OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Move Pictures In Bulk In Preview?
Mar 25, 2012
I'm trying to move pictures in bulk in preview. When I select about 10 pics in preview and move them to a folder they won't go in. when i select one pic and move it into a folder, that will work but not more than one.
When I look at the thumbnails in finder, I press enter to look at the picture. And I scroll down to look at the other pictures. I want to move or delete the images when I look at them this way.
I've got a folder with several thousand jpegs in it. I need to move 999 of them to another folder. I have the name of each file (the full directory listing actually) I need to move in a text file. I couldn't figure out how to enter in the file names to automator and I can't figure out how to use the terminal mv command with many files.
When I print a color picure from Preview, areas of medium color like an evening sky show bands about one inch wide. parallel to the print head movement direction. So one inch tall band will be lighter, the next darker. These are subtle differences, but ruin the print. I've contacted Epson who told me to try all the things I had already tried e.g. clean, calibrate, & align printer, new Epson brad ink, etc. They said if that didn't work it was the computer, or the cable, which I find unlikely. So I then tried printing from Gimp and Picasa, which did not have the problem, but also printed at the correcct size instead of expanding the image to fit the paper. This happens with both small images 320X231 as well as large ones 1600X1200Â
I read a comment in the community written in 2009 that said "After you choose File -> Print, under the "Orientation" section, about halfway down, is a drop-down menu. Choose "Preview" in there. After that, use the Scaling options to get it to print the size you want." I tried that but it doesn't change the size of the printed image. I also tried fiddling with the image size on the Tools menu but that didn't help. It seems like the only way to shrink the image on the paper is to change to a smaller paper size, which is a workaround.Are these bands being caused by the expansion of the image? It's being blown up about 60%.Background: Preview version 5.0.3, OS 10.6.8, printer connected directly via USB. Printer is Epson Workforce 633
When you are visualizing some pictures in the Preview, and you want to delete some as you see them, when you press command+delete, they are deleted from the list on the right of the preview (slides), but not deleted from thew hard disk....!
Anyone knows if there is a way to delete pictures while you see them in the Preview other than doing it with "right button+move to trash"?
This is so annoying, it should be a short cut to be able to delete pictures right away as you see them, and you know that you don't like them...
is there a alternative app for viewing pictures besides preview? am i missing something? im new to osx and cant figure out why i cant cycle through pictures. instead having to open each one independently. the same sort of situation when navigating through finder windows. any advice? is this just the way it is?
When I import pictures from my camera, preview and finder automatically rotate them right-side up. Cool feature. However, when I go to send them via mail, they're not rotated. How do I turn off this feature so when a picture, it is what it is.
I have a new imac with an SD slot on the side. When I plug the SD card into the side it imports to iphoto automatically but I am having trouble reversing the process. I have opened iphoto and the SD card in finder, drug the pics from iphoto to the card, they show up in finder as jpegs but when I unmount the card and then plug it back in iphoto says that there are no valid files on the card. The pics are there in finder but cant be opened by iphoto. My camera (Canon Rebel T2i) also does not recognize that there are any pics on the card. I need to be able to send pics back to my spare SD card for printing purposes.
Before making a slideshow in iDVD the pics were sharp (& in preview), but after burning the show to disc the pics had become fuzzy. How do I keep this from happening?
I want to move my pictures, movies, music and documents folders to another internal drive. I read in this post that it should be a simple manoeuvre to move the pictures folder to another location and replace the pictures folder in the old home folder with an alias pointing to the pictures folder in the new location. I thought perhaps I can follow that procedure also for the other folders.
I'm trying to move pics from iPhoto to a SanDisk Memory Card. I've dragged them from iPhoto to the "open" card, and they're listed as such, but when the card is placed in my camera, or a digital frame, it says "no images".
My iPhoto (called Photos) resides in the Media section of the finder window unlike the Pictures folder which is grouped in the Favorites section. The media section does not show up in the regular finder window. It shows up only when trying to attach a file. I've tried to drag and drop the Photos folder to drop inside the Pictures folder but it won't.Â
I'm hoping to reorganize my iPhoto library to an external drive and am having difficulity making sure I'm finding the correct files, etc.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
When I right click to save a picture online, it doesn't give me the opportunity to save something as a JPEG. I instead have to save it as a preview and then export it to JPEG. This seems like something relatively new.
When I open up more than one picture (e.g., JPEG) in preview, it displays one picture at a time, putting the other pictures in the sidebar. Normally this is ok, but sometimes I need to look at two (or more) pictures side-by-side to compare things. How can I do this in Preview?
I was trying to install the latest xpac for WoW on my mini today, but the first two accounts were installed from a different user account (I am an administrator) Is there a way besides changing the permissions on each file one by one to give my self read & write access to all the files with in the WoW directory?
I have a number of "Complete Works ..." that need to be flagged as compilations. Doing this one track at a time will take forever, and I couldn't find anything in help or the menus that would solve the problem.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I need a program so I can send emails to all my newsletter subscribers. I've looked at the bulk emailing services, but I don't make any money from my newsletter. What is out there?
For some reason, a number of files on my hard drive are "read" instead of "read/write." I am not sure how this happened, but I wanted to know if there's a quick way to change the permissions on about 1000 files without changing each one one-by-one. You would think clicking the folder and changing it there would solve this issue...
I'm a complete novice to Garageband, but have been having fun with it so far. One thing I would really like to be able to do, but can't figure out (and not for lack of hours spent trying) is assign tracks in GB to the sliders and twist knobs on my Edirol PCR-M30. I've read the manual for the PCR-M30, but for a casual user like me, I just don't understand what it means by "bulk reception" and "midi i/f off" and the like. Can anyone help me to understand in simple terms how I can assign volume control to the sliders and panning to the twist knobs on a per track basis in GB for my PCR-M30?
I've got a bunch of 1080p video files that I want to convert to 720 before I start working on them in iMovie. Does anyone have any suggestions for software that can do this?
I'm an idiot. For all my contacts, I put the company that the person works for in the Suffix field of the Address Book entry. I would like to change all my contacts such that the information in the Suffix field is moved to the Company field. Is there an application or an AppleScript that I can use?