OS X :: Write A Script To Reconnect Shares Automatically?
Apr 14, 2009
I've got a mac mini under my TV that I use as a media centre, however, all of the video content is stored on my Mac Pro. All of the video is accessed by two standard shared folders.However, everytime I restart my Mac Pro the shares obviously stop working. I'd like a way to automatically keep these shares alive. I think I'd need something that does the following and would be in a script of sorts (terminal script I guess):On bootup of OS X on the Mac Pro do the following:
1. Connect to the mac mini (maybe via ssh)
2. Close all existing shares on the mac mini
3. Initialise shares on the mac mini
On a different note, any idea how to execute a terminal script in the background at a set time every day? I've got a few lines of code that sync up my iPhoto and iTunes library across my machines and I'd like to schedule it to run at a certain time.
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Apr 1, 2012
why won't it automatically reconnect to the wifi when it wakes up
MacBook Air (13-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 14, 2012
I have used my Imac for about six months without any problems. All in a sudden it does not always reconect to my router after getting into sleeping mode (not always, but around 8 of 10 times it does not reconect). I have to click on my router that are listed among other routers that it picks up in the neighbours.
Imac is of course setup to automatically reconnect to my router in the settings.
I have restarted my router as well, and also renamed the router as well to be be sure there are no conflicts. My Router is a Thomson TG789vn
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 14, 2009
I am running Snow Leopard on a new Power Mac which is part of a windows network. On the Windows server, there are a couple of shares that I would like the mac to use. I can manually connect to them and browse ok, but what I would really like to do is have them automatically load on startup and display on the desktop. I have tried connecting to the them and then dragging them into the login items, but on restart, they don't appear on the desktop.
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Feb 15, 2011
i had a External Harddrive.Currently i can Read//Write on it in Windows PC(Windows7)But when i use the same drive in Mac i can only read...but can't able to write. How to resolve this issue
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Apr 14, 2012
My 27" imac has suddenly disconnected from our wifi and will not reconnect even with the correct password.
Our PC's, macbook and iphone are all fine. I am operating on MAC OSX 10.6.6 and have not recently updated.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Nov 18, 2010
The AFP and SMB shares provided by my machine (OSX 10.6.5) seem to be messed up. Specifically:
1) There are shares which are visible from other machines which do not exist in System Preferences -> Sharing -> File Sharing
2) There are share listed in System Preferences -> Sharing -> File Sharing which cannot be deleted
How can this be cleaned up? What drives the set of shares? /var/db/samba/smb.shares is clearly a generated file. What generates it?
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May 16, 2008
So I see all these weird PCs in my Finder, and I wish to not see them at all. I only want to see the Macs. Is there a way to hide PC network shares?
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Aug 6, 2009
I have a number of shares on my NAS that I have linked in my login items, and when I log into OSX I get these on my desktop. The "server" is "afp://NASNAME(AFP)._afpovertcp._tcp.local/SHARENAME". This has worked great for ages, and all that happened when I logged into OSX was that these shares got an icon on the desktop. However, since the "upgrade" to 10.5.8, these shares open up when I log in. This is so irritating; I do not want these shares to open up, just to have an icon on the desktop. What "feature" did Apple screw around with, and what can I do to get back to status quo?
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Mar 19, 2010
I've been experiencing a problem lately with my Wifi, this started around last January where my Macbook Pro Wifi will be disconnected and reconnect within a few seconds, the period between the connection cut off varies sometimes short(3-5 minutes) sometimes long(1 hour?).
The weird thing is, this happens only when I use my house Wifi(NTL Ireland) and when I use my neighbor's Wifi which happens to be the same company(NTL) I do no experience this problem.And another weird thing is 2 of my housemates who are using PC do not have this problem and 1 of my housemate who is using mac also experiencing this problem, but the disconnection of the wifi of mine and her doesnt happen at the same time. I am so fed up with this, can anybody tell me what's the problem ? my macbook ? router ? broadband company ? weather ?
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Apr 15, 2009
Maybe it's paranoia, but my router kicks my wireless connection only when I'm pirating something.
The solution is just to reconnect. What vexes me most, though, is that OS X (10.5.6) has always already detected my network, but didn't connect to it after being kicked off. It would be comparable to someone being kicked out of a caf�, then noticing the caf� is still there but just standing around outside doing nothing.
Basically, I want to remove the human element of having to (1) notice the connection is gone, and (2) click on the network to reconnect. I know these are both computable procedures, so I'm asking for a nudge from someone knowledgeable.
I can code just fine, but I've never written any applescripts or applications for OS X. If there isn't already something out there that does these things, can someone suggest what form a solution to this problem would take?
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Feb 25, 2012
I was on my Mac and this happens somewhat often. I loose wifi connection and I have to go to the little wifi tab and select my network again. It doesn't ask for my password but it connects again. I am quite irritated with this, and it is embarrassing when my friends who have pcs come over "you have got a stupid Mac!" I love my Mac I don't want to ruin its great reputation.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 9, 2012
My MacBook Pro (the newer silver models 2011) often stops charging, I have to unplug the charging pin and connect it again. It has turned it self off quite a few times on sudden power failure, mostly because it went under power while I assumed it was still charging. After that it also looses time and date settings.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 1, 2014
I have a late 2011 model Macbook Pro, 10.7.5 OS and I've had no issues whatsoever up until a week ago. The night before if stopped working I did everything as usual, did some HW, emailing then I shut it down. I woke up the next morning and it wouldn't turn on so I figured it was dead, so I got my charger plugged it in and got no light, green or orange.
What I got was a faint green blinking on the charger light and my battery level indicator wasn't working. I thought it was my charger but it wasn't because worked fine on my girlfriend's Macbook. I googled and tried PRAM and SMC to no avail. I have to disconnect and reconnect the battery connector each time for it work. Other than this issue I have another problems, mac runs very slow while it's on and I shut it down or restart it for awhile after I reconnected the battery but if I try to turn it back on or restart it hours after I've done that then it won't work .
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Jun 19, 2014
how to reaconnect video and audio of a one clip, after you have detached it
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Nov 17, 2009
So on my Mac Pro, when I get into my NAS (linux based), the files take like 3 seconds to actually appear in the window after I click on the share. On my Windows 7 machine, that is next to the mac, on the same switch, takes not even a second, it's instant. I have always had an issue that the Mac is slow when browsing network shares. Even if it's another Mac.
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Nov 30, 2009
I've had this problem going on two months now, so I would not recall what program could be causing it. A cloned share, "eve-2" (the name of my iMac is "Eve") shows up across the network as a PC share. OS is Snow Leopard, fully updated. Model iMac8,1. Screens of finder and running processes attached if it helps.
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Feb 16, 2010
Basically, I'm trying to get all of the files off a hfs partition on an external harddrive so that I can reformat the drive. The problem is that my Windows machine is the only one with enough space to do this, and, of course, Windows cannot see the hfs partition, and I can't remove it. So I've been trying to copy the files from my Macbook Pro across the network. Unfortunately, this is the part that has proven difficult. My Windows machine does not show up in the list of shares in Finder, so I need to use Go > Connect to Server. While this works initially after first booting up.
It seems to disconnect after a few minutes and all attempts to reconnect just display a connecting box for a short while, and then an error message; "Connection Failed. There was an error connecting to the server. Check the server name or IP address and try again." I can ping my Windows machine, so there is nothing wrong with the IP, or the connection on a basic level, but for some reason I cannot connect. I've tried disabling Firewalls on both machines, and that hasn't helped. One thing I did notice is that the connection seems to remain stable as long as I do not access the network on my Windows machine. For instance, earlier this evening it disconnected as soon as I tried to use the internet.
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Apr 25, 2010
This came about after buying a Magic Mouse and finding that the mouse wasn't working how it should. The pointer was lagging and the mouse would disconnect are reconnect at random. Taking a look on the net I found lots who have the same problem even with older Mac Pros. There is a fix for the older models which involves swapping antenna wires that go to the bluetooth card. Now I can't verify this but some say the labels on the antenna cables are wrong but it could be that the wire swap fix uses the airport antenna instead of the bluetooth antenna ? So I decided to take a closer look and came to the conclusion that the Mac Pro bluetooth antenna does not work as it should. This could be down to bad placement, bad designed antenna or the metal of the case.
Where is the bluetooth antenna? If you try to follow the bluetooth antenna cable you see it goes behind the motherboard but impossible to follow. I wanted to know so out came my motherboard. You can see from the picture below that is on the right sort of behind the PCI blanks. The antenna is flat, about half inch wide and 3 inch tall. Looks pretty rubbish. Sorry I didn't take any photos. After more research I have found 2 possible fixes both costing about $10. The first and easiest. Buy yourself a usb adaptor plug it in and off you go.. Well not exactly. It seems that 2 bluetooths together aren't so happy. So to fix this you will need to disconnect the original apple bluetooth located on the motherboard .
1: Remove power cable .
2: Remove case cover
3. Remove processor tray.
4. Locate bluetooth card and disconned the small plug on the left hand side.
5. Put back in reverse order.
Test: Bluetooth Fix Using Original Bluetooth Card. I prefer this way as I'm not adding any hardware as such I'm just replacing the antenna. This way no usb ports are being used and you use your original bluetooth card. You will need to buy 2 things. EBAY is your friend. A WiFi antenna. As wifi uses the same frequency as bluetooth. A U.FL Mini Pci to RP-SMA CABLE to connect from the bluetooth card to the new antenna.
1: Remove power cable .
2: Remove case cover
3. Remove processor tray.
4. Undo the 2 screws and remove the PCI holder plate
5. Undo the 2 screws for the fan and pull the fan forward. (You need to do this to remove the graphics card.)
6. Push the metal bar on the left side of the graphics card to the left and remove the graphics card.
7.Remove a PCI blank and drill a 6.5mm hole in the middle.
8. Fit the RP-SMA connector and tighten the locking nut.
9. Put a little insulation tape on the other end as we need to fish this behind a support and don't was to short anything on the motherboard.
10. Pass cable behind support and fit the PCI blank into place
11. Disconnect the old antenna.Its a very small plug and you must pull it forward towards you (away from motherboard) and connect the new U.FL cable. Tie up and insulate the old antenna cable to avoid short circuits.
12. Refit all in reverse not forgetting the push the metal bar that holds the graphics card to the right before refitting the fan.
13. Screw new antenna into back.
My bluetooth works fine now with my original bluetooth card and new antenna. I have tried it form far away as possible 5-6 metres and works fine. The other thing to do is add your mouse as a favorite in the bluetooth preferences.
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May 12, 2012
After about a week I finally managed to reinstall Mac OSX Snow Leopard...I took a RAM stick out at random and it worked...good thing there weren't any Genius bar appointments which suited me. Anyway, now I need to connect a keyboard I've already got my USB keyboard in it (The same size one as the wireless one...but this one's wired) I've unplugged it, plugged it back in. I've dug out my wireless keyboard and nothing's happened (Yes, the green light blinks.I put my iMac to sleep, I turned it off, it still isn't working...
I could try and find a wired mouse/keyboard somewhere...but I can't believe my wired Apple keyboard isn't working with it I'm surprised Apple think this wireless stuff is a good thing...I'm more surprised my wired keyboard won't connect.It's an iMac 11,2 (I think - Whatever the late 2010 one was) and I'm running Snow Leopard.
Also - When's it safe to put the RAM back in? Or is it actually faulty and I need to get a replacement? How can I check?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2010 21.5", 3.06GHz, 8GB RAM, 500GB
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Jul 9, 2008
I've (very) recently become interested in buying shares on the stock markets. I would like some software (can be web based) for tracking trends, making predictions, possibly buying through the software. I'd prefer Mac Compatible software but if there is good windows software I'd like to hear about that too. What do the 'professionals' use? Is that either very expensive or bespoke?
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Nov 14, 2008
I'm using Viscosity to connect to our VPN at work. I'm able to establish a connection just fine, but I have a few issues. It appears to be assigning me a local IP address; however, I'm unable to ping the gateway. I'm also unable to ping the local Samba domain.
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Apr 13, 2009
On my MacBook Pro I have set up a bunch of shares to mount upon login. They then are presented by icons on the desktop, all using server "afp://BMK-rnp (AFP)._afpovertco._tcp.local/SHARE NAME". The shares are hosted on my Infrant/NetGear ReadyNAS Pro, which uses the AFP protocol, and advertises the AFP service over Bonjour. However, when I have had the MBP sleeping for a few hours, not just a few minutes, and I open it back up, it has lost the connection to the shares. I get a message that the server is unavailable, and that the shares are disconnected. I can't do anything about it, except disconnect the shares in the pop-up, open up finder, and click on the "BMK-rnp (AFP)" icon under shared, and then reconnect to the shares. Is there a way, using std. OSX tools, to "re-connect" to the shares? I have tried a small utility - "Bounjour Mounter" - but I never got it working right.
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Sep 2, 2009
Wanted to see if anyone else might be having this problem:Since the upgrade, my windows shared computers have disappeared in Finder. Only the macs show up now. This is only on my home network.At the office, I can see the windows machines on my MBP, but not at home.
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Mar 26, 2010
I've been having some very odd internal network connectivity issues the last few weeks.First, here's what I'm working with:-1.83 GHz Core 2 Duo Mac Mini running Snow Leopard 10.6.2File server running Windows Server 2008 64bit-Two SMB shares I access from the file server for archive storage and backup purposes from the Mini-All networked together into a Linksys WRT54G running DD-WRT v24-sp1
So here's the deal. I can start up the Mini from a fresh boot and access my SMB file shares with no problems at all. The file server is pingable, and I can RDP into it with Remote Desktop. But put the computer to sleep? One third of it breaks--the SMB shares become inaccessible until after a reboot, BUT I can still ping the file server AND I can still RDP into it without any issues. It's for this reason I think it's a Finder-specific issues. It seems to "forget" my SMB shares after putting the computer to sleep, then can't "find" them again.
FWIW, I thought it might be a name resolution issues, so I tried all this using the straight-up IP address but nothing changed. The SMB shares aren't accessible, but I can still ping and RDP into the file server without issue.It's getting very frustrating rebooting my Mac virtually every time I need to access my file archive. It's also makes a consistent backup plan difficult, if not impossible. Oh, and one more data point. I've got a work laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate. When the Mac has issues accessing the SMB shares, I can access the file shares just fine (both by hostname and IP address) on the Windows 7 machine.I'm quite at a loss here. I'm contemplating a fresh install here, but not really confident it would make a difference.
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Apr 8, 2010
I got a windows server with many smb shares and I would like them to stay on the macs desktop even after a reboot or after loosing connection. How do I do this? I got snow leopard.
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Apr 9, 2010
After my MBP has hibernated, I cannot connect to my SMB shares on my Win7 media center. I can relaunch finder, turn airport on and off, etc, but it will not connect to the server until after I restart the computer. It sees the Win7 box in Finder and lists it under "Shared," but even though I have a button for "Connect As," pressing it does no good. Finder just says "Connecting" and will never get any farther.
If I use the "connect to server" dialogue in finder rather than the shared list in the sidebar, the effect is the same, it come up with a "connecting" message that never succeeds and I cannot close.
The computer is a late 2007 MBP running 10.6. Its connecting wirelessly to an Airport Extreme, and the Win7 box has a wired connection to the Airport Extreme. Since it will reconnect just fine after a reboot, I'm certain the problem is with the MBP, and not the server or the router.
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Dec 2, 2014
new screen sharing ability in messages app. I noticed that when I shared the screen of a coworker who uses 2 external monitors I saw both his screens but they only took up about half my screen on my laptop and the resolution was so small I would could hardly read it. Is there a way to make it use the whole screen so it is bigger. A couple other things I noticed was that by default both the person sharing their screen and the person viewing the screen had control of the mouse. Is there any way of restricting that or at least controlling when the person viewing gets control? Also is there a way to only share one monitor if you are using multiple monitors .
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Aug 27, 2010
So, after getting it hooked up and connected to my router, which is set to only allow only 4 devices to have access to it (my comp, iphone, wii, and gf's laptop), i find that my gf's laptop (which is the only device using a corded connection) is the only machine able to get online without problems now.
I can pick up my WiFi network occasionally after a restart, but then it usually goes out after a random amount of time... anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour or 2.
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Oct 18, 2009
I'm hoping I can get some ideas and guidance on this. A few months ago I bought my wife a 17" MBP. At the time we had a D-Link DIR655 Wireless-N router and the MBP worked great with it. If I woke the machine from sleep the reconnection to the wireless network was pretty much instantaneous.
Unfortunately that router started to flake out and I replaced it with what is considered to be a top of the line router, Netgear WNDR3700. This router has a dual N band. One band is N only the other one is B/G/N. I have attached the MBP to both networks.
When the MBP wakes up it takes up to a minute for the wireless to be re-established. Weirdly it will reconnect to the SECOND of the two networks that are listed in priority order on the advanced wireless settings.If I remove either of the two networks and only have one listed, sometimes the MBP will take over a minute to eventually get reconnected.Does anyone have any thought on this? It's very frustrating and I haven't figured out why the reconnection is so slow with this very high end router. All my other wireless devices maintain their connection to the router very well with no drops or reconnects.
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