OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Connect A Wireless-capable Printer To Airport Network?
Apr 8, 2012
Lexmark 4310 series printer will not print after printing first job after setup. Msg in printer window says printer not connected however the green light is solid on the printer. Lexmark tech support says the issue is with comcast router. Comcast says issue is mac related because both macs fail to print while HP machine works fine....
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 12, 2009
I have one of every type of the newest Macs: MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iMac, Mac mini, Mac Pro. Since upgrading them to Snow Leopard, none of them will connect to any wireless network -- regardless of the router (AirPort, Linksys, Cisco, etc.) and regardless of the type of security (open, WEP, WPA, etc.).
Every time I attempt to connect, I get the message that the "connection failed." Here's a 20 second screen recording of what's happening.
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Feb 8, 2010
After extensive Googling, I need to take a break, and find out if someone with more experience knows what I can try next...
I'm not the best when it comes to Networks, or even router configuration. I'll just put that out there, in case I've missed something obvious.
My router connection (DLink 2640B) was working perfectly fine before I upgraded to Snow Leopard. Now I cannot connect to any wireless network, and I cannot connect to the router administration page, either
The internet connection still works fine on two other laptops. Also, I can connect this iMac via the ethernet cable.
I've tried deleting the files NetworkInterfaces.plist, com.apple.network.identification.plist, and preferences.plist; I've tried rebooting my router; I've tried creating a new network. Airport sees all the networks, tries to connect, then it just says that it fails.
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Apr 23, 2012
I recently moved and am connecting my iMac (2006 Intel) via the internal Airport card to a high-speed cable network here at home.
For some reason, my connection started off fine but after a few hours (sometime minutes) of browsing the web, the connection will slow to a crawl or just stop completly.Â
I've tried changing the DNS settings, turning Airport off/on, re-booting the wireless router (it's a Netgear) all to no avail.
The connection will seem to be okay and then...back to the molasses slow or no connection at all. At my previous residence, I was connecting the same way without any issues.
As an aside, there are 2 iPads, 2 iPhones and a MacBook Air all connecting to the same network without any issues whatsoever.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 12, 2010
Question: Can a wireless printer 'join' an Airport Express Network? The printer in question is not near my router, can the printer join the network wirelessly so that I can print w/o a USB connection?
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Mar 24, 2012
I cannot connect my iMac or MacBook pro to my wireless network. Both the iMac and MacBook pro recognize the wireless signal but when I try to open safari it says that I'm not connected to the Internet.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 7, 2010
So I'm trying to print to a network printer, connected to a Vista PC. My Brother (windows fanboy) is able to print just fine through his wireless PC (Win7) but I can't get my head around why I cannot. I saved a webpage that helped me out before (used on Leopard) which use to work but it no longer work
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Jul 11, 2010
I have a Mac Pro which I just upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard. I have an HP Multi-Function 2840 hooked up to the router via ethernet. This printer previously worked through Leopard.
Now, my understanding is that for SL, the drivers for this printer are in the operating system and can not be downloaded from HP.
How do I set this up as a network printer? I would like to be able to print from my other computers in the house as well.
Please Note: Snow Leopard only provides drivers for the printing function of this machine. I am going to have to revert to other means to use this device to scan.
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Feb 15, 2012
I am trying to install my Hp wireless printer to IMAC. When I install the software I get asked if I want to use its wireless connection as well. i click yes, and it asks me to verify the network. My network and a few others show up. My network shows up as having full signal, but when I click on it to be the chosen network I keep getting Network not with in range, but if i click any other one of the networks listed it finishes the process just fine. Whats going on,
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Feb 24, 2012
I have a mac laptop that works well on my verizon wireless router. I have a HP printer attached to the router. It works well with 2 windows wireless PC's. How do I set up the mac laptop to print on that printer?
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May 22, 2012
I have a Canon Pixma MX860 at home. I've connected three Macs to it, two running Lion and one running Snow Leopard. In each case, I simply clicked the "+" sign and the printer appeared under "default". This became one of my standard examples of "why Macs are better than PCs" (process very compicated for PCs).Â
I just got a new MacBook Pro at work running Snow Leopard, and it doesn't see the printer, and there doesn't seem to be any way I can add it by hand. It *does* see the computer memory as an SMB device, but there doesn't seem to be any way to go from that to adding a printer. I suspect this may have something to do with security settings, since they do lots of tweaks to computers before they give them to us.Â
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Apr 25, 2012
My boss and I are both using Macbook Pro's running Snow Leopard. We have always used IP based network printers for printing. He decided this morning he needed to print to a different printer on the network.When he tried to add the printer on his mac he goes to IP printer, used LPD, and starts to type in the IP address of the printer. It never comes back from verifying the printer. If he forces it, it won't print to it.
Since we are identical configurations I tried it on mine, followed the exact same steps and yet I can add the printer no problem.Any thoughts as to what might be wrong on his Mac? He can ping the printer by IP, he just can't add it. I also checked to make sure he and I are on the same VLAN.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 31, 2009
this is more of a very open ended question to see if anyone knows an answer, but I just uploaded snow leopard onto my mbp (early09) and all is great until I try and connect to my wifi, which it does but at the same time brings down the whole system so no computer can connect to the Internet the only way to fix it is to reset the wireless modem and turn off airport on the mbp. does anyone know why this might happen like hardware compitablity or is it a glitch other people are having ?
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Nov 2, 2009
I have just bought a Apple Mac Pro running Snow Leopard yet it does not print on any of the 3 printers connected to the network. The Mac sees the printer but there are no drivers for any of MY printers.
I have a HP 1020, Connon IP4600 and a Lexmark X324n XL all running of a Windows network.
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Mar 29, 2012
I also have the boxed checked to remember my home wireless network and save the password. However, every time is tries to connect and the router is just out of range, it deletes the password and I need to re-enter it the next time I attempt to connect. This is very annoying, and I never had this problem in OS 10.5. I wonder how to force 10.6 to save the password, even when the connection fails due to the router being out of range. It's as though the connection fails and the OS thinks it's because the password is wrong, so it deletes it. I'm wondering how to tell it not to delete the password. I end up needing to type in my wireless password a dozen or so times a day, every time it looses the signal.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 27, 2012
I have an issue making the scan to network function to work between HP LaserJet m1120n multifunction printer and Snow Leopard.Â
Printing is working fine and it was added via IP.Â
I checked the HP site for the instruction, but it does not work.Â
anyone using the same printer/scanner that could give me tips to get this working?
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Jun 13, 2012
I need help setting up network printing. I have a new router N600. I can not see the printer.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 29, 2009
Likely not useful for most of you - but for anyone who happens to use Juniper Network's Network Connect app for ssl VPN access, here's how to fix post SL install. Apparently, SL messes with perms and removes the 'Frameworks' dir.
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/juniper/nc/[version number]/
sudo mkdir '/Applications/Network Connect.app/Contents/Frameworks'
Tested, works like a charm.
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Apr 17, 2012
Trying to find a solution to my printing issues, which have taken many forms over the years. The current frustrating gremlin: Macbook Air, OS X 10.6.8, Lexmark E250D laser, printer driver built in to Mac OS, driver .dmg also downloaded and installed from Lexmark  Wireless home network on NETGEAR router with extension to Airport Express. Lexmark E250D laser attached to USB on the Airport Express. Cannot add printer via the default pathway, the Bonjour system finds the printer correctly for about 5 seconds after the printer is plugged in to the AE USB port then it simply disappears off the window never to return. Airport Utility cannot find the AE which I recently reset and set up without problem. The AE light is green.Â
Via Network Preferences I find the IP of the AE and try to set up LPD printing. This successfully finds the Lexmark, calls it a Generic Postscrpipt until I select the Lexmark driver from the OS X list. It seems to correctly identify printer features such as in built memory and duplex printing. Sending a file to the printer results in the warning that the IP address is busy. In the past I simply connected by USB cable to the printer, but since a recent move the house/ office layout makes that very inconvenient. I have to go outside and downstairs to the office which has no internal access from the main part of the house.Â
MacBook Air (13-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 28, 2009
I updated to Snow Leopard and now have problem with Juniper VPN. A network connection cannot be created. Does anyone have the same problem?
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May 14, 2009
I'm working in a home/home-office environment right now which was setup by someone else and I've noticed some odd network behavior when moving about the property. Looking at the setup, the relevant portion is: Cable modem - Airport Extreme - 10 port wired switch - 3x Airport Express in different areas of the house. The configuration of each device has the Extreme and all three Express devices set to "create a wireless network" with the network name the same for all four of them. I am not a networking expert but I would have thought that the Extreme should be set to be the "master" in a WDS network and the Express should each be set to participate in that WDS network. If they're all hosting their own wireless network with the same name and the coverage overlaps, how does a PC know which one it's using? Or maybe this doesn't matter. I just know that when we move from one room to another we frequently have to re-select the wireless network to establish connectivity.
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Aug 7, 2009
Trying to figure out if a Mac Pro 1,1 - 2 X 2.66 GHz - Dual-Core Intel Xeon (2 Processors - 4 cores) will utilize the 64-bit benefit of Snow Leopard.
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Sep 2, 2009
I use Citrix Web to access my office network. It was working fine on my iMac for several after I installed Snow Leopard. But today, I'm getting an odd error message. I log in, and then a box pops up that says I need to make sure that the remote server is listening on Port 1494. I am not able to connect to my office network. Has Snow Leopard changed anything so that another program is using that port? I have not upgraded my Macbook yet and I was able to connect, so I don't think my office network is the problem. I have tried Safari in both 32 bit and 64 bit, and I've tried more than one Citrix client. So there must be setting on my computer I need to change - if I could only determine what it is.
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Feb 14, 2010
Does anyone know if Juniper Network Connect supports Snow Leopard? I can't find any info on their website, but maybe I'm just looking in the wrong spot(s).
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Jun 7, 2012
Airport options greyed out - I want to connect to internet wirelessly but it can't see airport???
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Apr 13, 2012
Being that most Macs have built-in Bluetooth connection capabilities, does anyone know a way to connect 3rd party wireless keyboards & mouses without using the Nano USB receiver? There has to be a way to do it, isn't there?Â
Once I have enough money saved up and can afford a wireless Apple Keyboard and Magic Mouse, I'm stuck with the GE setup that I currently have.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 17" Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz 4GB RAM
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Jun 6, 2009
I've been trying all day to get my new wireless printer to find my wireless network. No joy.
I have an airport extreme router connected to an AT&T 2WIRE modem. The guys that installed the AT&T stuff recently said I normally wouldn't need the airport extreme because the 2WIRE serves as both modem and router, however it does not work with an airport express, which I have in another room to boost the signal. So when the printer looks for the (SSID) network, it sees my apple network, which is what my macbook and windows vista laptops also see and connect to. After that, I'm entering the wireless network key from the 2WIRE.
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May 16, 2009
I am running Win XP Pro, and my wife is running OSX with the printer connected to that via USB. How do I allow my comp, running Boot Camp, to see the printer connected to her comp?
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Sep 19, 2009
I have a Desktop PC running XP and a Black macbook 2007 which runs off wireless router.
I am trying to find info on printer wirelessly but having a hard time figuring it out.
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May 31, 2012
My MacBook Pro is connected to a wireless Belkin network with no issues, but I cannot seem to add the printer to the same network.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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