Had to reinstall snow leopard & update to os 10.6.2; Now I insert a cd I had burnt before and it won't show on desktop to be able to open and get info. It all worked fine before reinstall. Tried several cd's that I know are good. Using a Macpro work station-10 gigs ram- Probably a simple solution but I can't seem to figure out.
I have a user who inserts a blank CD in internal drive and it won't show up on desktop, but does show up in disk utiility and can be ejected thru disk utiility. System is 10.3.9.
If we insert a CD with data on it, NAV scans and it shows up right away on desktop. Only happens with blank CDs. And yes, this is a DVD-RW and CD-RW drive.
I trashed Finder prefs and rebooted machine, same issue. Has anyone seen this and if so, got an answer?
i was wondering if anyone can tell me why the mac HD icon that i have on my desktop wont show up in my finder>desktop page. other apps that i have on the desktop show up on the desktop page but the mac HD icon is not there.
MacBook Pro; 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo; 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3; OS X 10.6.8.
The Issue is a duplicate icon of the hard drive appeared on the desktop this AM upon startup.
I don't know what caused it. It just appeared.
It seems to contain everything the start up icon contains when I open it.
I moved it to the trash, but did not erase the trash. I chickened out, so to speak. I removed back to the desktop.
I have the desktop view set to arrange by date modified. It appears approximately half way down the list of icons showing on the desktop. It seems to me that, if it is a duplicate, and by all appearances it is, then it should appear immediately after the real hard drive icon.
I have a MacBook Pro running 10.7.3 and Office 2011. A strange thing is that on my desktop I am getting an Excel icon, as though I had a file on my desktop. It is named "6EE8A700". If I right click on "Get Info" it returns nothing. I cannot move the icon to another place on my desktop. If I try to delete it I get the response "The item “6EE8A700” can’t be moved to the Trash because it can’t be deleted." If I close Excel, even force quit Excel, it still is there. This icon is not always here but has no correlation to whether Excel is running or not.
I've just downloaded Safari 5.1.5 and want to create this icon on my desktop, however, I don't want it as a 'short-cut' icon but as the same icon I see on the docking station.I was previously able to do this with Safari 5.0.3.
The download desktop icon went up in smoke and I can't get it back...before when I downloaded a file from email I could go on my tool bar and access the downloads...now I can only get them in finder. How can I get the download file icon back?
I have had this proble for awhile and I can not figure it out. The Trash Icon does not change when the trash icon is full or empty, appears to be full at all times even after a secure trash empty. Open up trash and there are no files inside and the file count is zero but the icon on dock remains the full icon.
custom icons don't show up. I try to put a custom icon on a folder and it comes up the filetype it is. Like if it's an Apple icon I'm putting on a folder, it will just show .ICNS on top of "Preview" app icon.I know how to change the icon, right click, get info and drag the new icon where the current one is in the info box, so whats up?
I open iTunes and it shows the blue dot under the itunes icon in the dock which mean its open. I see the top bar with itunes on it but my main window i can not see. I have checked everything. And also when i do Expose to see all my windows i see itunes main windows that i need. When I click on it it doesnt show that window. How can i get it were i can see it?
alright I'm a new mac user so i hope i dont get too much hate but i have a weird problem (i guess) when installing apps. When i drag the app to the applications folder then drag it to my dock, it shows the icon fine on the dock, but in the applications stack in my dock it doesnt. ill post a picture to show what i mean.
All of a sudden I no longer have the bell icon showing up on my itunes library. The odd thing is when I go to view>view options, "ringtones" is not even on the list of things to check. I don't know where it went. There used to be a bell icon next to the song and all you had to do was click on it and you could then make your ringtone. It used to be so easy. I even tried to right click on the song and go to create ringtone, but that doesn't show up either. Is there some setting I don't know about?
I purposely deleted the Mail application from my Macbook. Went into Finder and moved the app icon to trash can. I thought this would do the trick, but now it randomly shows up on the toolbar but won't open. How do I get rid of this thing?
I can't seem to access icloud on my mac. All my software is up to date. When i access support for icloud, it tells me to click on the icloud icon in my system preferences but that's not an option.
I use Mavericks 10.9.3. see enclosed picture. Why does QuickTime Player Movie (that has been converted to QuickTime.mov) show a Flip4Mac icon on the top right hand side of movie? How do I remove that Flip4Mac icon?
When I go to delete old texts by pressing on the text and selecting the "more" menu, the trash icon in lower left sometimes does not appear. I have to close out of iMessage and reopen before it returns. I have to do this every time after deleting several texts.
So, i bought a used macbook pro (2,2) 15inch 4gb ram, 320gb hd, and it is in GREAT condition, looks brand new. when i saw the laptop, i made sure everything worked, even the usb ports and all is fine.
when i came home, i formatted, and installed Snow Leopard, did ALL the updates before i did anything else. and i just noticed now when i plugged in my 1tb WD Passport it dosnt show up on the desktop, nor the disk utility, however the hard drive light turns on but when i put my hand on the laptop, it dosnt appear to be 'spinning' up.
i tried plugging in USB stick in both USB ports and it works, shows up just fine. so i dont think it could be the usb ports..
BUT when i plug the same external hard drive on my new i7 imac it shows up.yesterday, i plugged in the same drive into a friends Mac Pro, and had no problems. but i cant seem to figure this out.
when I put a blank cd in imac no icon is shown on desktop or itunes. It spins for a while then goes quiet. I have checked the system preferences saying - open itunes when insert a black cd.
I bought a macbook pro 3 months ago and something that have been bothering me is that i am connected to a network and in the wifi icon is showing that i am with full signal, but i am not, actually my signal is almost 0 and keep showing that i am with full signal.