OS X V10.7 Lion :: Non-junk Emails In Junk Folder?
May 21, 2012
On a fairly regular basis I finde non-junk emails in my junk folder. In other words mails that are black and not brown and from people that I would like mails from. As they are black I do not have the option of marking them non-junk. Â
- there are some settings under Junk Mail - advanced, not to put mails from previous recipients in the junk folder. But it keeps doing it. Â
- also, the mails in question are not necessarily from one company, from hotmail, Gmail, etc., It can be from anyoneÂ
- I have 9 different email accounts and the junk folder in question is the one under "Mailboxes". Not the junk folder under the iCloud accountÂ
- there is no "system" in regards to which of my account the mail is sent to, which makes me believe that this is not an iCloud issue. It can happen with mails sent to my work mail and also with mails sent to my iCloud mailÂ
- the funny thing is that when it happens to an email sent to my iCloud mail address, then it does not go into the "online" junk folder under iCloud, but into the junk folder on my mac. Â
On some occassion I have tried to add the sender to my address book, but that doesnt guarantee that it does not happen again.Â
I want mail to filter junk (including previous emails) and automatically place it in the junk folder. Currently, all it is doing is marking mail as junk within the inbox, and no junk emails are showing up in the junk folder. I tried unchecking and rechecking filtering for junk, resetting (in preferences), and re-downloading all emails. I have the box marked for move it to junk box, but the emails only show up as spam w/i the inbox.
I have a Mac OS X 10.6.1 I have been having trouble with my MAC Junk mailbox. For a while it worked very well and I was able to review junk mail. All of a sudden, I am receiving no junk entries in my junk mail box. Preferences: Enable junk mail filtering, When junk arrives, move it to the junk mailbox, sender of message is in my my address book, sender of message is in my previous recipients, filter junk mail before applying my rules. What must I do to SEE received junk mail back in my junk mailbox?
I used to enjoy being able to look at the To field in mail - It was handy to quickly go through my spam folder. If things weren't To me they were junk. How can I display the To in mail, specifically in the Junk folder?
I have several email accounts that come to my mac.  When junk appears I hit the junk button.  Does it take awhile to train the junk or is there a way to set up mail so that it automatically goes to junk and does not appear at all in my inbox?Â
I checked my junk folder (said I had one junk item). I checked it as non junk. After looking at it, I erased it. When I went back to my inbox everything was gone. It didn't go to the trash. I checked the trash, the deleted emails are still there. How can I recover my inbox emails?
I have a couple of niggles with the Mail app. They're nothing I can't live with but even so. First all the emails I send out get marked as junk. Secondly I have a couple of accounts set up and one is for my work emails. I have set a signature for these with my company logo but every time I write a new mail and set it to come from my work address the signature isn't there. If I go back into preferences and set the signature to the account all is fine, but I have to do this before every email I send.
i want to receive emails from different companies that always end up in my junk mail and id like to receive them in my normal inbox i use apple email system but i have a gmail address
I have much of the junk emails that come to me auto set to go to the Trash folder through Junk Filter settings. However, when I do a Command>A, to choose all the email in the Trash folder, and then click on Delete, the junk emails I never opened don't delete until I do it again or click on each one and then click Delete. All the other emails I moved there manually will disappear using the Command>A and Delete, just not those that went there by filter rules I set up.
Info:Mac Mini 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Logitech mouse, Apple wired keyboard, acer monitor
I want to mark an item in junk mail as non-junk. I can't click the non-junk button because it isn't there. In other words, the button at the top of the junk mail list stays as "Junk". Trying Messages>Mark doesn't work either: there is no choice for "not junk", the only choice is "Junk". How can I fix this?
It seems every day Apple Mail puts a couple good messages in the junk folder. Unfortunately, it doesn't mark them as junk, so I am unable to mark them as not junk. I reset the junk mail preferences, so it does not "trust junk mail headers in messages," and I removed the envelope indices as discussed here: Junk Mail eating non-junk mail but neither worked, ad good messages are still going to the junk folder.
junk mail has been showing up in my mail box and not going to junk mail folder.Also some mail from known senders has been appearing in Junk Mail folder.I think that I have Preferences set up properly.
In my "Junk folder" emails are being caught. Some are a darker brown color and have a box to unmark as junk. Others are a lighter brown and have no such "unmark" option. Some of these that I believe are being identified as "spam" are in fact not spam. How do I change the color of them in the inbox from light brown to black?
I've been pretty slack since moving over to my mac book pro but now I find my inbox with roughly 500 emails in it and 80% would be junk from various sites I'm signed up for. I now have flagged all of these address that are spaming me as junk however the only email that moves to the junk folder are the ones I'm individually tagging as junk, the older emails, from the same address remain behind. Is there a way to delete my entire inbox of these junk mails without going through each mail individually?
I've read some threads but none truly answer my question. I have learnt I need to create a rule in CLOUD as mail is sent to all devices from there and if I create the rule in MAIL on my desktop it does not solve the issue as it will still get sent to other devices, correct?Â
I want to create a rule for junk. Ever changing junk email addresses, content etc. Sometime mail recognies it and sometimes not. How can I set up a rule, filter, etc to delete these permamnently . Its hard when the sender address is ever changing, or the content is never the same. IE one day it is from weatherx@
next time w3ath3rx@, next vveatherx@..it is so annoying. Or the content like I saw this morning every single word had a 20 in front of it...
Apple Mail has a preference to 'Trust junk mail headers in messages' but I can not find a list of what those headers are.By trial and error I've learned the "X-Spam-Flag: YES" will work (exactly that, no extra info), but I'd like to know what other options there are... particularly if I can send a score/rating back and have it look at that.But I can't find a list of supported headers.The Internet is full of "common spam headers" and yet none of them actually seem to work and lots of people who can't get it working with spamassassin which is incredibly common.
I've deleted a lot of music/movies/apps/podcasts in the past, however have almost always accidentally clicked 'Keep files'. Is there any programme/script that will sift through my library and delete anything in the folder that isn't there?
My old 2005 Mac Mini 1.25 GHz is running leopard and I'm only using it to record surveillance videos. I'm using the Security Spy application which still supports Leopard on G4 Macs. A short time ago, this Mac Mini developed a boot problem: It continually resets after the gray Apple logo screen with the rotating wheel or gear. It goes back to the power on chime and never boots to a desktop. I've tried booting to the Leopard OSX install DVD, but nothing. I've tried a variety of boot options with no success. I'm thinking that this ancient hardware is now useful only as a door stop (since it's tool light to be a boat anchor).I assume it's probably not worth spending anything on, even to have its problems diagnosed.
I have three accounts setup in Mail, and for some reason one of the accounts, the one that I need the most, is getting hundreds of junk emails daily, I tried to set some advanced settings in junk mail filtering but nothing works. One funny thing is that most of the junk mail I get is not even addressed to a name on my account, just a random name@myserver.com, there has to be a way to filter anything not addressed directly to me out, or a way to stop this period.
Mail identifies some good mail as junk and treats it as such. How can I tell it that it is not junk so that future mail from that sender goes to my In box.Â
Info: OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), 250G, 500G, 1T Ext HDs; CS 5