OS X V10.7 Lion :: Convert Ethernet Signal Into Wifi?
Apr 23, 2012
I am staying in an apartment this month that only has internet via direct-line Ethernet. I need to get a signal to my ipad and iphone. Is there a way to use my macbook to create a signal that my iOS devices can detect?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 24, 2012
Equipment: iMac 21.5" 2.5GHz Quad Core i5
Internet Set-up: Cable modem to iMac Ethernet
Problem: After recent update to Lion 10.7.4, my Wi-Fi signal via Internet Sharing keeps dropping. Have multiple iDevices failing that were working perfectly with 10.7.3 (Nook and iPhone 4). iPhone shows full Wi-Fi signal strength and works for a short time after reset (via Wi-Fi off/on, Internet Sharing off/on). Continues to show full Wi-Fi signal strength but loses connection after 1-2 minutes. And not just internet connection; I can't transfer pics/vids from iPhone to iMac either. Have switched to a channel no one nearby is using (channel 9) to no avail.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 30, 2012
I am having internet connection issues with my MacBook Pro 2011 - running the latest version of Lion OSX. My connection cuts out regularly (every 10 - 15 minutes) despite having a full wifi signal. It is happening on two different routers, in two different locations with two different ISP's.
When I run Network Diagnostics ISP is the test that fails, but after a couple of seconds diagnostics fixes it until the next 10 - 15 minutes. The only other alternative is turning wifi off and on. Both of these only last for the 10 - 15 minutes before it cuts out again.
It is very frustrating and research online seems to indicate it is a Lion issue. I have made an appointment with a genius, but browsing online it appears there is no solution. It is not acceptable.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 9, 2012
I'm wondering how would it be possible to make my MacMini (last generation) as an access point 802.11n.I have setup an internet share between Ethernet and WiFi, but the bandwith looks to be more 802.11g than 802.11n.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 17, 2012
I have my imac connected to lan via ethernet. I want to use airdrop but need to have my wifi enabled. Can i use both ethernet and wifi on the same network. I want to use etehrnet connection as its a 1 gigabyte connection and router is in another room well away from my imac and therefore not interested in using wifi for my connection only for airdop.
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Jul 3, 2012
The harddrive became unbootable, so I re-formatted it from Recovery HD and now I need to reinstall Lion, which requires an internet connection to do so.
I've connected my Thunderbolt to Gigabit Ethernet adapter but it isn't picking up an IP address according to the Network Utility within Recovery HD. Do I have to use wifi? It's a 4 GB download. Wifi will be slow. When I plug the same ethernet cable into the ethernet port on a MacBook Pro, Network Utility there picks up an IP, so I know that the ethernet part is working.
Here's a picture of the screen of Network Utility within Recovery HD detecting the Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter but not detecting an IP:
MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012), Windows 7
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Apr 3, 2012
i want to get an imac and put it in my room but there is no place to plug in my modem and router up there so i was wondering if there was a way to wirelessly setup my imac with the internet.
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May 28, 2012
After switching to a new provider and getting a new dsl modem (a fritz!box fon 7390) I tried to setup my homenetwork again. Now the weird thing is: my Mac Mini running OSX Lion Server doesn't seem to be able to connect to the internet over its ethernet port, only when using a WiFi connection...When it's connected with ethernet it can reach the dsl modem without any problems, but it can't ping/telnet or anything else through, only over WiFi... As long as I use the mini servers WiFi connection everything works fine, but that doesn't make any sense to me.I've checked the servers setting and the Fritz!box settings and I can't seem to find anything obvious. Of course I could just go on and use the WiFi connection...
ps: all the other computers can connect fine using either wifi or regular lan connection... I even tried the exact same cable with another laptop just to make sure...
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Jun 29, 2012
I am on a Mac Mini connected to the Net via a FON wireless router and Ethernet directly to my broadband modem. I have had problems with both the modem and an Airport Extreme, which eventually died, but I am back up again with the modem via the FON router.The odd thing is that I can't get Ethernet to work over a direct connection to the modem. Diagnostics tells me that the ISP and Internet fails. I can connect to the modem over Ethernet, however, change its settings etc. in my browser. There are solutions mentioned here involving changing the etc/authorization file, but wouldn't that also affect the WiFi if that was the problem?
In short, Ethernet connection to modem works. WiFi connection to FON router and then to the ISP and Internet works. But the Ethernet configuration does't go that last bit, it only works locally. Using that route, I can't connect to the outside world. I have restarted the modem, the computer etc., but that should not be the problem as both works over WiFi, using the same settings for the modem. How do I best troubleshoot this? I am getting an AirPort Express, perhaps it will work better with the modem that the computer itself, but I doubt it.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5
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Feb 12, 2012
I've upgraded to Lion and everything's fine apart from one problem: using my iPad to access home shared iTunes content on my mac no longer works when my mac is asleep. That's a change in behaviour from Snow Leopard; I used to be able to sleep my mac and then wake it over wifi using either my iPad or iPhone to access all of my home shared libraries. The mac screen used to light up for ten seconds and then go dark again, but it served me the files.
Lion seems to go into a deeper sleep which it can't be woken from. If I attempt to wake my mac from my iPad within about ten minutes of putting my mac to sleep then home sharing seems to work and lets me use the home share libraries, but if I leave it any longer than that then the mac seems to fall into a coma and can't be woken. The weird thing is that I still see a "shared library" folder on my iPad, but when I click on it nothing happens. I think my Time Capsule is listening for wifi access and issuing the magic packet to the mac, but the mac just ain't listening.
I'm using a Time Capsule in bridge mode from an ADSL modem and I've accepted a TC firmware update last week and I'm on lion 10.7.3. I've tried using Ethernet to connect the mac to the TC (and temporarily disabled the wifi connection) but that still doesn't work. Also, note I'm NOT suffering from the problem that 10.7.3 seems to be giving a few other people - my mac reconnects to my wifi just fine when I wake it up manually. For the record, This was an upgrade, so there's still a tick in "wake on network" in power settings and home sharing on iTunes is still configured the same as it was before.
iMac 27" i5-760, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Feb 7, 2012
I have a camcorder (canon vixia hf R100) how do I convert the signal so my computer (imac-g5) can read it ?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Oct 17, 2009
I recently got FIOS and I love it. My router is in my basement because I wanted to hardwire it into my ps3 and 360. Regardless, the WiFi signal is great throughout my house. For some reason, my Macbook keeps grabbing my neighbors unprotected WiFi signal. I guess on the 2nd floor of my house, his signal is stronger than mine.
It takes 2 seconds to switch it back, but it seems to grab it whenever I wake it from sleep and at other random times. I was thinking of telling my neighbor that he needs to protect his signal, but even if I dont, I want a way to prevent my mac from locking onto the wrong signal.
Running Snow Leopard.
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Nov 11, 2010
I saw there were threads about the new pros... but does anyone have problems with the late 2008 finding a WiFi signal? I watched it for 5 mins and the network didn't even showbup on the list..my eve and touch both find it fine though...(eve two bars touch 3-4) suggestions? Is it just mine that has bad reception? the evo is known for bad signal strength, And even it can pick it up.
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Nov 10, 2009
I have 40 MacBooks in a small private High School. The High School is on a church campus. The school has 4 Airport Extreme's with an SSID of CCHS. On the same campus there are 2 other public WiFi networks. What I want to figure out without having to worry about blocking the Mac Addresses on 2 different routers everytime a new High School MacBook is being used it to setup on the MacBook so it won't connect to those WiFi signals. We use Apple Remote Desktop to monitor the MacBooks and sometimes the students are connected to other network and we can't see their laptops.
We have an Xserve server that all the MacBook's are bound to and can make changes to the MCX records but need to know what I can do in order to make it so they can't connect to these 2 other networks.
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Mar 25, 2012
Several times a day, my iMac loses my wi-fi signal. I'm receiving wi-fi from a Comcast cable modem connected to a Time capsule. No other device in the house loses the signal.
Info:27, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jan 28, 2006
Is there any way to improve the wifi signal acquisition on my 12" g4 powerbook?
I'm noticing that the 14"Ibook I'm comparing my PB to get a better signal sitting side by side.
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Oct 25, 2006
Just installed an Airport Extreme card in an iBook G4 (running Panther). Signal strength within a few feet of the wireless router (Netgear) is usually high to medium. But when I leave the room it's in the signal drops all the sudden. I haven't had much experience with wireless networking, so I'm not that familiar with this. We do have a lot of cables and wires related to the computers in the main room where the router is, could that be "blocking" the signal from outside that room?
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Apr 15, 2009
We have high speed cable w/ which plugs straight into a router, the time capsule is plugged into the router, and our printer is connected to the time capsule, unfortunately, the actual Motorola (an old) router that the time capsule is plugged into, is much faster, even 2-3x (perhaps more) faster than the time machine on Wi-Fi, my iPod Touch barely loads anything on it (even right next to it), and my dads iPhone only works on the time capsule network.
(This is 2008 Model time capsule, not the newer 2009 one)
The MB Pro is normally within 3-7 meters of the time capsule,
I'm not sure why it's so slow, especially when the laptop (MB Pro) is down in the bedroom (maybe 20-25 meters away, in a very open house), it loads incredibly slow! I'm wondering if this is normal behavior? or are there settings to configure or what? I was also thinking of getting the newer model, and get an apple TV, but I'm worried that it might be incredibly slow, based on this previous model we have.
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Mar 18, 2012
My iMac (purchased Feb 6) is constantly dropping the wifi signal. It seems to happen randomly...sometimes it's there, sometimes not and I must go to Networking icon and all the steps to reconnect!. (My iPad2 and IPhone are not having this problem...or perhaps their 3G has kept me from noticing.)
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 8, 2012
Find an application to show me the strength of the incoming wifi signal in my Macpro.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 2, 2012
My Wi-Fi drops out all the time and I have to reset the WiFi to reconnect. When I look in the signal bar is says it is still connected, this will happen about once every 2 to 3 minutes. I have contacted the apple help desk and was told it must be my modem. I have two phones, an ipad, 2 windows laptops and my macbook pro is the only one that has problems with the WiFi. have also taken it to a repair agent and was told it was my modem.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 12, 2010
I have a I mac and an airport. I've been having problems lately(one month) every time I try to connect to the net. it says there is no connection. if I refresh, it works. the reception icon was showing full (4 bars). 3 days ago, no reception, o bars, today, I got it back. i am about 50 feet away, around a corner outer house wall. nothing has changed in terms of new or moved electronic equipment. I even turned off my 5.0 ghz phone.
any thought on how to fix this?
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Oct 31, 2010
I have a time capsule hooked up to my mac mini. I don't use it for anything but the hard drive anymore so it is just plugged into the LAN connection. My Mac Mini is getting horrible wifi signal but my MacBook Pro is getting great signal in the same room. I was wondering if the Time Capsule can be used to receive the wifi and run it to my Mac Mini threw the LAN connection? Or can the Time Capsule be used as a repeater and boost the wifi signal?
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Feb 28, 2009
i'm trying to setup a mini wifi hotspot in my shoe box of a bedroom. I have a mac pro, iBook and iPhone and i can't seem to get either the iBook or iPhone to connect to an "Airport Internet sharing" connection.
I thought it might be the thick aluminium box hampering the signal but i'm literally about 6ft from the MP tower and really shouldn't have problems from that range should i?
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Jan 24, 2010
My TimeCapsule drops the WiFi signal every 10 minutes or so for about 10 seconds; the light is blinking yellow during that time, and then it comes back to everything ok.
The TC is in Bridge Mode behind my router. I can connect to the internet via the router all the time - no connection lags there, it's just the TimeCapsule that stops the connection. No entries in it's logs, though.
I'm running 10.6.2, and the TimeCapsule is on 7.4.2 (same issue on 7.3.2 and 7.4.1).
As it is, it basically kills iChat and Skype on top of it's impact on web browsing and the like.
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Aug 23, 2010
all threads are outdated from 2006 and 2007 as far as I looked, or has a different issue. My macbook is a 2009 model running 10.6.4, using a linksys router, signal will drop for no reason. The bars are full, but nothing will connect. NO messenger, web browser, or downloading software will work, like its dead. This usually happens if I keep my computer on over night for huge downloads (1GB+).To fix this, I just have to click on the airport icon on the top right corner of my screen, choose disconnect, wait 3 seconds, then choose reconnect and it will work again.
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Jun 28, 2012
My IMac is "scanning" for wifi signal while IPad finds signal @same location. How can I tell if hardware is bad or system set up wrongly?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Dec 7, 2014
I think there is an icon error in OS X Yosemite. The third icon above is slightly larger than all the other icons, distorting the WiFi signal when searching for a WiFi network.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 22, 2010
I have had my 15" i7 MBP for around a week now, and a handful of times (3 times last night) it just decided it doesnt want to connect to the internet.The WiFi Signal still says its connected full, and other laptops don't have an issue (not even my old 13" MacBook).I have tried changing the DNS to OpenDns and to Google's DNS but with no luck. The problem is intermittent, and it will be fine for a day, then it will just decide it doesn't want to work.
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Jul 20, 2009
I had the problem of continual disruption of my wifi connection. I eventually tracked down the source of this problem to interference with the wifi signal from the bluetooth wireless keyboard.
When I turned bluetooth off, the wifi is solid and no disconnection, as soon as I turn it on again and use the wireless peripherals it starts to cut off the wifi at various times. To begin with it became so bad it was cutting the wifi every 5 seconds.
I thought I had solved the problem by accessing the wireless router and changing the signal number, you know 1 through 13 or so.
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