Intel Mac :: Change Search Results To Ascending Order?
Jul 5, 2012
Some time in the past week or to, the search results that are returend from Finder, are now in descending order. I have no idea when or how that was changed, but I'd like to change it back to ascending. How do I accomplish?Â
I tried clicking and right clicking the column header. Nothing. Can't find anything Settings either. Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), New hardrive installed may 2012
I can type a search word into Spotlight. It will show results. I then open let's say an Appleworks text document from that search. Then I close that document and retry the same search: Now that same document will not show up in the search results for that exact word and it WILL NEVER show up again in search results. In other words after a file has been found and opened in search once , it will never appear in search results again for the same word.Â
I am unable to use the search window on the right to get results when Google is selected as the search engine.I type in a search term and I am directed to a blank google search page. I have to type in the search term again, then I see a list of "hits". But when
I click on one of these hits I am not directed to the URL displayed. I have quit out of Safari and relaunched. I have rebooted my Mac. Neither changes the problem... This is a Google problem: I have the same symptoms when I use Safari on Windows XP. When I switch the search engine to Bing, the problems go away, for both platforms Has Google been hacked? Is this a Google attack on Safari?  How can I enter GoGoDuck as a search engine choice? Â
I'm searching for a file in Finder. When I select "Preferences", which is the directory I'm in, it finds the file but when I select "This Mac" it doesn't.
Say I search for "mp3" on my airdisk via finder. No results show up even though I know for a fact there are mp3's on the air disk.
I select "shared" and "filename" in the search bar when it comes up to search all shared drives with the filename (which has mp3 in it). Is this because spotlight doesn't index this drive?
My question is about "Preview". I have a very large PDF document that I am using preview to view. After doing a search for a specific word, preview has returned 1200 results. The results panel shows the page number the result is found on and the line of text on which the searched-for-word is found. My question is this: Is there a way to export this information from preview to something like an excel file? The end result would look like a table with two columns. One with the page numbers and one with the line of text in which the word appears.
Unable to see the search results in the iTunes App Store.
I'm using iTunes v10.6.3. Whenever I type in my search criteria, all I get is a black box underneath my search bar (see photograph, top right). Using my cursor, all I get when going down inside the black box area is horizontal white bars with no text.
I'm on a MacBook, 10.6.8. I just got an iPad 3 & iPhone 4GS. The Apple store set them up for me. They also set up Mail for me, which I've never had before (because I use Yahoo), and which totally confounds me and which I suspect is related to this problem. Now when I search for, say, a document, hundreds of emails are listed as well, making it difficult, time-consuming and frustrating to find the item I really want. Is there a way to filter out or turn off email results (and websites for that matter, since I don't search for them that way) in search results?
I upgraded about a month ago from 10.6. I have since discovered that Spotlight will show up search results using a Western Digital external drive but no results when I use my Seagate Back Up Plus external drive, which is the main drive I use. How to get Spotlight to get to search the Seagate drive?Â
Info: iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 21.5" Mid July 2011
Safari keeps quitting on me due to a plugin called ".foxeasyvideo.png". When I search for the plugin in finder, I get no results. I look in my main and user library under "internet plugins" and nothing is in there under that name. How do I find and delete this plugin? Safari is quitting almost every time I use it.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Using Safari 5.1.5
I work everyday with my 21.5' iMac and it had OS Lion before I updated to Mavericks last month. As I work with lots of files, I have also a 1TB Lacie external drive pluged into it via firewire and I constantly access these files. After I updated though, I'm experiencing a strange problem. Everytime I search for a file on Finder, all the results that come up can't be edited or even selected. This is driving me crazy because I must open another tab and go all the way through the file I want as I can't select any file from the searches. All the search results come up written in gray color and with a empty circle on its left side. I can't even click on them! For better explanation, here is a picture of what happens:
Before the update, I used to normally access every result the search came up to.
I have another iMac here in the network with Mavericks too and all the searches returns with selectable and editable results.
today i was on my macbook and realized that all of my alert sounds were not working. for example, if i got a new message in ichat or new email there would be no sound. Also, when i take a screenshot there is no sound, but there usually is one. My speakers are working because i am able to play music in itunes. Also, i system preferences, the search box does not show any results like it always does
when i run a search in mail it is totally cluttered up with what appear to be DRAFTS of outgoing emails that are in the there a way to stop mail from creating these or to hide them from my search results?it's like someone upturned my trash buckets onto my desk over here.
When I am using Google image search in Safari, my MacBook freezes for about 20-30 seconds before it shows the results. It just shows me grey boxes in the beginning and loads for a long time. I had the same issue with my old MBPro, but also with my beand-new one.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Example: when I type 'wireless info' into Spotlight on my computer the document 'wireless info' is the 29th search result listed. The top hit is a mail message named 'Re: Re: Reset the device, and new wireless info'. The other 27 items in the list above the document I was looking for are things like 'Introducing Portland.doc' and 'Les Amis B&B'.Â
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7
Maybe I really don't know what I'm doing. On my regular finder I can have a list and manipulate the order. (i.e. change the order from the oldest to the most recent. Or even largest to smallest files) This is normal to me. What I don't understand is that when I create a search, I don't have that option to adjust the order of the date created, size, etc. When I try to adjust the options view in the search, it will not allow me to.
I have a new macbook pro. Scrolling, i.e. 2-finger, on the trackpad often, but randomly, results in font size changes (e.g. in Safari, mail, etc.); in word and powerpoint it often changes a word or paragraph to subscript or superscript. This also happens often with cursor movement on the trackpad, i.e. single finger sweeps. It appears that trackpad usage is randomly triggering command+ or command-.
I've enjoyed the gestures on the MacBook Pro with Lion OSX very cool. I've started to swipe left and right with three fingers to switch between desktops, very nice and quick. However, if I forget and "click" to one of the applications that has it's own desktop it changes my desktop order. Can I "fix" or "set" the desktop order? Example: Mail desktop 1, Safari desktop 2, Word Processor desktop 3, Calendar desktop 4, Contacts desktop 5?If I forget to swipe between desktops but instead click in the menu bar the order of the desktops changes. Can I "set" the desktop order so that it does not change?
I know that I used to be able to drag songs to a different order in my iTunes playlists, but tonight, no matter the order that I add the songs to the playlist, or Smart Playlist, the order of the songs is alphabetically arranged, and the only other option is to click on "name" but then it just does reverse alphabetical order.Is something different, in a recent iTunes upgrade? I'm a music teacher and I am trying to put the songs in the order that my students will be performing them next week?
Info: iTunes, Mac OS X (10.6.8), using Time Machine external hard dr
I posted 2 items to my blog--the first one is in February 2010 and the next in august 2010. it has the august one first. I can't seem to get the feb one in front.
My order MBA 2012 2.0GHz Intel Dual-Core Core i78GB 1600MHz DDR3L SDRAM256GB Flash StorageKeyboard/User's Guide-THACountry Kit-THAÂ status change to "Preparing for Shipment" But why still ships 2-3 weeks?
I just bought my first Mac a few weeks back and the switch has been going good but have had one thing that I can't seem to find any info on...
Is it possible to change the boot order on a Mac like in the BIOS on a PC? The reason I ask is that when I have my external hard drive connected the bootup time is slower.
Could this be that the Mac equivalent of the BIOS is doing a quick scan of the hard drive first, looking for an bootable operating system? Or is that extra time just OS X mounting the hard drive?