Applications :: Exchange With Versus IPhone
Sep 23, 2009
Can someone explain why I can setup an exchange account on my iphone and it works flawlessly, (Mail, calendar, appointments, etc...) But the same settings will not work on in SL. I know my company is NOT using Exchange 2007.
After numerous posts on the Apple Discussions site and spending 4 hours one afternoon with the "geniuses" I still can't send email from the SMTP setting for my Exchange account. I've literally tried everything, IMAP is turned on on the office server, we use MXLogic for upstream/downstream filtering but the IP address is the same as it is for our network. I'm beyond frustrated. Is anyone else having issues with SENDING mail via their Exchange server settings? Hotmail and my .mac account send and receive just fine. I've had to "send on behalf of" with every email that I respond to viw the work Exchange server and it's pretty ridiculous.
At the apple store, I used the same exact settings in their Entourage account that I use in Mail and it IMMEDIATELY connected and allowed me to send. I'm just not real fired up over spending $150 for bloated MS software when I've been operating just fine without it.
With the addition of exchange activesync to Gmail for iPhone push e-mail, is it possible to similarly setup Gmail as an exchange in
I am not an Exchange guru, but it would seem logical that you could use the same server settings for I'm not sure how to manually add an exchange server instead of using the auto-discover though.
So I found out recently that I can setup my Gmail account to support push via Exchange ActiveSync for my iPhone. This feature is amazing! All my emails and contacts get synced and pushed straight to my iPhone from my Gmail acount.
For those who don't know this:[URL]
Now here's my dilemma. I want to set this up on my MacBook Pro for Mail. I'm running Snow Leopard, so theoretically it should work because Mail 4 and Snow Leopard support Microsoft Exchange, but when I enter my email address and password into Mail, it automatically creates the new account using the Gmail IMAP server instead of the Exchange server.
Is there any way to manually setup a Gmail account using the Exchange server in Mail 4?
I had to re-configure my Exchange account today because it suddenly and inexplicably stopped working. When I re-configured, the inbox only seems to be downloading the previous three days of messages. I have searched all the configuration boxes and can't find anything about days of messages to download. I want it to re-downloard everything in the Inbox on the server.
Im having trouble getting 2 exchange accounts working using osx`s Mail app. When I install one account, it works fine. When i install 2, they both stop working.
They will both send but not recieve mail. Both accounts are on the same Exchange 2007 server.
I find it strange that Mail under iOS 4 works better than under OSX (10.6.4)
I have been on Microsoft Exchange for 6 years. Migrated from PC to Mac about a year ago. I started using Microsoft Entourage 8 because it supported Microsoft Exchange Server.
I was working, although periodically Entourage would lock up and I would have to re-sync the inbox. After finally getting fed up, I've decided to move to Mac Mail.
After some initial pains to setup the Exchange account settings, I finally have it "working". The only problem is that not all my email messages are sent to the Mac Mail client.
If I'm online with my Mac when the email hits the Exchange Server, I get the message. But if Mac Mail is not open, I won't get the message. I can confirm that the email hits the exchange server because I can see it in Outlook Web Access, and on my BlackBerry.
The only way I know how to get the emails into Mac Mail is by going into my blackberry, marking the emails as read, or un-read, while the Mac Mail client is open. If I do that, then Mac Mail will discover that these messages are in my Inbox and pull them into the Mac Mail client.
This is very frustrating as I have to keep track of which emails I received when Mac Mail was closed. If I walk between meetings for 2 minutes and I receive an email, I'll miss it in my client.
I'm using Mac Mail version 3.6 (935/935.3), on Mac OS X - 10.5.7.
I'm not sure what version of Microsoft Exchange I'm on as that is managed by my company IT department.
So I'm rolling out 10.6 on some Mac Pros in our office. So far it's gone fairly smoothly (aside from the fact that Xerox has decided to not bother make drivers for 10.6). We're switching over to Apple's Mail/iCal/Contacts instead of the buggy Entourage. Of the 4 users, 3 of them are working fine. Sometimes their AD session goes buggy and they can't access shared folders on our server via smb, but a restart fixes it. I have one user who comes in every morning though, and her Apple Mail app can not sync with the Exchange 2007 server. It prompts her for her password and won't accept it. She can access shared folders though via smb and they open up right away, meaning it's recognizing her domain and user/pass with out her entering it manually.
over my Entourage outgoing mail can no longer update Exchange server 2003.
Entourage 12.2.0 was working fine on my OSX 10.6.2. I believe after upgraded Entourage to version 12.2.3, all my outgoing mail were not updated to exchanges server.
All mail reaches it intended recipients and a copy keep in local folder. other function like calender and contact are able to sync with exchange without problem.
I have Snow Leopard's Mail App configured with my university's Exchange 2007 server. My iPhone gets mail pushed the second it is received, but it may take my Mail app on Snow Leopard several minutes to receive pushed mail unless I manually hit Get Mail. Any idea why this would be or how I can fix it?
I recently got Snow Leopard installed, and was able to set up my work email via Exchange 2007 just fine. However, if I enter similar settings on the iPhone it won't go through. Is there a way to set it up so they sync? MobileMe didn't seem to want to do it. On the computer I only had to enter my username (no domain), the password and the server.
I have never used Outlook before and I was just wondering if it is worth switching my mail info over to Outlook instead of using Apple Mail. I have my gmail account working just fine with Apple Mail along with my Android phone.
It looks very nice but I'm not sure if it's just me but Apple Mail just seems easier. I do like that you can flag emails and put them off for a certain day. It doesn't appear that I can do that with Apple Mail. Other than a few things I still feel that Apple Mail is easier and works so much better with mobile me.
I use Mail/Address Book to sync my contacts with Exchange 2007 and iPhone. The first sync i saw everything, contacts etc, from my iPhone in Address Book, but suddenly i cant see any contacts in Address Book.
How to get my iPhone contacts into Address Book again?
i have my setting to config an exchange mail in my iphone, but in my mac book air 10.7.... it can' seems not asking my domain name like iphone...
How to add an Exchange account to my Mail program. When I open Mail>Preferences>Accounts then hit + to add a new account, then choose "Exchange", it asks for name, e-mail and password.
Should this be my Exchange mail, or my iCloud? I ask because when I input the Exchange e-mail address, I get the message "Please fill out the field "E-mail address" correctly
I've double checked, the domain is correct, as is the address, so I don't understand why I can't add the account.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
I Have two Microsoft exchange mail one mail works properly, but the other has developed problem from past one week. Mails are automatically getting deleted every day, sometimes every few minutes. I have to restart the computer to again download the mails. The mails only get deleted from my computer and not the exchange. Also, would like to inform my MAC pro book got infected with Trojan.gen.2 virus. Which I discovered with Nortons antivirus software. I installed this software as I doubted if my mails are getting deleted owing some virus. Although my MAC is free of virus, the issue with one exchange mail remains and emails still gets deleted.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have been given the attached one-pager with screenshots of how to configure a Windows Outlook client to work with our corporate email system (Exchange).
I want to configure the Mail client on my Mac, however.
Can anyone give me a clue where these things are entered? When I add a new account in Mac Mail, and choose Exchange 2007, I don't see similar fields. My guesses so far have resulted in "the server cannot be contacted on port 443
I am running OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 and periodically Mail.App will stop updating my new emails. I am connected to an Exchange 2007 system. When it is not able to update, clicking the "Get Mail" button will not do anything but I am still able to send mail.
I absolutely love mail on my iPhone. Multiple Exchange accounts is huge. Any idea when on Snow Leopard will catch up? Seems silly that the mail application on the phone is more technically advanced than on the Mac.
Everything is working except the fact that when I read a mail in gmail on my iPhone it doesnt mark as read in Mail. But, when I clode the application in OS X and re-open it, the mail changes status and is now mark as read.
I have just done a clean installation of snow leopard on my blackbook. All the apps seem to be running fine but i am getting a lot of aggro with my gmail account on mail and iphone (3.1.2)Before, I had a pop gmail account on mail (I have noticed it's imap as default now), then I bought my iphone and added the same account. Everything was fine: I could read and delete messages on iphone knowing that when I got back home those same mails would appear as new mail on my mac.
Now if i delete a message on my iphone I dont recieve it on my mac... can anybody tell me how can I configure it so it works like it did?
I work for a big company where we have PCs, MACS and iPHONES. We've tried syncing our calendars in many ways and after thinking we found the answer (via mobile me) realized it was a mess because odd appointments kept showing up. So I have two choices. Either make my MAIL and ICAL app sync to the exchange server, or find a way to sync both work (laptop) and personal (the one that would be used as the server at home) without having weird appts coming up on everyone's calendar.