OS X Yosemite :: Resolution During Screen Shares In Messages App
Dec 2, 2014
new screen sharing ability in messages app. I noticed that when I shared the screen of a coworker who uses 2 external monitors I saw both his screens but they only took up about half my screen on my laptop and the resolution was so small I would could hardly read it. Is there a way to make it use the whole screen so it is bigger. A couple other things I noticed was that by default both the person sharing their screen and the person viewing the screen had control of the mouse. Is there any way of restricting that or at least controlling when the person viewing gets control? Also is there a way to only share one monitor if you are using multiple monitors .
I tried using Messages today to share my friend's screen but kept getting this error message:
Please make sure that Screen Sharing (in the Sharing section of System Preferences) is enabled on the computer to which you are attempting to connect. Also make sure your network connection is working properly.
At first we tried using our iCloud accounts but screen sharing just wouldn't initiate. I tried doing a video conference just to test the connection and video worked without a problem. Then we tried using our Gmail accounts and still couldn't get a screen sharing session to initiate.
I had my friend adjust her Screen Sharing preferences in System Preferences (we tried half a dozen combinations) but I am fairly certain that one can use screen sharing in Messages with iCloud accounts without turning on Screen Sharing in System Preferences. Either way, turning on Screen Sharing in System Preferences did not work.
1440x900 resolution of the new MacBook Air 13.3" screen is simply too high, making everything way too small and straining on my eyes. Is there a replacement LED LCD panel with a lower resolution (1280x800 like the old MBA) that could be retrofitted?
i am using a hackintosh for a week now. I am using it just to get used to Mac OS X because i am switching to a Macbook Pro in a couple months. I switched from PC to Mac officially now. OK, let's come to the main topic of this thread;-At first, my hackintosh couldn't get my gfx card, i couldn't find the driver(kext) so my resolution was very bad. Everything was huge and blurry. I couldn't even look at my 17" Samsung LCD screen. I made an entry to file which was something like this
Using Messages I sent a text to my wife's iPhone 4S. It starts a new screen. How do I send a message so it just appends that message to all the others she's been getting from me?
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2009, V8, 16GB, 1TB RAID0
I have Mac Pro 2014 Quad-Core intel Xeon E5 with AMD FirePro D300 graphics. Yesterday I updated my OS from Mavericks to Yosemite and now i can't choose resolution 2560x1440 (only max 1080i available) (i use monitor Samsung LS27B970 WQHD and HDMI connection). What can i do?
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), HDMI connection
I have a 2012 macbook pro, OS X yosemite 10.10...I've had it for around a year. Originally, the messages app worked fine, but then within the past 10 months or so, it hasn't been working. It lets me sign in, and shows my messages from last January, but all of the contacts are red. When I go to preferences and try to log in to my iMessage account, it says, "Your Apple ID can't be used to set up iMessage at this time."
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I took my computer in for servicing, cleaning, etc. Now that it's back, it's "stuck" on the last message I received on it, which is from November. I've receiving my messages on my iPhone, but I'd love to sync them and get them "caught up" on my MacBook Pro.
I disable Messages in the preference but it keeps coming back on. I can't stand it. Messages pops up overtime someone texts me and now it's been a couple times that my iPhone will ring through my computer.
How Can I permanently turn it off?
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Im currently using OS X Yosemite Version 10.10 (14A379b), this has only happened when I upgraded Messages will not complete sending any messages and will not keep received messages. If i quit out of it it will say "Are you sure you want to quit? Some chats have messages you haven’t read." When the message has be received by the person receiving the message and has replied back.
Ever since I updated to Yosemite I've noticed a strange behavior with the Messages window. If the Messages window is partially obscured behind another window and I click in the Messages window title bar area, the window comes to the front but it's in some sort of "move pending" mode. The next location I click is where the window is moved to. Is this a new "feature" of Yosemite? I may have turned on some preference without realizing it. Seems to only do it with the Messages window.
I tried the 'Connection Doctor' for my Gmail account and it shows to verify username and password. What the settings should be for a Gmail account should be? port #, etc? when i clicked on 'password' extender, like 4 different subjects come up but not sure if i should click on one of those? I believe it did state using 'SSL' and Port 587.
I was looking to create a rule that will delete any of my email from "Mail" that are older than 7 days, ....only problem is I don't see a rule for "unread Messages"
I'm running Yosemite on Mac and iOS 8.1.1 on iPad and iPhone. When i setup Messages on my Mac a couple of months ago all conversations were synced up between all 3 devices. i've continued many of those conversations on my iPad and iPhone but when I opened Messages on my Mac today i noticed that they had stopped syncing about 2 weeks ago. Now when i try to send a message from my Mac it sends it as SMS not as iMessage. how to correct both the SMS issue but more importantly the sync?
when I receive an iMessage that contains a photo or other image, Messages on Yosemite won't display the image? It appears to be a sandbox permissions issue.
Briefly, when I receive an iMessage that contains any image, the image displays just fine on my iOS devices, but in OS X Yosemite (10.10.1, build 14B25), it just shows up as a generic icon (attached at the bottom of this question). Clicking the icon or magnifying glass doesn't load it, double-clicking it doesn't load it, Quick View won't show it... nothing. If I look in /var/logs/system.log, any attempt to view it generates sandbox-related errors:
Messages[30820]: [Warning] Transfer: unable to create image for IMG_2758.JPG.jpeg
If I manually open up that directory (/private/var/folders/7l/cn4n4k4n4p31ncqq9qqk1klrydkmkm/T/) I can see the image and open it myself, but Messages can't do it... and I can't for the life of me figure out how Messages's sandbox is configured and what is going on here.
This all happened when I upgraded to Yosemite; prior to Yosemite, everything worked fine. I've tried to blow away /private/var/folders/7l/ and let it get rebuilt, to no avail. I've also hunted for Messages's sandbox config file, to no avail.
Macbook Pro 15" Mid-2010, Mac OS 10.10.1; iPhone 4S, iOS 7.0.0, Messages
When I receive an iMessage on my iPhone, the message is successfully pushed to my Mac and I get a notification in Notification Center. That's fine. However, when I launch Messages either by clicking the notification when it appears or by opening the app, no conversations appear (window displays "no conversations selected") and after a while it just leaves me with a blank window and only minimize / fullscreen enabled. The majority of options on the dropdown menus are also greyed out.
Considering that the messages themselves are successfully getting pushed to my Mac, I don't think it's an account issue. It seems as though the app is getting hung up trying to load up my conversations.
I originally had this issue on 10.10.0 so I thought that it may have been a bug and updated to 10.10.1. It only started happening a few days ago, I've been running Mac OS 10.10.X since several days after launch with no issues.
The messages app on my Mac would work great with iMessages and SMS working, then today I had to update my apple id for security reasons and since then the messages app doesn't send sms anymore. Ive tried signing out and back in with the new password, restarting my computer, and even a few things in the settings of my iPhone 6+ and nothing seems to work. Some of my contacts that I can not message are tagged in red when they where not before I updated my apple id password
I have iMessage/SMS forwarding turned on on my MacBook pro. When I type a new message, it allows me to search by contact name, however when I select a contact, the name disappears and Messages only shows the contact number. When I get a notification, the contact name shows, but the Messages window still only shows the contact number. iCloud is turned on and contacts are syncing.
I've seen several replies that say to go to "details" in the Message account tab, but once I enter my password there, it doesn't show me anything new. I don't use Messages on my Mac very often, but I'd like to try to solve this issue.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I have rules that sort new mail into a number of mailboxes on iCloud, and also copy the mail to similar mailboxes local to my desktop. The rules seem to want the "move" action first, followed by the copy action, as no mater how I enter them, they are rearranged. After I edit a rule and have the destination mailboxes set, they look OK, but then when I revisit the rule after saving, the destination mailboxes are changed. I am not able to get this to work at all consistently. I have about 30 rules to sort incoming mail.
I want to do it this way so that I can get a local copy of my mail and also have a copy in the cloud for viewing with my mobile devices. I eventually delete all the iCloud mail and archive the mail in local folders offline. So it would be nice to be able to get the two copies of new mail in the cloud and locally to work.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Suddenly the iMessage app is only displaying my own sent messages for a single, specific contact. All other conversations include both sent and received iMessages. I had blocked this contact previously for a period of time on my phone but do not remember doing anything similar on my Mac. if it's related to the contact previously having been blocked on my iPhone?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
So I updated to Yosemite and everything was going fine, I had my FaceTime, Messages and Contacts apps working away fine with my iPhone, was having no problems but in the last week or so the three apps refuse to open, I've tried restarting and even holding down alt-cmd-p-r after turning on but no good.
I've also just noticed that when I click on 'About this Mac' from the apple menu on the top left of the screen the window that usually comes up refuses to come up. Which I find quite weird and not sure if this is linked with the problem of the apps not opening.
Thing is I got hold of a 1ghz 17" iMac almost for free, it had a dead logicboard (I checked it with a voltage-meter), but I figured I could fix it and have a small hobby project-thingie going on. Well I just got a new logic board today, for a 1ghz 17" iMac g4.
Things is I only get a bright grey screen from my Mac when I boot. I've tried connecting it to a external display and that works fine. Everything is there.
I then reinstalled Tiger on it, with the computer connected to my external screen. And I still have the same problem. (I have now disconnected the ext. screen and is controlling the iMac from my MBP). So at least it isn't the installation.
So what is the problem? I can via an Apple Keyboard control the brightness on the blank screen, which would indicate that it does react to input of some degree.
I've read that if the inverter is dead or anything else is dead, you would get a rolling grey screen, flicker or something like that and not a steady bright grey. One thing I'm thinking is. What if somehow this logic board was for a 15" 1ghz imac g4? Can I check this?
I read that long thread about guys buying hi-res displays for their MBPs, and they had to replace some display profile? Could I maybe fix it with a different display profile-file?
I'm really confused by all this, and would appreciate any help I can get.
Model: PowerMac6,1 CPU-Type: PowerPC G4 (3.3)
the gfx chip is a GeforceMX4 with 32mb.
The display is a mode 9c27, manufacturer 610, serialnumber 00000, manufacture date: B84D7200.
Entire email folders of mine seem to have lost all the content in them - all that remains is the heading detail on the individual emails.
It happens without much consistency -Sometimes I will use the folder, move messages to it and they will be fine, as normal,Then later on I will discover that ALL of the messages in this folder will seemingly have lost their data and gone blank.It makes no difference whether viewing in the mac mail pane or opening the message up directly.It wont happen to all folders or all subfolders
Is there a safe way of getting the messages back and preventing it happening any more?
I say 'safe' as reading through other similar threads years ago I saw suggestions about rebuilding mail boxes which others then mentioned that it completely wiped their entire mail boxes - the thought of that fills me with fear.
Im running an 2.8 Ghz i5 27" Desktop on Yosemite 10.10.1 - but it has been happening since Mountain Lion at least - Ive had this issue a few times but it seemed to be very limited and isolated, but in the last 6 months Ive noticed it happening to entire folders and I cannot let my records just evaporate like this!
I can no longer receive or send imessage photos within Yosemite Messages App. Standard txt messages work fine but Photo's do not. I recieve the following error when sending our receiving photos in the File Transfer window :
NSURLSession error: The operation couldn't be completed (NSURLErrorDomain error - 1202.) ((null))
I've tried logging in and out of my iMessage account. Has not fixed anything.
After updating to Yosemite, my iMac shows a badge of 1 flagged message in OS X Mail, even though there are no flagged messages. If I do flag a message, the counter increments by one, and if I unflag a flagged message, it decrements by one, as it should. But it always shows one more flagged message than actually exists. If I click on the "flagged" messages on the left when it shows a badge number of 1, there are no flagged messages that appear on the right.
What is funny is that I have the exact same mail accounts on my macBook Air, and it does not have this problem at all.
How can I "reset" the number of flagged messages on my iMac?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)