OS X V10.7 Lion :: Home Movies At Wrong Aspect Ratio?
Apr 28, 2012
I have a lot of home movies that were recorded onto a Verbatim Hard Drive Recorder in a .mpg format. These movies are in the proper widescreen aspect ratio when played back on my TV, however, when I transfered them to my Mac the .mpg video files became fullscreen. I had to use MPEG Streamclip and the MPEG-2 Playback Component to create true widescreen .dv files for iMovie. However, I was forced to to do an erase and reinstall of Leopard last week and I lost the MPEG-2 Component.
I was upgrading to Lion though, and I had heard that the Component was no longer necessary as Lion had the capability to playback MPEG-2 files. I had assumed that Streamclip would also use this built-in MPEG-2 Component. I have upraded to Lion just today, but Streamclip cannot open any of the .mpg files claiming it needs the Component. Is there another Streamclip equivelant that can correct the aspect ratio with requiring me to buy another Playback Component? Or better yet is there any existing application on Lion that can correct the video shape?
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Oct 28, 2009
So why is Widescreen better than the "old" 4:3 aspect ratio? I haven't seen a website/document where content is arranged 16:9, is this seriously JUST for movies? I just started using my old Thinkpad t60 again, and its 15" whcih feels allot bigger than my 15.4" MacBook Pro. who exactly needs widescreen andy why are they still measure monitors in inch wouldn't it make more sense to do a Pixel/cm^2 ?? plain cm^2 would be better as well
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May 11, 2009
I have a 2nd gen MBP hooked up to a wide screen LCD (1680x1050) panel and I occasionally play games that don't naively support the wide aspect ratio and they get all stretched out when scaled to fit the screen. Is there any way to tell OS X to center the "odd" resolutions in the panel (leaving black bars) when a game wants to use that resolution? I'd much rather have a smaller picture than have it distorted.
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Jul 1, 2014
I am using FCP X 10.1.1 on an iMac with OS 10.9.3
I have HD video shot in 1080X720. I realize a dvd isn't HD, but I would like to try and get the wide screen aspect. Is that even possible?
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Aug 29, 2009
You used to be able to select "movie properties" in the previous QuickTime 7 but that option is not available in QuickTime X in Snow Leopard
Say, you have an HD movie which is on your hard drive, but in 4:3 format. You want to change it to 16:9 which is the widescreen format, to view the movie at its proper aspect ratio. You can do this in VLC, but my question is, How do you change the aspect Ratio in Quicktime Player X?
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Feb 18, 2008
Has anyone who's gotten one of these tried watching a DVD or playing a game in full screen on a 30" monitor w. no scaling chip (ie the HP LP3065)??? Just curious as to whether the quality is good, I hear the scaling on some cards kindof sucks.
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Jan 26, 2009
I have a folder of images that I would like to crop to a certain aspect ratio. I don't want to make them all the same number of pixels, I just want them all to have a 16:10 aspect ratio. Is there a certain app that can batch crop like this for me?
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May 28, 2010
I am making an animation using photoshop and istopmotion. I save each drawing in photoshop as a frame. When I import the image into istopmotion it changes the aspect ratio of my picture and crops some of the top and the bottom. I have tried to change the aspect ratio of my image to 4:3, 16:9, and lots of other ratios. When I look at the document setting in istopmotion it says the aspect ratio should be HDV1060 4:3.
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May 24, 2012
How do I make the movies I download from the net Full HD or Blu-Ray. The movies that I download are usually something like 1280x550. But when I use a video converter to make it 1280x800 (the highest resolution on my 13' macbook pro) it just stretches the movie so the quality becomes worse. how to make these movies full HD or Blu-Ray and change the aspect ratio so the movie takes up th whole screen.
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 6, 2014
I have a 1920x1080 video that I want to crop to a 4:3 aspect ratio.
I'm working with compressor 3.
When I set "crop original" to "4x3 1,33:1", I cannot manipulate the cropping. It is fixed to left=240, right=240, top=0 and bottom=0.
This results in 1440x1080 4x3, that's correct. But what I'd like to do is crop the top and bottom, too, while keeping the 4:3 aspect ratio.
How do i do that?
When I set "crop original" to "custom" (I hope I translated that correctly), cropping left, top, right and bottom is possible. I manipulate the red rectangle in the preview window and the cropping changes accordingly. Now how do I tell compressor to keep the 4:3 aspect ratio while manipulating/zooming with the red rectangle? I don't want to calculate the cropping, this is way too cumbersome.
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Jun 2, 2014
I often shoot short videos with my iPhone. I bring them into FCPX and edit it.
The problem is when I export it, it will have black bars on the side once its back on my iPhone. It will never just export to fit the screen like it did when I shot the video. I tried to customize the aspect ratio but it only gives me set options.
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Sep 9, 2014
I edit on FCPX v10.0.9... (OSX 10.8.5) ...a client sent video at NTSC 720x480 DV... How do I FIRST import that video into an appropriate project setting without distorting the ratio (it keeps getting converted to 4:3 - narrower - and the original video is not 4:3)? and SECOND export and keep the same aspect ratio? I've done much research and realize that NTSC 720x480 DV is SD and FCPX wants square pixels etc.,My goal is to import the video, edit it, and export it all the while keeping the original aspect ration.
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Dec 30, 2009
To me this does not make any sense: Quote ....
# Supported resolutions: 1440 by 900 (native), 1280 by 800, 1152 by 720, 1024 by 640, and 800 by 500 pixels at 16:10 aspect ratio; 1024 by 768, 800 by 600, and 640 by 480 pixels at 4:3 aspect ratio; 1024 by 768, 800 by 600, and 640 by 480 pixels at 4:3 aspect ratio stretched; 720 by 480 pixels at 3:2 aspect ratio; 720 by 480 pixels at 3:2 aspect ratio stretched
No sense what so ever. That said, if I want to watch movies in the highest possible resolution and have it fill up the screen completely (no letterbox), what screen resolution do I use and what ratiodo I buy my DVD's in? A friend recommended 3:2?
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Apr 8, 2012
How do I rip dvd home movies to my mac book pro? I want to then import them into iMovie.
MacBook Pro
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Apr 13, 2009
just wondering if DVD-R is the most universal, most compatible DVD format that I should be using to burn all of my videos. I don't need to re-write anything, just need to write the DVD once and be able to play it on the most amount of DVD players from now until 40 years from now.
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Mar 21, 2012
I have transferred all of our home movies from my macbook to our new iMac but in doing so all of the video files sound echoey. Is there any way to fix this?
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Dec 21, 2007
I just bought a Mac Mini and was excited to start saving my home movies from 8mm cassettes to my hard drive and go nuts with editing and so on and so on. I have a new intel mini 1.83, what do I need to handle video editing without waiting 5 hours for a dv to become a .mov and or waiting 300 hours ti import a mpg into imovie. I have about a grand to work with, will a g4 tower be enough OR g5? Will be looking on craigslist and have found several however I have no clue what equals a mac mini towerwise for a starting point, someone told me they have an old g4 and have no problems with video editing, however looking at the specs it is underpowered versus what I have.
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Oct 23, 2010
Does anyone know of a simple way to upload home movies burned to DVD into my iMac so that I can burn copies? Have quite a few personal videos on DVD that i'd like to import/upload to archive and burn additional copies of, and can't seem to figure it out.
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Jul 30, 2009
I recently copied a few movies from my phone to my laptop home screen. Now when I try to remove them from the screen to a folder all I can move is a copy of the movie while the original stays on the home screen. I have tried to cut and paste but all that I can do is cut, no paste.
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Apr 26, 2010
I recently pulled all of my old home movies from VHS's to the computer with a roxio software. I have them in iMovie '09 and have edited them and what not. Next I wish to import them into iDVD to burn them to share. First off is there a good amount of video to export at a time? because I have massive amounts. Probably 10-15 clips of about 2-3 hours of movie a piece. Also when I go to export just one clip it eventually quits on me. Is this because they are too long or too big? They do measure up to be between 10-15gb.
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Aug 14, 2010
I am on an intel 20" imac with a 250GB HD using iLife 09. I am back from a vacation with the family and realize that I can't import any video to my imac because the HD has no more space. To get some space back I am currently doing the following: Going through old video footage and trashing all video I never used in a project. If I attach an external HD can I can I download raw footage on this and then edit with imovie through the external? s there anything anyone else suggests? I MRoogled this and found some ways to save space but couldn't find much on the above two questions that weren't over my experience level as I just want to do home movies for memories.
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May 10, 2008
I would like to transfer old home movies on vhs onto my macbook...I was told that a tv tuner would be the way to go. I found one and it is the ATI TV Wonder HD 650 Combo. Now my question is since it records in mpeg2 am i going to have to get something to convert the files from mpeg2 to mpeg4 so that imovie will be able to read and edit the clips...
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Feb 16, 2012
I've had home movie video cassettes transferred onto DVD professionally and want to move them into iMovie so I can do edits and create new movies. The DVDs play fine but I can't figure out how to get them into iMovie so I can manipulate
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 5, 2010
For the past 10 years I made around 20 dvd from vacations, wedding and others events. Recently I decided to put them on my computer in quicktime format using handbrake. Unfortunately half of them will not work. Looks like the DVD is damaged, but I don't see any scratches.
So I tried with different softwares like mac the ripper, dvdxdvpro. But no luck, I can't extract the movie from a bad dvd.
When I put my dvd in a dvd player, some part of my movie will skip or freeze and some will play just fine
Just wonder if anybody knows a way to retrieve movie from a damaged dvd or maybe a part of the movie
I spent a huge amount of time to make those dvd and even if I have the original cassette, I wish I could have them back.
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Apr 28, 2012
Is there a software program to copy Hi8 home movies to DVD? Anything already on the iMac and how do you do it?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 31, 2012
I want to add a category of Home Movies to go along with the movies and TV Shows categories on iTunes. Can this be done? I want it to show up on Apple TV as a option also.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010)
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Oct 28, 2009
I recently bought a Canon HD camcorder bc I want my movies to look like the ones at the apple store. I edited my first movie in imovie 09, but it come out like they were recorded on miniDV tapes. I have a Macbook Pro and Im not a MAC genius. What do i need to do?
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Dec 16, 2010
From an external tray drive, iMac will not import mini disc home movies to edit. Is there a downloadable application to permit mini-disc import?
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Dec 3, 2009
My brother has told me its simple to switch over itunes library but sure he isnt gonna tell me, he is like that! My iMac desktop is tiger 10.4.11 & i want to transfer my itunes library, including apps/films/tv shows etc to my macbook laptop which is 10.5. I have uploaded most of my pics to mobile me so that they are safe but I have home movies also & want to secure them. I was gonna upgrade the imac tiger to snow leopard as Im probably getting a time capsule as a gift & would need to be 10.5 or higher to use it I believe but i decided against that. I will just use the desktop for general browsing etc & not keep anything of sentimental value on it.
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Jun 11, 2012
In itunes on my iMac, most, but not all, of my home videos and homemade slide shows have been saved in the TV shows directory rather than the movies directory. I've tried to move them to the movies directory in iTunes, but they won't be moved. How can I move them, and then have the moves reflected on my iPad?
iMac (20-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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