OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Why Does IPhoto Say "Error Writing To Disk"

Jun 7, 2012

When I go on iPhoto I click on the "import all" button and try imorting my pictures from my iPhone to my mac and after a while of importing it completely stops and a window pops out saying "Error writing to disk" and I really don't know what to do to this solution.

iPhoto '09, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Cannot Install Java Update - Error Message At Writing Scripts

Apr 18, 2012

I can't install Java update, not via 'software update', nor via download from Apple support site. Always get error message at 'writing scripts', even with the camera update. Same thing happens when trying to re-install Adobe flash-player, which I had uninstalled after virus threat. Seems I can't install anything anymore. I had previously uninstalled everything Java in Safari and run Mackeeper duplicate eraser.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Ntfs3g Writing To Disk Crashed -> Corrupted Disk

Nov 19, 2008

I installed ntfs3g on my MBP and it seemed to be working correctly and I had write access to my usb disk.

While I was copying a large file to my disk, the disk was suddenly unmounted from OSX ( I had a warning saying that I should use proper unmount the next time).

I mounted it again but now I cant access the directory I was trying to copy the large file anymore. All the content of this directory is not there anymore.

When I try to access it via Windows, it says "Directory E:Backup is not accessible. The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable"

... owned

What shall I do ? It seems that the other directories are ok. I'd like to recover the lost directory but I'm scared to screw up and lose everything.

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IMac :: Why Is Writing Data To The Disk

Nov 24, 2010

so everyone knows the iMac hard drive can be a little noisy, but I just want to know what exactly is being "written" to the disk while doing normal tasks like web surfing.

I often use Safari and can hear the hard drive churning and Activity Monitor will show high red spikes of written data. What is this data being written? Is it normal?

Here's a screen shot of my Activity Monitor while web surfing and watching video with my EyeTV device. Does this look like normal activity to you?

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OS X :: Preventing OS X From Writing Dot Files On NTFS Disk?

Aug 14, 2009

I'm using NTFS-3G and have one of my Windows' installations partitions mounted in OSX. I like being able to write to it, but I'd like to prevent OSX from making its invisible files (like ._filename.txt for something I've edited with TextMate) on it because they show up in Windows and are generally of no use. Likewise there's no need to have things like .Trashes there since NTFS-3G can't delete to the trashcan anyway.

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IMac ::success Writing DL DVDs / Reduce Speed To 2x Writing?

Jun 5, 2010

I've made two coasters today on my iMac 27" core i7.

I am using Verbatim DVD +R DL blanks and utilized Disk Utility to make one coaster (copy to a .CDR and then burned) and then used Toast 10 to write IFO files.

The DVD will "run" but looks and sounds like a satellite tv signal in bad weather - choppy all over the place. This happens on 4 players - two separate laptops, an xbox 360, and even the original iMac 27" I used to write the DVDs.

I have had no problems whatsoever writing single layer DVDs (even using old Comp USA blanks!) and playing them on aforementioned players.

Anybody have any success writing DL DVDs? If so, what brand of disc did you use? Did you reduce speed to 2x writing? Help - I don't want to create any more coasters!

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Intel Mac :: High Disk Activity - Reading And Writing

Mar 1, 2012

I have noticed a lot of disk activity reading and writing, it maxes out in bursts up to a couple of minutes at a time and overall seams to be reading and writing a lot of the time, with no processor activity at all. There is no obvious culprits in the activity monitor but terminal displayed large number of read and writes for mds, but spot light is not indexing (no dot in Mag glass) and this has been happening from months now.

Possibly longer noticed it when recieved replacement drive due to crook seagate, may have been doing this but could not hear it. Running last Snow Leopard on iMac 27 mid 2011 i7 custom with 8 gb of ram. also should note this unit has had load of issues Bad Ram, some software problems would not sleep (software) none of which have ever manifested on any of my other (older) macs. Also have noted that this drive activity does seem to coincide with using safari on occasion??

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Boot Camp Broken In Leopard - Disk Error?

Nov 5, 2007

On my new MBP, I had Tiger and Boot Camp 1.4 Beta.

When I got my Leopard UTD disc, I simply did an upgrade. Last night, I was fed up with some of the weirdness, and decided to start with a clean slate.

I removed my windows/boot camp partition, popped in my Leopard disc, selected erase and Install, and within 30 minutes it was done (seems way too fast...wtf?)

Anyway, I go through the Boot Camp steps to install Windows. When I get to the Windows setup where you select a drive to install, it doesn't give me the option to format the Boot Camp C: drive, but instead just installs.

After rebooting, it gives me a DISK ERROR.

A bit of googling shows others have had this problem, too. Is EVERYONE having this problem? Did Apple break Boot Camp with Leopard?

Is there any viable workout other than formatting to Tiger, installing 1.4, then upgrading again?

Is it possible to uninstall the Boot Camp assistant on Leopard and find/download/install Boot Camp 1.4 on Leopard, and go from there?

I need windows for school - and this is driving me nuts!

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: The Backup Disk Image Could Not Be Accessed (error - 1)

Mar 30, 2012

I get the following message when attempting backup - the backup disk image"/volumes/data/rod Henderer's computer (5).sparsebundle" could not be accessed (error - 1)

time capsule, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Unable To Burn Disk A Internal Error Occurred?

Jun 19, 2012

Unable to burn disk a internal error occurred?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Disk Utility Error - Filesystem Verify Or Repair Failed

Jun 25, 2012

I ran Disk Utility and before it finished I received Filesystem verify or repair failed error message. It says to run repair but I can't 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Clean Install Garageband, Getting Disk To Slow 10005 Error?

Feb 21, 2012

I run a computer business. My customer gave me a white macbook core duo. I upgraded to 2gigs of memory from 512mb. I then purchased a full copy of snow leapard and did a clean install. I setup garageband for the first time. This is all I want to use the computer for. I don't deal with macs in my business. I only work on windows. So, I thought this computer would be nice just to use to setup a small recording studio. I did everything by the book and now when I record I am getting the disk to slow error 10005. This happened after I recorded about five songs. I checked the we and it seems like this error has been around for years with frustration and no resolution. My question is this. Should I just buy another computer or waste my time trying to fix this error. I don't mean that in a bad way. Since this error has been around for so long, I don't to spend all my time working on the computer when I could be recording. What would you do?

GarageBand (Mac) '11, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Garageband

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Applications :: TrueCrypt - Mounting And Writing To A Hidden Volume In Leopard

May 13, 2009

I realize the answer to this question may be pretty obvious to some, but I've read the TrueCrypt user manual, and I've searched these forums, TrueCrypt's forums, and google for the answer to my question but I still can't figure this out...

I've created an encrypted file container with a hidden volume using the setup wizard. After completing the wizard, I can't figure out how to properly write data to the hidden volume.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Writing DVDs / CDs Failed - Burn Folders Left Behind In Finder

May 8, 2012

I had tried to write several DVDs and CDs before, and they failed (it turned out to be that they were already used DVD-Rs), but the burn folders for them are still on the sidebar in Finder, as shown in the pictures below. It's not necessary, but I would like to get them off, so is there any way to do it?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Error - "your Mac OS X Startup Disk Has No More Space Available For App Memory"

Jun 11, 2012

why i am getting  notification box statin "your Mac OS X startup disk has no more space available for app memory" only shows safari and finder open. how do i stop the pop up and fix the issue..

MacBook Pro

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Windows On Mac :: Partition Error - Back Up Disk And Use Disk Utility To Format

Oct 9, 2010

I had windows vista installed but suddenly the audio decided to become faulty, after spending a day trying to fix it i realized I have a windows 7 install disc so i might as well just replace vista with windows 7. I didnt take care of vista or ever register it so it became quite a task to upgrade so i just deleted the partition and went to create a new one and just do a full install of windows 7.

I made the partition but the wrong format, so i removed it through boot camp assistant and created another, except now it keeps giving me the "back up the disk and use disk utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using boot camp assistant again" Now, I'd love to do this, except I have no idea what I'm doing and WHY this error has occured. After becoming frustrated I switched from my imac to my macbook pro and received the same error when trying to create a partition. So any help on exactly what I need to do would be a HUGE help. I only use windows for music production (I know, seems backwards, but I use Sony Acid and FL Studio so I'm stuck with Windows)

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MacBook Pro :: Disk FULL Error When Export Movie In IMovie Or Burn Disk In IDVD

Nov 25, 2010

Every time I try to export a movie in iMovie or burn a disk in iDVD an error message pops up and says that my startup disk is full. So I bought an external hard drive and backed up my mac using Time Machine. Now I want to delete everything off my mac's internal Hard Drive and use my external hard drive so I can empty my disk. Does this make sense? If so will you please tell me how to do so.

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OS X :: Disk Utility To Verify Disk Ends With Error?

May 10, 2010

I'm running OSX 10.4.11 on a 12" PowerBook 1.5 GHz with 1.25 GB of RAM and an 80 GB HD.

When I run the disk Utility to Verify Disk, it ends with the message, "Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit." This happens if I run the Disk Utility from the hard drive, from the OSX installation disk or from an external hard drive.

The Repair Drive button is always grayed out no matter where I am running the disk Utility from, too.

So far, I haven't had any other unusual things with the operation, but I'm concerned that this could be an early warning of problems to come.

Has anyone else had this problem or have a clue?

I have cloned the entire hard drive onto an external drive with Carbon Copy Cloner. I know PPC systems won't boot from a USB drive, but I was considering booting from the install disk, re-formatting the drive from there and then re-installing from the external by running CCC from there. I hope someone will have a direct solution to repairing the drive without doing all of that.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Error With Disk Utility When Repairing Disk

Jun 26, 2012

I just got my computer yesterday and when running the "repair disk" function, I already get an error! Since I used migration assistant to move everything off my old mac to my new mac, I'm not interested in reinstalling the whole OS and transffering all my files again. This is a new computer, and shouldn't have this problem this early. I also get the same result when starting up in the recovery partition. How do I resolve this?

MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Disk Utility Error / Disk Could Not Unmount

Apr 2, 2010

i'm trying to format a spare external, it's currently formatted to ms-dos for back up dutys on my PS3 but i want to change it to mac os extended

i've just plugged the drive in ( USB ), nothings running on it, or open on the computer from the drive, but disk utility wont erase it, i've checked permission and everythings fine but it just keeps giving me this error

google and apple fail, only thing i can find linked to it refers to operating systems running on the drive,

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: The Operation Can’t Be Completed Because An Unexpected Error Occurred (error Code -8003)

Apr 21, 2012

When I try to empty my Trash with a certain app in it I get error code -8003. I can't find reference to that code anywhere and do not know how to clean up the trash. "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003)."

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), iMac-24, iMac-27, G5, G4, G3, iBook, etc.

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MacBook :: How To Get Error Message When IPhoto Away

Sep 3, 2014

How do I get an error message when iphoto away? This has to do with pictures that are imported. My Macbook can't off because it involves the error melding.  

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IMac :: Get Iphoto Error When Import RAW From Canon 50D

Apr 11, 2010

I have an Imac, with CS3. I use Iphoto to import my images straight from my canon 50D camera, which has been very easy for me to do. I've been importing jpegs up until now. Yesterday I attempted to import about 50 RAW images, but an error occurred and would not import them. So i suspect the error is because i am trying to import RAW images.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Access IPhoto Anymore And Get The Error Log

Apr 3, 2012

Yesterday I installed the latest update of iPhoto 9.2.3 on my MacBook pro running 10.7.3 To my surprise I cannot access iPhoto anymore and get the error log (as hereunder) and the warning that I may have to reinstall the application. I live quite remote and have to drive 1,5 hours to the nearest Apple store and i feel that I should be able to solve this.for now I do not understand how to reinstall if all software was updated. 

Process: iPhoto [66878]
Path: /Applications/iPhoto.app/Contents/MacOS/iPhoto
Version:9.2.3 (9.2.3)


MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Iphoto 9.2.3

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Partition Disk- "Error Cant Unmount Disk"

Jul 5, 2012

Im trying to partition  my Macintosh HD and install FCP X on the new partition, because I want to still use my Final Cut Studio when needed. I want to install MAC OS on the new partition so I can use it as a start up disk as well. I followed the instructions as directed.

I restarted my computer and held the command and "R" key. In the disk utility I selected my HD and selected 2 partitions. I named them and entered the size and selected GUID as scheme. but when i hit apply i get " Failed, cant unmount disk" how I can successfully partition my HD.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: IPhoto Error Message Everytime I Open?

May 29, 2008

I just purchased my second mac (iMac 24" screen) which has finally made me free from windows. So one of my first things I did was put my 10 year 30,000 photo collection into iPhoto... Everything worked fine except I'm having one problem.... Apparently there were 15 files that were messed up and didn't get imported. Thats fine and no big deal, I can do without them. The problem is EVERYTIME I open iPhoto I get the error message....

Photos have been found in the iPhoto library that were not imported. Would you like to import them?This has a yes or no question.... If I say yes, iphoto will create an "album" that is empty with no photos entitled "recovered photos" and give me the error message....Unreadable FilesThe following files could not be imported (they may be an unrecognized file type or the files may not contain valid data)

If I choose NO, then iPhoto will give me this message....The photos have been placed in the folder /Users/ks72/Pictures/iPhoto Library Recovered Photos_3.

I'm find with trashing these photos and you think after iPhoto placed them in the folder it would stop but it happens EVERYTIME I open iPhoto... I found one thing online somewhere that was partially relevant and it said "go into your iphoto library and find the actual data files which might be difficult due to the naming system and delete them" but how do I go INTO the iphoto library. Everytime I go in my pictures folder and click on the iPhoto library it will just open iPhoto.... am using the latest versions of leopard and iphoto.

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Applications :: Can't Copy IPhoto 09 Library - Error Code -36

Jan 27, 2010

I have my library on my iMac running Snow Leopard and iPhoto 09. I want to copy it to my MacBook Pro running the same. Whenever I try to copy it over, I get the following error after it copies a few MB worth:

The Finder can't complete the operation because some data in "iPhoto Library" can't be read or written. (Error code -36)

I have found a similar problem online that someone was having, but it was error code -30, and they didn't have a fix.

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Intel Mac :: Error - The IPhoto Library Is On A Locked Volume

Mar 10, 2012

having burned photos to a disk when i try and play the disk through the mac it says, The iPhoto library is on a locked volume. Reopen iPhoto when you have read/write access, or reopen iPhoto with the Option key held down to choose another library?


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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Copying IPhoto Library To NAS Drive - Error 36

May 12, 2012

I am trying to copy the iPhoto library to my newly installed NAS drive. I have 2 libraries (3.6gb and 16.8gb). The smaller one copied across no problem but when copying the second I get an error 36 after it has copied 30mb of data.

I have tried all avenues:
- Restarted iPhoto holding down alt and opt and repairing permissions.
- Rebuilt library using iPhoto Library Manager

But I still get the same message. I have backed up the whole Mac using Superduper to a small external drive and that works fine. Part of the reason I bought the NAS drive was to back up photos, and now it doesn't work!

Also, I do when checking Console I get the following message regularly:
12/05/2012 09:16:22.050 fseventsd: scan_old: bailing out because device mounted @ /Volumes/Buffalo_Cloud has dls 0x0 and dls->fci 0x0

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MobileMe :: Stop Password Error Notifications In IPhoto?

May 24, 2012

I keep getting MobileMe password errors in iPhoto and it won't accept my current working (in iCloud, iTunes, etc.) password. I saw an article that said I needed to migrate from MobileMe to iCloud in System Preferences but that option does not appear for me. How can I stop the error window from popping up and making my iPhoto app icon bounce in my dock demanding my attention?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.8 GHz Intel Core i5

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