OS X V10.7 Lion :: Use Ethernet And Wifi On Same Network?
Jun 17, 2012
I have my imac connected to lan via ethernet. I want to use airdrop but need to have my wifi enabled. Can i use both ethernet and wifi on the same network. I want to use etehrnet connection as its a 1 gigabyte connection and router is in another room well away from my imac and therefore not interested in using wifi for my connection only for airdop.Â
Our wireless router (some standard linksys one) is downstairs. Wireless is mostly used down there so need strongest signal. Then it's plugged into an ethernet point, which goes up to the loft in a box, where it feeds into a 16-port switch, then back out to ethernet points in each room of the house. (recently renovated the house and ran Cat-5e everywhere.)Currently I have to connect via the ethernet point in my room with a network cable as I can't pick up the wireless signal. Which sucks a bit, being tied down when on a macbook pro.Could I just plug an Airport Express into the ethernet point in my room and set it up as a second wireless point, which I can use in my room? Or is that not what it's for?
I'm wondering how would it be possible to make my MacMini (last generation) as an access point 802.11n.I have setup an internet share between Ethernet and WiFi, but the bandwith looks to be more 802.11g than 802.11n.Â
I am staying in an apartment this month that only has internet via direct-line Ethernet. I need to get a signal to my ipad and iphone. Is there a way to use my macbook to create a signal that my iOS devices can detect?
The harddrive became unbootable, so I re-formatted it from Recovery HD and now I need to reinstall Lion, which requires an internet connection to do so.Â
I've connected my Thunderbolt to Gigabit Ethernet adapter but it isn't picking up an IP address according to the Network Utility within Recovery HD. Do I have to use wifi?  It's a 4 GB download. Wifi will be slow.  When I plug the same ethernet cable into the ethernet port on a MacBook Pro, Network Utility there picks up an IP, so I know that the ethernet part is working.  Â
Here's a picture of the screen of Network Utility within Recovery HD detecting the Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter but not detecting an IP:Â Â
i want to get an imac and put it in my room but there is no place to plug in my modem and router up there so i was wondering if there was a way to wirelessly setup my imac with the internet.
After switching to a new provider and getting a new dsl modem (a fritz!box fon 7390) I tried to setup my homenetwork again. Now the weird thing is: my Mac Mini running OSX Lion Server doesn't seem to be able to connect to the internet over its ethernet port, only when using a WiFi connection...When it's connected with ethernet it can reach the dsl modem without any problems, but it can't ping/telnet or anything else through, only over WiFi... As long as I use the mini servers WiFi connection everything works fine, but that doesn't make any sense to me.I've checked the servers setting and the Fritz!box settings and I can't seem to find anything obvious. Of course I could just go on and use the WiFi connection...
ps: all the other computers can connect fine using either wifi or regular lan connection... I even tried the exact same cable with another laptop just to make sure...
I am on a Mac Mini connected to the Net via a FON wireless router and Ethernet directly to my broadband modem. I have had problems with both the modem and an Airport Extreme, which eventually died, but I am back up again with the modem via the FON router.The odd thing is that I can't get Ethernet to work over a direct connection to the modem. Diagnostics tells me that the ISP and Internet fails. I can connect to the modem over Ethernet, however, change its settings etc. in my browser. There are solutions mentioned here involving changing the etc/authorization file, but wouldn't that also affect the WiFi if that was the problem?Â
In short, Ethernet connection to modem works. WiFi connection to FON router and then to the ISP and Internet works. But the Ethernet configuration does't go that last bit, it only works locally. Using that route, I can't connect to the outside world. I have restarted the modem, the computer etc., but that should not be the problem as both works over WiFi, using the same settings for the modem. How do I best troubleshoot this? I am getting an AirPort Express, perhaps it will work better with the modem that the computer itself, but I doubt it.
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5
I've upgraded to Lion and everything's fine apart from one problem: using my iPad to access home shared iTunes content on my mac no longer works when my mac is asleep. That's a change in behaviour from Snow Leopard; I used to be able to sleep my mac and then wake it over wifi using either my iPad or iPhone to access all of my home shared libraries.  The mac screen used to light up for ten seconds and then go dark again, but it served me the files.Â
Lion seems to go into a deeper sleep which it can't be woken from. Â If I attempt to wake my mac from my iPad within about ten minutes of putting my mac to sleep then home sharing seems to work and lets me use the home share libraries, but if I leave it any longer than that then the mac seems to fall into a coma and can't be woken. Â The weird thing is that I still see a "shared library" folder on my iPad, but when I click on it nothing happens. Â I think my Time Capsule is listening for wifi access and issuing the magic packet to the mac, but the mac just ain't listening. Â Â
I'm using a Time Capsule in bridge mode from an ADSL modem and I've accepted a TC firmware update last week and I'm on lion 10.7.3.  I've tried using Ethernet to connect the mac to the TC (and temporarily disabled the wifi connection) but that still doesn't work. Also, note I'm NOT suffering from the problem that 10.7.3 seems to be giving a few other people - my mac reconnects to my wifi just fine when I wake it up manually. For the record, This was an upgrade, so there's still a tick in "wake on network" in power settings and home sharing on iTunes is still configured the same as it was before.Â
There must be a way to rename one's own wifi network, but I can't seem to find where that can be done. I opened Network Preferences and tried clicking Advanced, but I don't see anything there that looks like it would do it. How is it done?
Info: iMac (Flat Panel), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.4GHz IC2Duo 4GB 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM
How do I get my Mac to select my Wi-fi network automatically? It used to do it on its own and now it goes into Network Diagnstic and I have to select.It used to work and now every time I go online I need to reconnect to my wi-fi.
I worked out this bugger mostly by chance, some people online are offering some out date info on this topic. Which involves pressing a pencil icon in the advanced area of network to pull up the hidden password, but that is not available. I found it in KeyChain that is easy to find in the Utilities. Its pretty easy to work it out from there.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Hidden Lion Wifi Passwords
I see another unsecured wifi network (D Link) on my list. As I have recently replaced an old modem router (D link) with a new fancy one (wireless gateway), I am wondering if this is somehow still attached to my computer. The D link wifi unsecured network has a different IP address than my newly formed secure wifi network's IP address.Also - if I turn my wifi off (regardless of if I am on the dlink or my new secured wifi) I can still watch netflix etc. on my tv from living room which tells me the the wifi is still on. Why is this so?Does my Mac have two IP addresses or is that D link someone elses?
I have an iMac running Lion hardwired to an internet connection and want to create a wifi network from this connection I have gone to 'create network' and set up - all seems fine. I have then tried to connect to this network with my iPhone. The phone recognises the network and it looks as though it has connected as it is ticked in the networks, but unfortunately it hasn't as my phone won't connect to the internet.Â
All of a sudden my macbook A1278 late 2008 doesn't connect to the WiFi network and displays the message Wi-Fi: No hardware installed. (it connects fine with a cable)
I have an unsecured wifi network at home and need to easily share photos between computers. I have an iMac and a couple window based computer.Is ther an easy way instead of using a thumb drive?
OK, I asked this question previously, but not quite succinct enough, I think. I have a Pioneer home theater receiver that is network capable, but not wireless capable. I want to get this thing on my home network without having to purchase another device as my Mini resides no more than 36" away from it.So far, I have been able to get the receiver to connect to the internet through Internet Sharing on the Mini, but it remains blind to, and invisible to my wireless network. I simply want to connect the receiver to my Mini via ethernet cable and have it see and be seen on my wireless network. url...
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.7 GHz i7, 256 GB SSD, 8GB RAM
MacBook. 2Ghz Intel Core Duo. OS Snow Leopard 10.6.6. I'm running a 2006 MacBook with Snow Leopard. A few months back it started dropping wifi connection. Airport would show no connection but would list my network along with others in my building. If I tried to connect with my WPA password it would just time out. At this time I was running Leopard.
Since then I've done a few things.Tried running the Netgear router with no encryption at all (same thing happens). Will lose connection and then time out trying to connect I've tried the MacBook in a coffee shop with wifi access and at my parents (same NetGear router) and at my new apartment with a horrible Orange Livebox. Taken the MacBook in to see the genius bar at Glasgow Apple store. Worked fine for them, but I explained it was intermittent but we could not force it to fail. I'm sure if it ran for an hour it would. At present if I have the MacBook in the living room (where the Livebox router is situated) its fine and wont drop connection. If I walk some 5m to my bedroom it will work for approximately half and hour and then lose it. A few days ago I bought the Snow Leopard upgrade and installed it last night. MacBook runs a hell of a lot faster (yay!) but moving it away from the router and its dead as disco in half an hour.
So to clarify, the MacBook has been tested on 4 wifi networks/ locus with same issue. iPhone, Xbox 360 and PS3 all have no issues with dropping connection no matter where they are in the apartment.
Apartment is a new build and its walls are not made out of lead or kryptonite. Is this a hardware issue rather than software? When updating to Snow Leopard it was an update to the existing OS of Leopard not a clean install.
AIRPORT says the following in System Profiler.
Software Versions: Menu Extra:6.2.1 (621.1) configd plug-in:6.2.3 (623.2) System Profiler:6.0 (600.9) Network Preference:6.2.1 (621.1) AirPort Utility:5.5.2 (552.11)
my Internet was slow on all my machines, (macbook MP Vista Ipod) (has been fine for 5 months)after 5 hours or so they all fixed themselves expect for the MP when im talking slow 0.6kbps download speedI thought what the hell ill reinstall it should fix it. No luck, i then tried Wifi on the MP & it runs fine 2.3mbps on ubuntu downloads fine.so any ideas on why MP via Wifi is Fine MP via ethenet is very slow.
Ive got a pretty fast internet connection at home and I have just realised that when I plug my iBook and desktop pcs into my wireless router ethernet (LAN) ports I get a much faster internet connection speed compared to the wifi.I.e. 12-17mbps when through ethernet and when I connect to the wifi I get 2-4mbps. My computers are all located in the same room no more than 5 metres away from the router.
I'm sure everyone heard of Onlive which launched yesterday, one of of the downsides currently is they wont allow you to play over Wi-Fi due to latency issues. Mostly they don't want the user to experience latency issues and blame it on the service rather than the connection. (They say Wi-Fi will work eventually once they optimize it more, and currently their closed beta testers are able to use it over wireless, and even on the iPad, and iPhone). Anyway, Windows has a nifty feature where you can bridge your connections, and by doing that, Onlive will work over Wi-Fi, I tried it out and it actually worked great, very minimal latency issues, but I usually am on my OSX partition, and want to play it on here. Does anyone know of a way to fake out Onlive? Or do a bridge connections type thing within OS X?
Just got accepted into OnLive (video game service) In order to play I can't be on WiFi. Is there any way to trick my MacBook Pro, iMac into thinking it's hardwired in? Something like 3G Unrestrictor for iPhone
How do I do to configure my MBP to prefer wired ethernet (when available) over wifi without disabling Airport?In other words: avoid switching to wifi when activate Airport.
I was just checking if I can set the Airport express to receive my Airport Extreme's WiFi network and connect a non-WiFi device to the Airport Express ?
I have a really crappy connection at home, about 50 ~ 60 kpbs. LOL. Cheapest AT&T DSL, $19.95. I have a wireless router hooked up right now. Is it possible to utilize my WIFI and ETHERNET all at the same time to double my connection speed? If so how? I'm running 10.5.
I just bought a new imac and a 1tb time capsule. Will I get faster dl speeds with an ethernet cable plugged into the back of the imac from the time capsule or over wifi.
My mac book air pro book laptop won't connect to the Wifi or via ethernet in my hotel room.Although yesterday, we were in another hotel and it connected fine. My other HP Pavilion belonging to my fiance's laptop works fine in the room. The technician tested the in room connection but was not authorized to help me with my Mac individually.It sees the connection under the wireless networks, it connects to the network but upon trying to gain access to a web page, it appears as if I am off line or not connected.