OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can 'set' Desktop Order So That It Does Not Change
Apr 19, 2012
I've enjoyed the gestures on the MacBook Pro with Lion OSX very cool. I've started to swipe left and right with three fingers to switch between desktops, very nice and quick. However, if I forget and "click" to one of the applications that has it's own desktop it changes my desktop order. Can I "fix" or "set" the desktop order? Example: Mail desktop 1, Safari desktop 2, Word Processor desktop 3, Calendar desktop 4, Contacts desktop 5?If I forget to swipe between desktops but instead click in the menu bar the order of the desktops changes. Can I "set" the desktop order so that it does not change?
my system preferences is not working, i was trying to change my desktop picture and it says loading pictures and comes up with a colour wheel, i have left it for a few days and nothing has happened.
I am unable to change my desktop background. I can select whatever picture I want as the background in system preferences, but it won't actually change the background. Tried updating and restarting, did not work. Would there be any files or settings I have interfering with this?
Using a new macbook pro and can't find a way to change the font style for folders displayed on the desktop. Running Lion. The font for folders on the desktop currently uses a shadow effect and it's hard to read.
following the proper directions with get info etc. icons from websites will not change on imac desktop with downloaded icons with either png or jpg extensions
I can't change the desktop back ground on my Mac book pro. When I go to system preferences and select desktop & screen saver the window stays not responding. i have to quit it from the activity monitor.
I set the desktop background picture to photos on Aperture through right mouse clicking to "change destop background".
All the photos fhrough Aperture are present. I click the photo and it changes. I also use the screen saver using aperture photos. All of these photos are on an external drive and has been working flawlessly with Lion on my older imac.
Last week I bought a new imac with Lion. Everything is working the same as above except for when I shut down the imac. When I boot it back up, the mac supplied image of the milky way appears and the photo I had on the desktop prior to shutting down has been replaced by this.
The external is mounted and the screen saver after 5 minutes will show my Aperture photos....it is just the desktop photo that has been replaced..
I have a bunch of flash drives I need to format for work, and we want to put our company logo as the icon for each drive. We wanted to format them as MS-Dos Fat so that they'll be readable and writeable on both Mac and Windows computers. But when I format them that way and change the icon, it displays as a generic preview JPEG image instead of the real image or even the default hard drive icon.
I managed to fix it so the icon will display properly in Snow Leopard, but in Lion the drive still mounts with the generic Preview thumbnail.
Is there any way I can easily format a flash drive so that a) it will be readable and writeable on Windows and OSX machines and b) have the icon for the drive appear correctly on Lion, Snow Leopard, and windows machines?
It is odd: pre update (the latest) I could download to my literal desktop, or drag and drop a photo from iPhoto, an mp3 to mail later from iTunes.....Now I can only do that from within the finder in the "desktop" window. In other words: If I download (I prefer to download onto my desktop rather than the download folder-window. I want to have control over ny desktop again (rather than the folder-window entitled "desktop".
I know that I used to be able to drag songs to a different order in my iTunes playlists, but tonight, no matter the order that I add the songs to the playlist, or Smart Playlist, the order of the songs is alphabetically arranged, and the only other option is to click on "name" but then it just does reverse alphabetical order.Is something different, in a recent iTunes upgrade? I'm a music teacher and I am trying to put the songs in the order that my students will be performing them next week?
Info: iTunes, Mac OS X (10.6.8), using Time Machine external hard dr
I posted 2 items to my blog--the first one is in February 2010 and the next in august 2010. it has the august one first. I can't seem to get the feb one in front.
My order MBA 2012 2.0GHz Intel Dual-Core Core i78GB 1600MHz DDR3L SDRAM256GB Flash StorageKeyboard/User's Guide-THACountry Kit-THA status change to "Preparing for Shipment" But why still ships 2-3 weeks?
Some time in the past week or to, the search results that are returend from Finder, are now in descending order. I have no idea when or how that was changed, but I'd like to change it back to ascending. How do I accomplish?
I tried clicking and right clicking the column header. Nothing. Can't find anything Settings either.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), New hardrive installed may 2012
I just bought my first Mac a few weeks back and the switch has been going good but have had one thing that I can't seem to find any info on...
Is it possible to change the boot order on a Mac like in the BIOS on a PC? The reason I ask is that when I have my external hard drive connected the bootup time is slower.
Could this be that the Mac equivalent of the BIOS is doing a quick scan of the hard drive first, looking for an bootable operating system? Or is that extra time just OS X mounting the hard drive?
At the moment my oldest emails come into my inbox first. I would like my newest emails to appear first instead of having to go through the pages of old emails to reach the new ones?
Having now added a GMail IMAP account to Mail, I find that it's folders come at the bottom of the window, with 'Mailboxes', 'Trash', 'Reminders', 'On My MAc', RSS above the GMail Top level mailbox and therfore the subsequent cascaded mailboxes...
When you click on any folder on the desktop and you click the gear icon and go to the "Arrange by" option and select "Date created", it puts the newest items toward the beginning of the folder. Is there any way to change that so the older items are at the top and the newer are at the bottom?
Many records in my address book have multiple email addresses. No big deal but I wonder if there is a way to tell Address Book / Mail which address to pick as the default.
For example I send a litttle news email one a week to a group of contacts. I want to send this email to people's personal -- not business -- email address. I've created a group in Address Book and type that group name in my Mail to line and the group pops up. But a few of the records pick the corporate address and I have to go in and change those addresses.
I just tried editing one record ... I deleted both "work" and "home" addresses from a record. Then reentered them "home" first, "work" second. But when I closed the edit Address Book listed them in the original order (maybe alpha).
I have a problem with SOME of my albums in itunes. Some of them ( aprox 20%) are displaying the sogns within an album in an alphabetical order. I do not have "track" in the column header selected. I have tried selecting "track #"but this does not rectify the track names into the original album order. I can not manually enter the track number either in the "track #" field to manually rectify this as iTunes does not allow you do this. It is really frustrating that I have to listen to some of my albums in alpabetical song name order rather than the order the artist wanted me to. See an attached example screenshot for Erykah Badu's Baduizm Album.
There's something that's been bugging me for ages, literally years:
I've got a whole lot of music, 45 days worth, and I view it by date added and want to keep it that way for a number of reasons.
Problem is, when I want to play an album I have to click on the first track, then switch to album (or artist) display by the end of that track.
The other day I added an album by dragging it into iTunes in the Finder. I noticed that I could start and stop and advance and rewind tracks and it would go in order, from first to last track, even in Date Added mode, so it was visually moving up and down instead of from top to bottom.
Is there secretly a way to view in Date Added but have the next track be the next track on that album? Besides dragging the tracks into iTunes from the Finder I mean.
If anyone has a way to do this, it would seriously improve my life and I would be infinitely grateful.