OS X V10.7 Lion :: "Ignore Ownership" Setting Lost After Restart?
Jun 1, 2012
I'm using Lion 10.7.4 with an external Drive on which I've set a partition to store my iPhoto and iTunes Libraries. I called this volume "Media" and checked "ignore ownership ont his volume" as I wanted to share these libraries between my user and my wife's one.Until a few days ago everything ran quite fine, then I noticed I had read errors running my rsync backup. In fact, "ignore ownership" was off, and is reset to off upon each reboot
I haven't searched if there's a way to enable it by using a command line tool, which could be an acceptable workaround by launching this command line at each boot, but I'd be interested in knowing why this is happening, I could try to move all data to another partition forth and back and recreating the volume in between, but as I'm talking about 100+ GB I'd be glad if there's another way?
I have more than a dozen users and several groups configured on the Macs in our lab. I hooked up PEGASUS RAID to a different machine and all files' owner:group attributes were reset to 1000:20! Doesn't HFS+ filesystem store the ownership information?
Trying changing the ownership of a MacBook Air. I've wiped everything from it, but would like to basically set it as a new Air again, so the "Welcome" Screen comes on for the new owner.
When I am running spellcheck, sometimes I need to click on "ignore" and sometimes on "ignore all". If I click on "ignore" the first time and then move on to the second queried word "ignore" doesn't work. I have to click on "ignore all". Then the third time "ignore all" doesn't work and then I click on "ignore". So basically I have to alternate between the two options all of the time.
Everytime I insert a music cd, nothing happens. I checked the settings to cds & dvds, and music cd's are set to "ignore" when inserted. However, everytime I try to click "open with itunes" it stays on ignore. I'm not sure what to do, or what it's happening.
I have a Mac Mini which serves as a media center, without a keyboard attached. After I have upgraded to Lion, it shows a "Can't find keyboard" dialog whenever I start up. It can only be dismissed by attaching a keyboard. Is there any setting that will make the mac ignore the missing keyboard?
I am about to receive a new Mac, which means that I will be selling the old one. I would just include the installer disks for the OS as part of the sale, but the last upgrade was downloaded and the proof of purchase is in the Cloud on the Apps Store. How do I transfer ownership of the OS with the computer?
Somewhere in the process of trying to set my google search to .co.uk (which I still haven't managed) - I seem to of lost my toolbars - which is a massive pain.
I did a restart after using win7 in bootcamp. after the restart, all my personal user data are gone. my desktop got wipe out clean with only Macintosh HD drive and bootcamp on it. my dock, trackpad, wallpaper change to default setting. i did a check on my applications and all the applications are still intact. however, when i open my safari, all the history is there, but there is no recent download item, all gone! There seems to be no users data in any of the applications. and although all my applications are still there, other folders located in desktop, roots, and other locations are gone.My email, outlook email, documents and download are also gone. And i dont have any backup.
I use to be able to select the vista partition to restart into from the configuration pages in leopard on my macbook pro, but now my bootcamp partition is missing. I have to hold the option button to manually select the windows partition and then load into windows. Some setting somewhere must be lost. Does anyone know how to restore it?
my problem is that on a restart of one of my 10.6.8 Servers parts of the Serveradmin configs are gone while some of them persists. The lost configs are everytime the same: VPN (complete) and iChat (a secondary but very important Host-Domain). Of course a can restore them from a backup but that shouldn't the standard procedure after a restart....
I had a folder (called "Other") with read and write access for Joseph (Me), everyone, (unknown), and Joseph (Me, again), but for some reason I couldn't write to the folder - I only had read access even though three forms of me had read and write. I tried changing the permissions of the parent folder to read and write (which they already were for everyone, but I added my account too for the hell of it) and then applying it to the enclosed items, but that just added "wheel" to the Repairing permissions did nothing, I ended up just setting my entire Macintosh HD to read and write for everyone and a few other people, then applying to enclosed items. That worked, but then for some reason it changed my external hard drive's permissions to "Custom" for Me, Me, unknown, and everyone. I can't access my external at all now, and nothing happens when I try to change its permissions. There was a little checkbox that said "Ignore permissions"
After restarting my computer, all my files have disappeared. The applications are still there but any personal files. It looks like the computer has been reseted by itself. I tried some recovery tools but nothing has been found,k what can I do?
Just bought a Logitech VX revolution for my iBook G4 running leopard. If my ibook is asleep, and I move the mouse out of the way, the computer wakes up. Is there a way to have leopard ignore the mouse when its asleep?
Me again this script works but if you then delete the last folder creation and run again it won't create the folder. I was try to make an, if folder exists then ignore else make folder? Matt set folderPath to "Hal 9000:Users:matthew:Desktop:DIVA_WK30_PSD"set {oldTID, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, ":"}set folderName to last text item of folderPathset my text item delimiters to "_WK"set FolderEndName to last text item of folderNameset brandName to first text item of folderNameset my text item delimiters to "_PSD"set weekNumber to first text item of FolderEndNameset my text item delimiters to oldTID set this_local_folder to "Hal 9000:Users:matthew:Pictures:2011-2012"tell application "Finder"try set localWeekFolder to make new folder...
Eeven after the keyboard update (2/19), my mac still seems to ignore the first key I press when my computer is idle. usually happens with the pause, play, caps lock, etc. i tried to redownload the keyboard update from the apple site, but it said my keyboard did not need the update because its already updated.
I have folders of Adobe ActionScript (.as) files, but I've noticed that spotlight/search ignore the contents of these files, even though they are text-based. How do I configure spotlight/search to examine the text within these files?
This is driving me nuts. When I go into the info for any file the take ownership option is greyed out. As a new mac user I've no idea how to change this. On windows you just right clicked and 'run as administrator' which is all `i want to do, but after 2 hours searching I'm tearing my hair out.
My brother bought my Mac Pro with his edu discount a month back. I'm selling the Mac Pro, but neither I nor my brother voluntarily registered the machine. Will it have been registered to him by default, in the Apple store, as I need to transfer the warranty to my customer, to whom I am selling the MP secondhand?.
I recently bought a new external drive and am trying to put all my old time machine backups on it. I was on the phone with Apple support for a little bit and they said the best way to do this is to just drag and drop the whole backups folder. When I do that, a little window pops up saying that I do not have ownership of the drive, how do I change that?
I have a server with a community and are downloading / making backups to my local computer. But I have problems with the permissions on the new downloaded catalogs and files. I know my ownership on the server, but how do I find what ownership I have on my local computer so I can do a:
I just purchased a iMac G5 iSight (PPC). It had OS 10.5.8 Installed. I have to install some programs.How do I go about changing the new iMac's old owner's ID and password with out reinstalling the operating system?
I may be giving my macbook pro away as a present (so surprise will be involved). It's approx. 2 years old and there's only a few applications installed on it (I haven't used it much). After I remove the applications, what steps do I take to prepare for the ownership transfer? Do I have to call Apple support for this?
Not too long ago I went through a process of changing my user in OS X to another name. It seemed to go smoothly enough. However many of my old applications are owned by an "_unknown" now. This is fine and dandy, except that every time I go to rename or move something in these places, it either has to authenticate or just tells me I'm not allowed.
What would be a simple, effective way to change ownership on all files/folders tied to "_unknown" to my current user?
I recently bought I new primary sata drive for a MacPro and loaded Leopard on it while keeping a 2ndary internal sata drive ... which included data ... intact.
Now under Leopard, under permissions for the 2ndary internal sata drive, it sees an "unknown" account (which is the previous Tiger owner) and it doesn't allow any writing/ deleting on the 2ndary drive.
I know how to change the permissions and ownership but don't know exactly what Leopard default ownership and permissions I should assign to the 2ndary drive.
The new Home acct name, System, Admin, Everyone etc. Usually there is a cascading list of 2 or 3 but I can't remember what they should be.
I have recently started having a problem in that I don't have administrative write ability on certain folder structures. This problem is predominately in folder structures which are associated with a Sync app that I use called Super Flexible File Synchroniser. I am not able to save new files or edited files into this folder structure from any applications on my Mac i.e. Mail, Parallels, Office, iWork. I have had to save it somewhere else on the hard drive, then drag it into the folder I want it in, then Finder asks me for my password to "Authenticate" this change. Is there a way to give myself ownership of an entire folder structure?
My time machine backup failed last night. Tells me that disc cannot be repaired and to backup and reformat. But it wont let me copy anything off the disc it tells me that the operation cannot be completed due to the ownership of the volume not being set. I have tried changing the sharing and permissions but its permanently greyed out.