OS X V10.7 Lion :: Won't Allow To Select A HD Disk To Download To?
Jun 16, 2012
I have "downloaded" Lion 10.7.4 twice. When it gets to the "Select a disk you want to install to" it will not let me select, nor does the "Install" button allow me to continue.
A couple of days ago I checked for updates for my Lion - I was in particular looking for the Java update to fix the recently reported security issue - and selected 2 items including the Java update for downloading. I checked the size of the items and they added up to be less than 200MB in total. But as soon as the downloading started, the total size suddenly became 1.4G!!! There was no obvious way for me to check exactly what I was downloading and de-select any unwanted updates. I didn't want to stop the downloading because I did want to make sure I have the Java update.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I download a file it automatically goes to my download folder, I DONT WANT THAT. How can I set it like on a PC to choose which folder it should download to...on a file by file basis?
I want only select episodes of some podcasts, not every single daily episode, even if I have to one by one select podcast episodes to download. Is there a way to subscribe but not automatically download all episodes? Version 10.4 or 10.5 itunes.
My MacBook Air lost mac os x. So I would like to reinstall mac os. But I can't select the disk to install mac os x. Only Recovery HD is shown and I can't select it. How can I reinstall my Mac os x?
Lion is just too much for me. Can I download to my previous Snow Leopard by using a SL disk to perform an archive and reinstall? Will this keep my files, folders, programs, and settings intact?
I have a 21" iMac and a Mac Mini, both of which I upgraded to Maverick a week ago. Since then, I have not been able to get Time Machine to backup. I can connect to the disk through my network, but Time Machine does not recognize it exists. I have gone through User and Groups, I have checked everything I can think of through System Preferences, and nothing has worked, including Sharing. I have another computer and am able to backup it, after programming the mini.
When launching in the Recovery HD mode, my click on the trackpad does not work and I am unable to select a Disk Utility. Product data: Macbook, Late 2008 running OS Mavericks 10.9.4.Â
I am using Win 7 Home Edition 64 bit on an mid 2011 iMac via BootCamp; the problem is that i cannot select the 1600x900 screen resolution, as it is not available as an option at the Control Panel menu. I have reinstalled the windows support software, installed drivers directly from the ATI's site (both for desktop and notebook use) but the above resolution is not available. When i boot into Mac OS X, the 1600 x 900 resolution is available and is the one selected.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Win 7 Home Edition 64 bit, Bootcamp
How do I get my Mac to select my Wi-fi network automatically? It used to do it on its own and now it goes into Network Diagnstic and I have to select.It used to work and now every time I go online I need to reconnect to my wi-fi.
Most annoying. If I have several documents, i.e., Word, Excel, Freeway on my desktop and select one by double clicking to open it, Lion will open all the other similar documents as well. Is it the way I'm clicking in Lion or is there a way in Preferences to somehow stop this.
For some reason I cannot click or double-click using any mouse device. I tried connecting a brand-new Apple Bluetooth mouse to my Mac desktop (new, running Lion 10.7) and it would not connect. So I took out my old USB apple mouse, and although it will move e cursor around the screen, it will not click anything. So I tried a Wacom Bamboo tablet and it won't click either. It will only do the equivalent of right-click, revealing menus and so forth. The Bamboo tablet is brand new but I can't go through the setup if I can't click anything. I tried restarting several times, and also restarting with Cmd-Option-P-R to reset the PRAM, and still nothing has changed.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Wacom bamboo, magic mouse
I created a stationery in Mail & saved it as such. The stationery is saved under the custom area and consist of mostly text and then some basic graphics at the end of the message (my fiance e-mail signature w/a picture). When I select a new message and then expand the stationary section, I go to custom and select my saved stationary (in the preview it looks like what I saved) by double clicking but nothing happens - I have also tried clicking and dragging - copy and paste, etc. The text & graphics do not appear in my new e-mail.
I have tried deleting and re-creating the stationary as well as restarting Mail & my computer on multiple occasions but nothing seems to work. All of the other pre-installed stationary seem to work just fine. What I am trying to do is set up premade letters that I e-mail to people all the time, I am tired of typing the same e-mail over and over again. I have a dozen or so that I want to type up and save and then just select the appropriate one for my client, type in their name and other minor changes to make it 'customized' to them and click send.....
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
I have upgraded to Lion so that I can use iCloud.when I select a contact in the address book, I can't tell what account it is in,
and I can't change the contact to iCloud if it's not already in that account, so the
contact comes up on my other devices.This seems like a very basic function,yet if I want a contact to be on iCloud, it seems I have to create a new contact with iCloud selected in the preferences.
is there another way?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
For some reason in the default view (icon) in Finder I can't select multiple files when I click one, hold down the shift key and click a file farther down in the list. In Windows this would select all the files between the first and the second including both. In OSX 10.7.3 it only selects the first file and the second file as if I held down the Command key.
One of my friends who uses 10.6.x says it works as expected on his machine --- any idea what my issue might be? It's not because of the recent update since it did the same thing in 10.7.2 (not sure if it did it on the default 10.7.0 install my iMac came with as I updated before I used it for the first time).
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
In Snow Leopards Address Book, I was able to select an Address Book Group and then shift-click to select a range of groups. How do you do this in Lion?
Info: Mac Pro 2.4GHz 8 core, 8GB RAM, 5870, 24, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Matrox MXO Mini, LG internal Blu Ray burner
Just downloaded 10.7.3. The installer takes me to a box to select the hard drive where I want the new OS to go, but it is greyed out. Cannot select it.
When I select shut down, the computer goes off and comes on again in a few seconds.It doesn't come on quickly like it does when I select restart.It's like a ghost is in there.
I have finally upgraded to BT fibre optics. But it means the ethernet printer I have needs to be set up again using a new IP address.When I go to add printer > IP > IPP > using everything seems ok.... Except I get Print Using > Generic Postscript Printer.When I go to Print Using > Select Printer Software.... All I get is a dialog with no printer software listed.In ~ Library/Printers/ there are lots of printer folders. Why isn't Lion software finding my printer software?
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacPro / MacBookAir etc
There are many things about Lion that irk the crap outta me, but this one is near the top. In ALL previous versions of Finder, one could, in list view, select a bunch of files by dragging over them, then, holding the command key down, add more non-contiguous files to the selection, again by dragging. If you try that in Lion, it starts dragging the whole lot of what you just selected to, usually, the root folder of the window you have open.Â
It appears that the only way to add extra non-contiguous files to a selection is to individually click each one of them.
I have trashed the Finder preferences and when restarted, for a few seconds it looks like it will work, but within seconds of trying to select a drive or file, the open/select dialogue box changes to a basic "home" look and does nothing. it's not locked up, and I can cancel out, but I cannot select anything. I would upload a screen shot but... (read above again)". Here's what the dialog looks like when he goes to choose a file, be it Mail, Safari or any app uploading to web:
How do I select a contact's particular e-mail address in a group? When I send mail to a group, I am not sure how it's choosing each person's e-mail address and I'm sure there is a way to control it, no?
I can't download any widgets from apple's dashboard widget download page.I click on the "download" button of a selected widget, and it immediately takes me to the homepage of all apple downloads without doing anything.I've tried on safari & firefox, but the same thing happens.I just bought this computer the other day, so I'm running the latest versions of everything.