PowerPC :: IMac G5 Strange Vertical Lines Of Squares?
Nov 2, 2008
I have a problem with the display of an iMac G5 20". It shows up as vertical lines of small squares.
If I change screen resolution, the display will look ok for about half a second, and then it comes back again. Anyone had seen this before? (This is does not look like the usual problem with iMac and thin vertical lines.)
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Oct 25, 2008
I was using Audacity on my mac running 10.4.11, on some seriously large files (85MB mp3s were exported from these original wav files!), when during this these red vertical lines started popping up on my screen; mainly where a window had been moved. These lines haven't gone away and I'm not sure how to fix this problem. I'm stumped! Having repaired permissions and run the Disk Utility from the Install disk, I'm at a total loss. The intro/gray screen, apple logo doesn't have the red lines, but every other screen does.
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Nov 26, 2007
My problem is a screen that is lit but grey, with vertical lines very faint in the background. when connected to a monitor all is well. I have replaced the screen with a second hand one from ebay and it is exactly the same. what is more likely- both screens are duff or is there something obvious i'm missing. i was given the ibook by a friend replaced the harddrive and gave it to my son and it worked for six weeks perfectly until the display suddenly went never to return.
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Apr 18, 2010
See the pictures. They look almost like ink but no ink has been near the screen.Tried cleaning the screen but with no luck. It lies on top of any open window.
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Mar 25, 2009
The other day the screen started blinking randomly. It'll flicker for a few seconds and then go white with vertical grey lines for a few seconds. Then it will go back to normal. There doesn't seem to be a pattern to it. Sometimes it will go through that process for five minutes and then stop. Other times I can be working on it for hours and nothing will blink or act screwed up.
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Nov 10, 2010
I have a bad problem. I have these vertical lines on my Imac display. Its a Mac OSX 10.4.11. Anyone know if theres a way to fix this?
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Jan 6, 2011
i have an intel based 17" White imac.
it has over the weeks had and increasing number of vertical white lines appearing on the screen.
does any one have any idea of what is causing the problem, and the solution?
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Jun 29, 2012
This just started today. My computer started to get weird vertical colored lines on the screen. At first, I thought it was just the website I was on, but more and more began to appear everywhere. I unplugged my computer and plugged it back it, turned it on, and when the white screen witht he Apple logo came up, the lines were everywhere. They weren't just making vertical lines, but also squares. Later, the weirdest thing happened. I was opening a new window on Safari, and suddenly, these pyramid-shaped objects covered the screen. They were red, with a little with of blue and a tiny bit of white on them. they pointed in all directions, and the minute I moved my mouse, they dissapeared. When I hold down on the left button on the mouse and hover it over the squares and lines, about 65% of the dots dissapear. My computer is an iMac G5 from 2004 with no iSight, the model number is A1058, the software is Leopard (10.5.8), and the processor is 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Oct 8, 2008
So tomorrow I'm going to be getting a Powerbook G4 from a friend. He says there are two problems with it.
1. The Graphics. I haven't seen it personally, but he says every time the laptop starts up, the display has a bunch of parallel vertical lines running down it. Is this a hardware issue, and is it easy to replace? Or can an update fix it? I wonder because isn't the integrated graphics mounted on the logic board?
2. The WiFi Card. I remember the day he got it, we both say the WiFi worked like a charm. One day, it pooped out on us. Now, the only way for internet is by ethernet. Did something possibly unhook from it, or is it a bad card? Once again, a possible update for it?
I won't know for certain until I get this laptop tomorrow. I will post updates when I can physically check it out.Also, this laptop is an older one, so no warranty or AppleCare on it. It is also running Leopard, but I doubt it is updated to the latest.
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Apr 12, 2010
I was browsing the internet on my '08 iMac when the system suddenly froze immediately followed by the screen turning to nothing but vertical lines. I fear this may be an issue with the graphics card, but would anyone be able to offer any further insight?
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Feb 9, 2012
I've got a 2006 17" iMac (serial # starts with QP) and it's developed several bright, vertical lines on the display. Been reading around and it appears that this is not an uncommon problem. Whether this is something that can be repaired.
iMac, 17" - Manufactured August 2006
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Nov 9, 2009
They started real small I thought it was just me then an hour later it expanded, 6 hours passed, it's a least 5 inches wide.. It started on the right, around where the time is shown.
What's happening? I have an early 06 iMac.
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Nov 5, 2008
I have a 20'' iMac with a 2.4GHz Core 2 and an HD2600XT.
There are light vertical wavy floating lines visible on the screen when running Windows XP. They are more clearly seen when you look the screen at an angle, from down below you look upwards to the screen. The floating lines can be precisely seen on grey backgrounds. These lines are not noticable much, but when you closely look with grey backgrounds, they are visible.
The problem is very strange because I've tried updating the drivers to my HD2600XT, and no luck at all.
I'm not able to determine wether the problem is hardware of software related, due to the problem not existing in Mac OS X.
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Mar 9, 2009
Apple delivered a refurb MP. And I just hooked it to my 30" ACD. Then suddenly the screen froze with digital artifact lines and squares. Only way to release it was to do a hard shut-down. And restart. Looks like its the stock standard graphics card. Is there any know probs with the ATI 2600. Also under Graphics/Displays. it just says ATI Radeon HD 2600 (rather than 2600 "XT") guess its the same card. Should I call Apple and get this exchange?
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Apr 24, 2009
Something has changed with Preview on my system running Leopard. For some reason, most PDFs opened in Preview have strange lines in them. But if I open the PDFs with other apps like Adobe Reader, there are no lines. Anyone know what these are, why Preview is displaying them, and how to get rid of them?
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Mar 10, 2010
As you can see from the video there is a strange black area surrounding my windows, but only when there are "active," not when I click on the desktop. The iTunes window is unaffected. Additionally the Quicksilver command interface and the Dashboard have a discoloration which is very annoying. Do you know what could be causing this? This behavior goes away when I restart my computer but eventually comes back. I have not been able to tie it to a specific app yet.
This is on a white macbook that I've had for almost two years, but this only about one month old. It didn't use to happen very often but nowadays it happens almost every day.
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Jun 15, 2010
recently i've been having problems on my mac as its begun to slow down drastically over the last few days and i've been seeing these strange outlines around some of my programs (see image).
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May 11, 2009
I have an iMac G5 (rev. B with ambient light sensor) which has suddenly started having a problem where the entire screen is covered with pink artifacts. The iMac had been left on overnight and when waking up in the morning I found the screen looking like this and now it continues to stay like this no matter what I do. I have attached a screenshot and was wondering if anyone might have a clue what has caused this to happen
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Nov 11, 2010
I've been having this problem for the last few weeks intermittently, and occurs whenever I bring my Macbook Pro (17 � 5,2 � 10.6.4) awake from sleep, or sometimes just when I switch it on.
It is a bit difficult to describe, so here is a picture:
I have to hard-reset the laptop to fix this each time...
Do I need to send it away for repairs or is this something that I could fix myself?
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Nov 9, 2009
For the past few days, my screen has been going in and out of being entirely covered by 1px white lines that occasionally flicker blue or something. Like, when I'm typing (as I am now) if the window is positioned one pixel off, the blinking cursor won't appear (and on my black screensaver, it looks more like it's white/light grey because literally every other 1px line is white). Well, this morning it got weird again, but it hasn't gone back to normal!
I have a Mid-2007 Santa Rosa Macbook Pro, 2.4 Ghz Core 2 Duo- LED Screen, backlight works fine and if I turn it completely down ('off') the problem persists. I have Boot Camp installed, and the problem persists when booting into Windows as well.
I looked around and tried a few fixes to no avail (slept the screen, reset the PRAM, messed with the resolution a bit).
I took a screenshot and everything shows up normal. I had to finish a paper I was working on, and the screen was getting unbearable, so I tried plugging it into a mate's external lcd and the image came up completely fine, no vertical lines!
So, what could this be, and what could I do to fix it? Could this be the infamous problem with the Nvidia 8600GT M graphics card- so would I have to get the logic board repaired!? (UGH I hope not) Could it just be a connection issue? I did install a new hard drive, a new stick of memory, and Leopard, but that was months ago! Anything else I might be missing? and I hope this problem isn't too serious!
P.S.-on a side-note, has anybody done the upgrade to the latest firmware for the fans (SMC something)? Should I give that a try (or should I do it anyway, regardless of whether it could help)? When it was released, I heard of some bad experiences, so I stayed away.
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Apr 13, 2009
iBook G4, OSX 10.4, has thin vertical lines appearing far right desktop...different colors. Four so far. Also, Safari keeps asking for keychain password but login password does not work and keychain utility won't allow any actions.
Related? This is a "refurbished" computer from Ebay (Tech Replay) and I don't have the system disks to start over.
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Aug 1, 2009
Started with 1, now there are 27 vertical lines on the screen - this interferes with photos and is unbelievably annoying. How do I get rid of them?
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Sep 25, 2009
When I start up my screen is filled with a load of bars made up of small vertical lines. After about 20 minutes they seem to stop appearing, although fragments of them remain on the desktop and dock.
It' also runs really slowly at first.
Running OS x 10.5.8
Old G5 tower
Apple Cinema display
I have tried disc utility Repair Disc (booted as a target disc) and Repair Disc Permissions
I have posted a screen grab here (it ain't pretty):[URL]
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Apr 8, 2012
Whenever I watch videos or anything that moves I will see a line going through the video. Its not very visible, But its still there. Some say it could be a virus, others say hardware problems.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 7, 2012
vertical lines on screen?
iPad 2, iOS 4.3.2, I use QuickOffice & Dropbox
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Jun 23, 2012
Vertical lines appearing on screen started with one now have 4 . Is this bad?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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May 3, 2010
i have had a Macbook Pro which I got in mid 2008 and it just yesterday began doing something strange. After working in Mac OS X for a while I saw that many of the white areas on my screen were filled with purple lines. Most of my pics in my background are outlined with varying colors and I cannot figure out what is going on.
I began to suspect the graphics chip at first, so to test this theory I plugged it into an external display and the problem did not exist there so I concluded that it was not due to the graphics chip. I have a friend who performed some tests and believes that it is a problem in the connection between the monitor and the graphics chip and that certain bits of data just aren't making it through. I thought that this was a feasible problem, but to get a second opinion I took it to the local apple store on my university campus and they looked at it and also concluded that it was not a graphics chip problem, but that I may have to replace the whole display assembly. This was fairly expensive and I cannot afford to do that since time got away from me and I forgot to purchase applecare. (How stupid of me. Aargh!) Anyway, so I was wondering what is believed by the macrumors community to be the best option. I discovered that this problem seemed to happen on a lot of this particular model of macbook pro and that apple offered to replace the graphics chip for free because of it, but since they do not think it is a graphics chip issue, it appears that I am stuck.
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Oct 6, 2010
Hi I'm connecting an external monitor to my macbook pro and am experiencing regular vertical lines throughout the external screen. I've tried DVI-D and VGA. I've tried changing resolutions. I have taken a screen shot of the monitor but this screen shot shows a clear image. Attached is a picture of what it looks like. Hard to spot as taken with my isight. (Ignore the cable hanging down).
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Jul 25, 2009
2007 MBP, using a clear hard Speck case
15 inch
4mb RAM
160gb HD, 650gb external HD
I've had it sent into Apple once for the horizontal flashing lines, but these are new... it's like a gray vertically striped film covers the whole screen, and unlike the horizontal lines, shaking/hitting the screen does not help.
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Sep 16, 2009
After installing Snow Leopard, I noticed that when I select a web page from the Safari startup grid (medium 6 web pages), the screen turns white with many vertical lines. This lasts for approximately 4-5 seconds before the web page loads. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?
Imac - Processor 3.06 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
4 GB Memory
Safari 4.03.
ATI Radeon HD 4850
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