It stays stuck on the grey screen, with the apple and the wheel turning endlessly.Â
Loaded pics up for the 1st time from my 7d into Aperture 1.5 and left my computer on, woke up and it wouldn't come out of sleep. I did a hard shutdown holding down the power button and the screen just stays black and I never hear the chime, light on power button is solid white. Since I'm on vacation with my wife and infant daughter I don't have time to mess around troubleshooting but see it may be a failed logic board? Do they just fail randomly or what? My aunt that I'm staying with turned off a surge protector a light was plugged into, I was using her power charger for her MacBook Pro and only this morning found out it was plugged directly into the outlet below the surge protector was on that she flipped off.
Could that have created a surge on the other plug or something? She does this all the time with her MacBook Pro plugged in and its never created a problem, I'm writing this post from her computer right now! (Only brought the Mac out because my iPad wouldn't load the photos for some reason, don't know if it has something to do with the HD video or because I also had photos from my Canon 50d on there or if that has something to do with my Mac's problem?) I've attempted an SMC restart and it does the same thing? I'm now extremely stressed thinking I may have lost all my pics that I haven't backed up in months of my infant daughter. When I start it up I hear an initial sound of a hardrive spin or fan but then its basically silent.
My iMac suddenly won't boot up. It stays black and simply beeps. Holding the start button shuts it down. It's about 3 1/2 yrs old, but has been well-maintained.
iMac os x Mavericks 10.9.3. I tried to boot up yesterday morning after completely shutting dwn the night before. Stays on grey screen with Apple logo. I tried safe mode, no luck, will not boot up in safe mode. I tried backing up to external hard drive from utilities, but it stopped and said something like couldn't perform function... I never used or set up Time Machine.
I just bought a powerbook, and I'm trying to get it to turn on. It doesn't have a hard drive, so obviously it won't be able to get it to boot. I just want to be able to get to the flashing folder. When I press the power button, the computer does nothing, not even the fan spins. The only indication I have that it is on is the caps lock light turns on. I've tried resetting the pram, but the screen stays blank and does nothing. I don't have any ram modules in it, so it shouldn't be a ram problem.
Tried to restart didn't work. Light is on, but nothing makes noise or anyhting. Been charging it for hours so it has power. Tested the chord on my ther computer and it worked
trying to boot in Leopard my Mac Pro will get the the gray loading screen with the "loading circle" and just sit there forever. Than after a bit it will just stop and the whole computer can shut itself down. I just installed the 8800gt upgrade kit last week, and have had no problems at all for the past week. The only thing that changed that may be related is the 8800GT XP Driver. I installed the latest beta driver for it under XP in boot camp because it wasn't working properly with the default boot camp drivers. So I can correctly boot in the XP via boot camp, but trying to boot in Leopard it just hangs at the gray loading screen.
I did insert a dvd a few days ago and now it doesn't appear anywhere and I can not eject it. But when I turn on the computer the disc drive makes strange sounds. How can I eject it?
my old 2x2Ghz PM G5 (late2004) doesn't launch the boot sequence:
- when pushing power button, the blue led turn ON as long as I keep it pushed. If not pushed, it light off but yet the fan are running.
- no chime
- the fans turn on normally and the hard drive start a little to make noise once powered up.
- no video on display, the screen is black.
- the keyboard is not recognized anywhere I plug it. Â
- after a minute or two of non activity, the fans start to blow full speed (guess its a security measure for saving processor)Â
I ve done the reset of PMU several time (unplug the power cord then push the button at bottom of mother board)As i dont have access to keyboard, I can't start on Target mode to check if the HD is failing all.I ve removed all RAM extensions and left only one pair in slot 1 (J0), and changed the pair to avoid a faulty RAM.I only have a redlight on motherboard if I don t put back the glass panel.I ve check the voltage of the lithium battery, and yet its the original, the voltmeter says its 3,6V...Â
My Superdrive was making a funny noise, so I quickly ejected my game disc so It wouldn't ruin it. A few minutes later, I had to burn a DVD, so I put in a blank DVD, and tried to burn my iDVD project to it. iDVD kept telling me to put a disc in. I hit eject, and nothing happened. I went to my desktop, and noticed that "Blank DVD" was not present. So, I have a disc stuck in my MBP, and my Mac doesn't think there is a disc in there, so eject doesn't work. What do I do? Should I just bring it in the Apple Store?