Normally, the Finder window will display a folder's size in the Size column. However, I have one folder which shows as "Zero KB" in the Size column. When I open the General Info window, the Size reads as "Zero KB on disk (Zero bytes) for 0 items."
In order to get the folder size I have to go into the folder, select all folders, then with either the Summary Info or Inspector window, it'll show the folder size ("185.32 GB on disk").
Why is this occurring in only this folder? Is it because it's a large folder?
I'm running Snow Lep 10.6.2. The folder is on an external drive in FAT32 format.
When I open a Finder window, it looks like this: But I want it to look like this: But every time I close a finder window and open a new one, it looks like the window in the first picture again. How can I permanently resize the navigation bar?
I'm running Mac OS X 10.5.6 (9G55) with Leopard. On a typical work day I'll open Finder to look for pdf files. I'll perform my search for pdf documents and, as expected, all pdf documents that exist on my Mac are listed in Finder. In the Finder dialog box there are headings at the top of the columns that include "Name", "Kind" and "Last Opened". When I single click on any one of the listed pdf documents, the path to that document's location is given at the bottom of the Finder window. Every month I save hundreds of different pdf documents in about 135 different customer file locations.
As a result, I need to be able to add a column heading that orients the results on a file location basis. On my former XP I could add many different headings, including one that simply stated "Filed In" (or something along those lines). By clicking on the heading "Filed In", all of the pdf documents would be grouped and listed by their file location. My question is: Can I add a "Filed In" heading to the search results window of Finder so that I can click on "Filed In" and group search results by the file locations?
When I have a Finder window open, and I press cmd-j to bring up view options, I get a "Use As Defaults" button at the bottom for all views except column! How do I use Column view as my system default for all windows?
No sign, look: Yet, in stacks it's one of the 5 choice views? Am I missing something very obvious, or is this not (one of) the biggest oversights 'ever', on Apple's part?
The default 'document' column is way too wide and forces you eye to track all the way across the screen to read info like "date modified', 'kind' or 'size'.  Tried several times to create a narrower default 'document name' column with no results. Couldn't find anything in preferences or view options. Tried dragging column headers while holding the down the option key with no results.  Every time I open a new finder window, all columns except the 'document' column affixed to the right side of the window. Also, when you grab the bottom right corner of a window to resize smaller, the lists become re-affixed to the right side of the window when opening the window back up.  Experiencing the same problem in Mavericks 10.9.3 on an iMac and Macbook Pro Retina.
how can I print a list of folder and subfolders from the finder window? I want to reorganize the contents and it would be easier to look at a printed list. I have too many folder and subfolders to do it well from the computer alone.
About 2 weeks ago suddenly Finder are unable to sort files in alphabetical order in Column mode.About the same time when my external HDD died (don't know whether this has any effect).Â
Sorting by name works fine in icon only mode, but whenever I switch to Column mode its completely disorganized.And when I tried in coverflow mode its alphabetical but in inverted mode (Z to A).Â
How do I open a folder in a new finder window? I know on a PC you can right click the folder and choose open in new window. How is this accomplished on the mac?
Is there (or will there ever be) any way to change the white default color of finder windows in column and list views? Or is there a 3rd party app? You can change them in icon view but that's the only view I never use. My eyes get so tired staring at white all day. If I could make all my windows dark grey I could work longer, better, happier. Would also love to make the Mail app dark.
As far as I can see, someone on my work mac right clicked on the 'Downloads' folder and set the 'Open With' option to 'Preview'.
As such, when the icon is clicked every item in the Downloads folder opens in preview (massive pain) and there are issues with the folder working on the dock. I tried changing the 'open with' option on the Downloads folder myself but there isn't anything appropriate to change it back to. I assumed finder but that isnt an option.
Wasn't this an option previous to 10.7.4? It doesn't work now.When clicking the Finder icon in the Dock, a new Finder window would open? I know about Finder prefs - General - Always open folders in new window but this isn't what I mean.I'd have a Finder window open then want to copy/move something so I clicked on the Finder icon in the dock to get a new window.Every time I clicked the Dock icon, I'd get a new Finder window.
If i search a file in finder and then i want to see what folder and go to that folder how do you do that? In windows you can click the drop down button that shows the entire directory path but there doesnt seem to be any similar function in the finder window. You can click the back button to go back up the tree if you got there by navigating down but if you went directly to the file form a search there doesnt seem to be any way to go up the path.
not quite so dire if you clicked this wondering ??? And why is this bing posted on Server forum? Well it happens to be on a server and I am trying to iron out what happens when you completely trash the system and start over. This problem occured in a subdirectory on one folder. It (the triangles ->) are there for all the other folders. However, there is one folder I had on a backup (backup, meaning still being a previous version of Lion) that at one point that any group of folders I place into it. there is no browsing triangle that lets you go down furthur. Yes you can open the folder and go further in, so its not prefs that I am aware of. Â
At this level...Triangles Here Still? Triangles still here. (Must say in Cookie Monster voice if you've watched the "Cookies done yet" bit you might giggle or at least be mildly annoyed.)
If you browse from this part of the hierarchy you get the expected behavior...Triangles Here Still? Triangles still here. however if you open the folder here is what you get...Triangles Here Still? (uh oh).
Anyway, sorry for the "less professional" candor of this post, but I have kids and a wife, and they think I am boring at times, and I love them - and while I am struggling with this, I am thinking of them, and obviously not with them. Ok Universe, this is where I need you the most: I'm counting on you do to something or say something to make it all better. Ok...Go
My computer won't open a specific folder in my documents folder. It will let me open other folders but not his one. When I click to open it get a notice that Finder has unexpectedly quit.
I am missing the window navigational buttons (top left of window) when I open certain applications. The buttons that I am missing are used to minimize, maximize and close the window. Please see the attached picture. I circled the area that should have the buttons present.
I have a Mac Book Air running 10.7.3. The Sharing Folder under system preferences is frozen. The padlock is unlocked. How do I unfreeze the sharing folder so that I can click on any item in this folder? The sharing folder freezes every time I open it - so you cannot select anything in the sharing folder?
since I don't know when, the columns in Finder windows have always the same size. If I change the size, and then close the windows, when I open a new one, the column get back to their "original size" (which is too small for my personal use).Â
Simple navigation question as I am new to Mac and suffering from PC withdrawal anxiety. When I expand my browser window fully to expanded, click on the arrows in up right, the three resizing dots on the left side disappear. Any way to keep them in place?
I have over 250 films on an external hard drive, and I was wondering whether I could get an extra column on finder so I can put what actor is in the film or what year was?
I started cleaning out my MC. So today I found the "All Images" smart folder. I opened it and selected all 9000 contents and deleted, I got worried and stopped the process. I think 3000 images deleted. Then I turned off computer. Are these files necessary? Can I restore them?
I'm using an iMac Core i7 running 10.7.3 and I wanted to access my Application support folder (in user/Library), I couldn't find it. It seems my user Library has become invisible, but I can't 'see' it from the finder, nor can I access its contents. I know it's there since I tried to make a new folder called, "Library" and the system told me 'there is already one by that name...' Also if I select 'Open' from another program, I can clearly see it, but only from the 'Open' window.Â
Is this a known issue with Lion 10.7.3? And does anyone know how to resolve this?Â
The finder window on my MacMini (OSX 10.7) keeps dropping off the screen and cannot be retrieved. Where did it go? Clicking on the Finder icon gets no results.
When you have a window open in List View, scroll to the middle of the list and then copy a file from another location into that window. When the copy completes the destination window pops to the top of the list, losing your previous focus in that window.Â