OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Download IMovie 11 Onto Mac
Jun 16, 2012
I want to be able to use the new imovie 11 but when I try to download it a message pops up. The message sais that i need mac os version 10.7. I don't want to spend $27 to get the new version but I still want the new imovie. What do I do?
Just a question regarding projects in iMovie '08. Will they still be intact when I upgrade to Snow Leopard? If I were to do a clean install instead, would they also still be there?
I am a late adopter to Leopard and Snow Leopard and therefore had become quite comfortable on the old version of iMovie. The new one is a big disappointment. Can I downgrade and have both versions operating on a Snow Leopard platform.
I did a clean install of Snow Leopard. Every thing is fine except iMovie is not opening. Whenever I try to open it, it pops up with the following error message -
'Quartz Extreme required' 'iMovie requires a graphics card that is compatible with Quartz Extreme. One or more of your graphics cards does not support Quartz Extreme.'
Is anyone else having this problem? i go to download a program or file and it just takes me to a blank page. I can download fine with any other browser, i.e. Firefox, Camino, Shiira.
I am trying to upgrade my MacBook (10.5.8) to Snow Leopard so I can upgrade again to Lion so I can use I can use icoud on my MacBook. Problem is the DVD has never worked, at least it dosn't work now and it is the first time I have tried. Can I download?
I have a mac leopard. Planning to upgrade to lion, so i need a snow leopard first. Problem is, there no longer selling snow leopard in the philippines. According to the local mac store, i should download a snow leopard in the apple store. But there is not snow leopard available for download.
i have an ancient macbook, which hasn't been updated since 2007. The current OS is 10.4.11 with 512MB of RAM. Is there any way to upgrade it to snow leopard, which requires at least 1GB of RAM?
On my previous hard drive with an earlier Mac OS, I had found apps that allowed me to download a variety of videos in nearly all formats -- .wmv, .mpg, .flv and more. With a new hard drive and SnowLeopard, most will not download. I don't recall what I used before
How do I download the app store on my mac book? It crashed and I had to do a reset but when I went to re do everything the app store didn't download with the rest of the applications.
i have attempted to download flip4mac 2x .....it begins but doesn't get very far no matter how long I let it run in the download window. It just remains stuck. someone tell me what the problem is. I need it to view wmv files. My macbook is one week old, so far I have only downloaded printer software and Skype both of which went fine.
Ok so i am using a macbook running snow leopard and up until recently my internet has been fast. download speeds at about 360 kb/s. Then this morning my download speed plummeted to about 15 kb/s. I have tried everything to fix this and have found no solution. The problem is in both firefox and safari. I am using wireless network for internet.
Somehow my screen now has the tabs section on even when i don't have more than one tab. I was reading up on how to get rid of it, and i saw you could on Safari 3. [Look at attachment one]. When i looked at my tab section in preferences on Safari 4 it didn't have it [Look at attachment two]. i want to be able to click one the "Always show tab bar" and deactivate that. Is there a way that i can download Safari 3 for Snow Leopard?
For some reason my mail application I use for my Gmail account is retrieving a discarded mail draft that I created a while ago that just keeps downloading into the "Recovered Messages" folder. It keeps downloading the same piece of mail, and no matter how many times I try to delete them, they continue to be retrieved by the application until my laptop runs out of space. What should I do? I've looked everywhere for any possibilities. All I pretty much have to do is find that mail message and delete it right? The only thing is, where is the application looking to find this piece of mail?
Trying to download a widget for Dashboard, every time I click on the download button associated with the widget it takes me back to the MAC App Store? Have tried on several widgets, how can I get it to download??
Now I accidentally removed the downloads menu from the dock and then I put it back but now when I download files from the internet it doen't always start from the first it
I can download application software. I can download software updates. Suddenly, however, I can no longer download PDF files. This happens with both Safari and Firefox browsers.Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? I will provide details of the event which led up to this if it will help.
My mac system (10.6.8) is downloading a big file through akamai (a60-254-131-56.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com) despite not having anything on the console (no browser, etc is doing any work)I know it is probably a download from a big name, like adobe, or even apple.But how can I tell what it is I'm downloading?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), i5 with Thunderbolt
Mail won't download on my Snow Leopard Macbook Air. Activity icon keeps spinning then it asks for my MobileMe password and keeps spinning. What's the issue? I have iCloud on my Lion Mac Mini and iPohne 4S and they work fine. Is this the same old legacy system not supported aggravation?
I have deleted programs, old files Always download and install the latest updates. I have even installed that Mackeeper software. But my Macbook pro is running like extremely slow.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
The latest software update for Mac OS X (10.6.8) upgraded the version of java from Apple and broke an application used for work. Are the previous or older versions of java available from Apple for download?
For future updates, Is there a way to modify the software update process to install the the new version but leave the old version in place?
Apple published a report url...that states system 10.6.8 supports the HP LaserJet 4MV. If this is accurate information, I would like to know where the drivers are located. I have spent more than three hours with your technical support and no one has a clue how to make this combination work.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)