OS X :: IMac Will Not Import Camcorder Mini Disc Home Movies
Dec 16, 2010From an external tray drive, iMac will not import mini disc home movies to edit. Is there a downloadable application to permit mini-disc import?
View 2 RepliesFrom an external tray drive, iMac will not import mini disc home movies to edit. Is there a downloadable application to permit mini-disc import?
View 2 RepliesHow do I get the movies from my camcorder (Canon VIXIA HF R500) to import into iMovie?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Does anyone know of a simple way to upload home movies burned to DVD into my iMac so that I can burn copies? Have quite a few personal videos on DVD that i'd like to import/upload to archive and burn additional copies of, and can't seem to figure it out.
View 5 Replies View Relatedhow I could connect my mini dv camcorder to my mac and transfer the video to the computer. My camcorder only came with cord for playback on TV and the power cord, but nothing for the computer, especially a Mac. The manual refers to a Dv cable (hURL....) and says "When using a DV cable, be sure to use the optional JVC VC-VDV206U or VC-VDV204U DV cable depending on the type of DV connector (4 or 6 pins) on the PC". Currently running Mavericks with Thunderbolt and a FireWire 800 port.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI bought a dv to usb cable recently, this doesnt work.
I dont have access to another mac to transfer files between.
I dont have a lot of money, and want a simple as possible device to be able to do this with
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
how do I download (import) videos from my camcorder?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Sony Handycam
How do I import videos from a HDR-XR160 camcorder to my imac
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy parents bought this camcorder a few years ago, and I bought my Macbook 2 days ago. I have been very busy the past 2 days, transferring pictures, documents, etc. from my pc to my mac. I have now gotten to begin transferring videos. I had several videos on my old pc that transferred just fine, but I also had several videos on the camcorder from a recent trip to Chicago. When I connect the camcorder to my Macbook via USB cable, the files are not transferable. I can't even play them. They all end in either MOI or MOD. Can anyone give me advice on what to do? I have already tried transferring them to my old pc, and then from there to my macbook, but that isn't working for some reason.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to put my movies which are on tapes on my mac without it breaking it up into separate scenes. I just want one big file. Is there a setting to do this? Or is IMovie not the program to do this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have connected my camcorder to my Mac with a rocketfish firewire cable, but the Mac doesn't find the camcorder. I'm trying to import my videos to my Mac in iMovie.
Info:Time Capsule, iOS 5
I have a new Imac and will soon install Leopard
I have in my office 2 Dell PCs that came with Win XP Home which were installed and activated, but are no longer used at all since I had to replace XP home with Win XP Pro due to office networking needs.
So, can I use the Dell Win XP Home Disc (which I really, no longer use) to do the install on the Imac and will Microsoft let me activate it? (I suspect I will have to call them.) I can get the Product Key Number off the side of the Dell tower. That would be a nice savings.
One more question, if I can't use my existing disc and have to buy a fresh Windows OS, would I be better off buying XP Home or Vista Basic. My real need to install Win is just to run MS Money and Word Perfect (I have Word on the Imac but all my previous docs are in WP).
I created a DVD+R disc on my new Mini that has some Mac apps. Now that my new iMac is here, I am trying to read the disc on my iMac but the iMac just spits it back out. It never shows up on the desktop. Other discs such as the reload discs work. I can put it in the Mini again and it shows up. Anyone seen this and know how to share discs between the Mini and the iMac?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a Canon Optura 20 and I wanted to know if it was possible to turn it into a webcam for use on a mac and pc? If so how do I do that? Is there some special software needed? Is there freeware out there that can do the trick? Also, would I need a firewire connection or just a usb 2.0 connection?
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy borrowed Sony mini DV Handycam output wire has no suitable input on my Early 2009 Mac Pro.I have a couple of assorted cable but no match.Is there such a thing?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm sitting here trying how to figure out how to transfer video off this camcorder I have to my computer so I can edit the footage. It's my friend's camera so I'm not familiar with it at all. It has a cassette tape in which the video was recorded onto. The camera also has a USB connector. So I figured my computer would simply recognize that the camera was connected and I could get footage from the camera to the computer that way but it didn't work. camera is a Panasonic PV-GS35, for reference.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have problem connecting my camcorder (a mini DVD-based Sony DCR-608E) with I-Mac 20". Based on the many threads I've been reading, I guess it's best for me to get a new camcorder.
Am currently considering to buy a camcorder with a firewire port but haven't decided between Mini-DV based or HD. My main consideration is the image quality and cost effiency.
Anybody using i-Movie has any recommendation? Should I go for Mini-DV or HD? What are the upsides/downsides?
How do I capture video and audio from a mini DV camcorder to my iMac?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
why can't i import my movies into iTunes?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best way for me to import my vhs movies and laserdisc movies into itunes so I can store them for my family to keep? If I get them into itunes I would like to be able to view them on my Apple tv via the computer. Can this be done???
View 1 Replies View RelatedI setup iTunes Match a couple of weeks ago (love it, btw), but for some reason since I set it up I can no longer import .m4v files into the Movies library. There is no error, they just never copy over.
iTunes 10.6.1(7) 64-bit on MacPro running OS X 10.7.3
How do I rip dvd home movies to my mac book pro? I want to then import them into iMovie.
MacBook Pro
just wondering if DVD-R is the most universal, most compatible DVD format that I should be using to burn all of my videos. I don't need to re-write anything, just need to write the DVD once and be able to play it on the most amount of DVD players from now until 40 years from now.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have transferred all of our home movies from my macbook to our new iMac but in doing so all of the video files sound echoey. Is there any way to fix this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just bought a Mac Mini and was excited to start saving my home movies from 8mm cassettes to my hard drive and go nuts with editing and so on and so on. I have a new intel mini 1.83, what do I need to handle video editing without waiting 5 hours for a dv to become a .mov and or waiting 300 hours ti import a mpg into imovie. I have about a grand to work with, will a g4 tower be enough OR g5? Will be looking on craigslist and have found several however I have no clue what equals a mac mini towerwise for a starting point, someone told me they have an old g4 and have no problems with video editing, however looking at the specs it is underpowered versus what I have.
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
I recently copied a few movies from my phone to my laptop home screen. Now when I try to remove them from the screen to a folder all I can move is a copy of the movie while the original stays on the home screen. I have tried to cut and paste but all that I can do is cut, no paste.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently pulled all of my old home movies from VHS's to the computer with a roxio software. I have them in iMovie '09 and have edited them and what not. Next I wish to import them into iDVD to burn them to share. First off is there a good amount of video to export at a time? because I have massive amounts. Probably 10-15 clips of about 2-3 hours of movie a piece. Also when I go to export just one clip it eventually quits on me. Is this because they are too long or too big? They do measure up to be between 10-15gb.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am on an intel 20" imac with a 250GB HD using iLife 09. I am back from a vacation with the family and realize that I can't import any video to my imac because the HD has no more space. To get some space back I am currently doing the following: Going through old video footage and trashing all video I never used in a project. If I attach an external HD can I can I download raw footage on this and then edit with imovie through the external? s there anything anyone else suggests? I MRoogled this and found some ways to save space but couldn't find much on the above two questions that weren't over my experience level as I just want to do home movies for memories.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to transfer old home movies on vhs onto my macbook...I was told that a tv tuner would be the way to go. I found one and it is the ATI TV Wonder HD 650 Combo. Now my question is since it records in mpeg2 am i going to have to get something to convert the files from mpeg2 to mpeg4 so that imovie will be able to read and edit the clips...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've had home movie video cassettes transferred onto DVD professionally and want to move them into iMovie so I can do edits and create new movies. The DVDs play fine but I can't figure out how to get them into iMovie so I can manipulate
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I've finally got hold of a 27" iMac that works, so now comes the process of transferring over all my media. I want to use my iMac as a media hub of sorts, and so have been transferring all of my music from my MacBook using the import feature on iTunes 9's Home Sharing. I just want to know if Apple places any restrictions on the files so, for instance, if I de-authorise my Macbook and/or delete the media files from it, will the music still be accessible as normal from the iMac (since it's been coped over and is stored locally), or will it create some kind of link to the original files and shout at me if they disappear? Or would I be safer using a traditional method of transferring the data?
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