OS X V10.7 Lion :: Idrive Replacement, What To Use For An Idrive Replacement
Mar 28, 2012
So I have some folks that have become very dependent on idrive and being able to mount cloud storage on a mac and being able to manage the file and directory structure like a traditional drive. With iDrive going away what is the best option out there? iCloud is cool and all but is there a way to mount it as a drive and maintain traditional folder and file structure?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Feb 17, 2012
I have many years of accounting on quicken and now I find I can't do this year's tax. Has anyone found a way to make quicken work or another program that will use the quicken data?
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May 26, 2012
With TimeMachine, I backup two external drives (let's call them drive A and B). Recently, drive B broke and I restored the data on a replacement drive and gave the volume the same name as the broken one had. I made TimeMachine aware of the fact that this new drive corresponds to the old one by using the "tmutil -a associatedisk" command as described here: [URL]When TimeMachine started the next backup, it did not perform all full backup of the new drive, though still way more than it should. So far so god.
The problem is: if TimeMachine performs a backup while the new drive (the replacement of drive B) is not connected, it does not create the hard links for it. Drive A is not connected either, though hard links for it show up in the Backups.backupdb folder for this backup. If the replacement drive is connected the next time, TimeMachine will perform a full backup of it ... most likely because the previous backup does not contain any hard links.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 13, 2008
I've had my first generation MBP since April of 2006. And my history of repairs on this thing is insane. I will list them later.
Just last week, I brought it in for intermittent brightness/dimming and it came back worse than before with the machine turning off by itself after 6 seconds of booting.
So it's back in repair. The genius says, if the same thing keeps happening, they'll have to give me a new mbp.
Which mbp do you think they'll give me (if they can't fix it)? The same one I have, the previous c2d or the latest one?
Here's a list of the problems I've had since I had my MBP:
Problem 1: Logic board, inverter, battery (due to recall) replaced
Problem 2: Top keyboard assembly replaced
Problem 3: Release latch assembly replaced
Problem 4: Logic board, fan assembly and something else replaced
Problem 5: Keyboard assembly replaced due to dancing backlight
Problem 6: Battery replaced having only 100ish battery cycles
(Current) Problem 7: Display inverter board, logic board, inverter/camera cable replaced
Seriously, I do IT consulting and w/o my main machine, it has simply been a pain in the @ss with a secondary one.
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May 19, 2009
I was wondering if it is possible to have the non-Unibody MBP top case sit flush with the bottom after replacing the HDD. On a couple previous generation MBPs, I, nor my local Apple Authorized Repair Center were able to replace the hard drive without leaving a noticeable gap between the top case and the bottom. I would really like to put a SSD in my computer, but would not like my machine to have that terrible looking gap. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions on how to prevent this gap, if it all possible?
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Dec 22, 2009
I have a Late 2008 15 MBP (Purchased March 2009). The display does not always remain closed. It occasionally pops up itself. I have sent it to Apple store twice.
The first time I brought it to the store, the genius bar observed the problem and said it's caused by weak magnets. So my laptop was sent to repair center.
Five days later, I picked up the laptop from the store and found they did not fix the problem and two screws at the bottom of the machine were missing.
The paperwork says they replaced display assembly due to "Sleep Function Not Working". WTF
I then sent the laptop to the same store for repair. This time the genius bar made a note on my laptop so that the staff at repair center could handle the issue carefully.
Yesterday, got my laptop back from FedEX. The problem was still there!! The paperwork says they replaced display assembly again. But this time the they found my problem.
I am 70 miles away from the store and it is irritated to drive back and forth.
I called Apple Care for a resolution. They apologized and said the only thing they could offer is to send me a prepaid shipping box and have the laptop repaired again.!!!
Guys, should I send my laptop in for the third time?? Or is apple supposed to offer a replacement? Please, don't say I am greedy... I spent all my college savings for this laptop and this makes me frustrated.
Thanks for all the commnets and suggestions. you guys rock!!
OK, after the second repair, i talked to their senior advisor. He said he is confident that the repair center will fix it this time. When we asked him for a replacement, he said "give us another try. If this repair does not solve the problem, we can discuss other options."
Today, I got my machine back from FedEX and they replaced the display assembly again... I already told their advisor my speculation which is magnets. It has nothing to do with display frame since they have replaced it three times and none of them solves the problem.
I already called the advisor and left a message for him... Hopefully he will call me back soon.
This is not a major issue. Why it is so difficult for Apple to fix it?
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Feb 26, 2012
I need a key replacement for my macbook pro 13 inch unibody. It is an early 2011 model. The key I need a replacement for is the period (.) key. It also has this, ">" symbol on the key.
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Sep 21, 2010
I want to buy the MacBook Pro but the thing holding me back is having to give up my WordPerfect. I don't like Word, and I have downloaded OpenOffice on my PC to practice. But I am having trouble duplicating the Merge feature I use on WP. I was hoping to convert my WP letter form file and my data file (with names, addresses, and other data) into OpenOffice to find out if I can do the same merges with that program.
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Oct 22, 2010
Since I don't have any experience replacing the hard disk myself nor know anyone that can (otherwise I would definitely opt for an X-25M);
if I deliver my 13'' MBP to the apple store and ask for an SSD placement (currently having the 5400 RPM drive), will I get one of the newer SSDs that support TRIM in boot camp?
Or can't you really know beforehand ...
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Jan 10, 2011
I have a great G4 MMD machine that I love. I've rebuilt it, and it does everything I want it to do with OSX.
The problem is the noise from the two fans. Its REALLY loud.
Is there a drop in replacement for the big fan that will be less loud, BUT will still move the same amount of air. The last thing I want to do is overheat the machine because I put in a substandard fan.
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May 6, 2007
I currently have a 40gb HD on my iBook G4 and was wondering if there is a way to install a new harddrive without voiding my warranty (I have over 1.5 years left on it). Also, where is the best place to buy new HDs?
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Sep 7, 2007
We are now trying to replace the hard drive with an 80 Gb one. The problem is that when I try to clone the existing HD over to the new one, CCC gets to the point of copying the applications folder and can't go any farther. I assume this means the HD in the iBook is well and truly dead, Worst case I'll have to install everything from the restore discs, although that will set her machine back some--I think she has OS 10.2 discs and the machine is actually on 10.3.9.
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Aug 20, 2008
Im after swapping my original one for one that burns dvd's aswell as cd's,
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Oct 15, 2008
If there is ever going to be a new Mac mini, I think it will also lose FireWire. Apple has conceded that FireWire has lost as an general consumer computer interface. This maybe so. Still, if the new Mac mini loses its FireWire port, this will cause people to have less choice when purchasing a new Mac in case they still have an old or new FireWire-based DV or HDV camera. I have a nice Sony HDV camera, and I would hate to sell it. Apple is now telling me I should (but I won't). It is strange to see this new development at Apple, just when other manufacturers are adopting FireWire (an Apple conceived technology) as standard in their offerings.
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Mar 9, 2009
My PowerBook G4 (specs in the bottom, except 250 GB drive) HDD is failing. It is the standard 80 GB one that came with the notebook. I have a 250 GB WD scorpio ready to go in, but I have a couple of questions. First of all, if I use Carbon Copy Cloner to clone my existing disc to the new WD scorpio by using a PATA drive enclosure (USB 2.0), will it boot once put in the notebook? Does it need to be a firewire enclosure to be able to boot? Second, what is the average life of the original Hitachi drives (80 GB) that were put in this model of PowerBook. This is the 1.33 GHz model with the superdrive 4x. I just want to know what to do before I disassemble it.
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Apr 29, 2009
A couple of years ago I purchased an iMac c2d 24" BTO with upgraded Graphics (7600 256mb), 2 GB of memory and a 500 GB hard drive. This has failed three times and Apple have decided to replace it with a new iMac 24 2.93GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 256MB memory etc .
I have to send my old unit back first then they will send out the new machine.
My question is how do I follow the machine trail? I have yet to receive a call to arrange pick up of my old machine and I've checked on Apples web site under my account and can see nothing about the new machine.
Can any one who as been down this road especially in the UK enlighten me as to what happens and how to view things.
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Jun 9, 2009
i bought a MBA rev:B 1,6ghz base model for 1699 Euros and apple told me now that they'll replace it with the new base model 1,86ghz with 120gb HD which costs 300 Euros less. that's like a 300 Euro rip off! i thought they would send me the new model for 1699€, since that is how much i paid for the base model in march.
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Jul 3, 2009
I recently picked up a MacBook Air for a great price. The only problem is that it was dropped and has significant denting and disfiguring to the aluminum case that is behind the screen with the glowing Apple logo. I got a quote of $650 from the Apple store to send it out for repair. That is way beyond what I am willing to spend for cosmetic damage. I started searching and found the bottom of the case as well as the top of the case and keyboard but have had no luck finding a replacement for the backing of the screen. Dies anyone know where I can pick one up?
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Aug 18, 2009
I used to use a 37" hdtv with my mbp and loved it, but now I need to go bigger, at least 50 inches or so and am thinking about getting a projector. Has anyone else done this and gotten good results from a projector under 500 dollars?
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Sep 8, 2009
Recently had a costly hard drive replacement which was the result of the mac book pro refusing to boot up! I have, however, got a external hard drive which uses time machine to back up all of my documents. While it seemed to work perfectly, when I really needed it to work it has let me down! It doesn't display any of my photos or music or docs. I believe it could be a problem due to the fact it I've changed hard drive! Its a intel mac if that's info is needed.
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Dec 7, 2009
Title pretty much says it all, the superdrive in my Mac Pro has become unreliable. I figured I'd swap it out myself with something from Newegg, but I'm not sure which ones are compatible and am looking for recommendations
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Dec 18, 2009
so i backuped everything with time machine. I'm about to install my new 500gb drive. Do I still need my old snow leopard install disc to reinstall everything, or will the time machine be fine?
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Jan 7, 2010
I've made the switch from Windows and would love a Mac app that behaved like Window's Folder Menu I fully realize I cannot, and should not expect to bring the whole Win experience with me but this app was just hella handy and I can't find anything similar on OS X. Folder Menu allowed you to generate a context menu (typically triggered by the middle mouse button) that could appear in Windows Explorer (Windows' version of Finder) or Open/Save Dialogs, and in this menu you could have predefined shortcuts to different folders. Selecting one of the shortcuts would jump you to that folder. I can see that launcher apps are dime a dozen on OS X, but there are some key differences with this app
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Mar 1, 2010
With the early uMB 2.4 do you have to zap the PRAM after you upgrade your HDD? if so how do you do this?
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Apr 10, 2010
I recently bought a used MacBook on e bay and it came without the install disc, so therefore I do not know any of the passwords.
It starts up fine and I can go on the Internet but can not enter any administrator pass words.
Where can I get a replacement disc from, and has any reader had this problem
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Feb 12, 2012
Where can I get a replacement MacBook air os drive?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Apr 13, 2012
In WIN7 environment I use Microsoft Publisher quite regularly, primarily as I have a need in a small business I run, to produce CD Covers....the small folded booklet inside a CD jewel case, and the back cover with the 2 foldup ends, to produce a CD's jacket and back cover. In a MAC world, I cant quickly find an APP that will do this. I spent a few bucks on Swift Publisher 2 but it has no CD cover templates.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 10, 2006
I have a iMac 2GHZ PowerPC G5 and the SuperDrive has gone out for the second time and it is now out of the 90-day warranty. The original equipment is the MATSHITADVD-R UJ-845, but it seems to have been made in China by slave labor and gives more problems than any other single component of the iMac. Do you have any suggestions or insights about how to deal with this and/or replace it? Do you have any inside knowledge about updates to the current replacement hardware or anything like that? It's not that I don't want to take the iMac down to the Apple Store for the fix, it is more an issue of dependability and component longevity. My PC gaming rig is three years old and the CD/DVD-ROM has given no problems whatsoever while the iMac is less than a year old and has had the same component go out twice. (Background on the machine -- Machine Name: iMac G5, Machine Model: PowerMac8,2, CPU Type: PowerPC G5 (3.0), Number Of CPUs:1, CPU Speed: 2 GHz, L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB, Memory: 1 GB, Bus Speed:667 MHz, ATA Bus: MATSHITADVD-R UJ-845, Model: MATSHITADVD-R UJ-845, Revision: DBN9, Detachable Drive: No)
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Feb 21, 2010
After my MacBook Pro 2.5's logic board failed( and was replaced under AppleCare) after owning my MBP for just 17 months, activity monitor often shows asl ( system log file) manager at about 100% CPU. Fans spin at 5000rpm. Never had this issue before the logic board replacement. Also, Safari 4.04 frequently crashes; never had this issue either before, either. Occasionally, after restarting my MBP, the Apple doesn't appear on my screen but instead I get image of a folder alternating with a question mark. When trying to use installation disk to start up, under 'select the system you want to use to start up', Mac OS 10.5.8( the OS that's on my hard drive, will not show at all...it's missing. After restarting several more times with installation disk OS 10.5.8 eventually appears as a selection. Why would these issues appear only after the LB was replaced. I suspect that the replacement logic board or its installation is not 100%. Something's not quite right there.
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Sep 27, 2010
I have only just moved over from PC to Mac.
Paint shop pro 8 was the last program that I used.
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