OS X :: Setting Google Search And Lost Toolbars In Safari
Sep 5, 2009Somewhere in the process of trying to set my google search to .co.uk (which I still haven't managed) - I seem to of lost my toolbars - which is a massive pain.
View 2 RepliesSomewhere in the process of trying to set my google search to .co.uk (which I still haven't managed) - I seem to of lost my toolbars - which is a massive pain.
View 2 RepliesHow can I change the google search to search google.co.uk? 90% of the time I'm only interested in UK stuff. Other wise I end up doing the search then editing the .com to .co.uk and sending again. Which seems very silly. Or loading up google UK in the first place.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am unable to use the search window on the right to get results when Google is selected as the search engine.I type in a search term and I am directed to a blank google search page. I have to type in the search term again, then I see a list of "hits". But when
I click on one of these hits I am not directed to the URL displayed. I have quit out of Safari and relaunched. I have rebooted my Mac. Neither changes the problem... This is a Google problem: I have the same symptoms when I use Safari on Windows XP. When I switch the search engine to Bing, the problems go away, for both platforms Has Google been hacked? Is this a Google attack on Safari? How can I enter GoGoDuck as a search engine choice?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
While searching on Google and viewing a page, the search box clears when I return to the search list using the back button.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
In the Google search box in Safari how do you delete 1 item and leave the rest of the search list intact?
Intel Imac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I was typing a something into the Google search box last night, and i lost the entire line, including the google search box. Now I can't search the internet. how to get this back again?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), iOS 5.1
Previously the solution was to install Safari plugins Inquisitor or Glims but Apple have removed the interfaces from Safari 4 that these plugins used - and there is still no built in Safari Preference to set the locale of the Google search. Effectively this renders the Safari Google Search field pretty well useless - at least for UK users. If you're searching for UK-based businesses or individuals, for example, the thousands of USA results that come up first are just not relevant - (that's an example of British Understatement. by the way
View 3 Replies View RelatedAfter three easy erase, install, time machine backups everything is working great. I am amazing at how quick and easy it was to do this for my family's computers.
The only trouble I am having is getting google search results in Safari to open in another tab, instead of the same window, or a new window. Anyone else see this, or have a way to make this work? I like to click on a google link, and have it open in a new tab.
In Safari. I can only search with [URL] from the search box. Is there anyway to change this, or do I just keep using Chrome instead?
Safari, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
One of the things I like about using Firefox is the ability to select a word and search for it in Google. In Firefox this opens a new tab but with Safari it uses the current tab which messes with the flow of my work. Are their any tweaks to making Safari open a new tab when using the search in google feature or am I stuck with using Firefox until Apple addresses this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use Safari when I use mac (which is all the time now), I do use Firefox sometimes.
WHat I need to find out is there a way of setting up the search for UK searches.
For instance if I actually use google.co.uk you get the option of - pages from the UK.
But instead of going to to the google.co.uk page all the time is there a way in Safari so that the Google search engine will only show - pages from the UK
The Google in my Safari is set to the US version which is really starting to annoy me as I keep ending up on the US eBay site and so on, which is annoying because I live in the UK
Does anybody know of a way that you can change this?
It used to be when I highlighted a word and right clicked the word, I could do a google search on it.
Now when I press google search it downloads something vs going to google on the browser.
What am I doing wrong? I can't seem to find anything in safari to change that.
I noticed this after upgrading to SL and is safari 4.0.4
Is anyone else experiencing this using Google search in Safari?
I'm unable to remove the results pane to the left - This started happening a few days ago.... Weird thing is, the pane doesn't show up in Firefox when searching via Google, and it doesn't show up when using Safari on my brothers iMac.
Suddenly the toolbar at the top that shows the website and a spot to search google is gone. The only way I can access it is to go to Edit>Find>Google Search. Once I've searched the toolbar disappears again and then there is no "back" button, so if I need to search again I have to go back to Edit>Find>Google Search. UGH!
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Is anybody else getting this error? Quite annoying. Resetting Safari didn't work.
View 7 Replies View RelatedThe old safari had a "clear search" option at the bottom of the list in the google bar up top. It's gone in 4.0
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone know how to get the Google search field at the top right of Safari to use [URL]?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any way of changing the google search bar from searching [URL] to search [URL]?
Would like a windows and an OS X solution if there is one.
Am I going crazy or did the google search field change? If say, I do a search in google, in the search result pages, the google search field looks like this: Notice the huge font in the search bar and the weird search button.
View 20 Replies View RelatedA few weeks ago I began to develop a problem when using Google search in Safari. It takes me there. However, when I enter my search term and submit, it just returns me to Google. I then reenter the search term again, and this second time, it always works. I have tried clearing cookies and cache. Firefox does not display this behavior nor other Macs I have even under Safari.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy address bar and google search box are missing. I X'ed out of safari, rebooted, ran my cursor over the top edge of the screen, clicked on everything on my toolbar, and searched everything. I can't type in a web address to go anywhere
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have used Google for years and Safari. I use Google search as my home page. (the same issue occurs if I go to google)
When I enter a search item in the search bar; the search bar shifts to the upper left corner of the screen. Then, my items appears. However, no search occurs. When I hit search, nothing happens.
I switch to Firefox and my Google is working fine. I downloaded the most recent Safari. No change.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Everytime I search something at the top of safari it uses Yahoo and I hate Yahoo.
I have changed it to google in preferences but it still won't change.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I am trying to get the google searcher in safari (the one at the top of the window, not a toolbar or whatever) to search UK sites not US, just sommat thats been bugging me a bit recently, searching Amazon.com not .co.uk etc etc anybody got any hints on that? I read elsewhere on here that I can apparently do the above mod by installing SIMBL and getting that to work in inputmanagers etc. However I have an issue the .pkg file wont install.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if there's a plugin for Safari that does a "I'm feeling lucky" google search in the address bar? The same as how firefox does it. Also does anyone know a plugin the that puts a "Find on this page" search bar at the bottom of safari?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSafari Crash Report, at point of Google Search Process: Safari [214]Path:/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/SafariIdentifier:com.apple.SafariVersion:5.1.4 (6534.54.16)Build Info: WebBrowser-75345416~2Code Type:X86-64 (Native)Parent Process:launchd [124] Date/Time:2012-03-31 14:06:46.975 -0500OS Version:Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549)Report Version: 6 Interval Since Last Report: 749946
Sorry to be blunt i'm getting so frustrated trying to organise my bookmarks folders in Safari. The Folders keep snapping open and when i release click it drops the selected folder in the folder below and not in-between the two folders i want to order them in. I have turn off spring loaded folders. Also i can't seam to organise them alphabetically like you can with a right click option in windows.
Also how do i get the built in Google search to search [URL]
I want my search to provide UK answers, especially for shopping but don't know how to do this
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
This has been happening for awhile now. No doubt due to some upgrade. When I search for a string I'll get the list of google hits. And the search string will still be right in the window where I typed it. But sometimes after going to a link, I'll come back to this page and the page will be the same, but the search string is from a previous search. This is an inconvenience as I frequently go back to edit the search. I can't seem to reproduce it at the moment.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)