OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Doesn't The Original Document That Dragging And Dropping From One Folder To Another Move
May 13, 2012
Why doesn't the original document I'm dragging and dropping from one folder to another move? What's happening is the computer is creating a duplicte of the document and placing it in the new location with a new creation date. The original document I wanted to drag and drop into a new location remains where it started as the "original" document and the new copy has this little arrow protruding up from the lower left of its icon. At first I thought it was an alias, but it's a copy of the document I thought I was dragging and dropping.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 20" Apple Cinema Screen, Safari 5.Mail, Address Book 5.
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May 30, 2010
I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard and found that a function I used to use isn't available anymore, but not sure if I just need to configure it or something.
What I'd like to be able to do is when I drag a file over an external hard drive disk image, I like for that to open so I can choose the sub-directory where I'd like to place the file. How can I set up 10.6.x to allow me to do this?
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Aug 31, 2014
Older emails: can I manually migrate? I want to drag files from Library. Will the newer ones in boot drive be replaced?
OS X Mountain Lion :: Can migrate older emails (after hard drive change) by dragging and dropping relevant Library files?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), 8G RAM
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Jul 4, 2012
I just got a Mac Pro with a 250GB SSD drive and 2 1TB drives. I planned to use the 250GB drive for the OS and the other two drives for all my data. How do I move the location of Documents, Music, Pictures...? In Windows, you can move the folder location, but I'm not sure if you can do this w OSX.Â
If this isn't possible, what's the best way to keep my data off the 250GB drive?
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Aug 28, 2014
When dragging and dropping files, they copy instead of moving.
They used to just move without copying.
How do I undo this?
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Dec 31, 2009
I've looked at some other posts that have gone over how to move files to an external drive, and they all say to use command while moving. I understand this copies the file and deletes the original, but when you make a copy and delete the original, you lose some of the original data, such as creation date, etc... This makes storage and organization more complicated than it has to be.
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Apr 6, 2012
I accidently moved the "Safari Window", and now I can see only part of it.Â
I know I can drag & move the windows. But I'm wondering that If it's possible to move the Safari window to it's "ORIGINAL" place.Â
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 11, 2012
After installing Lion, I can no longer move program icons from my applications folder to a sub folder. When I do, it makes a copy and leave the original in the applications folder. When I then try to delete the icon in the applications folder it tells me it's required by the OS and won't let me delete. I'm forced to keep certan applications such as Time Machine and Stickies in the application folder.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 8, 2012
This is a recent occurrence i ust to be able to move hundreds at once?why this changed and what di I do about it?
I Mac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Mar 27, 2012
My Applications were in an Applications Folder on my HD folder so I decided to move them to what I think is the correct place to have them the Applications Folder that is in my Home Folder.I tried to move it but it wouldnt move directly so I copied it to the Desktop and from the Desktop moved it into the Home Folder Applications Folder. So far so good.I then wanted to delet the original Applications from the HD folder.I can't delete it so now I have duplicate Application Folders and duplicate Applications.how I might delete the origial folder? I'm running Lion 10.7.3.
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Jun 16, 2012
I have not needed a pasword in the past and I remember years ago in was not possible for a P/W for a document folder.Has there been any changes that now allow for passwords for a document? If not, any free apps out there for it?
Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Feb 2, 2009
I am repeatedly running into the problem where as I'm trying to move clips in Logic by clicking and dragging to the right, I accidentally trigger Spaces which thinks I want to move something to the space to the right of the one I am currently in. (Is this making sense - am I explaining it ok?) So instead of moving my clips to the right I end up in another space. This is of course not what I want. I never use spaces since I always just hide apps I'm not using, and navigate back to them with Cmd+Tab. So I wouldn't mind disabling Spaces.
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Sep 21, 2009
1. I've heard that installing applications is as simple as dragging and dropping the file into the Apps folder. Is this true? What about the more complex programs like Photoshop etc?2. In iPhoto 09, I know about Events and how they group photos together by date etc. but I'd like to have more general events like "My Nephew" "Nights out" "Sports Photos" that could span years. Is this do-able?3. Is it possible to hide an entire event in iPhoto?4. Does iPhoto use destructive image-editing techniques? Or is it non-destructive, keeping the original safe and un-edited?
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Dec 7, 2007
I made a specific list style that I need to use commonly, but to apply it to new documents I have to import the style from the original document I created it with. Is there a way to make it a default list so I can access it in all new pages documents?
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Mar 17, 2012
how do I move a folder with its contents? I can copy them but not move them.Intel iMac running latest Lion.
iMac intel, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Apr 16, 2012
I have an annoying problem with application switching since I have upgraded to Mac OS Lion from Snow Leopard.Now switching between applications doesn't work as good as it was in Snow Leopard.
Right now I have Finder and Xcode opened. Xcode is assigned to only one specific Desktop and Finder is assigned to None. And when I am in Xcode for example and use Cmd-Tab to switch to Finder, it deactivates my current window, but doesn't move to the space with Finder or makes Finder active. Then, I press Cmd-Tab again, and it makes Finder active (My top panel controls show Finder now) but I still stay in the space with Xcode. And further switching doesn't do anything. So I then need to manually to click on the Finder icon in the Dock. And the same is vice versa when switching from Finder to Xcode.Â
If I switch by clicking the Finder Dock icon it then works in two steps: first time it deactivates current window, and after second click it moves to Finder Desktop and makes Finder active.Â
Another issue is with Safari when I am in Fullscreen mode and have also Activity window opened. If I am in Finder and switch with Cmd-Tab to Safari, it just shows me the Activity window in the same Desktop no matter how many times I Cmd-Tab. To switch to Main Safari window I need to click on the Dock icon.If I switch only by clicking the Dock icon, then I again need to click it twice.Â
Option for moving to space with selected application in Preference Pane is switched on and Automatically rearrangement of last used applications as well.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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Sep 12, 2014
I've been a Mac user for a few years now but I was reluctant to update to Mavericks because whenever I hadn't done a clean install my macbook would become very slow and unstable, so I was using Lion until I bought a new Macbook.
Before, whenever I wanted to delete an app I'd open the Application folder on the Dock and drag it straight to the trash from there. In Mavericks, however, when I try to do that the app just stays there, and I have to open the application folder on Finder to be able to drag it (and it prompts me for my password). Is there a way I could go back to deleting them right from the App folder in the dock (and not having to type my password every time)?Â
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Nov 19, 2010
In Office 2008, you can move "Microsoft User Data" in "Documents" folder to "~/Library/Preferences/".
In office 2011, this trick does not work. Whenever I move "Microsoft User Data" to "~/Library/Preferences/", it will be re-created in "Documents" again.
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Oct 29, 2008
I've come across a strange behaviour of Finder when copying a folder over another with the same name. I'm using 10.4.11.
Say I have a folder named "Test" and it contains "File1" and "File2" and I copy it over another folder named "Test", which contains "File3" and "File4".
After copying I would expect folder "Test" to contain all four files, but it doesn't! It will only contain the two that I copied over, the original two will be deleted.
Is there any way to have finder replace files of the same name when copying and retain all other files in the destination folder?
/Test/File3, File4After:
/Test/File1, File2Desired:
/Test/File1, File2, File3, File4
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May 19, 2012
My Finder on my iMac keeps freezing when I try to move a folder or file, or when I try to empty the trash can. I have tried to Force Quit Finder, but when I do it does not start back up and I have to manually turn the computer off with the power button.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iPhoto 11
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May 15, 2012
i can't delete, move, rename file, folder in my memory.
i can't format, erase on disk utility.Â
MacBook Pro, MC313
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Jun 24, 2012
I have set up my mom with an older Macbook Pro of mine to save her from the evils of the PC. I set up two users, one for her and one for me; hers is uber simple (big icons, only the essentials in the doc) mine is crazy complicated. We share apps, of course, which was fine until I realized she is going to want to download Mah Jongg game apps and the like from the App Store, and I would LOVE it if I didn't have to have all that cluttering up the root Applications folder. I already tried to move one app from root to her user's Applications folder and all that moved was an alias, the app stayed at root. So how does one move these things? Is there a way via the finder? Can I use terminal.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 20, 2012
I place document icons in my finder sidebar, and sometime later they change to folder icons. Does not matter which application they come from, it seems to happen to them all, but they are still linked to the correct documents.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 19, 2009
I have finally retired my 13 inch macbook i've had for over 3 years. I bought one of the unibody 13" macbook pros and did a clean snow leopard installation, then upgraded to 10.6.1. Since then my mac experience has gone from bright sunny days to death and doom.
My airport is the major issue, it keeps dropping signal and doesn't pick up my netgear router. it works for 5-10 minutes then just looses it by itself. i try and see if there is an update or something for it but it crashes the airport and i have to switch the airport off and then on again. This is along with all my favorite snow leopard/13" mbp issues which include but not limited to the laptop freezes, hangups, and just failing to come out of sleep mode!!! most of these issues requires me to force restart the machine. I'm now back to my old laptop seeing that I'm struggling to connect wirelessly.
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Jun 14, 2012
How do I move a document from my MacBook Pro to my iPad?
Info:macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.4.5)
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Sep 11, 2009
Is there an affordable app that will move an Excel spreadsheet into an html document without losing the format? Or a method of doing it? I've done it before but can't remember how I did it.
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Jun 6, 2012
In Text Edit, when I drag the little proxy icon (the little page symbol in the title bar next to the title) to a new location such as a folder or a disk, it creates an ALIAS of that document rather than moving or copying the actual document itself.  Why would I want to create an alias of the file on a disk? I NEVER want to do that!In the past, you could MOVE or COPY the document my dragging that proxy, depending on your desire. If you just dragged it (with no modifier keys) you moved the document. I can hold down the option key to COPY the file now but I see no way to simply MOVE the document to a different folder on my HD by dragging that proxy icon. First Apple removed the ability to drag a document to the trash by dragging the proxy, and now it eliminated the ability to move it to another folder. Apple has basically broken the functioning of that little proxy icon, which was a useful feature in the past. Is there a way to change it back?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Feb 1, 2010
I'm working on an automator actions in Snow Leopard to convert a bunch of small groups of images that i have to single PDF files with multiple pages. What is want it to do exactly is take an input of several files, turn them into pages of a PDF, then give that PDF the name of the first file and then save it in the same folder as the first file, or something to that effect. Essentially I need the output to go to the same location as the source and to have the same name as any one of the files. It seems really simple, but I've googled and dug around Automator to no avail; I've managed to get every step except saving the output file where I want it.
The other ideal thing would be for it to run through a folder and go into all of its subfolders and combine each group of images into a different PDF file. In other worlds, if folders B and C are inside folder A, I can select folder A and it will go into folder B and make a PDF out of all of the images inside folder B and then go into folder C and create a PDF out of all of the images in folder C, etc.
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Feb 13, 2012
I seem to have a problem that happens frequently. If I click and drag a file when I unclick (drop the file) the mouse/cursor won't let go of the file. The file kind of sticks to the arrow. I have to either rapid fire click, hold down esc and click, right click, to let go of the file.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 15, 2012
When I'm dragging a bunch of files, say in list view, from one open folder window to another, what is the purpose of their jumping around from one configuration to another as I'm dragging them? Is this supposed to make dragging easier? I've been trying to live with this for five months now since getting my new Mac and the purpose of this is still lost on me. I thought it was somehow supposed to make seeing what you're dragging easier in some way, but I find these constant acrobatics to be simply annoying. This never happened in the pre-Lion OS, and after giving it a lengthy and fair trial, I still can't see the point of it. It is distracting and makes it harder to see what I am dragging and where.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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