OS X V10.7 Lion :: AFP To SL Server Dropping From 10.7.4 IMac?

Jun 18, 2012

We have one user out of 12 iMac where her AFP connection to the 10.6.8 SL Server keeps dropping every now and then, say between 10 and 20 minutes... It is an architect office and they are using Archicad 15 and modify files direclty on the server. At each connection drop, the tool's  autosave does not work and the user needs to save the files locally, reinstate the AFP connection and manually copy the files back on the  server. We tried wired and wifi with no changes in the problem behavior.  

She has a recent 27' iMac (6 months old- came with Lion) with 10.7.4, the issue was already happening before upgrading to 10.7.4 last week. The rest of the office just moved to Lion in the last two weeks. Migrating the server to Lion is in the pipe, but with this issue it is on hold until we clear this. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Server Share on SL server 10.6.8

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OS X :: Dropping Mounted Shares - Server Unavailable

Apr 13, 2009

On my MacBook Pro I have set up a bunch of shares to mount upon login. They then are presented by icons on the desktop, all using server "afp://BMK-rnp (AFP)._afpovertco._tcp.local/SHARE NAME". The shares are hosted on my Infrant/NetGear ReadyNAS Pro, which uses the AFP protocol, and advertises the AFP service over Bonjour. However, when I have had the MBP sleeping for a few hours, not just a few minutes, and I open it back up, it has lost the connection to the shares. I get a message that the server is unavailable, and that the shares are disconnected. I can't do anything about it, except disconnect the shares in the pop-up, open up finder, and click on the "BMK-rnp (AFP)" icon under shared, and then reconnect to the shares. Is there a way, using std. OSX tools, to "re-connect" to the shares? I have tried a small utility - "Bounjour Mounter" - but I never got it working right.

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OS X :: Wireless Connection Keeps Dropping On IMac C2D?

Jan 24, 2007

My iMac has been connected wirelessly to my D-Link DI-604 802.11g router for near 4 months now.

About 3 days ago, the iMac started to exhibit strange problems.

Every 3-4 minutes, the connection drops.

The airport icon at the top shows full bars (and the router is about 2 feet from the iMac) but the internet does not work anymore.

Also, if I deconnect and try to reconnect, at first it gives me an error ("there was an error connecting to network XXX"), then my network disappears from the list for 1-2minutes and then I can connect.

I think it has to do with an authentication problem but the password is correct etc.

I don't know what may cause this.

My PC with a wireless card is unaffected.

It seems to be a software problem with my iMac.

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IMac PPC :: Why Does It Keep Dropping The Wireless Connection

Feb 14, 2012

why does my iMac keep dropping the wireless connection

iPhone 3GS, iOS 4.3.2

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Wifi Keeps Cutting Out On IMac

Feb 12, 2012

for the last few days my wi fi cuts out. If I go to the diagnostics it turns back on. It says that my network configurations have changed but then allows me to access it. But the next time I go to use it it has gone again.

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IMac :: Bluetooth Dropping Connection While Asleep

Jan 7, 2011

Recently, I've been having an issue where neither my Apple bluetooth Keyboard or Magic Trackpad pair automatically with the iMac at my password login screen. This forces me to hold down the power button and force a restart of the machine. Both accessories have plenty of battery power and pair fine after restarting. In a related problem, sometimes neither accessory will wake the iMac from sleep and I suspect it's because the bluetooth is dropping connection while asleep, thus making it impossible to wake up the iMac. Corrupt bluetooth .plist file? Or, could there be a problem with the iMac's built in bluetooth?

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IMac :: New 24" Keeps Dropping AirPort Connection?

Sep 5, 2008

this is my first post, i tried searching but theres so much there

I just purchased a new iMac 24" its beautiful. I hooked it up and it connected to my router without any real issues but it keeps dropping the connection at random, and its really getting irritating. Do i have a defective model? should i take it back?

So to sum it up, brand new iMac with Leopard installed, AirPort initially connects to my home network, and everything seems fine, but the connection drops at random, then comes back, VERY UNSTABLE. im ready to return the damn thing.

oh, both my pc's connect without any issues, also it seems like the network connection stays, just the internet goes away and in safari it says your computer isnt connected to the internet, but its connected to the network.

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OS X :: Airport Express / IMac G4 Dropping Connection?

Oct 9, 2009

I recently got an iMac G4. It had no wireless, and since that's what I use I bought the (correct) Airport Express Card. I installed it without a hitch, and it seemed to be working fine, until I reinstalled Leopard. Now every 2-3 minutes Airport will simply drop the connection. I have no idea why. I have updated all the firmware, but it continues to drop the connection.

I should also note that I'm on a MacBook right now that hasn't dropped the connection to the same wireless network.

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IMac PPC :: Use WPA2 Or WEP Without The Connection Dropping Every Few Seconds

Mar 18, 2012

I have an old iMac from circa 2003 that I just reformatted for my kids to use. Since the reformat I have not been able to get the computer to connect to the Airport Extreme on my Time Machine. Now my Time Machine was set to WPA2 so I changed it to a straight WEP and the iMac can handle that but it keeps dropping the connection every 15 to 20 seconds. Can I get the iMac to use WPA2 and or how can I stop the iMac from rejected the Wi-Fi connection every few seconds?  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.4), Connecting to Time Machine

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Imac Keeps On Dropping Out Of Wireless Network

Apr 9, 2012

my imac keeps on dropping out of the wireless network,  when hardwired i have no problem.  I also have a laptop,printer and ipod, all of which work fine.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Why Keep Losing Network Connection On IMac

Feb 27, 2012

My mac is set to automatically connect to the internet, but since downloading Mac Lion 10.7.3, I'm having problems. I have to reconnect to the internet repeatedly throughout the day. I also recently updated Microsoft office - not sure if that's somehow related.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: WiFi Dropping Out On 10.7.4

Jun 25, 2012

Since I updated my Macbook pro to 10.7.4 my Wi-Fi connection is dropping out every 10 / 15 minutes, then I disable and enable and back to normal, a thousand times each day since last Saturday, it is boring!

I called Apple Support today, and we spent all morning trying to correct with some procedures, but nothing worked.

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Hardware :: IMac Dropping WiFi Active Connection

Jul 31, 2010

My Linksys WRT610N with the latest firmware worked fantastically on multiple Windows 7-based ThinkPad. However, three (3) different iMac's have had the very same problem of dropping the connection and of my having to powercycle both my cable modem and the W610 router for it to work again at all! Once it drops the active connection, that's it. I have tried a few different settings and nothing has made a difference.

Can you maybe help point me in the right direction or should I just ditch it for an AirPort Extreme or Time Capsule? One additional point: It works worst in the 5GHz frequency band, even though there are none in my neighborhood, and if there are, they have their SSID's (network name) hidden. The 2.4GHz band is extremely crowded where I am which makes it difficult to enjoy my WiFi connection.

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IMac :: WiFi Bluetooth Keyboard - - Dropping Randomly

Jul 29, 2009

I just bought a $107 (au) wireless keyboard for my 24 inch 3.06 GHZ last gen iMac and upon installing it the Wi-Fi has been dropping out randomly. I checked bluetooth update and software update and it is all up to date. What do i do?

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OS X :: 10.6.1 WiFi Dropping Signals On Late 2007 IMac

Sep 15, 2009

Ever since I installed to 10.6.1, I have been having issues with WiFi.

I'm only getting 3 bars, and my iMac is sitting less then a foot away from my AEBS, on 10.6 I was getting 4, also I've been dropping my WiFi connection every hour or so, and I have to turn AirPort in on my iMac off and turn AirPort back on.

This is really annoying and I don't know what to do, anyone have any ideas?

I've already reset my AEBS twice and that hasn't worked.

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: AD LDAP Connects To Lion Server But Does Not Show Users / Groups

Feb 19, 2012

I have a server in our DMZ that connects to Active Directory LDAP server (non-ssl over 389) but no objects actually show up in the directory editor. I get a green light in my Network Account Server, but queries against LDAP return no results. My end goal is to be able to dictate to Profile Manager what LDAP groups are allowed to enroll devices. I tested on our internal network on a test server and get the same results. Anyone have any luck connecting a Lion Server to LDAP and actually being able to view and utilize users and groups?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Server

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: WiFi Keeps Dropping Out When IPad Is OK

Apr 19, 2012

Wi-Fi keeps dropping out when IPad works OK

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Intel Mac :: Lion Keep Dropping WiFi

May 8, 2012

My Lion OS 10.7.3 iMac just does not seem to be able to hold a stable connection with my home wifi network. After around ten minutes, sometimes more, sometimes less, usually when I've gotten up to do something else, the wifi is lost. It stays "connected" to the network (ie the wifi bars are black) but no internet comes through. Every time this happens, I turn WiFi off and reconnect and it fixes it every time, but it is still extremely inconvenient and troublesome to have to redo this constantly.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Prevent Wifi From Dropping Out

Jun 24, 2012

how to prevent wifi from dropping out in Lion. I did'nt have this problem when I was using Snow Lepeard.

Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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IMac (Intel) :: Thunderbolt To Firewire 800 Adaptor - Connection Dropping

Aug 29, 2014

I have a new iMac purchased in Q1 2014 and connect my G-Grive to it via an Apple Thunderbolt to Firewire 800 adapter. My iMac runs 24x7 and this FireWire 800 hard drive connection drops out on a regular basis - I'd say maybe once every week or so leading to a dismounted drive and an unavailable iTunes library. I have a slightly newer USB3 G-Drive which is connected by the USB socket next to the TB socket on my iMac. This one doesn't drop out/dismount. I cannot tell if it is a software issue or a physical (cable movement issue), the plug has never been out and I can't deliberately disconnect it at will by wobbling the cable/plug.

So, evidence and experimentation suggests the physical connection is not the issue. This problem has only come about after switching from a physical FW800 connection (my old iMac) to working via a TB adaptor (my new iMac). I'd rather not replace with more USB3 G-Drives (lack of free ports) and I'm not sure if I want to invest in a TB drive if the connections cannot be relied upon. I've seen lots of complaints of TB-FW800 connections dropping on MacBooks but did not see a specific solution. .

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Late 2012 core i5 2.9GHz

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IMac (Intel) :: When Dragging And Dropping Files They Copy Instead Of Moving

Aug 28, 2014

When dragging and dropping files, they copy instead of moving.

They used to just move without copying.

How do I undo this?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Connection Dropping After Sleep Mode

Feb 6, 2012

My connection via wifi keeps dropping after sleep mode.  I am running Lion on Imac, new out the box a month or two ago and all up to date.  I have tried the whole adding a new connection and removing all connections and starting again and still it keeps happening.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 21.5 (2.7 I5) 8GB 10.7.3 Keeps Dropping Its Internet Connection?

Feb 14, 2012

I have an iMac 2.7 i5, 8GB, OS X Lion 10.7.3.  I purchased this iMac just about 3 weeks ago and from the beginning experienced regular dropping of the internet connection. I have cleared all other networks that appeared in the Preferred Network window other than my own. I have also unchecked the "Remember what other networks this computer has joined" box just in case I needed to. No luck. I am using an ATT 2Wire wireless router that's just over a year old but I haven't experienced the connection drop problem with an older Macbook (about 4 years old) that I also own.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Keeps Dropping Ethernet Internet Connection?

Mar 5, 2012

I know this has been a wifi issue for many, but this is occurring with ethernet as well on our iMac 2.93. Only began with Lion update. All other 5 Macs (Snow Lep/Lep/Tiger) and several PC's on network have no problem. Have set iMac's internet connections to static/manual ip. Worked for a few days, then back to dropping. This is obviously an OS issue.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: WiFi Connection Keeps On Dropping Wasting Much Of Time

Apr 10, 2012

My airport keeps dropping and it is wasting so much of my time. I have tried all the methods suggested online and none of the worked. I want to go back to snow leopard but I don't have my disc. And can I have my money back from Lion? I really will not use that until it is fixed.

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Intel Mac :: WiFi Still Dropping Even After Clean Lion Install

Jun 28, 2012

I upgraded to Lion after its release and ever since then my wifi has been driving me crazy. The wifi disconnects, and when I click on my network I get the error that the connection timed out. I'm always forced to turn the wifi off and then back on. It happened a ton, and consistently. It's extremely frustrating especially when I'm in the middle of a movie on my Apple TV and my iMac loses its internet and interrupts the show. Sometimes it happens three or more times during one show. So I decided to do a clean install of Lion. I made sure all my important documents were on my Hard Drive and even wrote a list out of every application that I use regularly. Then I completely reformatted my hard drive and did a clean install of Lion.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Internet Sharing Dropping Wifi Signal After Update To 10.7.4

May 24, 2012

Equipment: iMac 21.5" 2.5GHz Quad Core i5  

Internet Set-up: Cable modem to iMac Ethernet 

Problem: After recent update to Lion 10.7.4, my Wi-Fi signal via Internet Sharing keeps dropping. Have multiple iDevices failing that were working perfectly with 10.7.3 (Nook and iPhone 4). iPhone shows full Wi-Fi signal strength and works for a short time after reset (via Wi-Fi off/on, Internet Sharing off/on). Continues to show full Wi-Fi signal strength but loses connection after 1-2 minutes. And not just internet connection; I can't transfer pics/vids from iPhone to iMac either. Have switched to a channel no one nearby is using (channel 9) to no avail.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Doesn't The Original Document That Dragging And Dropping From One Folder To Another Move

May 13, 2012

Why doesn't the original document I'm dragging and dropping from one folder to another move? What's happening is the computer is creating a duplicte of the document and placing it in the new location with a new creation date.  The original document I wanted to drag and drop into a new location remains where it started as the "original" document and the new copy has this little arrow protruding up from the lower left of its icon. At first I thought it was an alias, but it's a copy of the document I thought I was dragging and dropping. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 20" Apple Cinema Screen, Safari 5.Mail, Address Book 5.

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Can Migrate Older Emails By Dragging And Dropping Relevant Library Files?

Aug 31, 2014

Older emails: can I manually migrate? I want to drag files from Library. Will the newer ones in boot drive be replaced?

OS X Mountain Lion :: Can migrate older emails (after hard drive change) by dragging and dropping relevant Library files?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), 8G RAM

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Data Drive On Server For Student Files But Only Using 40gb And Says Out Of Space?

Apr 16, 2012

I have 1 tb data drive on server for student files but only using 40gb and says out of space. I cannot figure out where the space is located.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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