Does the new Messages Public Beta allow screen sharing like iChat did? This is important to me as I use it to provide support to my 84 year old mother, who has been a Mac user since 1986.
I recently downloaded Messages but I'm not able to delete it because it says: “Messages” can’t be modified or deleted because it’s required by Mac OS X.
In Messages Screen Sharing in OSX10.8.5 connects but only audio can be heard, I cannot see the other screen, there is no video. I can however see the other screen and hear the sound as well. The screen doctor reports all is functional.
I've gone into settings and turned screen sharing on. I've turned the firewall off. I've put file share on. I've tried everything. I tried to start a screen share with my friend and it started to go but then said that an unknown error occurred. is there anything else I need to change to it?
I've been using the Messages Beta for a while now and its been great. I've it installed on two machines. One machine is fine, but on the other it's nearly unusable. The messages window is all over the place. I click on a message in the left hand side and nothing happens. Double click on another and I get a totally different message. I've odd blank messages... And when I quit and reopen different messages show. Now I reinstalled it a few times now, and nothing has any effect... any ideas while I wait until mountain lion?? Ive also ditched all the prefs I can see.
I know that Leopard has a screensharing utility built in (in the coreservices folder) or by going to Go>Connect to Server>vnc://---------- in the Finder menu, but I would like to know what IP I type into the box (I would like to share with someone not on my local network). I'm not an expert in networking, but I'm pretty good with computers, so you can use technical terms.
What I am missing in messages beta is the possibility to see who of your contacts have the application, or are using a device with IOS 5.Now you write the message, and when you want to send it, yu find out that the people are unavailable to imessage. Big advantage of whatsapp or messaging through viber/Skype is that you can see the contacts which uses the application.
I just got leopard with my friend and for some reason, iChat wont let us do video chat or screen sharing. I keep getting the message that i didn't respond or that he didn't respond. He was at my house a few days ago and iChat worked perfectly. Is this a bug or is something wrong with my router?. Will it be fixed in a future update?
I have been able to remotely log into my parents computer and after I type in their password I can see their screen and take control of their computer, so I know I can get a connection through to their machine. However, we cannot iChat, it will not allow us to connect at all.
I often use iChat's Screen Sharing feature to help friends and family with their computers, and it works pretty well. But I have a question.
Is there a way to kill the Audio traffic ? 1) I'd love to be able to have conversations here at home without the person I'm helping hear all the chatter.
2) I'm assuming that if there's no Audio going then that's extra bandwidth that can be used for screen-refreshing etc.
I have a big annoyance with the Messages Beta for Mac. When I close the window and re-open it, all the conversations are gone. This makes it hard to reply to a message I got earlier or review recent conversations. On iDevices, if you close it, everything is still there, unless you delete it.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
For some reason, Messages Beta suddenly began throwing up a dialog when I receve a new text, asking me to accept it. It just started doing this a few days ago. This doesn't happen with every message I receive, and I know the senders that "cause" this message are fellow iPhone users. Could they be using an old version of iOS?
I have a macbook air running OSX Lion 10.7.3. I have installed Messages beta and am using my Apple ID. I also use this apple ID (as well as my mobile number) for iMessages on my iPhone.The app just stays in offline mode, I cannot get it to change to available or any other status. I am therefore unable to send or receive any iMessages on my Mac.I have to uninstall and reinstall the app several times. The status shows as offline in both the menu bar status and the preferences status. All other online service are working.
I get the following error message after installing the Messages Beta. I've since unistalled Messages and updated 10.7.4 hoping this would resolve the issue. It appears that some of the 10.8 security features(Gatekeeper)have been installed on my computer, but my system preferences application was not updated to allow me to change the Mac App store security settingsI do not have a current time machine backup to roll back the OS.
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Dual Boot( Windows XP)
How does one permanently delete imessages from the MessagesBeta Ap for a Macbook? I found the files to delete in the folder in "Documents," "iChat", but every time I start a new message, it brings up all previous conversation regardless
Using Messages I sent a text to my wife's iPhone 4S. It starts a new screen. How do I send a message so it just appends that message to all the others she's been getting from me?
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2009, V8, 16GB, 1TB RAID0
Just downloaded it right now and it's excellent! However, I notice a possible flaw in which whenever I receive a message from someone, it will notify me on both my Mac AND my iPhone! As you might imagine, it's pretty annoying given iMessages are flying through on my Mac. I was wondering if anyone knows how to stop iPhone notifications when messaging on Mac. I hope this feature will be added in ASAP from Apple if it doesn't exist yet!
I installed the Messages Beta on my mac today tried sending iMessages, never worked whats worse is my iMessages on my iphone & ipad stopped working too! I can no longer send/receive iMessages!
I just tried to update my system to the latest update release on 6-11-2012 and it fails and got stuck to a blanck screen. When I try to reboot the system I get an "unable to find driver for this platform" "ACPI".
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question, but today my Apple Account forced me to change my Apple ID. Just moments ago, with all my prior Apple ID info intact, I downloaded the Beta for Messages. Is that involved?
ichat seems to not be receiving my messages, when I write and hit enter I can only see the ichat bubble (attachment below), my friend can see my message but when he sends a message back I still see the same bubble, doesn't even look like he's sent a message.
Whenever I try to use Screen Sharing to control this one particular Mac Mini, and someone else is using the mini, and I pick "Connect to Virtual Display", I get dropped to a grey linen screen. Like the login screen, but without a list of usernames or anything. There it sits. Here is what I see in the console of the mac mini when I try and use a virtual display from the other machine:
3/10/12 7:30:04.291 AM mds: (Error) Backup: Couldn't stat source path '/Users/glados/Library/Saved Application State/' -- importing from backup path instead 3/10/12 7:34:01.706 AM [0x0-0x9009] System Preferences(148,0x7fff76017960) malloc: reference count underflow for 0x400440ce0, break on auto_refcount_underflow_error to debug.
I've been having an issue with my AIM that I use through iChat. It will give me a dialog box stating that I am unable to send a message. Then when I quit iChat and restart it... my AIM buddy list fails to appear.