PowerPC :: Can't Get G3 IBook To Connect With AirPort Network?
May 15, 2008
I can't get our G3 iBook to connect to our AirPort network anymore. It's the last-gen AirPort Extreme base station (domey type with a modem) and I've successfully used our wireless security in the past. We use WPA/WPA2 Personal with a 40 character password. The iBook has worked before with this configuration, and it works when there is no security set up, but even though our town is filled with computer illiterates and there are only 2,000 of them, I'd like security.
I bought the Airport extreme and I can connect from my MBP only when setting the radio mode to:
-802.11n only (5 Ghz) or -802.11 (802.11a compatible)
My iBook and Pismo boxes cannot even see the wirless network at all. It is not a closed network and when selecting Other to connect and entering my WPA password I get an error.
my Ibook sees the network, but refuses the password, same for my husbands iphone, although my iphone still connects.tried relaunching the airport twice, no change. tried changing airport settings, no change even triend to make it open network, no possibility to connectit seems that my ibook doesn't save the changes... and even when putting everything back as it was, it still refuses my password to connect to the airport.
I have recently upgraded my wireless network to N+ using a Belkin Modem Router. Security is WPA2-PSK, and MAC access is disabled. All MacBooks (Leopard & Tiger), PCs (XP) and iphones connect without any problem, however my daughter's PowerBook G4 running OS X 10.4.11, and with the most recent Airport software, can't connect to the network. The password prompt when selecting the network only allows for entering a WEP password.
ibook OS 10.2.8 cannot find server no matter where I try not on AOL or MSN or Yahoo or Amazon or news, not anything.In the Network it says server 0 kilobytes. I have tried everything. I can get on an airport network and still no server. My Safari won't work, my explorer won't work, they all say "Cannot find server"
After trying again and again and failing to connect to my home wireless network which has a password, I tried again after disabling the password, and it worked fine, I'm playing music via iTunes through it right now.
Problem is, I'd obviously prefer a secured network, why can't I connect to a secured network? I'm using a Linkseys WRT160N Router as a base.
So, I need wireless on my iBook G3.. Airport cards go from pretty much 55-80 USD, and are only 11mbps.. should I be worried? My connection I believe is 8mbps..
But the thing is, doesn't wireless work where just because it sends at 11mbps, doesn't mean you really get 11mbps.. With interference you could get 1mbps, compared to the potential 5 or so with 54mbps..
How is the signal strength with the original airport cards? I'm going to be pretty far away.. so want to make to sure i'm not going to disconnect and reconnect all the time..
So, the other option is USB.. most now go for about 40-50 with 54mbps.. now i've heard bad things about kernel panics, and just overall frustrations.. anyone have one that works well..
My MacBook won't connect to my university's WEP network. It can connect to the guest network but that doesn't ever really work, even when I can connect to the secure network. Anyway, my iPod touch has no problem connecting. I've rebooted multiple times and nothing.
I really like my new MacBook Air, but one thing bothers the crap out of me which is that my airport doesn't automatically connect at home. I did nothing to my network out of the box and connect via WPA2 settings. My wife's late 2008 MacBook always connects to our home network (which is an Apple Extreme N router). Even my Dell Mini with OSX connects perfectly every time. What's causing the MacBook Air not to automatically connect and how do I fix it? BTW, I have tried turning off the Airport and turning back on. Also I used "assist me" to reconnect my DHCP settings and clicked to automatically connect me to my network. The only way I can connect is to click down on the wireless icon and actually choose the network.
I'm going to purchase an old iBook 700MHz and I know it's possible to remove it's wireless AirPort card, but it will the iBook run okay without the network card in place?I want to remove it but the Apple support docs have the following disclaimer:Warning: Never turn on your computer unless all of its internal and external parts are in place and it is fully reassembled. Operating the computer when it is missing parts can damage your computer or cause injury.
I have an extra wireless router, the original airport express, and I'd like to use it by putting it in another room and connecting speakers to it. I did this before, with the airport express connected to the network over its ethernet port, and that worked great. How do you do it wirelessly? It's basically putting it on the network in reverse - instead of clients connecting to it over wireless, it's a client connecting to the network wirelessly. How do you do that?
So I have a network running a Linksys B&G WRT54G router on a ComCast Cable internet connection. I have an iBook G4 (2005) and a B/W G3/400 connected to it. The iBook is using the built-in Airport Extreme and the G3 is using a valid Belkin PCI card (model: FD57000) 802.11G card. So the G3 is just chillin' downloading torrents and what not, but I noticed the speeds aren't that great and my iBook is slowed waaay down on just basic web browsing. I reboot the G3 and all of a sudden the iBook speeds way up. Once the G3 is back online everything is slow again. I've tried many settings and still am not satisfied yet (using the iBook on the same torrents as the G3 the speeds are insanely higher).
my teacher asked me to help him with a wireless internet problem. (I'm the only one who knows anything about Macs.) His iBook used to be able to connect to the school's wireless, but up until the techie "changed something with the wireless" he hasn't be able to get on. The iBook is the dual-USB version 700 MHZ G3 with 10.3.9 installed. He states that it will connect at other places, like his house or coffee shops. I don't know what could be wrong. I'm guessing it has something to do with a different kind of WiFi signal. The iBook gen he owns has 802.11b.
I'm a college student and I live on campus during the school year. When I'm at home, I can connect to the internet just fine. Anywhere I go, I don't have a problem. But starting this year, I cannot connect to the Internet on campus. I live in the on-campus apartments and I cannot connect to the residential network there using ethernet. We have a wireless router in our apartment and that won't work for me either. At best, I can sign into the residential network using my school account and I can get on one or two websites before "Safari cannot find server".
I have been using my ibook g4 to connect my xbox 360 to the internet. I have an ethernet cord connecting the two together. just recently, after doing this for months, my ibook will randomly disconnect from the internet. the computer's wifi signals say it's connected but nothing works including ichat, and safari. the internet on xbox also stops. i try resetting my computer and unplugging the ethernet, and the only thing that works is resetting our router.
For wireless: [URL]. Click wireless basics. "For a WiFi network you need an apple Airport base station connected to your cable/dsl modem". Can't I just hook up a wireless router to my cable modem, and ta-da, WiFi.
I have a Time Capsule providing a wireless network in my home. I would like use my Airport Express to create an additional network, and have it get its internet from one of the wired ethernet ports on the TC. Can you daisy chain them like that? I tried it and so far I haven't been able to get it to work.
Hopefully that makes sense. I'm not trying to set up a WDS with the TC and the Express, I'm trying to plug the Express into one of the ethernet connections on the TC so the Express can share that internet connection as a new, separate network (like what you would do if you had the Express in a hotel room, etc).
I have the Express set up to create a network, and my computer can connect to it, but the internet's not available for some reason. Should I expect this to be able to work?
Lexmark 4310 series printer will not print after printing first job after setup. Msg in printer window says printer not connected however the green light is solid on the printer. Lexmark tech support says the issue is with comcast router. Comcast says issue is mac related because both macs fail to print while HP machine works fine....
I need to reseat my Airport Extreme card and I don't know where it is or how to do it on this "mid-2005" model. Please point me to the appropriate URL that has diagrams. For some reason, the "mid 2005" g4 iBooks have a different Airport card removal and replacement procedure than the earlier models. Because, I suppose, airport cards were standard, i.e., not optional, with this model, the install process is not included in the manual. But you'd think that all I'd have to do is search the Apple site for "g4 ibook 1.33 airport card" or similar keywords and the instructions for removal and installation would be returned. Ha! and Double-Ha! Here are the official results of the above keywords:
I have an 'old' G4 Imac (usb 2.0) with a pretty sweet audio setup that I can hear throughout my house. I just ordered and old school clamshell ibook (se) mostly for writing papers on the go. but I was wondering if any one knows how I can use it as a remote control (over airport) to skip songs on my IMac. This must be possible somehow. I cant afford an airport express right now.
I have a iMac G5 with an Airport Extreme Card installed and an Airport Express Base Station. I have set a password on it and it is working fine on my G5.
I also have a G3 Clamshell iBook with OS 10.3 on it and an Airport card installed there. In my last home, it was able to connect to a default network without problem, but I have never been able to connect it to the same network as my G5. I enter the password and it says thet the password is not recognized. I have since moved into a new house and the only network that shows up is the one from my house (no default anymore and I can't get access to the internet.
I know the card is working since it picked up the default in my last place, but am wondering what I can do to get it to recognize the password. Should I reset the Airport Express. Do I need a more current version of OS X to run it than the OS 10.3 (I haven't updated the software as I just installed OS 10.3 from OS 10.2 last night and didn't have the connection to be able to do a software update - I could just plug it into the ethernet and do it if I need the update.
I don't want to leave it without a password. We are the only people right now in a new sub division but there will be people moving into the area soon that I don't want jacking my internet service.
I sort of, well, inadvertently bought an old Clamshell iBook on eBay on Christmas Day (when I'm bored, I make lowball bids on things - this was one of the rare cases where I won). The model I got is a 300 Mhz with 96 Megs of Ram - but it also has an Airport Card (which, really, was, itself, worth the price I paid for the thing - it was a really good price).
I've got an extra 256 Meg chip laying around - will the Clamshell recognize a PC133 chip? Or will it have the same problem as Lombard and only see half the memory? Also - am I better off putting, say, Panther on it, or should I do a clean install of OS 9.2? I never really used OS 9.2, what's the functionality like in terms of Airport - am I going to have trouble connecting to modern networks?
iBook G4 shows that the airport has full connectivity (full bars) yet it doesn't connect and states that there is no IP address. The iBook connects using its internal airport to a Netgear Router. There is a PC that runs windows that is connected to the cable modem. For a month or so both computers were able to access the internet simultaneously. All of a sudden the computers are unable to access the internet at the same time. When I attempt to connect at the same time my Mac gives me an error stating that another IP is in use and so I can't connect.
How can I give my iBook an IP address so that both computers can be online at the same time?
I have an old G4 iBook that has bitten the dust after some coffee got spilled on the keyboard. I also have an old iMac G5 that was purchased WITHOUT wireless. 1. Can the iBook airport card be installed into the G5 iMac?
yes, I think my wireless card is locking my ibook up. I have tried this on 2 browsers, and still gets locked up. I am usually using tabs (only 2 or 3) with the window maximized. I turned it off and looked at the connection. Noticed that the cord connecting the card might be crimped, so unplugged it, re-positioned the cord so it wasn't touching the metal bracket holding the card in place, and still the issue persists.