MacBook Air :: Stop IMessage Notifications On IPhone When Using Messages Beta On It?
Feb 16, 2012
Just downloaded it right now and it's excellent! However, I notice a possible flaw in which whenever I receive a message from someone, it will notify me on both my Mac AND my iPhone! As you might imagine, it's pretty annoying given iMessages are flying through on my Mac. I was wondering if anyone knows how to stop iPhone notifications when messaging on Mac. I hope this feature will be added in ASAP from Apple if it doesn't exist yet!
My iPhone 5c is receiving the same messages that I've already read on my Macbook Pro and I would like to stop connecting my phone number to the computer. Is there a way to fix this? I am using IOS 1.7.2 if this problem has anything to do with my phone and that has any relevance.Â
Edit: I would not like to turn iMessage off on my phone, as I use it because a lot of the area I live in does not have service while we have wifi.
I'm running Yosemite on Mac and iOS 8.1.1 on iPad and iPhone. When i setup Messages on my Mac a couple of months ago all conversations were synced up between all 3 devices. i've continued many of those conversations on my iPad and iPhone but when I opened Messages on my Mac today i noticed that they had stopped syncing about 2 weeks ago. Now when i try to send a message from my Mac it sends it as SMS not as iMessage. how to correct both the SMS issue but more importantly the sync?Â
I recently upgraded to Mavericks, and now the iMessage notifications that I get on my Macbook Pro are different, and I'm not sure how (or if I can) change them back to before. It used to be that when I got an iMessage and was using my laptop, the Messages application would bounce on the dock and show a "1" or however many new messages I had. Â
Now, with Mavericks, it doesn't bounce on the dock or show the number of new messages. It will only play the sound or display a banner if I want it to. Is there any way to get a number to show with the new messages I have, or can it not do that anymore with Mavericks??Â
How does one permanently delete imessages from the MessagesBeta Ap for a Macbook? I found the files to delete in the folder in "Documents," "iChat", but every time I start a new message, it brings up all previous conversation regardless
When I change an item in my calendar, my Macbook Pro sends me an e-mail message. I'd like to turn off those notifications. The calendar is saved on I-Cloud.
It started occurring yesterday. I hear the notification sound but don't see the new messages in any of Mail folders. Sometimes my SpamSieve app shows a figure of messages of unknown nature, sometimes not, but nevertheless I hear the sound but don't get new messages. In Mail Preferences when moving the pointer over check-box with smith like "Enable the sound for other actions" (or whatever it sounds) a yellow commentary box briefly popped up which said that the chosen notification sound could alert about some other actions like sending a message, when neither message is received (?!!!), or there some error occurred during receiving or sort of. Is it possible to know specifically what messages couldn't make their way to my Mailbox (through Console app maybe?)?
Info: OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), MacBook Pro 15.4 " mid-2012
My coworkers and I share numerous calendars using icloud. Recently we have began to receive a deluge of email notifications for every change, tweak, or addition made to the shared calendars. We have been using shared icloud ical calendars for over 8 months and have never had this issue until it started earlier this week. My email inbox has become literally overrun with ical notification emails.
How can I "mute" my whife's calendar? I want to see it, but not receive her reminders and notifications. She has the same problem, she don't need to get a pop up every time I have a meeting. Is there a way to "mute" shared calendars?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I keep getting MobileMe password errors in iPhoto and it won't accept my current working (in iCloud, iTunes, etc.) password. I saw an article that said I needed to migrate from MobileMe to iCloud in System Preferences but that option does not appear for me. How can I stop the error window from popping up and making my iPhoto app icon bounce in my dock demanding my attention?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.8 GHz Intel Core i5
How do I receive alerts of unread/new on the iMessage on my macbook air? Currently, I have unread messages but the icon on the dock of the laptop does not indicate (with the red bubble) the number of messages I have received that are unread/new. Â
I have a macbook air running OSX Lion 10.7.3. I have installed Messages beta and am using my Apple ID. I also use this apple ID (as well as my mobile number) for iMessages on my iPhone. The app just stays in offline mode, I cannot get it to change to available or any other status. I am therefore unable to send or receive any iMessages on my Mac. I have to uninstall and reinstall the app several times. The status shows as offline in both the menu bar status and the preferences status. All other online service are working.
Originally, notifications from would show the contact name sending the message. I'm not sure what caused it to stop, but now all notifications show up as the phone number of the contact. In the actual app, the names look fine. Is there some way to get contact names to show up again?
I cannot seem to get my iCloud calendar to stop sending email notifications to others for every single event I change. I've tried unchecking the box that says "email me when this calendar has changed", to no avail.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Whenever I update anything on my shared calendar, all those who subscribe to it get an email/notification about what I've changed or added. Same if someone who I'm subscribed to updates anything on their calendar, I get an inbox full of emails telling me they have done so. Am I able to stop sending these update emails/notifications? And/or is there a setting to stop receiving these update emails/notifications?
I purchased my Macbook Pro (late 2013) Retina last month and it was fine to send and receive messages through imessage.I will see a notification for the message, but when actually going into the imessage, the message is shown after maybe 5 minutes.
My iMessage stopped receiving messages sent to my phone number. I can only send and receive using my apple ID which is my email address. It use to be where my phone and laptop were completely synced now its either have a conversation on my phone or on my computer.Â
Love iMessage on my iPhone. Would also like to be able to write a message on my Mac to send out to others. I do not use FaceTime, nor do I want to in order to send messages. What do I need to do?
I've been using the Messages Beta for a while now and its been great. I've it installed on two machines. One machine is fine, but on the other it's nearly unusable. The messages window is all over the place. I click on a message in the left hand side and nothing happens. Double click on another and I get a totally different message. I've odd blank messages... And when I quit and reopen different messages show. Now I reinstalled it a few times now, and nothing has any effect... any ideas while I wait until mountain lion?? Ive also ditched all the prefs I can see. Â
Does the new Messages Public Beta allow screen sharing like iChat did? This is important to me as I use it to provide support to my 84 year old mother, who has been a Mac user since 1986.
What I am missing in messages beta is the possibility to see who of your contacts have the application, or are using a device with IOS 5.Now you write the message, and when you want to send it, yu find out that the people are unavailable to imessage. Big advantage of whatsapp or messaging through viber/Skype is that you can see the contacts which uses the application.
I took my computer in for servicing, cleaning, etc. Now that it's back, it's "stuck" on the last message I received on it, which is from November. I've receiving my messages on my iPhone, but I'd love to sync them and get them "caught up" on my MacBook Pro.