OS X V10.7 Lion :: Error Downloading ITunes In Software Update
Jul 5, 2012
Im having problems with software update im trying to update two machines one is running 10.6 and one is 10.7 and i was downloading the update and got the same error message at the end of each download that itunes file was corrupted and would redownload when i reran software update but each time i re run it I get the same error message. I want to know if there is a way to reset the downloadÂ
I have been trying to download the app Remote from iTunes for the past two weeks without success. I had Remote installed and happily working, but earlier in the month the latest Remote update was probably broken and the app cannot be updated or re-downloaded from iTunes, the error I get is 408.Â
I am experiencing this both on my mac mini running Lion 10.7 and my iphone running iOS 5.1Â
I just purchased an album, but one of the tracks didn't load. It is greyed out and there's an eclamation point next to where the track should be in my library. What should I do?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am getting Error = 9006 when downloading a podcast, Derb Radio on TakiMag, but not other podcasts. It started occurring recently, about 3 of the last 4. This occurs on both a Windows and Apple machine. iTunes is updated. It does not occur with other podcasts. Then end result is that the podcast does not download.Â
I also get a "rebuffering stream" interruption during playback on the computer.
I rented a movie on my Mac, with the intention to then transfer it to my ipad 3 and watch it there. When I transfered it to the ipad, somehow something happened and it dissapear. I have been trying to re-download it whithout success because just before it finishes, and error appears.
I am attempting to update to the lastest version of iTunes and receive the following error message: "The update could not be verified. It may have been corrupted during downloading. The update will be downloaded and checked again the next time that Software Update runs." Every subsequent time that Software Update runs it restarts the download from where it was interrupted, and gives the same error prior to completion. It seems obvious to me that the partial file I have on the computer is where the corruption lies, and I would like to delete it and start the update from the beginning. The question is, where is the partial file stored, and what is it called?
why has lion stopped downloading and says an error has occurred?i rebooted my mac and the lion disappeared from the dock and now it says in the app store an error has occurred.. but does not fix it..
We've been trying to download the latest digital copy of Mission Impossible from iTunes and have had no luck. It stops downloading and gives an error message (unknown error occurred (-50)) and have received (err - 8008). We've checked for software updates, rebooted the system and tried again, but nothing.Â
An error occurred while downloading the app os x lion. Now when I go back to purchased apps and try to download, it just says "an error has occurred" and the download button is gray (not active). How can I reset it so it will download?
when i updated my lion 10.7.2 to 10.7.3 a couldn't connect any network (both of ethernet & wi-fi)i did everything about this problem on internet forums. i love my macbook pro but i hate lion!how can i fix that error?
I can't get around this error:Â None of the selected updates could be saved. Software Update can't connect to the update server. Make sure you're connected to the Internet, and then try again. Connection reset by peer.
I receive this error every time I tell iTunes to download the updates to my iPhone apps. Funny thing is, I only get the error once, if I click Update All again it goes through without a problem. This has been going on for almost 6 months through multiple versions of iTunes, iOS and a whole new iPhone setup from scratch.
Update 2012-002 on macbook pro. When rebooting,after 'successful' install, I now see a repeating cycle of Error = 19, unable to mount root. From my *nix perspective I fear the worst - that the boot sector (at a minimum) is hosed. I tried (running Lion 10.7.x) booting with the command key down - no joy. do not currently have my install disk (sadly, it's in storage, somewhere). I'm concerned about this. this is VERY unusual for an update. This is a relatively new drive (750GB drive installed about 8 months ago). At no point have I seen errors, and believe me, I look. Assuming the worst case is repartitioning? (ah for hte days of 'fdisk /mbr')
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Core 2 Duo), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I just bought my MacBook Pro and installed the updates... however, when I try to update my iTunes (since it says version 10.6.3 is available) but when it's almost done I get a message stating it can't be installed because the "update cannot be verified". How do I upgrade my MacBook to the latest iTunes?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I tried downloading the Mac OS X update from the update utility, and that failed. Then I went straight to apple and downloaded it from their website and it took about an hour--and I have a fast internet service! Once it finished downloading, I started the installing process. It installed, and then said it had to restart. I had to hard boot it THREE times because it would just freeze on the blue screen of death. Then it restarted on it's own three more times. Now FINALLY, I'm back up and running, but I've had some weird error messages and my Macbook Pro seems to be acting weird. Any other "success, or should I say fail" stories?
I was all set up and running fine for years running safari and getting my files downloaded to my chosen place on the desktop. I am also using Safari Speed and Safari Stand as accessory apps. Everything was working GREAT until a program called � GLIMS � sent a notice while online that the program had been updated. I clicked on Update and then all the problems Started. I removed � GLIMS � from my computer but I still can't download ANYTHING as I did before. When trying to download a file like Safari Speed, I get this message in the Activity Window of Safari as seen below:
What can I do to fix this situation as I am Completely cut off from any Downloads
I was downloading the game starfront and it stopped downloading and says an error has occurred. I don't know why it stopped. I know my mac had the right version for it.