PowerPC :: Why Is The Pismo Faster On The Internet Than An Ibook G4
Jan 14, 2007
I have been enjoying my recently acquired pismo g4 500. Typing on it feels wonderful, and I'm so glad that I got it. We also just got an ibook 1.2ghz (768mb memory), and for some reason, the pismo loads internet pages faster.
I bought the Airport extreme and I can connect from my MBP only when setting the radio mode to:
-802.11n only (5 Ghz) or -802.11 (802.11a compatible)
My iBook and Pismo boxes cannot even see the wirless network at all. It is not a closed network and when selecting Other to connect and entering my WPA password I get an error.
Right now I have a G3 iBook (900 MHz, 640 MB RAM, Combodrive, 40 GB HDD). I'm looking at a G4 iBook (1.2 GHz, 768 MB RAM, Superdrive, 60 GB HDD).
How much faster would the G4 be over my G3. I figure that after selling my G3, the G4 would only be another $200ish on top of it. Would this be worth it?
My iBook just fell of the table, and now refuses to power up. Never again will i say the magSafe is pointless. I (was) running a 800mhz, 640mb G3 iBook, 10.3.9, bought in 2003. The laptop landed on a connected usb cord, which has damaged the usb socket, with the white plastic bit inside the port now broken off, leaving exposed connectors. The laptop did power up initially after the fall, but upon connecting another usb into the remaining usb port,the iBook's fans came on, louder and faster than ive ever heard, before dieing. I simply cannot afford a MacBook right now, and had just upgraded the RAM and OS (10.2.8 - 10.3.9) so that it would last me another year.
Does any one know if I can put a faster logic board in a 12" 1.07 ghz iBook? Something like a 1.2 ghz from ebay or something? Would it use the same ram?
I have this old Powerbook G3 Pismo with hopes to do something with. Ideally I would like to upgrade the processor/RAM/Hard Drive and be able to boot on Linux (preferably Ubuntu). I don't have the OS9 Disk and really would like to use this beautiful piece of machinery. So my question is. What do I need to buy? What do I need to install and where should I start looking?
specs are... Mac OS 9.0.4 Built in memory: 128MB Virtual memory: 128MB used on Macintosh HD 400Mhz 1MB Cache 64MB Ram (???) 6GB Hard drive 8MB Video/DVD
I know this has probably been asked before but I have no idea how to formulate search terms to not get a ton of junk results, so please bare with me on this.
I have a PowerBook G4 with a 1.67GHz processor and DVI output and a retarded graphics card. I want to buy a Pismo and hotrod it as mentioned by The Apple Blog. Basically, I'm asking if I can pull the processor out of the G4 and drop it in the Pismo.
Also, if there's any site I can look up sockets and whatnot for these guys, let me know. MacTracker doesn't mention that stuff as far as I know.
I are lokking for a Ibook to use for internet, what it that ende to ahvde .I only nede it to internet and maby to se movie but that not the primer that are internet, so what it the min. mhz ?
I am trying to purchase an Original Airport Card to put in my iBook G3 however, I am blown away by the prices. Does anyone know a good Card that will work in this machine?
I was recently given an old iBook (the one with the Clamshell design) from a friend and was wondering how would I go about hooking it up to my Television, and to the Internet? What do I need to do this?
I'm a college student and I live on campus during the school year. When I'm at home, I can connect to the internet just fine. Anywhere I go, I don't have a problem. But starting this year, I cannot connect to the Internet on campus. I live in the on-campus apartments and I cannot connect to the residential network there using ethernet. We have a wireless router in our apartment and that won't work for me either. At best, I can sign into the residential network using my school account and I can get on one or two websites before "Safari cannot find server".
I have a weird problem with my iBook G4. I cannot get access to the Internet at all. I connect using a TimeCapsule. In total I do have 3 Macs, 2 of them connect just fine just my old iBook gives me headaches. It doesn't acquire a correct IP address either.
I do connect over Wifi. The Wifi symbol in the menu bar gets all bars on the iBook and the TimeCapsule does show 4 connected clients ( I do guess my iPhone is one of them).
So - two Macbook Pros and one iPhone connects just fine to the Internet using this TimeCapsule. It does show 4 connected clients and I do get all the bars in the menu bar on the iBook.
The iBook doesn't get a correct IP address (that is my guess as it totally different from the two Macbook Pros). The iBook runs 10.5.5.
I had an iBook G4 1Ghz. I rarely had any problems watching internet videos on sites like Hulu or YouTube. I passed the iBook along to a friend when I got a new MacBook, and he has been unable to watch Web videos. They play, but the audio is ahead of the sound. He's tried it on a few different connections, but they all do this in both Safari 4 and Firefox 3. Clearing the browser cache helped a little, but it hasn't gone away.
I have been using my ibook g4 to connect my xbox 360 to the internet. I have an ethernet cord connecting the two together. just recently, after doing this for months, my ibook will randomly disconnect from the internet. the computer's wifi signals say it's connected but nothing works including ichat, and safari. the internet on xbox also stops. i try resetting my computer and unplugging the ethernet, and the only thing that works is resetting our router.
I have an iBook with OS 9.2 and my internet provider doesn't support anything less than OS 10.0. Can someone guide me through the steps of configuring Airport for home wireless use? Alternately, is there a manual somewhere that would provide the necessary info.
I seem to have a little problem. I have a 1.2ghz ibook with 768mb of ram running the newest version of panther. It can play .avi, .mpg and .wmv files fine and smooth in quicktime and vlc player. However whenever I go to lets say [URL], [URL] or sites like those to watch tv shows the video stutters.
Its not a buffering issue because I even wait for it to buffer 100% before I press play but the video always stutters(even if its not in full screen). I use bother firefox and ssafari and there is no difference. . . Does anyone know what the problem could be or how I could fix it? I think an ATI Mobility Radeon 9200 32MB should be able to play videos using flashplayer jsut fine dont you?
Now when im in front of the telly, it would be nice to use the iBook, however ive tried tonight and failed Basically I unhooked the ethernet cable from the iMac, into the iBook - but nothing. The iBook is running OS 9.1. I went to the TCP/IP panel on the iBook and changed it to connect via ethernet...from there I assumed everything else should be automatic. For the configure section, there are four options - manually, using BootP server, using DHCP server, or using RARP server. I have only tried with the using BootP server, as for the others it asks for settings which i do not have, and are not provided under the iMac TCP/IP settings.
I have been a mac user since 2006. Yesterday, I purchased an iBook G4 for my father, who I have converted from Windows to Macintosh. We are 99% satisfied. Everything works great except the wireless internet. Whenever the computer shuts off or goes to sleep, we have a difficult time re-connecting to the wireless internet. After five minutes of clicking on the wireless signal (at the top of the screen) and turning it on and off, we are able to get on. Once we connect, it does not seem to disconnect.
Since I am no longer at school, I'm wondering how to get rid of the school connection?
I'm not too sure about networks, too. Once I get rid of the school connection, will I be able to connect to any wireless connection automatically or do I need to join up to a company like this one:
I've received the responsibility of a Powerbook G3 Pismo from a friend, who got it from his friend. I managed to boot it up once, running just fine, but it suddenly froze, and now I can't get this poor machine to boot. I tried using the reset button in the back, and it makes a buzzing noise, like it's trying to boot, but then it stops.
The battery is completely dead, and it only makes the sound off AC power, if the press the rest button (the power button no longer seems to work). I tried opening the machine and pulling out the PRAM connection, like has been suggested elsewhere, but to no avail. Is there any way I can know if it's the hard drive, or the logic board, or the RAM? It just died on me, upon first booting and working so well. Now all I get is a little buzzing noise every time I press the rest button, which sounds like it's trying to start up.
New to the Mac world here,and really diggin my G4,which I got for free.But I need help with a frustrating situation. Here's the specs: Powermac Gigabit Ethernet dual 500 mHz G4,40 GB primary and 160 GB slave HDs,2 GB RAM,and a fresh install of Tiger with almost nothing downloaded,basically,a brand new machine. The issue: both firefox and Safari are sludgy on internet speed--watching Youtube videos,using Facebook,etc. It's not an ish with my router or modem--my older PC's blaze. it's really frustrating,and I've maxed out the RAM,so I want to know if an upgrade to a 1.8 or 2.0 processor will alleviate this problem once and for all,or if I have a boat anchor. Honestly,I don't do hardcore computing,just burn DVDs,a little photoshop,and play on the internet. There's no reason it should be so damn sluggish watchibng streaming video or simply writing on someone's 'wall' on Facebook.
My iMac's Internet Sharing since one week still be very slow. I have a realy fast Internet on my computer, so, that's not a problem. I use IS for my iPad and it opens only 1-3 pages, then it just stills loading. One week earlier I could watch films etc, so it worked. The same problems are also with catching it on my iPhone, so the problems is by iMac. It writes "connection timeout" or something like this.
I get a signal from a tech school just down the street and i get the signal from my airport. but it is incredibly weak. i cant even watch videos anymore because every 2 seconds it attempts to buffer the rest of the video.
if any of you have any suggestions on how to tweak my computer to make the internet run smoother, feel free to post.