OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Remove List Of Printers To Start Fresh On Mac Pro
May 14, 2012
In Lion, System Preference, Print & Scan, Printer column, +... Takes you to your list of printers. I would like to remove all of those printers, to start fresh. How can I do this?
I seem to be unable to add PDF to my list of printers, as I have been able to do in the past. Is it no longer necessary to add a .PPD file to print directly to PDF from, say, Illustrator or InDesign?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7, 4 GB RAM
I have a bookmarked a reputable company for easy access.Log-in icon, easy and secure, no problems.Weeks ago, I entered a wrong password, and a page stating "error" appeared. log-in was successful when reset and again, secure, and safe.
Now this page is still appearing any time I press the log-in button to access the secure logging in page, when I go to bookmark. OK, I removed the whole bookmark from safari, accessed the general web site of the company, and whenever I try to access the log-in page, (not even bookmarked!) I immediately get the same error page!, again and again, without even entering any data or user name or attempted password. This "error" page must have been stored somewhere on my MBA.How can I remove this and start a fresh bookmark?
Old Macbook Pro died yesterday. (details unimportant, was planning to replace soon anyway)New Macbook Pro will arrive tomorrow.I have an up-to-date Time Machine backup. Over the past four years, I filled up the old machine with all sorts of clutter, most of which I don't need or want. I do want to transfer my mailboxes in Mail, my iTunes and iPhoto libraries, and a few specific subdirectories of my Documents folder. Is there an easy way to just get these few things, or am I better off using Setup Assistant to transfer everything, then pruning ruthlessly?
When I open applications now, whatever windows were open when I quit now re-open. When I'm done with a window, I'm done! I don't want to see all the browser windows or word processing windows or whatever I was last working on. When I quit, I expect it to quit - close all windows and exit the program. When I re-launch the program, I want to start over fresh. Is this something that can be set? Or do I just have to close all the windows before quitting?
I have a 2008 MacBook Pro that is running a little slow lately.I've done four years of work on it and since it's time for me to upgrade for Snow Leopard (10.6.8) to Lion I thought I'd blow everything away and then restore.I always hear Leo Laporte (The Tech Guy) recommend starting from scratch and then restoring about once a year.I'd like to install Lion as a new installation onto my MacBook Pro and then use Time Machine to do a complete system restore.I have Time Machine backing up my system every day on a 500G external drive via firewire.It's completely up to date.
1)Will I see improvement from blowing everything away, installing the new OS (Lion) and then restoring? It seems to me that if I do that I'm just putting all the same garbage that I've built up over the past four years right back where it was. Might as well just do the full Lion install and let it restore everythign on it's own.
2)Say I load Lion fresh; isn't it going to run through that whole "new user" 30 minute script where I have to input all kinds of information? Then I connect my external drive and make it do a complete restore?
I have a printer (Canon MX310) that is connected to my iMac, which is running Leopard. I've shared it via Sy Preferences > Sharing. I want to be able to print to it using my XP laptop. When I connect to my home wireless network, I can see the printer just fine in the list of printers on my laptop. But if I try and open it or send a print job to it, I get the following error: Access Denied, Unable to Connect. This is probably a very basic problem/question.
how to remove a list (be it a numbered list or a bulletted list) from Mail?I know how to stop the numbering (hit return twice) but to remove the list entirely... no idea! I've tried reducing indent etc. but without success. Control shift return simply adds a carriage return without reducing the indent. I've searched on-line and in the forums but with no success.
Info: Mac Pro, PowerMac G5, Intel macbook pro and (aged) Powerbook G4, Mac OS X (10.7)
how to remove an old iPhone (that I no longer have access to) from the Device List in Colorsync Utility? I've done a spotlight search for the text and have come up empty handed. It must be hiding in a plist somewhere...but where?
Info: MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My new hexacorer arrives tomorrow and am making plans for the switch. I originally I assumed I could remove my SSD from my current machine and just pop it in, but I realized today that the 10.6.4 build is different than the current one that Apple has seeded to the community. Am I wrong that this wouldn't work? I'd rather avoid losing a lot of my settings that I've had for over a year, unless it will be better in the long run. I have never used migration assistant and have my doubts about it's effectiveness, but wanted to know what most of you guys did when the new machine arrived. Start fresh, time machine restore, superduper, migration assistant or any other methods?
My iMac G5 is old and was put away for years after the power supply broke. Well, my 6 year old decided to fix it. Sent the power supply off for repair. $59 later, we're back on... but we are ONLY back on. Nothing is booting up. Just spinning and flashing a ???. I'm on Lion with all my other computers. How can I just nuke the old G5's OS and start fresh? I have old Snow Leopard Disks. Can I start from that?
I want to connect a wireless Epson XP 510 printer. Installed drivers from the Epson website but they do not appear to be compatible according to the drop down list in the apple menu for adding a printer.
In my house, there are several available WiFi networks, including my airport. I tried joining one of the others once when mine was down, and now my computer regularly attempts to join that one when ever it wakes up. Can I make it forget to join that network, or make mine its first preference?
I unintentionally clicked 'remove from recipients list' an email address I use all the time, now I can't undo the remove, and Mail won't autofill this address when I go to make a new email.
There used to be a way in 10.5 via some hidden preference to remove the alternating row colors in list view. I have a feeling that this hidden feature been eliminated... can anyone confirm?
When I click the Airport Networks icon in the menu bar (top right), my airport detects all the available networks. It lists some networks which are not mine and don't even require a password. Is there some way to remove these specific networks from the list, and so they don't get detected again? (I don't want to click by mistake a network that's not mine)
in my calendar, I have a list of 'categories' with different coloring but I am wanting to remove the colors/highlighting but can't find how to do that.
When I log into my System Profiler, I see that I have three items listed to StartUp. These items I do not use.
Now when I go into System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items, these items are not listed.
When I go into my Library, StartupItems is not listed.
I've have run a search for StartupItems on the entire machine but it's not located anywhere. Does anyone have an idea on how I may remove these items from my Start up?
I have a HP Deskject 9800 (USB connected) and an HP Laser Jet Pro CM1415fmw color MFP (wifi connected) all accessable from my MAcBookProÂ
Printing is a hassle from Autocad with my MAC OS. In WinXP, (prior to switching to MAC) I could assign a paper size to each printer in printer set up. Then when printing from AutoCAD I would just select the print I wanted for the paper size and done..... perfect!Â
However, in Mac with Parrallels AutoCAD does not really talk correctly through to the printers on the Mac side. So I have to go into Lion printer settings and change the paper size all the time between tabloid and US letter. I always forget and waste a lot of paper.Â
Looking for a way to set a Lion OS printer to a specific paper size and have it maintain that paper size while a different printer has a differenet paper size, but this doesn't seem possible.Â
Every time I change the paper size in the Lion OS for one printer it changes it for all printers.Â
I'm running Lion OS X server and I have set up a printer on my server (the printer is not AirPrint friendly). What I want to do is set it up the printer so that I can get iPads and iPhones to be able to see that printer and print to it. I tried a program called Printopia 2 but it did not work, now I am not sure if it is becasue I have to set up something in system preferences or something similar. I have enbaled the printer to be shared.
I have 3 Macs (iMac 24", iMac 27" and MacBook Pro 15") each are connected to their own USB Samsung printer (ML-2510 and ML 2010). Since the OSX 10.7.3 upgrade from February 3rd 2012, they all have the same problem. The printer is responding, when we send something to print, the printer starts running and then stops before printing anything. The strange thing is that the next time I try to print, it can be OK. I am able to print sometime but not always. This problem is the same on all 3 computers. I have tryed to reinstall the driver from the Samsung web site and it did not resolved the problems.Â
I have three printers and all loaded with different sized paper, A4, A3 and A5. How can i set the default paper size on each one so that i only have to select that particular printer and the OS would know what size paper it should be printing on?Â
I have a HP 7000 loaded with A3, 6500 loaded with A4 and and B110 loaded with A5. In print and fax, the default paper size is global across all three printers and I have to change it every time. I want to be able to tell the printer or OS what I want to do with each printer and tell it what type of paer is loaded and then each time I selct that printer it would know what to do?Â
Info: All Platforms, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Windows Home Server
"reinstalling lion 10.7.3" and "installing lion 10.7.3" without success?I have a "MacBook Pro Early 2011", which came with Snow Leopard, at the time Apple was offering a free Lion 10.7.2 for free, which I got but not in a DVD, download only and I recently updated to Lion 10.7.3. Today I used my wife's MacBook 2006 with 2GB Ram and the machine was faster to respond than mine with 4GB ram, so I would like to re-install Lion 10.7.3 from scratch. I have the partition with with the Recovery HD, I assume it is Lion 10.7.2. Since I only have the Snow Leopard DVD, what would be the easiest and better method doing a Lion 10.7.3 fresh install?