OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mail 5.2 (1278) With MS Exchange 2010?
Jun 4, 2012
I've been working with Mac Mail for about a month on MS Exchange 2010 and found that it would not sync up nor would it close. I later discovered that if I removed ALL rules from Mail, that everything would work properly. I don't know if this is a bug or some quirk with Mail trying to sync its rules with Exchange and Exchange going nuts trying to understand them or what... Never the less, I'm back operational again because I deleted ALL of my rules, I just wish I had some way to automatically filter some of the repetitive emails I get.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mid-2010 Model
We have a new Exchange 2010 server set up in our office. We upgraded from 2003 specifically to support using Apple Mail.Â
We are now connecting our various iPhones, iPads, and Macs (all running Lion) to the Exchange server and we see the iPhones and iPads sync very quickly with the server, but Apple Mail on the Macs seems to be throttling itself to about 70KB/s. The iPhone and iPads synced in minutes, but the Macs have been spinning for 3 hours now, never going above 70KB/s of download speed.Â
It's clearly not the server or the network slowing things down as the iPhones and iPads are connected over the same network.
Is there a way to connect to a 2010 exchange server using mac mail 3.6 on leopard OS? I have the server name but cannot figure out how to send mail using the smtp outgoing sever?
The Mail Client on Mac OS 10.7.4 V5.2 1278 fails on send messages. The compsoe window reappears immediately after Send is selected. The mail message ends up in the outbox. This worked prior to may 1st. Some update has broken it.
I am trying to set up my mail on my new macbook air running Lion. However, I'm using Exchange 2003? I've tried everything I can think of. I have the outgoing and incoming mail server info. I also know the domain name. I would much prefer to get my mail through this program than going on line which is what I'm doing all the time right now!!
I have my MacMail set to see my work's Outlook exchange (for PC), but all I can see in MacMail is my Exchange Inbox, Sent, and Trash, but I cannot see any of the (admittely numerous) folders I have on my exchange e-mail account at work. Is there anyway to do this WITHOUT using Mac OfficeÂ
I recently added a hosted Exchange account to the Mail client. Everything is working great, but I can't seem to find the "Sent" folder anywhere...I tried the dropdown folder list and it's not in there.
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 15" MBP 512 SSD Retina 8GB RAM
I have to quit Mail and restart it to start getting emails again. Plus all the messages I had deleted come back again and those moved elsewhere are back in the inbox. My company IT says the problem is that they are using an older version of MS Exchange server software and that Apple is not fully compatible. Is there a way to improve Apple Mail performance on my end?
I am using Apple Mail on Lion to acces a Microsoft Exchange Server.The mailbox is quite large, and I'd like to just limit access to the past few days worth of messages. On my iOS devices this is easily accomplished in Settings. But, I do not see a similar option in Lion/Mail.If it is not possible, is there any other way to limit the size of data accessed?
I Have two Microsoft exchange mail one mail works properly, but the other has developed problem from past one week. Mails are automatically getting deleted every day, sometimes every few minutes. I have to restart the computer to again download the mails. The mails only get deleted from my computer and not the exchange. Also, would like to inform my MAC pro book got infected with Trojan.gen.2 virus. Which I discovered with Nortons antivirus software. I installed this software as I doubted if my mails are getting deleted owing some virus. Although my MAC is free of virus, the issue with one exchange mail remains and emails still gets deleted.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I am running OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 and periodically Mail.App will stop updating my new emails. I am connected to an Exchange 2007 system. When it is not able to update, clicking the "Get Mail" button will not do anything but I am still able to send mail.
After numerous posts on the Apple Discussions site and spending 4 hours one afternoon with the "geniuses" I still can't send email from the SMTP setting for my Exchange account. I've literally tried everything, IMAP is turned on on the office server, we use MXLogic for upstream/downstream filtering but the IP address is the same as it is for our network. I'm beyond frustrated. Is anyone else having issues with SENDING mail via their Exchange server settings? Hotmail and my .mac account send and receive just fine. I've had to "send on behalf of" with every email that I respond to viw the work Exchange server and it's pretty ridiculous.
At the apple store, I used the same exact settings in their Entourage account that I use in Mail and it IMMEDIATELY connected and allowed me to send. I'm just not real fired up over spending $150 for bloated MS software when I've been operating just fine without it.
I work for a big company where we have PCs, MACS and iPHONES. We've tried syncing our calendars in many ways and after thinking we found the answer (via mobile me) realized it was a mess because odd appointments kept showing up. So I have two choices. Either make my MAIL and ICAL app sync to the exchange server, or find a way to sync both work (laptop) and personal (the one that would be used as the server at home) without having weird appts coming up on everyone's calendar.
With the addition of exchange activesync to Gmail for iPhone push e-mail, is it possible to similarly setup Gmail as an exchange in Mail.app?
I am not an Exchange guru, but it would seem logical that you could use the same server settings for Mail.app. I'm not sure how to manually add an exchange server instead of using the auto-discover though.
i'm a Powerbook G4 Mac OS X (10.5.8) 1.67 GHz 2GB RAM user with Mail 3.6. I want to creat a new Account, an Exchange Account. I can chose it, but it doesn't work.Â
So my question is, whicj MS Exchange is need. I read something about MS Exchange 2007 SP2? Ist that correct? If not, which Exchange Â
Powerbook G4 Mac OS X (10.5.8) 1.67 GHz 2GB RAM with Mail 3.6:
Which Exchange Server is needed? Mail 3.6 can be conected with which Exchange Server?Â
Info: PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G4 1.67 GHz 2GB RAM
My mac mail is not working with the Exchange 2007 server. I see that this is a common problem for many other folks. I have spent a considerable amount of time on forums, talking to Apple Support, and Google searching -- no luck finding a solution. I am using Thunderbird to get me by for now. I have a new Mac, Lion 10.7.4.
Can someone explain why I can setup an exchange account on my iphone and it works flawlessly, (Mail, calendar, appointments, etc...) But the same settings will not work on maill.app in SL. I know my company is NOT using Exchange 2007.
So I found out recently that I can setup my Gmail account to support push via Exchange ActiveSync for my iPhone. This feature is amazing! All my emails and contacts get synced and pushed straight to my iPhone from my Gmail acount.
For those who don't know this:[URL]
Now here's my dilemma. I want to set this up on my MacBook Pro for Mail. I'm running Snow Leopard, so theoretically it should work because Mail 4 and Snow Leopard support Microsoft Exchange, but when I enter my email address and password into Mail, it automatically creates the new account using the Gmail IMAP server instead of the Exchange server.
Is there any way to manually setup a Gmail account using the Exchange server in Mail 4?
I had to re-configure my Exchange account today because it suddenly and inexplicably stopped working. When I re-configured, the inbox only seems to be downloading the previous three days of messages. I have searched all the configuration boxes and can't find anything about days of messages to download. I want it to re-downloard everything in the Inbox on the server.
I am trying to add my Exchange account to the INTERNET ACCOUNTS so that my Exchange contacts can be accessed. Every time I try to add the Exchange account to Internet Accounts either through Mail app or via System Preferences (same thing), it keeps hanging once I add in the account information. I was able to add the account in the past (just last month) but now I can not get passed the set up process.how to add the account successfully. I am using Mac OS X 10.10.1