OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mac Software Requires At Least 2 GB Of Memory
Feb 1, 2012
I get this error on all my computers when I try to download Lion. Mac OS X 10.7 requires at least 2 GB of memory.... But my systems show more than enough free space.
I cannot get a solid answer on this one. Since the update it seems that safari fails to save my login info. For example I have to re-enter my username and pass for macrumors atleast once everyday. Also it seems that Safari occasionally hogs more memory and resources after extended use. Anyone else?
I'm thinking of upgrading to 10.7 from 10.6.8 on my iMac, but on this site I get:Step 2: Make sure you have the latest version of Snow Leopard.Get up to date with the latest version of OS X Snow Leopard to purchase OS X Lion from the Mac App Store. If you have Snow Leopard, click the Apple icon and choose Software Update to install Snow Leopard v10.6.8, the latest version.What is Snow Leopard? Do I have it? I already have 10.6.8, but that's a Lion version, right?
I have problem assessing my bank website which requires Java 1.3.1 and above. I have already use software update to update my system but still the message "applet not properly loaded ...." keep appearing.
I was looking through the posts on here and the only solution I could find was to reinstall Lion, so I did, but it still doesn't work. Everytime I plug the mic in it says, "USB device requires too much power." I just bought the mic. I tried calling the Blue mic costumer service but no one answers.
I was just browsing the Internet as usual, and suddenly my Mac popped up a dialog box with the message "Software Update wants to make changes", asking me for an administrator's password. I checked in the Dock and Software Update was NOT running!Â
I clicked Cancel on the box and it popped up again 2-3 times before finally going away. Can Software Update run in the background without any user intervention now? Could it be some kind of new Mac malware?
My iMac is suddenly running slow, especially Safari and the finder is asking for the administrator password to delete some random files. I just repaired permissions so it can't be that.The iPad is fine with download speeds of 15+ Mbps vs 2 Mbps for the iMac.
After entering sudo command, terminal asks for password. After that it will not accept typing in password, I type and nothing appears. If I try to paste in password nothing happens.
I have this problem on my new MBA (2012) and mac mini (2011), both running the latest update of LION (10.7.4). Basically, if I am using preview, it shows up on my dock no problem and I can close windows/hide/quite no problem. Usually a while later, a copy of Preview ends up showing up in my FORCE QUIT menu (if I happen to be there), but is not visibly open. (see pic).
Odd that it occurs on both. Only things that are non-apple installed on MBA (and mirror with MM) are:
I'm trying to setup mail on Lion Sever (7.3). The only way I can get it to accept incoming mail is to specify the whole FQDN of the server in the address. For example the domain name is example.com and I have a user set up called john. Sending mail to john@server.example.com works.
But sending mail to john@example.com (which is what I want) returns an error: 554 554 5.7.1 <john@example.com>: Relay access denied (state 13).
For internal DNS, I have: example.com - primary zonemail.expample.com - alias server.example.comserver.example.com - [URL] - alias server.example.com MX record [URL]
I see references here to problems in mail on 7.3 but not this specific problem.
There was a lot of stuff in the Software Upgrade tool that I recently installed (today). I worked for about half an hour until I noticed that the computer was extremly slow - so I looked in the Activity Monitor. I saw that Finder was using 2 GB of "real memory". So I restarted Finder.
After about 1 minute Finder was consuming 2 GB of real memory again. So i restarted my computer. After about 1 minute Finder was consuming 2 GB of memory - again. Currently Finder is using 1.71 GB of memory. What can I do? I can't work with a computer this slow, Also - can I shut down Finder completly so that it doesn't restart?
I recently added more RAM to my system and I always keep Activity Monitor running with the memory usage icon on the Dock to see how much Lion and my programs use. I noticed that even several CS5 programs running at the same time won't use that much, the program I've seen uses the most is Aperture, using anywhere from 500MB on start to 2.5GB while viewing--not editing--photos.Â
My questions is, when my system is running normally it uses from a quarter to half the total memory available but just now it's using more than three quarters and it's running not even half programs I use everyday. I quickly added up the memory being used and it's just missing out A LOT. I'm adding a screenshot of Activity Monitor for you to see.Â
I now that restarting the system (or by using the purge command in Terminal) will free up memory but this really puzzles me and I'd really like to know what's happening--BTW, even though several GB are missing, the computer is nowhere nears slow, at least. Where are all the other processes using the rest of the memory? I'm using OS X 10.7.3 Server with 16GB of RAM on an iMac.
I recently filled my scratch disks, thinking it was due to all the photos I have on my MAC, i began moving them all to a backup external hard drive and then removing them from my MAC. I managed to move about 60GB of photos off my machine and contined using my MAC as usual. The next day after adding nothing or even using my mac my memory has somehow filled itself back up and i now have only 1GB left on my hard drive with nothing to show from it. I thought it may be a virus and have ran Sophos anti virus software but found none. what i can do to stop my mac from being so memory hungry?       Â
I've been noticing with iStat Pro that out my 8GB of memory, 1.2 GB of it is Active and 1.3 GB is Wired, but when no applications are running. Not even the hidden task bar ones. Then when I start Google Chrome, my Active memory jumps up to 2.4 GB. I'm on a Macbook Pro (thunderbolt gen) with a Core i5 2.3 Ghz, 8 GB memory along with a 500 GB Hard Drive (80% full). I've had my Macbook for almost a year now, and this has become progressively worse.
I've been noticing with iStat Pro that out my 8GB of memory, 1.2 GB of it is Active and 1.3 GB is Wired, but when no applications are running. Not even the hidden task bar ones. Then when I start Google Chrome, my Active memory jumps up to 2.4 GB. I'm on a Macbook Pro (thunderbolt gen) with a Core i5 2.3 Ghz, 8 GB memory along with a 500 GB Hard Drive (80% full). I've had my Macbook for almost a year now, and this has become progressivly worse.
I was wondering if any of you have been able to save OS X Lion to an SD memory card. I want to do this but I have no where to start, How big of an SD card should I use 4GB?Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Quad Core i7 8GB Ram 750GB 7200
I've noticed lately that Safari (red) has three processes that take most of my memory, along with the horrible McAffe Anti-virus (blue) that my job requires... is this normal? Is there any way to reduce this?Â
My Mac Pro doesn't boot when I have 16Gb of RAM memory installed. I want to know if is possible to deactivate slots memory in Mac OS X (Lion 10.7.4) because I will use only two slots with two 4Gb modules.
I have a iMac DV G3/500 (Special Edition) from summer 2000. Anyway, I am using Mac OS 10.2.8. Recently, my start up disk's memory has gone done from 1.2 GB available free space to 668MB (currently). I haven't saved anything on this disk so I can not understand why this memory has dissappeared. I have also had icons on the start up menu disappear. Could someone please tell me how I can restore the missing memory?
I have a Black MacBook (Early 2008). I think that I still have the factory standard RAM sticks (I bought the Mac used from a friend). I noticed today that I am running on only one gig of RAM even though I have two gigs of memory.
I have an issue I have been seeing since upgrading to Lion (10.7.3) and the latest version of Safari (5.1.3, I believe?). When browsing the web for a while (particularly, Flash heavy sites, I have noticed my computer's temperature getting hot and more beach balling starting to occur. The first time this happened, I opened Activity Monitor and noticed that Flash Player was using, almost, 900 MB of RAM (and I had less than 100 MB available). Other than Safari, I only had a couple of other applications open, neither of which were memory intensive. Quitting Safari gave me back a huge amount of memory, my temperatures, quickly, dropped back down to reasonable levels, and the performance lag went away. I never saw this kind of memory hogging under Snow Leopard. Is Flash Player this much of a nuisance under, either, Firefox or Chrome?Â
I have a 2010 MacBook Pro, 2.53 GHz, i5 with 4 GB of RAM.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
After upgrade to lion 10.7.3 and Xcode 4.3.1, four processes, include systemUIevent,uiagent,kernel... Continue eat the memory, Soon the system is out of memory.
I'm getting messages stating "Your Mac OS X startup disk has no more space available for application memory." I've determined that my system memory is rapidly reducing after the MacBook Air is left on with only the Activity Monitor and Terminal open.
MacBook Air Stats: 11-Inch, Mid 2011 Processor: 1.8 Ghz Intel Core i7 Memory: 4GB 1333 Mhz DDR3 Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000 384MB Software: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3
My SSD drive space is rapidly reduced after the "free memory" is almost completed used - the MacBook then starts using the SSD drive as virtual memory and almost uses that space (I have a 250GB drive with 60GB available when I start the mac).Everything works great for the first 5-10 minutes, then I see the "free memory" decrese until it's down to about 30MB or so and then the SWAP used increases until my hard drive is almost totally out of space and gives me the error above. During this time the MacBook Airs little fan turns on.I can only use my Mac for about 30 minutes or so until I have to restart due to the HD being filled up by the virtual memory SWAP. The Mac is also very slow during this time as you can imagine.
After my computer slowed down, I checked activity monitor to see address book using between 80 - 90 % of the CPU. I closed Address book and reopened. same issue. Tried deleting preferences and rebuilding metadata. Running Lion 10.7.3 on a new IMac
since I installed OSX Lion, I've noticed my Active memory has been very high, Infact, currently with nothing but 1 tab of google chrome and activity monitor running, my macbook is currently has 50% active, 25% wired, 22% inactive, and 3% Free.It remains this way even when I try to do resource intense stuff like photo editing or games, or document editing. This is quite a problem since my Macbook only has 2 gb of ram, and games such as minecraft and photoediting need more than the 25% of active/free ram.Since installing Lion, 3 weeks ago, i've noticed my computer running more, getting hotter(and faster fan speeds when it does), and many more active running processes. So, I am wondering, if there is anything I can do to lower the active ram and if there is anything I can do to make it more usable for my needs(without downgrading to snowleopard)
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), aluminum macbook 2gb ram