OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mac Mail Is Not HTML Compatible?
Feb 5, 2012Mac mail is not HTML compatible. MS Outlook see rich text with signatures very strange and in big font size.
View 8 RepliesMac mail is not HTML compatible. MS Outlook see rich text with signatures very strange and in big font size.
View 8 RepliesI was recently sent an email that used an HTML stationery wih several photos embedded in it. The email opens normally, but all of the images are icons, displaying file name and size. If I click the icon, the image opens correcly in a separate window. Â
I am running OS X 10.7.3 and Mail 5.2 (1257) and have checked "display remote images in html email" in preferences. A friend with identical software versions receives the same email and the photos are visible in the original email.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), mail 5.2
I went to the library to locate mail so I could insert an HTML signature. Problem is, I can't find Mail anywhere. It is not in the library, not in Cache, etc. When I attempt to search for Mail in the finder, before I can select Library as the search location, the finder shuts and pops me into another application. Where is mail? I can use it. It is in my apps folder, etc., but I cannot find it other than in that location. Can't get in to add a signature, etc.
Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.8), Processor Speed: 2 GHz
I recently upgraded to Lion from Snow Leopard. Â
The problem is that Mail version 5.2 (1257) doesn't show html content or attachments. Even Apple's own templates from the application itself doesn't show correctly.Â
I've made sure that the "show remote html content in the Preferences is checked. Â
I've also tried to rebuild the mailboxes without any changes. Html-content and pictures stil doesn't show. Is there a command for the Terminal that can fix this? MBP 15" 2.2 GHz (10.7.2) 4GB RAM
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have received an email in graphical HTML format — a series of venues and dates for a band in the form of a grid. It shows up beautifully in webmail, but in Apple Mail it shows uselessly as unformatted and unpunctuated text. Is there any setting in Mail prefs., or some other subterfuge, that would allow such emails to show properly in Mail?
Mac mini, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
I use Mac OS X Mail and generally have very few issues. However, I ocassionally receive emails which I know are formatted as HTML, but they nevertheless show up as text... and sort of jumbled text at that (i.e., with URL links expanded inline and other issues that cause the email to be difficult to read). It doesn't happen extremely often, but it does happen often enough to be annoying. I have Mail sync'ed to several accounts: one POP3, and two IMAP as I recall. It has happened with emails retrieved from each service at one time or another.Â
As I understand it, an HTML email usually also contains a text version within the content... and each mail client has to recognize a given email as either HTML or text (or RTF). Indeed, I can view the raw source for the email in Mail, and I see in the payload of the email statements such as "This is a multi-part message in MIME format" followed by sections denoted as Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 and later as Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64. It just seems that Mail occassionally ignores the text/html section.Â
Is there a way to force Mail to switch display of a given message to HTML or to text? I see options to select "Text Encoding" under the Message menu bar option, various stylistic choices under the Format header, and even the View Raw Source option under View | Message menu bar option. This last option (View | Message) also has some options regarding display "alternatives" (plaintext, best, next, etc) but all are greyed-out. Perhaps this is the issue and Mail is simply not understanding the HTML due to a slight mistake in the format of the content and it thinks it is only displayable as plain text?
Mail, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Using Apple Mail, is there any way to compose mail in HTML, where the font used to compose won't be overwritten by the default plain text font in the recipient's inbox?
Basically, I want the emails I send to look exactly like they do when they're on my screen, not reformatted to a plain text.
I have always had html mail issues with my iMac since August 2011. I use yahoo. For the most part, 90% of my emails display html just fine. The problem I have is one day an email will display html fine and then the next it would be in text form practically useless. And for some html emails, it never displayed the email correctly albeit my iPhone 5S does.My preference for displaying remote images in html is obviously checked.Â
P.S. Another issue I have with Mail is that all my Yahoo folders (under mailboxes) after having Mail opened for a length of time will disppear out of the blue. In order to get them back, I have to close out Mail and relaunch. I still have access to inbox, sent, trash, and junk. But "Yahoo!" folders displayed under those are gone for some reason until I relaunch.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2011 iMac
1. Send an html email with an image using Constant Contact.
2. Get Email in Apple mail. See image.
3. Replace image on server with new picture.
4. Resend email
5. Apple Mail still shows the old image on both old and new email. Unlike in safari where I can hit refresh, mail offers no such option.
I have a shell script running on a Linux machine to generate multipart mail messages. These display perfectly in Thunderbird (PC or Mac) but the html is missing when I open them in Mac mail. Switch to plain text and they look fine, but the html just doesn't display.
I've tried Snow Leopard and Lion with the same result.Â
All the other mail products (Outlook, etc) allow easy creation of mail signatures as HTML's by a simple click of a link icon.I cannot find any mention of html signatures in mac mail except for those who know how to write code.If so, whatever happened to Apple being the user friendly platform as opposed to PC's?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have a user who is using the Mac Mail product on Tiger. When he forwards HTML formatted messages, all anyone recieves are a bunch of text attachments, some graphic attachments and the email header. Works fine on text based emails. I have looked through the available options in Mail and have everything that looks configured to allow this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've followed this tutorial to put together a html signature for Apple Mail : [URL]
So I've tested it with this simple file: [URL]
This should just display the logo. I've saved this through safari as a Web Archive file and saved in onto the Web Archive file of Apple Mail in the Signatures folder.
Then opened Apple Mail again. As you can see, while composing the mail the icon turns into the blue question mark icon. I've later sent it to my private email address and it arrived as an image.
If I forward an HTML e-mail manually, it appears the same to the recipient as it does to me, i.e. properly formatted. However, if I forward using a Rule, it appears to get sent as plain text with all the images in the mail as attachments.
why Forwarding should be different when done via a Rule rather than manually? I can't find any settings that may affect this.
What I need is a mail client for my iMac running MAC OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 which I can have Hotmail on which displays and has access to all my personal hotmail folders. So when I update/send emails/move email from one folder to another on my mac they update online and on my business partners (PC), and the same at the other end so it update son my Mac.
I also need to be able to send HTML e-newsletters.
This is for my business with 6000+ email addresses so I don't want to really have to change my works email address and use googlemail instead or something.
Currently I use a combination of Windows Live Mail (its actually pretty good for hotmail) and Outlook 2003 (flakey at times but great and easy for sending HTML emails).
I want to be able to use basic html tags like forms, iframes etc...etc.. in my Wiki in 10.7.3 Lion server. I just can't find any definitive information on how to allow these types of tags etc...previous versions seemed to talk of a whitelist....but I can find nothing on my server like this. Any attempt to add them seems to get stripped when I go and save the wiki page.Â
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using Text Edit in plain text format as a html editor. I get an error when I try and edit using Transmit, when I try to save, Transmit says: The documents "doc-name.php" could not be saved. Text encoding Western (ISO Latin 1) isn't applicable. If possible, select a different text encoding. I cut/paste from text edit into the Transmit file and it doesn't work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to edit html files in text edit. Every time I open one it warns me that this file I wrote is an application I downloaded from the internet ("index.shtml" is a web application downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?"). Except it is just a txt file I wrote. This is driving me mad because it doesn't remember that I've approved individual files. Every time I open the same index.html file it warns me. I tried running defaults write com.apple.LaunchServices LSQuarantine -bool NOÂ
Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Well I have done the upgrade twice now to try & fix the problems I am having. I use the app mail a lot as I'm sure most of us do. But whenever I open Mail in 10.6.6 it say's it is not compatible with my operating system. I will most likely bump it back to 10.6.4 but I was wondering if their is any download from apple that could fix this. The app store is alright I can definitely live without it but no with out my Mail.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with my html signature in the notorious apple mail software. When I reply/forward to some messages, my email signature gets reformatted and is totally ruined. It is just the text, the font and the size are affected. The actual layout remains in tact. About 6 months ago I perfected a HTML email signature after many tests with PC's and other mail recipients. It worked pretty flawlessly to be honest except for the image not displaying on some peoples computers but this is to be expected.Â
We have now got new apple macs running lion. I have now set up the signatures again (using the same web archive file from the last signature) and for the majority of emails we send out works fine however there are a few emails (all from the same company) that display the signature with times new roman and in about 16pt! When the html I've sent up should be verdana 12pt.Â
Again this can happen, but what is odd is that if I hit reply or forward to this message my signature (which I've told it be place above replied text) retains this bad formatting and my signature is ruined. Before, even if someone didnt view my signature correct, and I replied to the email my new signature at the top of the message would still be perfect. Just to point out, I created this email sig in dreamweaver, saved as a webarchive file and imported it that way.Also like I said this didnt happen pre the new computer. Â
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I load an HTML page in Safari and print it, it's totally blank. Doesn't happen in Firefox with the same HTML files.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I have a folder full of HTML files I just imported to my MacBook about a week ago. They have been backed up by my Time Capsule. But when I search for keywords in the contents of them, they do not show up. The file names will show up, but none of the contents (which are mainly text). I have tried to force Spotlight to search only the folder that contains the files, but it does not seem to be searching the HTML files.Â
Are HTML file contents excluded from Spotlight searches? I seem to have a number of webpages that come in Spotlight for keyword searches that appear to be the result of searching the file contents. So is there a trick to this? Is there some way I can force Spotlight to index this folder? Just not sure why it seems to search the contents of some HTML files and not others.
Will I be able to upgrade my iPad to IOS 6 and still be compatible with my MacBook running Lion? I cannot install Mountain Lion on this machine?
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
reccommend a printer/scanner all in one thats compatible with OSX Lion 10.7.3?
I was just wondering if (as described in the subject) has an answer? I am currently shopping for the "Final Cut" program and have heard that "Version 6" might not be compatibel with the "MAC OS X Lion 10.7" operating system.
Final Cut Pro 6, Mac OS X (10.7), Blah.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI bought an HP Photosmart Premium C310 printer and I am having trouble. Apparently they are not compatible with with Mac OS X v10.7 Lion. I called HP before I bought it and they recommended this printer. I would like to know which would be the best wireless printer for my Mac Book Pro. Any suggestions? I am sending this printer back.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
For the last week I find that after sending an email with attachments that it remains in my draft box after sending. The mail shows up in the sent box, but it never get's deleted from the draft box until I resend it. This is happening on both my MBP and iMac. Both machines connect to iCloud for mail.
27" iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
I'm looking to buy an external hard drive, primarily to save my video editing work on Final Cut, so as not to bog down my Macbook with footage. IO heard that the WD Elements Desktop 1.5 TB drive was a good brand (WDBAAU0015HBK-NESN) was a good brand, although none of the literature I'm finding online confirms whether it's compatable with OS X Lion. Is it? Specifically, I'm running 10.7.2. If the WD Elements isn't compatible, do you reccomend another external hard drive that would work?
Pro, Ext. HD compat for video editing