ITunes :: After Downloading The Latest Update, The Icon Is Now Missing From Computer?
Apr 7, 2012After downloading the latest iTunes update, the icon is now missing from my computer.
View 2 RepliesAfter downloading the latest iTunes update, the icon is now missing from my computer.
View 2 RepliesKeep in mind I'm running on a Mac OS X 10.5.2 right now, and I recently had to re-install everything from the two discs after receiving the gray screen of death on the Macbook.
Whenever I try to download (or update) the Mac OS X Update Combined (version 10.5.8) under System Updates, I keep getting the following error:
"The update "Mac OS X Update Combined" can't be installed"
"The installer could not validate the contents of the 'MacOSXUpdCombo10.5.8' package"
I even went as far as downloading the Max OS X 10.5.2 (the version that I have) Update to no avail. Some of my Applications are either not opening up at all, taking long to load (spinning colorful wheel), or closing unexpectedly. Worse of all, there are times when I try to open up an application, and the top header (where the Apple logo, File, Edit, etc.) completely disappears and everything becomes unclickable from that point. I believe it's all in part of not having the system update, though I could be wrong.
Mac extremely slow since recently downloading latest "numbers" software update. Also Mac when put to sleep, will now wake up by itself and go back to sleep etc, etc.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I just bought a used MacBook Pro off somebody online to replace my 2005 pre-Intel Power Mac, which still runs great but I'm just tired of lugging it around. The MacBook Pro was erased but still contains some of the old owner's information (computer name, accounts, etc), and before moving files over I'd like to just wipe it clean and reinstall the OS. He did give me the gray discs, but they are for 10.6 (Snow Leopard) but the computer has been upgraded to 10.7 (Lion); I fear by rebooting I would downgrade to 10.6 since that's the disc I have. Reinstalling 10.7 after 10.6 is out because I don't have the login info used to buy 10.7. I've also considered just keeping 10.6 and just upgrading to 10.8 whenever it comes out (likely soon).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I closed the Mail application for a software update and now the icon is missing. When I tried to restore it from applications, I got an error message that said Mail 3.6 was not supported by Mac OSX (lion 10.7.3) What to do? I tried to follow the technical support stuff, but it did not make sense. I also tried to restore from Time Capsule, and still got the same error message.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Yesterday, iTunes installed an update to 10.6.3, and since then freezes less than a minute after launch. The beachball just spins and iTunes is completely unresponsive. It is usually downloading a new podcast at the time, but that is simply because that's the first thing iTunes does if I'm not syncing. Â
I tried restarting. I tried restarting in Safe Mode. I tried restarting without anything connected to any ports. I tried uninstalling iTunes, restarting, installing a new download from apple website, and restarting again. Â
I'm not sure what to do next..Everything was working fine up the the moment the upgrade finished. Â
I'm running a fairly new Macbook Air running OSX 10.7.4 with all software updated.
MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I tried to download the sofware update for itunes 10.6.3 for my MacBook Pro, but as soon as the download begins, it stops and I get an error message saying: "The update 'iTunes' can't be installed", and also "The update could not be verified..." and so on. How can I get the software update to download then?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am unable to import CD's into itub=nes since the latest itunes update.
iTunes will not restart after latest update.Same with pages and numbers.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
The icon disappeared when I clicked on it couple mins ago. Anyone know how to get it back?
View 5 Replies View Relatedi have just updated my itunes and now it quits unexpectedly .
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), can't burn a CD from itunes playlis
just updated to latest itunes now my itunes screen is reversed,black with white print
I've downloaded a TV Series to my PC and I want to download it to my iMac but when I go to buy it iTunes says I have bought it and I should check for available downloads but when I do that nothing comes up.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just moved my iTunes library from my laptop to my desktop. When I started itunes I noticed my applications had the name of the application but was missing the icon, i.e. showed an application icon and labeled below it was Pandora but was missing the Pandora icon. My music and movies were just fine. I right clicked on the file and selected get info. it returned "could not find original". I tried to sync and it deleted the applications from my iTouch. I see the application's icon when I bring up iTunes on my laptop.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy iTunes icon has gone AWOL from Get Info and the Force Quit, but it shows up find in the dock and the application switcher.Â
In Get Info, I also can't click where the icon should be (e.g., in order to paste an icon back in there). [Tried to insert screenshots here, but the upload won't work — the Insert Image button stays gray]Â
Dump finder cache and/or prefs? I've already verified and repaired permissions recently (2 days ago), I've also recently deleted several caches using Onyx, in the process of troubleshooting some pinwheel and freeze problems.
Macbook Pro 13, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am attempting to update to the lastest version of iTunes and receive the following error message: "The update could not be verified. It may have been corrupted during downloading. The update will be downloaded and checked again the next time that Software Update runs." Every subsequent time that Software Update runs it restarts the download from where it was interrupted, and gives the same error prior to completion. It seems obvious to me that the partial file I have on the computer is where the corruption lies, and I would like to delete it and start the update from the beginning. The question is, where is the partial file stored, and what is it called?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
For years I've used iTunes' "Create AAC version" .mp3 to .m4a feature in the advanced menu, primarily to reduce the file size of my many thousand mp3 songs.
Since the latest update to iTunes, whenever I do this now, the AAC version file size created by iTunes get larger, and makes the .m4a significantly bigger than an .mp3.
I understood the very point of an AAC/.m4a was to be a smaller sized file of an equivilent .mp3 while keeping a similar quality.
I know large artwork affects the file size, but this still happens regardless of artwork.
Does anyone know what's changed re this feature in this latest update?
Im having problems with software update im trying to update two machines one is running 10.6 and one is 10.7 and i was downloading the update and got the same error message at the end of each download that itunes file was corrupted and would redownload when i reran software update but each time i re run it I get the same error message. I want to know if there is a way to reset the downloadÂ
OSx lion, Mac OS X (10.7)
I am trying to rent some movies in the iTunes store but regardless of what account I use it keeps popping up with the message of: "This item cannot be downloaded on this network, you must connect to a wifi network or download it on your computer". My computer is already online, I am able to access the iTunes store, just not download!
Macbook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
Over the last few days I've noticed a problem with missing icons. It seems to mainly effect icons in the Trash but I have one or two missing icons for videos and apps within the Finder and on the Desktop. The icon is completely gone - I have to click on the filename to select it. Quicklook works OK (for video).
I can't think of anything I've installed that would have done it except Onyx, but I haven't run that in weeks. I did repair permissions a few days ago but I doubt that could break this. It persists after a reboot. I can't get it to happen on command, it just randomly occurs. Creating a New Folder always works OK.
I'm having real problems tonight refreshing podcasts. When I click on the icon on the podcast page to update all the podcast, the icon spins a little but then nothing happens. Even if you go to a single podcast and right click refresh podcast again nothing happens. Usually each one would refresh itself for a new show. I've tried this on my Imac and Macbook pro and the same problem. But if I log out of my account it does refresh. Itunes for me tonight has been very odd. Â
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012), iOS 7.1.2
Yesterday Apple released Safari 5.0.1 and Magic Trackpad and Multi-Touch Trackpad Update 1.0, but Software Update on my Mac makes me able to download only the first one (Safari 5.0.1) - which I did. Why can't it find the Multi-Touch Trackpad Update?
- My MacBook is fine (it's 13-inch, Mid 2009).
- My OS is fine (Mac OS X v10.6.4).
Sure, I can download it manually, BUT it makes me really annoyed if something on my Mac works not as good as it should.
I have problems since applying the latest security Update 2009-001 and Java 10.5 Update 3, I have 10.5.6 on the new unibody 2.4ghz and have completely lost the ability to connect to my wireless access point which is an apple airport extreme base station.
I can sometimes se the base station but cannot connect to it and sometimes cannot see it at all. I have three other apple computers at home all less then a year old running the same build of 10.5.6 but have not updated them and they all are fine.
This one was perfect untill I applied the update.
The machine I am having problems with is partitioned with windows 7 beta on it which has no problems connecting to the base station, which indicates that its not a hardware problem but more then likely the update which is causing the problem.
Is there a way to uninstall the last update or delete it? Any one with a similar problem or know how I can fix it, I have googled but cannot seem to find anyone with similar problems.
 Just now, after updating to iTunes version 10.6.3, I got a popup window stating the following: "The name of your computer "John Wxxxx's iMac" is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to John Wxxxx's iMac (2)"." how I may change it back?Â
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
This would be more for the technical side of the house, but why would the system try to update my iPhone and its not connected to the computer? is there a bug in the system?
Mac Pro, iOS 5.0.1
I have encountered a problem when downloading movie clips from my Canon Legria FS200 camcorder. I have only recently started importing clips from my camcorder, I was until recently a PC user.The first time I imported clips everything was fine, both video and audio together were imported without any issues.I have since tried on 4 separate times importing clips since and the video is fine but the audio is missing, I have not changed anything on the camcorder or in the iMovie app.
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Quicktime, Windows
I sent a request the other day for help regarding my downloading Adobe Flash Player and losing the ability to play my games( they were bookmarked from the web) because of missing plug- ins. I mentioned that I know very little about this computer. I did get a reply saying that he needed more information about my computer which I sent and I have not heard anything back. I probably did not send the message correctly therefore I am sending the info again and I hope I don't screw it up this time.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just downloaded the latest update to Parallels. I shut down Parallels before running the update, and I even did a reboot of the computer.And yet every time I run the update program it keeps telling me to "shut down these running and suspended virtual machines" and refers to "My Boot Camp"Like I said, I rebooted the computer first. There are no virtual machines running. Zero, zilch, nada. So why in the ******* is Parallels telling me that there is? "My Boot Camp" isn't even a VM that I use
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Macbook pro with PGP whole disk encryption and Snow Leopard and ran the latest OSX 10.6.5 update. During the reboot the mac would just hang at the gray screen indefinitely. I rebooted using the "cmd + S" key sequence and saw that the error where it was hanging stated "Still waiting for root device". Attempting to repair the hard drive using Disk utility off of the install CD failed, as well as attempts to rebuild the drive using Disk Warrior 4.2. I even went to a local Apple Store and the techs there didn't have a solution other than doing a re-install of OSX. At this point I was ready to cut my losses and erase the drive and do a fresh install. I'M GLAD I DIDN'T. I don't know why I didn't do this first but I went to PGP's website to download their recovery CD to try it and found an article that stated there was a known issue with PGP WDE and the latest 10.6.5 update. I followed the recovery procedures laid out here: [URL:...] and was able to boot up just fine.
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