Applications :: Way To Transfer Master Playlist From Itunes To Another Computer Without Losing Data
Nov 15, 2010
migrate my music to another computer, but I'm afraid of losing what I have checked and unchecked in "music" library.So let me explain a little more, not a created playlist or smart playlist. If you were to go through every single song you have and uncheck what you don't listen to this is the "master list" I'm referring to.
I'm putting together a huge selection of reggae and island music for a luau and was wondering if, when I transfer the playlist to my iPod Touch, if it will keep the order of the songs or rearrange them to alphabetical. I'd like to keep the order I put it in, not alphabetical. Thoughts?
I recently purchased a macbook pro and need to transfer my playlists from my pc to my mac. I have already transfered my library but my playlists were extensively long. Home sharing will not work as I am often on the road and without an internet connection.
I have a playlist with songs that I have put comments on, ratings and so on. I want to share this playlist with another person (my boss, actually), how do I easily get this playlist to his computer with all the comments and ratings still on?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
The Mini Has Some Great Software On it, Could i Use Migration Assistant To Transfer The Programs To My iMac Without Losing My Data On My iMac? Or is There Any Other Way?
I have a nice playlist full of 8 GB of music, now I want to transfer those files (in no particular order) onto my mini USB thumb drive to use in my car. What is the best way to do this in an organized way? I was thinking of right clicking on every album and "reveal in finder", then manually transfer that album's folder to keep it all organized in the USB drive. I'm trying to setup a few USB drives to function like an old multi-CD changer would.
Can I transfer with icloud to my ipad and then icloud transfer to mackbook air? I didn't by the songs in the playlist on the macbook, so they didn't transfer automatically and I have 1300 songs to transfer. It takes too long saving them to a bunch of cd's.
I have imported a number of Caf del Mar CD's to iTunes, and iTunes keeps scattering the tunes into several different folders in iTunes Media. It also has trouble finding album information, unless it has been downloaded from iTunes Store. Previous versions of iTunes I have tried didn't have this problem.I've tried to tidy the files manually in iTunes Media, but that usually results in duplicates, so I stopped messing with it. I actually wouldn't mind iTunes blowing up my albums into a nightmare file structure of hyper categorization in iTunes Media (Album, Album Artist, Artist, etc.) if only it recognised its own mess when I transfer the library from one iTunes library into another.
An example: I downloaded Cafe del Mar - Essential Elements featuring 13 tunes, two of these can be found in the files Cafe del Mar/Cafe del Mar Essential Elements, iTunes also created the folder Cafe del Mar/Cafe del_Mar Essential Elements containing 0 tunes!?! and the rest of the tunes are found under Rue de Soleil in the root folder, indicating ONE of the artists as the criteria for creating a folder of tunes!?!
I am trying with every fiber NOT to hate this program, and would appreciate it if someone could explain to me how I can move an iTunes Media library of aprox 54 gb from my desktop via an external harddisk onto my laptop. I have tried 4 times, and everytime the result varies. Sometime I transfer 3000 files, other times 4000. Which files follow and don't is random. I lose files tranferring to the external harddisk and lose even more files from the external disk to the new library on my Lap. Do I have to transfer song for song or can this genius program actually transfer a larger amount of files without losing half the files and duplicating the rest?
i just got a new macbook pro 13" laptop and am trying to transfer my itunes music as well as some data i have compiled into a single folder from my (2005) Powerbook G4 12" laptop. Please help me out with this i have no idea how to do this and the Apple Store said they will do it for $100 and i just poured every penny i own into this computer and cannot sell me old computer to pay bills until i transfer this data.
I'm about to order the 2.93ghz 24" imac with radeon 4850 and I was just wondering what the fastest/easiest way to transfer all the data i have from my current pc would be.
I have a iMac 6,1 (24") and just upgraded to a new 21.5" iMac; with it I bought a thunderbolt cable without realizing that my old iMac has no Thunderbolt port. My question is, how do I transfer all data from my old to my new, and is there an adapter for the Thunderbolt cord to connect to my old computer?
I currently have a Macbook Air and an iMac, but looking to sell them and purchase a new Macbook Pro when they are released after the WWDC :-) along with a Thunderbolt Display screen.
I've just received my new MacBook Air (I'm loving it!) and as it's blank I'm taking the opportunity to assess my iTunes library and previous purchases. I have downloaded a total of 20 tracks, so there are only 20 tracks stored on the harddrive, all other tracks are in iCloud. I've set up a smart playlist with the criteria, Location - is - on this computer, I fully expected this smart playlist to show me the 20 tracks that I've downloaded, but it remains blank.Â
I'm wanting to see these tracks, but for some reason the smart playlist isn't working. Is this because the settings for the smart playlist are wrong, ie. this won't show what's on the hard drive? or is something going wrong with my playlist?
So I currently have a late 2008 MacBook Pro. I may be getting a new iMac for Christmas. My question is, is there a way to basically transfer all of my files/programs/etc. to the new Mac without having to reinstall everything? The iMac will become my primary computer, and the MBP will become kind of a sitting on the couch/travel computer. This is the first time I will be upgrading Macs, as the MBP was my first non-PC computer.
I have a iMac i am selling. I have backed it up onto a backup drive with carbon copy cloner. I also have the timemachine back up.I am buying a new imac. I might have sold my old one before the new one arrives. How can I add all my important files back. I do not want to clone the imac im selling.Want to start fresh, but keep all my documents, itunes, contacts etc.
I'm about to order the 2.93ghz 24" imac with radeon 4850 and I was just wondering what the fastest/easiest way to transfer all the data i have from my current pc would be. (first time mac buyer so be specific thx)
I cannot sync my old ipod into my new computer without losing the music from my ipod. I want my music from my ipod to be transferred onto my new computer.
I just bought a new MacBook Pro. I plugged in my iPhone and there are updates I need to make. In order to do this I need to save my stuff in Itunes library.How do I do this?
I just bought a mac book air and i want to transfer all my data from my iphone 4s to my new itunes account without affecting my the data on my phone. Im hoping to keep all my music, ringtones and playlists exactly how they are on my phone now. Is this possible? I dont want to start over again with making ringtones and creating playlists.
Just went from Windows to mac and want to bring my windows itunes playlists. when I hit export and save it on a usb and hit import in mac itunes, then I get the playlist but its all empty. It kinda sucks if I have to sort out all the good stuff again, so I hope I can get my old playlist back. I have it on my ipod touch as well, so I dunno if you can transfer playlist from ipod to mac
I'm actually not even sure where to post this. I just attempted to burn an iTunes playlist to CD using my MacBook Pro. However, when we attempted to import the cd to my Niece's windows computer the CD title as well as each song were titled "we suck". This is very odd because the titles are correct when viewing the CD using my MacBook. Has anyone ever seen this before? Could this be a virus or something?
For some reason I'm no longer able to add mp3 files to an iTunes playlist. I can play the songs individually but can't make a playlist with the files. When I try to drag and drop them they just get a red cross and they don't get added.